Mafia Wife (Mafia Series Book...

By megan-blake

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A contractual marriage turned Gabriella Conti into Gabriella De Luca. What was meant to be an easy way out be... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 15

181 6 10
By megan-blake

"Are you out of your mind?"


"Gabriella, do you know what you've agreed to?"

"Not really, because he didn't say."

She knew that wasn't exactly what Lucas meant, but, she didn't have another argument to help plead her case. Desperation was her only solution.

"And that's the problem," he replied before throwing himself on the nearby couch. He leaned his head back, his eyes closed, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you know how bad it could be?" he asked, never looking at her.


"No, you don't."

"I know him."

"So you've always known what his job was?"


Alright, so maybe she knew a fake version of Vincent. It couldn't be anything that would put her in danger, could it? Then again, she hadn't asked. And she knew what happened at the little retreat. Niccolo and her rushed into marriage to ensure that no one else would force matrimony on her.

So sure, he wasn't exactly... good. But, the main reason why she said yes still applied. They didn't have any other options. In retrospect, she could have perhaps laid out more conditions but she had been caught off guard.

Plus, he had to actually pull it off. Which wasn't a done deal.

She wasn't saying that she didn't want him to succeed, because, of course, she did, but - the Devil was unpredictable. And if he were so easy to take down, wouldn't they have done it by now?

"If I said no, do you have another way?"


His answer came quicker than she expected.

"I'm one person. I don't know who to trust, I don't know who to reach out to... I dropped out of this life. I did what I could for Nico because I owe him that much. I don't have any power and I don't want any."

She might not have understood before, but she did now. It was a slippery slope, and it was certainly worse for him since he had known this life, he had seen everything it could bring, everything it could give.

Gabriella wished she could walk away from it all, but she couldn't. At least, not now. Not when she had to locate her brother and mother, not when Niccolo was being held captive. She knew she sounded ridiculous. Now it was that, and later it would be something else.

There was no getting out because... there was always an aspect of her life that was tied up in this bullshit. Once Niccolo was free, she owed Vincent something. And that something would probably not be clean-cut.

There would always be ties, a thread that forced her back in.

Lucas was smart. He kept himself as far away from it as possible. But it also meant that if Gabriella didn't put herself on the line, there were no other options, no other ways to help Niccolo.

"I wanna help him."

"I know..." he sighed, before sitting back straight once more. "The problem is, I don't think your imagination is enough to comprehend what you agreed to..."

"What do you mean?"

Lucas rolled his lips together and only met her gaze for a brief second before he shifted his glance to the ground. "What's the worse that he might ask?"

"Loyalty?" She shrugged. "Help him with a crazy plan? Be bait?"

"Marriage," he suggested. "He could ask you to divorce Niccolo, marry him, his kids. He could ask for a child. He could ask you to sell your body and use you as a prostitute to get information from certain people. He could ask you to kill someone. Steal."

Alright, well none of that had really crossed her mind. She had thought maybe the wedding thing, but it didn't appear valuable enough. She had thought about being bait, but in a completely different way than everything Lucas had just brought up.

Gabriella tried to keep a stoic expression. She tried to give the impression that she wasn't absolutely and completely terrified deep inside. Her stomach weighed down as if she had swallowed rocks, her insides were twisting, the familiar warmth of vomit rising in her throat.

Would he ask that of her? After all the years, after all the times, would he sell her away like a whore?

She had learned that she truly didn't know anyone and that she couldn't trust a soul. So yes, he could. And those were simply scenarios that Lucas came up on the top of his head, without giving it much thought.

What other darker options were out there?

So no, she hadn't thought about this properly. Yet, she found herself hitting the same impasse. What else could she do?

"So I should call him, tell him I changed my mind... and let Niccolo die?" Because that would be the cost that came with doing nothing. She could keep herself... maybe safe. Because even that was hypothetical.

She wouldn't live here with Lucas until she died of old age. She couldn't simply walk out and go live a normal life. So something had to change. Something had to be done. No matter the decision she took, her safety wasn't guaranteed.


He was trying to protect her because he knew that was Niccolo's order, yet it didn't change the fact that if he had any allegiance at all... It was towards Niccolo and not her. And that was fine. She understood that. He didn't owe her anything. She hadn't saved him.

If anything, she owed Lucas one now.

"You're willing to do whatever it is he asks you?"

"If he holds his end of the bargain."

"You think Niccolo will let you?"

No, he would probably do something very stupid and put his life on the line once more. Half because of his ego, and half because... maybe he cared? Honestly, she didn't know if it was because he gave a damn about her, or because he didn't like someone else winning and taking away his toys.

All this time and she didn't have him quite figured out.

"No, but, at least he'll be alive to be an idiot."

She wished there was a way she could guarantee that whatever Vincent asked of her wasn't insane or dangerous for her. Or didn't involve sex. Yet, she didn't think she could re-discuss the terms of their deal, not after she agreed to it.

There would be nothing for him to gain...


There was something, something he might want. Something she could use. Not right away. In case whatever he wanted wasn't too bad. But if it was... she might be able to tempt him with something...

Fuck. That something was back at the house. Hopefully, still hidden but back at the house nonetheless. Everything had happened so fucking fast... she hadn't had a chance to get it, to keep it with her...

Unless they turned the house upside down... they wouldn't find it but... how in the world would she retrieve it? That was the one thing that might help her escape Vincent's possible insanity.



"Is there any way in hell someone... could get something back at the house? Someone very, very trustworthy. Someone you would trust with your life." She hadn't even trusted anyone with that information. But now, if she wanted it back, she had to trust that someone would retrieve it and give it back to her.

Another risky move.

But, that was her situation now. Every move she made reeked of desperation. How did she get here?

"No. Why?"

"I have something. Something I could give Vincent... if he gets too needy. To get out of whatever... he might have in mind."

She had to trust Lucas a little bit. Anyways, at this rate, it was obvious he deserved a little bit of trust. She had no doubt there was a good bounty on her head, and he didn't have to deal with the Devil to get a hefty price.

Yet, he protected her. This wasn't about earning her trust. She had already followed him all the way here.

Lucas didn't want anything to do with this life.

"Must be a heck of a something if you think it's worth that much," he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Yeah, that was his way of asking. It was fair. She was asking for him or someone he trusted to take a risk. He had to know if it was worth it, so it meant she had to show her cards.

"It belonged to my grandpa. A journal. And I'm pretty sure that what's in it is the reason everyone let him disappear without looking for him." No one wanted to fall, no one wanted to be buried.

Plus, it wasn't like her grandpa made waves or spilled secrets. Everyone kept to themselves and everyone won.

Until she went and put her nose in it. Fuck.

Gabriella watched as Lucas' top lip twitched. "That would be very valuable." He flicked the back of his teeth. "It's back the mansion?"


"You don't think they got to it?"

"I'd be very surprised."

If they hadn't gotten it while she was still there, she doubted they figured it out with her gone. Now, she had no doubts they turned every room inside upside down. But the flower beds? Highly unlikely.

"Can you draw me a location? With detailed written explanation?"

"Yeah." Her drawing skills weren't excellent, but she could manage it.

He nodded. "I'll see what can be done."

It would be the perfect solution to everything. She could help Niccolo without risking transforming her life into a living hell. Yes, it was disappointing that she would lose her only bargaining chip, but...

She had been saving it for a rainy day. The current situation could be described as such. Plus, it didn't mean she would end up using it. There was still the tiniest of hope that perhaps, Vincent's request wouldn't be... life-threatening.



Two days? Five days?

Niccolo didn't know how much time had passed. He had tried his best to keep track but he was oscillating between awareness and slumber too much. Even his awake periods were permeated with dizzy spells.

All he knew for certain was the Devil had not made an appearance yet.

He didn't know what to make of that. Was it a good thing? Was it a bad thing?

Was it because he had gotten what he wanted? No, that couldn't be it. If he had Gabriella, not only would he have bragged about it, but he would have also killed him. Perhaps he was following a lead.

Niccolo would like to think he had a blind fate in every one of his men, but he knew better than to be that foolish. Anyone could betray him. Even Lucas. Though he was the one who trusted the most.

No one hated the Devil more than him. So it wasn't so much that he thought Lucas couldn't betray him that he strongly believed Lucas would not anything to ensure the Devil lost.

Which in this case, worked out in his favor.

For now, all he had were hypotheses and theories. Nothing concrete. He did know his days were numbered. And he wasn't any closer to coming up with a solution or a plan. Nothing he thought of was feasible. There were too many unknown variables.

A loud knock startled him and forced him to press his back to the nearby wall. The further he was from the door, the more chance he had at getting a full picture. The glimpses were brief and his eyes were no longer accustomed to the light, though his night vision was better.

He waited with bated breath as the door creaked open. "Food."

One word and yet it was more polite than most of the other times he was brought a meal. It shouldn't mean anything and yet he couldn't help but find it strange. They never wasted an opportunity to insult him.

He waited, still as a statue, as the bowl was pushed, grazing the floor. Then, as quickly as the door had opened, it closed. He should have tried to spot something in the background, something in the light that had pierced through the ajar door, but he hadn't.

Instead, Niccolo had been otherwise preoccupied with the unusual greeting. He dragged himself to the food, feeling the floor with his bound hands. Once he reached it, he brought it to his lips as best he could.

Most of the time, he would drink it fast. It tasted disgusting, and he didn't see the point he dragging out the savor. Yet this time, he went much slower. The texture alone was enough for bile to burn up his throat, but he kept going.

He couldn't see how much was left in the bowl, but he felt it get lighter and lighter, to the point where he wondered if his hunch was wrong. Until it hit his tongue. Actually, it had more like slashed his tongue.

Niccolo put the bowl back down, keeping his mouth as still as possible. Once it was done, he carefully spat out whatever was in his mouth in his hands. Yeah, if the blood in his mouth hadn't been confirmation enough, the slash in his hand was.

Someone had given him a razor blade.

Sure. It could be an accident. But no, there would be no accident. Not one like this.

It could be argued that someone planned on having him swallow it so that he would die. But who would do that? What would be the purpose? All of the Devil's men had to know that he wanted Niccolo to suffer.

So the only option left was that someone put it there to help him. It worked well enough to perhaps free his hands. Which would give him an advantage. It wasn't much as far as weapons went, especially since he didn't know what his guard might have on him...

But it was something.

It did mean that someone out there was trying to assist him.

One of his own? Lucas? Gabriella?

No. Not her.

Did it mean he would owe a debt to someone? He didn't like it but he did like being alive.

Because no matter what, he would be the one to end the Devil, even if it meant it cost him his life. He had nothing left to lose.


"Can you sit down?"

That was a horrible way to start a conversation. Gabriella wanted to protest but instead, she plopped down in a nearby chair. The only thing she wanted to ask was who died. But she was afraid of the answer so she swallowed down her question.

"I-I reached out to someone people."

"People you trust?"

"Not enough to tell them you're here."

Fair enough.

"I-hm, someone was hurt."

She quirked an eyebrow. "Someone?"

Was this about her mother and her brother? Had they found them? Fuck. She should have been with them... The distance from her should have protected them but it hadn't and...

"Wait," she said before he could answer. "Is this related to the journal?"

Lucas shook his head. "No, I'm - I'm gonna get that myself."


"I don't trust anyone enough to do that." He popped his lips. "It's about something else. Someone else."

"Is it my brother?"

"Your grandfather."

Her heart skipped a beat. This whole time, they had left him unharmed. No one had come to see him, no one had disturbed him. He was senile, he knew nothing. Gabriella had been so focused on her mother and her brother that she hadn't considered him...

"Di-did someone hurt him?"

"He, hm," he licked his lips. "He died."

That was her fault. That was on her. She had led them to him. He had spent decades living his life freely, away from the grasp of this life. Then, she pulled on a thread and the one who paid the price was him.

Everyone kept paying the price of her sins. It wasn't fair.

"Did- who..." What question could she ask? What should she ask first?

"It was a heart attack. At least, that's what the doctor said on the report."

"Do you think it's true?"

"I'm not sure. There are ways to give someone a heart attack. On paper, it would look like natural causes but..."

"But it would be murder."

Oh god. There was no one to claim him. No one to bury him, no one to organize his funerals. She didn't know how much longer she would be trapped her. She didn't know when the rest of her family would be free.

What would they do?

Her grandfather would be laid to rest all alone... or maybe they wouldn't do anything. Maybe they would cremate his body and toss him. He died alone and he would move on alone. The tears stung her eyes, and her jaw trembled.

Gabriella would never get to say goodbye. She would never look at him again.

What if the same faith awaited her mother and her brother? Then what?

A phone dinged, pulling her out of the spiral of negativity she had created in her mind. She watched carefully as Lucas reached for the phone. More bad news? Had someone else died because of her carelessness?


"Good hm or bad hm?"

She was almost afraid to find out the answer.

"Looks like you might owe Vincent a debt soon."

What? He had freed Niccolo? That fast? That easily? No, no. It didn't make sense. Niccolo had lost so much freeing her and Vincent could do it like this? It screamed betrayal. Did he have more ties to the Devil than he pretended?

Gabriella's first instinct had been to trust him, thinking she had no one else to turn to, but now she wasn't so sure.

Maybe he would end up betraying her. Maybe the Devil agreed to let Niccolo go because it would lead him to Gabriella. It would save Niccolo's life but... but there would be no getting out of paying this price.

"Are you sure?"

"It says to give him three days."

Three days.

"And then what?"

"He'll tell us where to meet him."

A meeting place. Where he would give her Niccolo? And where he would maybe give her to the Devil.

"Lucas, can we get the journal before that?"

"I can try."

She had to ensure her own survival now. She couldn't depend on anyone else. There were things in there, she knew could take down Vincent. She'd have to keep it safe with Lucas. That way, she could threaten Vincent. She hadn't wanted to use it if she didn't need to but now...

Her options were otherwise limited.

If he knew he could perish, he would be less likely to hand her over.

Last chance. Last hope.


A/N: Sorry, I know it wasn't the most thrilling chapter, but Nico and Gabby will be reunited soon enough. Next chapter will have a little more action ;)

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