chaoter 3

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chapter 3

Edwards pov

Spent the whole night fight with my brother Emmett  about girls  he thinks i need one and i just keep telling him that ill get a girl when i get a girl. He says that i  dont have game but i will know when i want a girl friend or more when i see that right person. when she walks in the room and you only she her and your friends feel like your out of your mind cause you don't hear them.

My brother and my friends  think i am soft but  i just now how to get a girl and keep her  my mom thinks i am just old fashion which to me is fine since i am not looking for someone to flashy so my brother or friends  can still her away even though they have there own girl friends one of which is my sister (Alice)  and her friend  Rose.

Morning  5:30 am

got to get ready for school, there is a new girl in town everyone is talking about her  chief swans daughter Isabella i wander if she is  pretty i already talked to my sister Alice she is super excited to be her friend and she hasn't even meet her. but she keeps telling me that they are going to be great friends. She is so weird sometime.

well got dressed and me and Alice ran out the house and head to school i was so glad that i got a new car this year my shinny new car. "yeah yeah rub it in", she said she of course didn't get one. 

We weren't the only one talking about the new girls when we got to the school and parked and everyone  was  talking about her.

i wonder what she looks like, some girl up front said.

you thinks she is shy, a girl in my English class said who was shy can't member her name but i know she is shy she never talks

I'm going to ask her out first, of course that was mike newton gosh i hate him.

you think she has a boyfriend, who cares. mike and his friend Eric were saying back and forth.

when we got into the school it wasn't just the parking lot  that was buzzing about her it was everyone. She is going to be very nervous everyone coming at her asking her thing. "Alice" i said "what Edward" she replied i have a great idea how to get you to be great friends with  the new girls Isabella. "you do Edward that would be great" she said "what what"." Lets head to the office and ill explain on the way" i told her. 

Bella POV

Well its  about 6:00 Am and my dad is going to take me to school before he goes into work here at 7:00 not as nervous as before got my hair cruled  and put on some make up which is funny cause i never do that but better make a great big Hello my name is on the first day so i curled it and added the make up that i never really used to use since i kinda have that face were i don't need it or so my mom says.

wearing my favorite pare of skinny jeans with some red and black mary jane flats and went all out in a very flowy white and black shirt but still tight  so it will show some curves. and throw it all together with some red jewelry , man would my friends back home be shocked. ill have to send a picture. After i took my Picture with my camera phone to send to my old girl friend Ryan i headed down stairs to eat and we headed off to school. all i could think was  man Bella don't fall don't fall down.

my dad dropped my off at the front and he was like talking on the phone "ill be into work in just a min i want to make sure my daughter get her stuff taken care of oh oka- but before he could finished i heard him say fine ill  be right there and hang up. "Dad i said you know i can do this my self its not my first time going to school and it would be weird bring you in there so just go its ok." i told him. "Really bell's are you sure." he said.

" Yes dad go to work ill see you after you know i am a junior this year its okay and ill be fine to get home." i told him agian to reasurre him.  he looked like he was going to lean in a give me a hug so i pushed him  back. "dad people are watching and they will not be seeing me do that today or ever i can't wait for a car" i got out of the car while he was talking. "fine bell's have a great day he"said has he started to laugh since i was all embarrassed.

Bye dad i said and got out of the car and headed in the big building to the door that said office.

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