Meeting Everyone!!!1

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  • Присвячено angie pink

HI  all sorry its been so long since I have wrote had a busy week and three kids so my days are kinda short LOL!
but here is the next chapter! Again I do not own this SM does its just a way to show my twi-hard(mom) LOVE!!!!!!
Remember please COMMENT*****VOTE******AND FAN ME!!!!!
and I love to read so just let me know on my wall if you would like me to read your stories cause I will
thanks *Tasha*

We all laughed coming out the girls side doors to see all the boys standing there Edward, Emmett and the new one- who I was sure was Jasper.
All the boys started to talk low but Edward was smiling so I thought for sure it was about me...
 Then Alice and Rose pulled me off to lunch....
Lunch Time!!

"Bella this is our other friend Jasper" Edward says with his sweet crocked smile that was growing on me. I barley heard Jasper say,"Hi Bella great to meet  you". Yeah Hi I said back after I looked away from Edward's eyes everyone laughed and you know I could just tell how red my face was....

"You know Rose," Alice said to break the silence.

"Yeah its great to meet you as well." Emmett came over to her and kissed her neck. I smiled  and all I could say was; "Emmett, Great to see you again"
"Of course you remember Emmett our brother," Alice said after I had already greeted Emmett.
All the boys laughed remembering how we had met

Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me to the lunch room.
"Bella lets go we only have 45 minutes for lunch" She smiled jumping up and down

 There are so many word I could use that make up Alice, she is spunky, funny,kind. I really got a great friend (or someone that will become a wonderful buddy).
"Alice" your out of control the bell just rang, I told her... "Bella we got to get our table before someone else takes it like last time"Rose explained.
"I know I was so mad last time I may be little but I can still take them on" Alice threatened, with a smile and her hands rubbing together in an evil manner. All I could do was laugh.

"Edward" I smiled, "your sister needs  to be admitted to the hospital I think she has gone nuts" laughing with the boys and Alice giving me a funny glare.

We got our  food and went to there table, well our table now that they have taken me under there wing. " why is everyone staring over here" I said " am I wearing the wrong shoes" Alice looks down and says "no Bella I love your shoes" 
 "Look Rose don't they look like the ones we saw at the mall" Alice explains. Knowing it was just to  get my mind off everyone staring.
We all laughed................

Which made those who weren't looking at us, well know they are...."Thanks Alice" I glared she just smiled sarcastically and stuck her tongue out...
"Bella sit by me?" looked over to see that is was Edward smiling..I took a seat by him, we all started to talk about what they were going to do this weekend, well they talked I listened.

Alice and Jasper were talking about there movie night. Poor Jasper wanted to see one movie and well Alice the other.( you can guess who won that)
"Jasper please I really want to see this one we can watch yours after" she says with a sneaky smile  
Rose and Emmett were going to to Port Angles to go to Roses favorite  restaurant, and Emmett wanted to see an action movie but Rose was not having that...(yes Rose won that one to)

Edward kept looking at me and smiling as I was watching Alice and Jasper and Emmett and Rose fight were to go or what to see. I found it kind of cute and hoped to do that sometime...

"So Edward  what are you doing this weekend" Alice asked. Edward looks up and just smiles,
"I was thinking about staying in and playing  the piano maybe chess.
"What a nerd you still are Eddie". Emmett says and then laughs really loud. All I could do was laugh too....
"Eddie huh what a nick name you got there" I said.....
"Thanks Emmett"

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