Dark Of The Moon || Optimus P...

By ddemooon

72.5K 2.5K 150

Transformers-Dark of the moon || Story 3 || After 4 years after what happened in Egypt, Y/n is back in the mi... More

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2.3K 80 3
By ddemooon

I ran in front of the UAV and i kneeled down.

"Hey, is it still working?" I asked from stone's

"It is." He said to me.

I looked towards the camera and i really had my hopes high at this moment.

"Flight Control, do you copy?" I asked.

"Can you turn the camera? Anything?" I asked and hoped that someone heard me.

"C'mon! You could work when i need you to work! Please!" I said to the machine.

Then the camera rotated.

"Yes!" Epps said and nudged me and smile appeared on my face.

"Okay! Chicago is ground zero, do you understand? Umm... wait." I said and i stood up.

I looked at Carly and i pulled her in front of the camera.

"Tell them what you know." I said to Carly.

Carly looked the camera.

"Sentinel Prime is here and he has the pillars to his space bridge. They're on top of the building on Chicago River. It's owned by Hotchkiss Gould Investments. Now, the pillars that controls everything is in the southeast cupola." Carly said.

I pushed myself next to Carly.

"We need to destroy the pillar. You have to shoot down the pillar or soon this planet is going to be Cybertron version 2! Do you understand? And Lennox! If you're there? Please, hurry..." I said and i wasn't sure if they were listening anymore or if Lennox was even there anymore.

"Y/n!" I heard Optimus called my name.

"I hope they heard the message." I said while i stood up and looked around me and then to Optimus.

"We need to move before the fighters spot us. Wait here until we scout a route ahead." Optimus said to me.

"Yeah." I said and i nodded.

"Let's roll." I heard Optimus to say to the Autobots.

"Ratchet, cover high." Sideswipe said to him.

I turned around to look all of the soldiers and i tried to find anything which could help us right now.

"Hey, think we could use that rocket to shoot down the pillar?" Sam asked while Epps men gathered all the stuff together.

"We're eight blocks away. We go to get closer to take a shot." Epps said and looked the map he was holding.

I looked up.

"Not this time." I shook my head.

"Not closer. Higher. We need a clear line of sight." Epps friend said.

"And it's across the river. Gonna have a hell of a time trying to sneak up." Epps said.

One of his man handed me a loaded gun and i automatically checked it and placed it on my shoulder and behind my back so i could move freely.

"We only got one shot." One of his man showed the missile.

"We don't need more than one." I said.

I saw Optimus coming back.

"All clear! Let's move on." Optimus said to us and i nodded. Optimus transformed back to his altmode and i started to walk towards him. Epps and his men went to their own cars.

Optimus started to drive away and we followed the other Autobots. We were the last ones and it was good 'cause i wanted to make sure everyone else were okay.

I looked behind from Optimus's side mirror and i saw the ground rumbling. The Driller was suddenly next to us and it pushed Optimus so that his trailer fell and it came off. Optimus kept driving but the Driller didn't chase us anymore. Suddenly i saw Shockwave staring at Optimus but he just stood there with Driller.

"Oh, this is not good." I said and i turned to look foward.

"It's definitelly not." Optimus answered me.

Optimus drove inside a bigger building and it kinda looked like hall. Others were there but then Optimus transformed and i don't know if he forgot me or not.

"Crap." I whispered and i tried to keep my balance. Optimus catched me with his servo and smoothly placed me back to ground.

"Thanks." I said smiling and then i heard Epps.

"That is one scary-ass Decepticon!" Epps yelled.

"They got my trailer. I need that flight tech." Optimus said and stepped over me, closer to the windows. I just crossed my arms and i tried to think solution to this situation. Optimus loaded his gun and looked out from the window.

"Shockwave can't hunt all of us ar once." Optimus said.

"We need to split up." I said.

"Wreckers. We need a diversion." Optimus said and looked all of us.

"Let's get some!" Roadbuster said.

"You got that right." Leadfoot said and followed Roadbuster.

"We're gonna circle around to that glass building. And we'll get high enough to make the rocket shot while you guys draw his fire." Epps said and then pointed Optimus.

I nodded to Epps but then Que called us back.

"Wait a minute!" Que yelled.

"I'm not letting you go out there without my urban combat prototypes." Que explained to us.

"We got to go, Que!" Sideswipe told him.

"They're great inventions for kicking ass!" Que said and placed them to the ground. I picked one of his inventions from the ground and i looked it.

"What are these?" I asked.

"Those are boom-sticks. Armed in 30 seconds. Grapple gloces, for climbing." Que said.

I smiled and looked at him.

"You really are something, Que." I said and thanked him.

"Okay, let's go!" Epps said.

Others ran outside and i was the last.

"You're gonna save the world but stay alive." Optimus said suddenly and i looked at him.

"Well gotta say the same thing to you." I smiled to him and then i followed the others.

"Go, go! Move your ass! Move, move!" Epps said to us and we kept running throught the battle field.

The ran on the street and i saw the Autobots driving behind us but they stopped to the one side of the road and started to shoot at Shockwave.

"Keep running!" I yelled.

The whole way we finally arrived in the big glass building and there was other people hiding.

"Up! We need to go up!" I yelled

"Go for the stairs!" Epps commanded.

"This way!" Sam yelled to us and he leaded us to the stairs.

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