Harry Potter next generation...

By Tianarulesforever

6.8K 95 2

The next generation of Harry Potter characters are left alone in Potter manor for an entire evening: nothing... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

335 7 0
By Tianarulesforever

Everyone woke up the next morning rather nervous but also excited. They were going to Grimmauld Place! They quickly got dressed, not really dressed, rather transforming their clothes into another outfit. As they all headed downstairs, a solemn silence fell upon them.

"Right, listen up everyone. Since we're all leaving, I thought it would be best if we left as our fake characters. Basically this is the order we came up with:

James, Albus and Hugo.

20 minutes later, Fred, Scorpius and Rose.

15 minutes later, Teddy, Vic, Pandora and Lily.

If we leave in smaller groups it will draw less attention but we've arranged it so each group will be able to defend themselves easily should the need arise. Please stick together, keep your wands ready and DON'T talk to anyone! I think we all know the way pretty well since we go there a lot, but just in case, Vic is going to implant a map in your heads so you won't go in the wrong direction. Apparating would be much faster but like I've said before, Lily, Pandora and Hugo don't know how to, and side-along is risky because we can't ask for help in case anyone gets splinched. Walk normally, don't draw any attention to yourselves. It would be best if people thought we were muggles. Ok? Vic's going to do the maps now, let's test the safety devices." said Teddy, his face serious. Their lives were basically depending on him and he would not let them down.

"Ok, so if you press the face of your device once, it means you're in danger and the rest of ours will light up and give us your location. If you're able to please tap twice to make a virtual keyboard pop out and type briefly what danger you're facing. Also, once you reach Grimmauld, don't go in, wait at the park nearby and tell the rest you've arrived. Everyone test their device one by one!" commanded Rose. It was a slow process, but necessary. They repeated it with the typing function and once they had ensured everyone's worked, the first 3 set off.

The others sat in tense silence, the slow moving of the clock on the wall was the only indication of the passing time. They stared at each other worrying for the three out there but also hoping their idea would work. Finally, 20 minutes was over and the next three set off. 15 minutes later, Teddy, Victoire, Lily and Pandora started off. They walked out of Potter Manor, watching it disappear behind them. Hopefully they would return with the time turner to get back.

Surprisingly the walk didn't take too long, around 25 minutes and they reached the park. Teddy gestured for everyone to follow him as he made his way to Grimmauld Place. Luckily they could all see it, having been to it before. Since muggles couldn't see it, they hoped it wouldn' look too suspicious but they needed to enter at one shot in case the Order locked the doors or something after the first group entered. Slowly, Victoire pushed at the door, only to find it locked.

"Alohomora!" she whispered, but nothing happened. "Great, what do we do now?"

"Didn't Order members just knock?" asked Scorpius.

"Yes, genius idea! We'll knock, no one will be suspicious and just let us in!" James snapped.

"Well do you want to be stuck here forever?" hissed Scorpius, stepping forward and knocking the door three times boldly. He was immediately pulled backwards by Teddy but the damage had been done. They could hear uneven thumping coming towards them.

"Mad-eye Moody!" whispered Rose, half in awe, half terrified. The pictures of the grizzly auror had scared all of them, and though he was a great man, he was always paranoid and extremely likely to attack first, and ask questions later.

Before they could decide whether to run or not, the door swung inwards, revealing a heavily scarred Moody scowling at them, wand high. "We're-" Teddy began, but he had been stupefied. The same fate met the rest of them even before they could react. When Rose finally came to, she could feel that she was bound to a chair, arms and legs tightly tied. Next to her, Scorpius had just awoken as well and was coughing.

She smiled weakly at him. "So, that didn't go as planned, huh?"

"No it bloody well did not! You've got some explaining to do, and you either do it willingly or have veritaserum forced down your throat!" said Mad eye fiercely, pointing his wand at all of them threateningly.

"Mad eye! Must you be so threatening?" asked Molly who had come down with him.

"Appearances can be deceiving, Molly. I'm sure you know that."

"Yes, well, they don't look like they could do much harm!"

"That could be the point of any disguises they're wearing! This is a war for Merlin's sake," Made eye growled at her, stepping towards Teddy. "Now, boy! How did you find this place?"

Teddy swallowed nervously. What could he say? They had just seen it and walked up to it? But it was under the Fidelius Charm. How else could they have found it? As his mind raced furiously, Mad eye grew frustrated.

"I said, how did you find this house! How did you get Dumbledore to give you the secret? What did you do to him?" he growled, even more threatening this time.

As Teddy continued to struggle for an answer, Lily spoke up. "I'll tell you how! You won't believe it but it's the truth. We're from the future! The war is over then and everyone knows about Grimmauld Place! The location is in our history textbooks," she exclaimed bravely, looking Moody directly in the eye. He growled in anger.

"You expect me to believe that?" he asked, both eyes now focusing on her.

"No. But since you were so keen to use veritaserum on us earlier, why don't you do it now? I give my permission to use it on me!" Lily said defiantly.

Immediately there was an outcry from all the cousins, telling her she was underage and it was dangerous but she didn't care.

"I don't care! I'm sick of this guy treating us like we're the enemy when we never wanted to be in this mess!"

As Grandma poured the veritaserum in her mouth, she could feel her concern and smiled slightly. Then the potion kicked in and her face went blank.

"Are you death eaters?" Mad eye asked.


"Are you from the future?" he questioned sceptically.

"Yes," Lily replied in a monotone

"Very well, what year are you from?" he asked, still not really believing it.


"Tell us something only someone from the future would know."

"Harry Potter was almost placed in Slytherin."

Mad eye looked up sharply. "Go check with Potter if that's true," he ordered Molly who hurried away. She came down again in a few minutes, nodding.

"Fine, I believe your story. Molly get the antidote!" he barked, annoyed he hadn't caught any death eaters.

As Lily awoke from her trance-like state Pandora gave her a proud smile for being the only one brave enough to think of that. She smiled back weakly, still slightly dazed from the potion.

"I'm so sorry about that, dears. Alastor is terribly paranoid, you see. Now dears we'll get the lot of you upstairs with some food and then you can meet everyone!" said Mrs Weasley kindly. As the ropes binding them magically released them, they stood up shakily. The children clutched each other as they walked upstairs, having never been captured and bound before, obviously it had been a traumatic experience for them.

Right before they reached the kitchen, Vic realised they still had their glamours on, so stopping them, she removed all of them with a quick wave of her wand.

Once in the kitchen, they sat at the dining table, occupying one side completely. The other Order members stared at them, some curious, like Mundungus and Sirius, and others with suspicion, like Kingley and Tonks. No one spoke and the only sound breaking the tense silence was Mrs. Weasley rattling the pans as she cooked.

Finally, Bill had had enough. "Alright, I'll bite. Who're you and what're you doing here?". Teddy and Victoire exchanged nervous glances before Teddy swallowed and started to speak.

"Ok, so this is going to sound completely unbelievable but, we, all of us here, are from the future. 2022 to be exact," he said, glancing around the room nervously. For a while there was another silence, before the room erupted. 

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