A Journey for Six | TMF Fanta...

By Amnyttendi

1.5K 59 17

A group of young teenagers are told to go on a quest to stop a bad king from conquering the villages and the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Small Update
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

195 4 2
By Amnyttendi

The group has been teleported back into the woods, confused about finding out where the castle or the purple crystal went. The group wandered the woods for what seemed to be for hours until a certain tummy started to rumble.

"Uh, guys... I'm getting kinda hungry.." Jake looked down at his lower abdomen while rubbing his neck

"You are always hungry Jake! When do you not get hungry?!" Zander facepalmed

"I can't control my stomach, Zander!"

"It's fine! It's fine! We can stop and rest for a bit!" Hailey had enough

"Fine! Only for a little while! And Milly stop clinging onto Sean's arm! Just because you two are now together no need to show it to us!"

"Hey! You can't be talking when you like the same when you and Luke got together!"

"She does have a point, Zander..." Sean admitted

"See, I told you! Now let me and Seany have our moment!"

"Again with the cringy nickname! Stop calling him Seany!"

"Zander, did you forget that I also give you nicknames as well?"

"Luke, you are supposed to be on my side!" Zander turned to his boyfriend

"Ha! Take that, you Grape!" Milly proceeds to cling to Sean's arm more while kissing him on the cheek.

"Wait! Guys, do you hear something?" Hailey heard some shuffling from the bushes

"What is it now? It is probably just Jake's stomach again" Zander rolled his eyes

"No, that wasn't my stomach, Zander."

"I think someone is watching us..." Hailey told

"Everyone get your weapons out... keep your eyes sharp," Luke said

Everyone proceeded to grab their weapons searching around for where the noise could be except for Milly who was too busy clinging to Sean's arm.

"MILLY! Stay focused, will you?! And let him go!" Zander yelled at her but while whispering

"NEVER!! HE'S MY HERO—" Milly soon got hit in the back of her head by a group of mysterious people.

"OW! WHAT THE-!" She rubbed behind her head

The group of mysterious people proceeded to jump in the air shooting magic missiles at the group of teens.

"EVERYONE! WATCH OUT!" Luke shouted

They all tried to dodge the missiles from the air, but the magic from the missiles was very powerful, causing them to lose their vision while the people began to take them somewhere.

Sean and Milly blinked to gain their vision and saw that they were in a jail cell together with metal chains on their wrist and backs toward each other. The walls were gray, stone bricks and very still, the floor was a mixture of rock, dirt, and grass, the door was made of steel bars that were old and rusty, and the only thing they have is a wooden bed and a window that shows a jail cell next to theirs. They both looked around to see if the others were around but it was just them.

"Huh?! Where are we, Sean?!" Milly asked in a panic a little

"I don't know, I think we got captured..." He responded

"And chained up too! We have to get out!" Milly tried to get up but was pulled down by the chain on her wrist

"OW! Watch it!!"


"OKAY OKAY!!" Sean tried his best to get up as well without hurting Milly's hands and his hands but managed to do it

"Where are the others?" He questioned

"I don't know, it seems that we are in a jail cell" Milly ran towards the bars of the cell while dragging Sean towards the bars with her

"Damn Milly, are you trying to hurt yourself?!"

"Stop being a puppy! Come and look with me! We have to find an exit out of this cell!"

"Okay fine!"

He suddenly heard a series of familiar voices that sounded like their friends. The front door of the small jail opened and shoved them into a cell next to Milly and Sean's with the only thing to see each other is a window.

"Ow god damn! My back!" Jake exclaimed

"Get off me you prick! You're the one hurting my back!" Zander argued

"Oh thank goodness, you guys are okay!!" Sean relieved

The others took notice that Jake was chained to Zander and Luke was chained to Hailey.

"Out of all people! I had to be chained up to this prick!" Zander complained

"It's not a big deal Zander..." Luke tries to calm down his boyfriend

"It's a very big deal, thank you very much! I'd rather die than be attached to this prick!"

"Hey! I can hear everything you are saying you know!" Jake yelled back

"Whatever we have to get out of here!" Hailey shuts down their argument

"May I ask, what happened to you guys?" Milly asked as she peeked through the window

"I don't even remember... we were blacked out for most of it but it felt like we were being dragged on the floor..."

"Ha! That explains why my back hurts so much!" Jake spoke up

"I did see someone for a quick second...I think he had magenta hair and dark brown eyes...and probably has a crown..." Luke memorized

"We were captured by the King of the North!" Milly gasped

"Milly... the King of the North died 100 years ago... plus people don't even know if he is real or not," Hailey told her

"But that doesn't explain why he would capture us, we are just teens after all," Luke said

"Maybe we were trespassing or something..." Sean thought of a solution

"It probably has to do with that purple crystal!" Zander called

"I think Zander could be right, plus that area used to belong with the King of the North." Luke approved

"And the crystal could belong to him..." Sean agreed

"Ugh! I want to rub my belly so badly, I'm starving!!" Jake moaned

"Shut up Jake! We are thinking here!" Zander yelled at him

"I'm sorry!! These hunger pains!"

"That makes total sense actually!" Hailey tied all of the info together in her mind

"Okay, first we have to get out of this cell! Sean, Milly, do you think you can break the bars with your strength?" Luke questioned the duo

"On it! Come on Sean!"

"Alright then!"

The two of them went towards the bars of their cell with their backs up against it. Since they were chained and can't use their hands, instead Milly used her demon wings while Sean used his wolf tail and began to pull on them with all their strength which luckily managed to break the bars.

"That kinda hurt a little..." He shakes his tail

"Stop being a pup! Pup!" Milly flirted as Sean starts to blush

"Spare the names! Come break our bars!" Zander rolled his eyes

"Fine! But you better thank us!"

Sean and Milly went up to their friend's cell bars and began to break them one by one. They even hid the broken pieces from the steel bars to prevent any suspiciousness in the dungeon.

"Great job you two! Now we just need to get these chains off."

"Wait Let me try something." Sean thought if he can use his claws to slice off the chains of him and the others, which tended to work.

"Hold on. Is someone coming?" Jake said as everyone stopped moving until footsteps were growing nearby

"Oh no! We need to hide!" Luke spoke

"There! I see a small hole behind those boxes!" Sean pointed it in a jail cell that was in front of them

"Quick! Everyone get in!" Hailey ordered

"Jake, you are too fat to fit in!" Zander clamored

Hailey and Milly dashed towards the hole (Ladies first?) and managed to fit inside but Jake, on the other hand... was having some trouble.
(Not gonna lie, It's kinda fun to see Jake suffer since I ship Juffering 😙✌️)

"Oh for crying out loud!!" Milly grumbles

Zander, Luke, and Sean were still outside and were trying to push Jake in while Hailey and Milly were inside the hole and were trying to pull him in.

"Come on, you fat prick!" Zander tried to push him

"Guys hurry, someone is gonna come and see us!" Luke rushed his friends

"We're trying!" Hailey shouted

While having some struggles, Sean spotted some guards coming and about to open the front door of the dungeon, at a quick speed, Zander, Luke and Sean hid the small hole with some big stacks of hay that was nearby. with Jake still stuck in the hole lol.

"Quick! Act normal!" Luke told the others

"What's going on here..?" One of the guards walked in and  said

"Nothing guard sir! Just chilling! You know cell life!" Zander leaned on a haystack

"Hmmm...well it looks like nothing odd here... Let's go tell the King..."

"Yea but first, we got you guys some food." One of the guards left some plates of food (which was just gruel and bread) on the cell door for them to grab

"FOOD! Fina-!" Zander punched the hay wall making Jake shut up

"What the hell?"

"AHAHAHA! You know! Luke, you are such a joker!" Zander bursts out in laughter, trying to not sound fake

"Hahaha yeah!! You know I'm a comedian!" Luke joins in

"Yea! Totally! You know Luke up with his jokes again, Thanks for the food guards..." Sean thanked them

"Hmmm...this is very suspicious...but you're welcome I guess..." The two guards left the dungeon while the boys made sure they were completely gone

As the door closed, The three teens sighed and began to pick down the hay wall with Jake's bottom still stuck in the hole.

"Milly! Hailey, you were supposed to get Jake through the hole!"

"We tried! Jake is just too fat!" Milly already thought about giving up

"Hey! Don't make fun of me!!" Jake spoke out

"This is what happens when you eat too many snacks, Jake!" Zander facepalms


After a little while, they managed to get Jake through the hole. The others soon followed along as they all crawled down the hole. Hailey in front, followed by Milly, then Jake, Zander, Luke, and Sean at the very back. Before Sean went through, he covered the hole back up with hay just in case any guards came back to check on them.

They had no idea where they were going, but they did escape the dungeon and that's all that matters. Rocky walls and floor, barely any oxygen, and the distance were pretty narrow.

"You boys better keep your eyes down!" Milly turned her head backward

"Please why would we?" Sean responded

"Sean you too!"

"What? I would never!"

"Luckily I'm behind Hailey so I can protect her from you perverts!"

"Milly calm down... it's not like they would do anything bad to us." Hailey sighed

"Yea, especially me! That is my own sister for Rosy sake!"

"Wait, do you smell that?" Luke said

Luke soon sniffed the air as everyone else did the same thing and the aroma of something gross filled their nostrils. What they didn't know is that whatever they were heading to, was going to be an interesting experience.

"Ew, what is that awful smell? Somebody didn't fart, did they?!" Zander covered his nose in disgust

"Don't look at me! I didn't do anything this time!" Jake immediately spoke

"I don't think it was Jake..." Hailey said

The smell got even stronger; probably a mixture of something rotten and dead. Nothing but darkness and silence as far as their senses could reach but for the sound of gushing water somewhere far away and the squeaking sounds of rats.

It was not the kind of silence that soothes you or makes you think. It was the kind of silence that made you feel that you were being watched constantly. The cement walls were damp, and moss grew at regular intervals. The water was still, thick and dirty.

"Well damn! Looks like we ended up in a sewer! Thank god we are immune to bad smells because of Jake!" Milly joked

"Hey! I don't smell THAT bad!" Jake clamored

"Would you guys chill out!" Hailey raved

"Jesus, I wanna throw up! It's so bad here!" Jake pinched his nose

"Shut up! Let's just find a way out of this sewer!" Zander said, fighting the scent

"At least it's better than that cell.." Luke admitted

"How is this better?!" Milly shouted

"Calm down everyone. Let's just roam around and see what this ahem.. sewer has to offer." Sean calms his friends down

They all walked through the raised path on one side of the sewer, hoping it would lead them somewhere. They tried their best to stay away from the water by leaning against the rusty cement walls. The whole place reeked of neglect. Suddenly, there was a loud shaking sound coming from behind them.

"Uh oh! I think something is coming!" Milly turned around

"Everyone run!" Hailey informed

They began to run for their lives as fast as they could when a massive surge of sewage water came from behind them, swooping them off of their feet.

"EW! Disgusting! smells as bad as Jake!" Milly took hold of  her breath

"HEY!!" Jake glared at her as he coughed

The group held their breaths for as long as they could as they were being swept away by the sewer water since the current was strong, causing them to constantly go under. However, Hailey managed to pop her head to the surface and saw they were about to get sent down toward a big pipe.

"Guys! We are about to get swept away!" She blurted

"You could have told us that earlier!!" Zander said in response.

"We are gonna die!" Jake cried


The sewer water swept the teens down into the giant pipe crashing and splashing down the pipe as a beam of light started to show, it showed to be the ocean. The teens crashed down into the salty bag of ocean water managing to swim up top to the surface.

"Ow! That burns! THAT BURNS!" Jake resurfaced as his limbs were sore

"Stop being a baby! Now, look where we are!" Zander rolled his eyes

"At least we're alive...and still swimming..." Sean said

"Yea but my leg really hurts! I don't think I can stay up on the surface for too long!" Milly trying her best to keep her body above

"We have to find land quickly, we can't swim forever!" Hailey told her friends

Luke turned his head around and saw something in the far distance that could help them get out of the water "Look! There's an island over there! It's not that far we can make it!"

The group started to swim towards the island with Luke and Zander in the lead and everyone else behind them. Thankfully, the water was calm and there weren't any waves to worry about. Sean turned around to see Milly left behind, swimming slower than the others.

"Wanna hang onto me?" Sean asked

"Mm.. yea that would sound nice.." Milly grabbed onto Sean's shoulders, clinging onto his back while they continued to swim.


They shortly made it to the island, it wasn't exactly a big island, it was rather small, around a medium-sized land, filled with trees and bushes, enough to fit all 6 of them. They lay down on their backs, catching their breaths as they stared at the blue sky after their time swimming, trying to get their stamina back.

"God... I'm still very hungry... we should have grabbed that food.." Jake puts his hands on his stomach

"You do realize grabbing that food would be useless! It would be soaked by sewer water! Do you want food that tastes like a man's foot!" Zander recalled

"It would be better than eating nothing! We don't have anything to eat! We're gonna starve!" Jake replied back

"Shut up both of you! Let's just roam around the island and maybe we can find something to eat here!" Hailey steps in

The group got up and began to roam around the island. At first, they were gonna give up (Never gonna give you up 🎶🕺), thinking that there wasn't anything. Luckily, they managed to stumble upon some coconuts on some trees.

"Nice! There are some coconuts!" Luke narrowed his eyes up

"Yea but how are we gonna get them down?" Hailey raised an eyebrow

"We just shake the trees of course!" Jake began to shake the trees very violently which led to a coconut falling and hitting his head.

"That's what you get!!" Zander nearly laughed at him

"Jake you idiot! Have your mother ever told you to- Ow! Ow!" Milly's leg started to ache and sting

"Milly! Are you alright?" Hailey said with a worried look

"Esk! No! My leg hurts very badly right now!"

"Here...easy does it..." Sean makes Milly sit down on the sand, near a palm tree

"Let me check these coconuts." Luke pulled out an arrow from his back quiver and began to cut one coconut and noticed that there was no water inside, revealing that they aren't ripe yet.

"Well I guess we have to look for something else to eat, Zander, is it alright if you can use your magic to heal Milly?" Hailey asked her brother

"I guess I can..." Zander responded like he was not in the mood

Zander pulled out his staff from his back, saying his usual healing spell to heal people. He aimed at Milly's leg but somehow, the magic on his staff disappeared. He did it again and it still didn't work.

"Damn... my staff isn't working! I suppose we have to find some herbs to help with Milly's leg."

"Alright let's split into teams! Luke, me, and Jake will look for food. Sean, go find some herbs for Zander, will you?" Hailey looked at hybrid

"Sure thing!" Sean answered back

Jake, Luke, and Hailey began to travel around the island for food. Sean was able to find some healing herbs near a bush and gave them to Zander who was patching up Milly's leg.

Jake spotted something red in a bush and went over to see what it was. He moved some side branches to get a closer look and realized what he found.

"Guys look! I found berries!" Jake called out for Hailey and Luke

"Let me see." Luke saw where Jake was, looking at some red berries

"Um, Jake? You don't think these are poisonous or anything?"

"Are they edible? They don't seem poisonous..." Hailey chimes in

"Great, that means I can eat them!" Jake grabbed a handful of berries until Luke stopped him.

"Jake, slow down! You forgot that we all needed those!"

"Plus, we don't know if they are actually edible. Let's grab some back to Zander to see if he knows." Hailey said

Zander used the pile of herbs Sean found before to patch up Milly's leg as Sean held her down, hearing her hissing in pain.

"Ow, that burns!"

"Hold still damn it!"

Zander finally finished patching up Milly's leg and wrapping it around with some big leaves they found using it as a cast. Shortly, Jake, Luke, and Hailey returned to them with some berries in their hands.

"Hey, Zander? We found these berries from a bush and we were wondering if they are safe to eat?"

"Let me take a look." Zander stared at the red berries they picked and began to examine them

"Hm. They are edible to eat but it's best not to eat them like this. We should make these berries into some kind of soup." He stated

"How?" Jake asked

"Do you not know how to make soup you idiot?"

"Well, If we are gonna make these into soup we have to find more ingredients. Come on guys, back to searching." Hailey declared

"I don't feel like looking again. I'm so hungry I can't even focus properly..!" Jake sighed

"Fine, Hailey and I will look around for some more food." Luke cleared

"Hold on, let me come with you! Sean, watch over Milly while we are gone." Zander told the hybrid

"You got it!" Sean replied as he wraps an arm around Milly


Time passed and the others managed to find more edible ingredients to turn the berries into a good warm soup. It was getting dark so they started a campfire to cook the food. The group of teens were circling around the campfire while the soup was cooking under the campfire.

"Is it done yet?" He holds his poor stomach while it growls deeply in response.

"Just wait a little longer! It's almost done." Zander spoke to him

Milly was leaning on Sean's shoulder snuggling against his warmth.
"Mmm... warm..."

"Are you sure you'll be okay? I don't like worrying about you..." He questioned

"I will be fine... as long as you are here to protect me I feel safer than ever..."

"I'm glad to hear that..."

"Hey, guys! Looks like the soup is done!" Hailey grinned

"Finally! I'm starving!"

Zander began to pass a bowl that Luke carved out of coconuts to everyone as Luke began to pour soup into each of everyone's bowls.

"Thank you, Luke.." Hailey thanked

"Thanks, Luke!" Jake began to slurp down the bowl of soup

"Ew! At least don't slurp so loud!" Zander almost retched
Sean handed a bowl of soup to Milly.

"Thank you Seany..."

"Are you sure you can eat it on your own? I can feed you if you want.."

"No, I can do it myself.."

"No, I insist! I don't want you moving your leg too much!" Sean began to feed Milly a spoonful of soup which she flusteredly accepted.

"Mmm...it tastes so good..!"

"Can y'all like not be so lovely dovely when I'm eating!" Zander exclaimed

"Look who's talking, grape boy!"

"Oh come on, Zander. I can feed you if you want" Zander turned red immediately as he heard Luke

"Luke! Not now!"

"Come on Zander! Say yes!" Milly kidded

"Shut up Strawberry head!" Zander started to get upset

"Why don't we all shut up!?" Hailey shouted as her brother and her friend stopped

"Fine! I'm tired anyways, let's just go to sleep!" Zander scoffed

"On the sand.?!" Jake asked in shock

"What?! Do you want to sleep in the trees?!"

"I mean he could..." Milly had to admit

"Strawberry head! Don't encourage him! Unless you want to join him!"

"I can't smart ass! My leg hurts!!"

"Guys quiet! Luckily I managed to find some spare leaves that we can lay on since I'm the only one with a brain here!"

"Those kinda look like poison ivy, if you look at them..." Sean glanced at the leaves Hailey picked up

"That is because they are Hailey! Such a smart move for someone with a brain!" Zander said

"It's fine, it's fine! We can use these leftover tree leaves that fell off. They seem big enough for our size." Luke calms things down

"Oh yeah! We can!"


They all placed the leftover tree leaves from the trees on the sand for them to sleep on, adding more on top to make them comfortable.

"Alright, can we sleep now? I'm exhausted!" Zander rubbed his eyes

"Yeah I suppose so, I'm just curious on how we are gonna stop all of this?" Hailey worried

"And how are we gonna get home?" Luke added

"We can think about that in the morning, let's get some rest first. We have to take down this fire though." Sean pointed at the campfire

"But won't we freeze to death?" Jake asked

"If we keep the fire on it could spread! Plus the smoke is dangerous for us! Idiot!" Zander exclaimed

"We can sleep in pairs so that we can be warmer." Hailey thought of an solution

"Fine! But I'm not sleeping with Jake! Luke, come sleep with me!"

"Damn, the disrespect!" Jake crossed his arms

"You know I'm sleeping with Sean"

"Well.. I guess me and Jake have to sleep together. Come on Jake."

"At least it's better than Zander..."

Zander and Luke soon both fell asleep hugging each other, Hailey and Jake slept together side by side making sure they weren't too close to each other. Milly and Sean were the only ones still awake, Sean was holding Milly in his arms while she was resting on his chest.

"Hey Seany..?" Milly lifted her head up at Sean

"Yeah?" Sean looked into her eyes

"I'm... very happy that I met you..."


"Of course... I never had someone so caring towards me before. You really are my hero..." Milly placed a hand on Sean's cheek, smiling at him.

"Thanks Milly...we went through a lot...and I'm glad that I met you too..."

"Hehe... you are so cute sometimes it's adorable..." Milly began to pet Sean's wolf ears

"Yeah...guess I am..." He blushed as Milly starred up into the night sky staring at the stars

"The stars... they are so pretty, aren't they?"

"Yeah...they're really pretty to look at.."

"You know... when I was little. I always believed in something..."

"Oh, what's that?"

"If stars appear in your dreams, they show you the meaning of those you really care about. I always wanted to see the stars in my dreams to see if that was really true..."

"One night I really did see a star in my dream. It was magical like a ray of sunshine gleaming in the night sky..."

"Wow, I believed in that too!"

"Really? Have you ever seen a star in your dreams?"

"Yeah, I always have one...ever since my dad got arrested..."

"Did you remember what it showed you?"

"If I remember right, I showed that one day, I'll be able to live freely without any problems..."


"Yeah, but I guess it didn't come true...my father is still haunting me.."

"Hehe... well I think it did." Milly said, patting Sean's ears.

"Milly! You're gonna wake up everyone!" He blushed a lot

"Hehe! But you're so Cute Seany!"

"I know but you forgot that if you wake Zander up, he'll be cranky..!"

"Okay fine... let's go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us." Milly and Sean laid down with Sean's arms wrapping around Milly as she laid on his chest

"Good night Seany..."

"Night Mills..."

The two peacefully drifted off into sleep while Sean slightly rubbed Milly's back as the night sky gleamed over the group, leaving the night giving a beautiful vibe.

End of Chapter 3

A/N: Sorry for the small delay on this chapter, I was studying for exams I have next week so I'm probably gonna take a break from writing on those days.

Also, if you didn't see the picture at the very top of this chapter, I noticed that people use this app called FacePlay to make pictures into anime, so I decided to give each edit an anime filter, plus I think it's makes them look better.

That's all I have for you guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much I did! ❤️

(Anyone excited for TMF episode 10: Part 1? 🥹👉🏽👈🏽)

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