.𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞,π₯𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨�...

By helpmydecayingsoul

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"sometimes in life, some people... they don't break your walls down... they just wait...and simply knock at... More

.☘ namaste ☘
.gotta start it new.
.hate at first sight.
.you found your prince charming.
.hit in the eye.
.can't stop the feeling.
.past isn't just a tense.
.you only fall when someone holds you.
.the man I love.
.death doesn't come easy.
.secrets only bring sorrow.
.the time, it's away.
.this time is critical.
.blame it to fate.
.got you on my mind.
.just believe him.
.bring me back.
.i don't trust love.
.he ain't the one.
.night in the woods.
.the one who cared.
.the ego he carries.
.they felt the jealousy.
.caring hurts.
.he is torn.
.you scared me.
.not a fairytale.
.she is worried.
.I ruined it all.
.i feel the pain.
.darling, you're perfect.
.you're beautiful.
.loving him is blue.
.my hot boyfriend.
.let's make love.
.you are all that I draw.
.she's gone.

.give me a chance.

728 55 30
By helpmydecayingsoul

"you found parts of me
I didn't know existed and in you,
I found a love
I no longer believed was real."


~ after two days ~

Things went good in these two days. Doctor declared that I was recovering. Niall asked Elle out on a date and she said yes. He was on the seventh cloud when she said yes.

Sarah didn't call me for once and when I tried calling her, she never answered any of my call. That started bothering me. Myke face timed with me and I told him everything about Chris, Louis was there too. I couldn't call anyone else. Niall was busy, so Louis tagged along.

Saying of Chris, I'm not at all afraid of him now. He did all the wrong as much he wanted to do. Enough of his threatening and I won't be scared anymore. He got as much revenge he wanted to take because now it's all over. He will see the real me. The Sophia who is not at all afraid of him. He has hurt me enough, he almost killed me, I won't let him get to me this time.

My parents had their little date with me. Funny yet true. We three went out for a movie night. I've never laughed so much in my life but yesterday night was family time. They would crack random jokes, dad would try to sound like a strict dad and had his own lines that he would use to threaten Zayn.

ZAYN, he has been so sweet. After the party night, we had out little cute fights just to recall the memories when we were enemies. He asked Mr. Johnson to give him two days to complete the project and as to my surprise, Mr. Johnson agreed and gave him two days. Zayn still won't tell me what love story he was working on.

My wounds are recovering. Lauren herself asked Zayn to do my dressing and cleaning of the bruises. He was nervous all the time while doing that. According to him, his big hands would hurt me but I know no one could be better than him.

I and Zayn didn't have our first date yet. He said he wanted me to recover fully and I agreed to his saying. He has been on my mind all the time. Our first kiss, our first dance, all those cute memories won't leave my head.

"You ready?" mom asked entering my room. I nodded. I'm going to college today as I and Zayn have to submit the project and I'll be going there after a week. That means there will be encounters with other students who will stare me like I'm fresh piece of meat. Going back to college means Chris will be there too. Clarissa would try to scare me by her glares with her sharp eyes. But I don't give a damn to all these.

I have my brother on my side. I have my best friends, my whole group with me and above all, I have Zayn. Just taking his name makes my cheeks go red. What has he done to me!

Mom helped me walk downstairs. Liam and Dad were seated on the couch. I gave them a smile and after that Liam helped me walking. We waved our bye to mom and Dad and walked out of the house. My eyes immediately scanned Zayn's window which was closed. Liam went to bring the car from the garage.

"Looking for someone special?" I heard a mascular voice. I shifted my eyes down from the window and saw my boyfriend standing there smiling at me dressed in his famous jacket. I walked to him and hugged him tightly as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey, you look beautiful." he complimented. "It's your jacket that you forgot at my place last night." I kissed his cheeks. He smiled

"I left it on purpose. I knew you loved my jacket. It smells better than yours." he joked and placed his hand on my waist. sparks. butterflies. even rats and other animals started playing in my stomach. His one touch makes me go crazy. Why has he to be so flawless?

"Yeah, whatever." I laughed. "I leave my sister for few minutes and then you come and take her away." Liam came walking to us.

"Can't help myself. She has that power of tempting me towards her." Zayn flashed a smile to Liam.

I'm so damn lucky, I guess the luckiest sister to have Liam as the elder brother. I know, whatever the situation will be, how so ever will the time be, he'll always be there for me.

"She is special." Liam said in an obvious tone.

"Trust me. For both of us." Zayn agreed to my brother and hugged him. It was their man hug. I stood there tugging my palm in my back pocket.

"So you both have already started sharing clothes, but this can't be counted. You both have the same jacket." Liam joked.

"Yeah, we do it the same way you and Lauren do." I teased him and pinched his cheek playfully.

"Are you ready to submit the project?" Zayn asked me. I nodded. "Can I tag along with you on your bike?" I asked him with a cute puppy face. "NO." they both almost yelled at the same time. I giggled, covering my ears with my hand.

"But why?"

"You're not strong enough to take all these risks right now. Now get back in the car before I forcefully make you sit in the car." Liam tried to be angry but he failed which made me laugh even more.

"You can't do that. If I wasn't strong enough for anything, I would've left you since a long time ago. I'm strong enough to bear you, so I can hold onto this too." I rolled my eyes on him while he just let out a chuckle. "But I know Zayn will save me from you and let me ride with him on the bike.."

"No babe." Zayn stated. "Liam is right this time. You can't risk your stitches on that bike of mine." Liam got a chance to let out an evil-ish laugh.

"Now I see, none of you are on my side. I feel like a left over." I faked a cry. "But I know how to ride a bike and now I'm not afraid. I trust you."

"Yeah, we all know you can ride a bike." he joked. "And I know that you trust me. But I can't take a risk. I drive rash."

"Oh god, I'm dating such a boring guy." I hissed.

"This boring boyfriend of yours cares about you. He knows what is good for your health." Zayn explained himself. "C'mon babe, listen to me."

I rolled my eyes. "Let's go Liam." I dragged Liam to the car and turned and stick my tongue out, teasing Zayn. He laughed and blew a kiss towards me.


* At college *

I felt like a hundred sparkling eyes on me. Yes, because I and Zayn submitted our project which I was unaware of that he narrated the love story of "Zophia". Yes, he wrote about me and him, our story. From starting to the end, from our first fight till the first kiss we shared after being in a relationship.

I couldn't stop blushing. My smile grew an inch every time when anyone mentioned about the book. Mr. Ainsley loved his sketches and the story. Mr. Johnson just won't stop praising us. My best friends didn't miss a chance of teasing us and appreciating, while some random plastic dolls stood there, sending me death glares.

This way, everyone in college came to know about me and Zayn and I don't care of whatever they think about our relationship. We love each other and that is all I care about.

"Damn girl, that was perfect." Lauren hugged me as we walked out of the auditorium hall. The whole college got to listen to our cute little story and the best part was Zayn himself narrated the whole story. Every time, when he mentioned a fight scene, students as well as the teachers laughed. But he had to leave to talk to Mr. Ainsley and I was here waiting for him to come out of the principal office so that I could thank him with all my heart.

We all walked to the cafeteria. All the students had a free time. Some went out enjoying while some enjoyed their free time in the library. But we all were here, to our usual place of hanging out.

"I never knew Zayn could narrate a love story in such a beautiful way." Louis stated and they all nodded.

"It's all because of Sophia." Lily looked at me. "You've changed him." she gave me a smile.

"This change is good." Niall spoke eating his chocolate. "He was never like this."

I smiled. I was the reason for Zayn's change, but no one knows how much he has changed me. He made me a strong Sophia.

"He almost quitted smoking." Harry continued. "And now he speaks a lot. Not like earlier days, when all he used to do was be silent and always on his phone when we all used to hang out." Lauren said.

They all had to speak something about him. Is he changed that much? But still I love the Zayn who on the very first day fought with me just for the seat. I smiled remembering that scene.

"And the main change, he now doesn't think about any other girl, he only dreams about you, Sophia." Liam smiled.

"But the thing is, he isn't a pervert when it comes to you. You're the most beautiful girl not the sexiest bitch." Jasmine declared. Lily gave me a side hug.

"But even after all this change, he is the same old Zayn when it comes to fighting to you or taking care of you." Liam stated.

"I agree. I love him not for these changes but I love the old Zayn who fought with me for his seat. I love that old Zayn who had that power to scare me and make me feel safe both at the same time." I blushed talking about him. "The one who made me believe in every words he said like he had faith in me."

"Love is in the air." Louis cheered. We all smiled. I saw Elle walking to our side smiling.

"Hey." She waved me. I stood up and hugged her as all know that I'm a hugger. I thanked her for hundredth time and she replied saying she had to do it because I was Niall's best friend and she couldn't see Niall losing someone close. Aww, this girl.

"Come sit with us." Harry asked. She nodded and sat next to Niall and kissed his cheeks. Lily and Jasmine made that "aww" sound. Everything was perfect. This was the scene I wanted to see, I dreamt of. Liam and his best friends and me and my best friends. We all together laughing and making fun of each other not caring about what others thought.

But where was Zayn.

Someone closed my eyes with his hand. Yes his, because I know who this person was. A huge smile formed on my lips. I stood up and turned myself. He stood in front of me smiling. I hugged him.

"That was the best gift, you asshole." I giggled. Even after being in a relationship with him, I call him an asshole.

"Anything for you. Madamé." He bowed down. "Thank my mom, she suggested me about Zophia." He kissed my cheeks and we gained some "aww's".

According to our friends, we were the cutest couple, because the savior, prince charming saved his Cinderella from all her nightmares. But as I narrate the story, I would say, we were completely lost people who found their home in each other's arms.

"She is best at giving advice." I smiled. "That was seriously the best gift any boyfriend can give to his girlfriend." Lily clapped her hands happily. Louis faked a pout. We all laughed.

"Don't forget you and Louis will always be my favorite couple." I hugged them both. "We need to celebrate." Harry shouted.

"Celebrate for what?" Jasmine asked.

"Sophia is all well now, Zayn confessed his love for her. Niall and Elle are soon going to be in a relationship and we now have everything going good. What else reason do you need to celebrate?" he asked with a duh tone.

"He is right. We need to have a small party." Liam said. "But where?" Zayn asked.

I thought of some place where we could go to celebrate.

"Night stay at my place." Louis declared. "But we already had so many night parties." Lauren complained.

"Why not go deep in the forest?" Jasmine winked at me and Zayn.

"No,there were so many wild animals and I don't want to hurt Zayn again." I stated. "You never hurt me in past." he protested.

"You yourself said that I was heavy when you carried me. I don't want to be a burden."

"You were not at all a heavy body. You were lighter than a leaf and you were never and will never be a burden to me." He gave me his perfect smile and my heart melted again.

"Kiss already." Elle laughed. She is a good friend to keep. I'm glad she left that plastic group and joined us.

Instead of kissing me on lips, Zayn embraced me and planted a kiss on my forehead and smelled my strawberry shampoo.

"Why not go to Sophia's old town and meet her friends and explore the town?" Lily suggested. "No." I answered immediately.

"Not that town. I can call my friends here if you want." I said logging into my Facebook and went through Sarah's timeline. I saw a picture and that made me shiver, I almost dropped my phone.

Sarah clicked a picture with Chris. The guy's face was not seen but I'm sure that was Chris. He had the tattoo, the same "Life is hell" tattoo on the back part of his ears. He got that one when I first met him. Yeah, I met Chris at a tattoo shop. But he had more one tattoo on his neck, I guess it was new. Sarah was kissing in that picture, she is in a relationship with him. I need to talk to Chris right now. He cannot use her against me, he cannot ruin her life.

"Who are you looking for?" Liam asked. I turned my gaze to him. "No one, just Hannah and Kara." I lied.

Find Chris. I messaged Niall and mentioned him to look at the message I send him. He nodded and read the message in his phone. He looked up and asked me why but then stood up and walked to me.

"I need to talk to you." Niall asked me. All eyes on us. "What happened all of the sudden?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing, I want her to help me with the date thing." he whispered for only me and Zayn to listen but the others heard it too and Lily nudged Elle who blushed.

"I'm coming too." Zayn stood up. "I won't steal your girlfriend." Niall nervously laughed.

"Zayn, this is my and Niall's secret. I won't let you enter and ruin the surprise." I joked.

"And you already are leaving me." Zayn pouted. That face he made, cute zayn. Only if he knew how much I wanted to spend time with him but this is important. I need to make sure, nothing goes wrong this time. I just want a Happy ending with no Chris in it.

"Anything for my Nialler." I joked and Niall dragged me before anyone could ask anymore question. "Miss me." Zayn shouted and I nodded blowing a kiss towards him which he caught.

"What is the matter? Why do we have to find Chris?" Niall asked sounding a bit angry. "I just need to see if there is any tattoo on his neck." I explained.

"But why?" he asked confused. Before I could answer Niall bumped into a body and he was none other than the only person I needed to search for. Niall clenched his fist and before he could throw a punch, I stopped him.

"Hi Sophia. How are you? I heard you met with an accident, few days back?" Chris asked smirking. Fuck this boy. How can he be so ridiculous!

"She is perfectly fine. Leave our way." Niall snapped. We were not out of the cafeteria yet, so our friends heard Niall shout and they all walked to us. Zayn stood next to me.

Yesterday Zayn told me that he finds Chris a bit weird and he hates him because Chris once tried to get close to me and Zayn saw that. Of course, he was jealous then. But I could give Zayn many more reasons to hate this pathetic soul.

"What's the matter, bud?" Liam asked. "Nothing. Chris is just being a scum." I answered.

"He was always a dick." Louis angrily spoke. Chris smirked even more. Maybe Chris knows that Niall and Louis know about him. He is a god damn stalker.

"Hey, what's with that stupid grin?" Zayn asked, annoyed. I could sense anger in his voice. Again the whole cafe area gets to see our fight with some other student.

"Oh, nothing Malik. It just comes natural." Chris answered looking at me. I held Zayn's hand tightly.

"Is there a problem?" Nathan walked to us and asked. He was with his friends.

"You should ask this question to your brother." Louis shouted.

What. Chris is Nathan's brother? How come the boys know about this and I don't? So is Nathan the person who gave Chris my address and number and all the information that he needed?

All of the sudden, I have this feeling of hatred towards Nathan for all the reasons. Was he was the one behind all this? Is that why they always asked me to stay away from him? He played me, fooled me. I thought he was my friend, but hoe can he be my friend when he is Chris's brother.

"Why should I ask my brother anything. Your fucking group always creates problems and starts a fight. Today is the same usual day." Nathan answered. Where did the sweet side of Nathan go!

"Shut the fuck up." Niall shouted. He grabbed Chris's collar and angrily spoke. "Stay away from Sophia or else..."

"Uh huh, sweet boy. To the rescue of his best friend." Chris dramatically whispered. "Sophia, your alluring beauty tempts them all. A best friend, a boyfriend, your best friend's boyfriends." He pointed at them all. Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis. "One used to adore you in the past. Oh girl, you do have great charm on boys." He laughed.

Where is Chris taking all this? I need to stop this. But before I could do anything, Liam stepped forward and hit Chris hardly. Immediately his cheek turned red as Liam's hit was hard.

"Don't you dare speak anything against my friends or my sister. I don't know who you are but I warn you, stay away from us." Liam warned him.

"Elder brother is being protective. Why are you angry at me? It's not like I'm the only one here who committed a crime or something. You have been hiding a lot from everyone. Now don't you? Specially from your little sister?"

Liam's expression changed from angry to....I couldn't understand what that expression was. WORRY,ANGER,SADNESS what was that.

What is Chris talking about? What is Liam hiding from me? What is it that Chris knows and I don't?

"What are you talking about?" I asked directly to Chris who stood there enjoying the awkward silence.

"It's nothing. I'm not hiding anything from you. This guy here, he knows nothing. He's just trying to complicate our relationship." Liam blurred it out angrily.

"No, there is something. Not only him, I feel it too. What is it Liam? Is it something bad?" I asked tears falling from my eyes. This was supposed to be the best day and it already is turning to a bad one.

"Stay away from her. Stop filling her ears." Zayn stepped forward angrily. "Lily, take Sophia out from here." Louis asked Lily.

"But Louis.. "

"I said take her out of here." Louis shouted.

What is with everyone getting angry? What does Chris know? What are my own friends hiding from me?

Lily nodded and she, Lauren, Jasmine and Elle walked to me.

"No, I'm staying here. If it's about me, I have the right to be here." I shouted.

"Look Sophia. It's for your good. Please go from here." Harry placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I SAID NO." I hit his hand.


Without waiting for the girls, I exited the cafeteria and directly ran to the restroom. I locked the room so that no girl could enter and make me feel even more worst with the sympathy. I'm over with all this drama. My head is spinning and making me feel even more worse. I feel like throwing up.

"Sophia, open the door." I heard Lauren from the other side. "Can you all please leave me alone for some time?" I shouted back wiping away my tears.

I took out my phone and dialled Sarah's number. She has to answer to all my questions. After three rings, She finally picked up the call.

"Hello." Her cheerful voice was heard. "Hey Sarah. It's me Sophia." I replied.

"Oh Hey. How's life there?"

"Not good. Everything's a mess. I'm losing everyone and everything." I cried.

"What happened?" she asked concerned. "Things were good before three days. Myke told me that you finally found your Prince Charming. You didn't even bother to tell me that."

"It's not like that. I called you many times but you never picked up my call. I guess you were busy talking to your very new boyfriend, Chris." I hissed.

"What? Who Chris." she asked. I could hear her sigh. That means she was afraid of something.

"You know who Chris, we only had one in our lives. How can you do that. You knew everything that Chris did. You knew he was here. You knew his each and every plan. I thought you were my best friend." I cried. My best friend did this to me.

"Sophia, I didn't tell anything to Chris. His brother helped him and for being in a relationship with him, yes I like Chris. I always did. But you dated him and after your departure, he started dating me and for the friend thing, you were the worst friend one could ever have. After leaving for Bradford, you forgot me. You totally forgot who Sarah Aurther was." she shouted.

How can she say that. She and Micah have always being my best friend.

"Stop being a bitch, Sophia. I didn't hide anything from you. Your very own family hides a lot from you. Go and ask them first then come to me and complain and yes, enjoy fucking your New boyfriend. Wasn't he your enemy?" She asked smirking.

What does she know too?
What are my parents and Liam hiding?

"Zayn wasn't my enemy. I called you many times for sharing my feelings, for how I felt for him. But now I guess you were really very busy and yeah, didn't you purposely upload that kissing photo of your and Chris.?"

"Yes, I did that on purpose. To show you I'm far better than you in everything. But are you jealous? Do you still love Christopher even after being in a relationship with Zayn, huh?"


This was the first time I shouted on Sarah. Maybe the first time I fought with her.

"Every guy is a flirt. Your brother is too, for sure. Wasn't Zayn a flirt too? I'm sure he still is."

"Don't compare Zayn with Chris. Zayn is far better than Chris. Zayn has one thing that Chris doesn't and that is called a heart."

"FUCK YOU. SOPHIA. DON'T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN YOU FIND THE REAL FACES OF PEOPLE AROUND YOU." she shouted and ended the call. I washed my face from the water running down the tap and unlocked the door of the restroom. My four friends were still standing worried.

"You okay?" Lauren asked, worried. I nodded. "We heard you shouting." Jasmine stated.

"I fought with Sarah." I replied looking down. "Why?" Lily asked shocked. "Where are the boys?" I asked not answering to what Lily asked.

"Probably at the same place."

I nodded and walked to the cafeteria and saw the fight was settled down. Liam and the other three boys, all were angry. It was like they were ready to kill anyone.

"Where is Zayn?" I asked walking to them.

"We don't know. He left this place. He was angry. He and Chris had a fight." Harry answered. I nodded and turned my heels to find Zayn when Liam grabbed my wrist.

"Phi,I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at yo..."

"Save it,Liam." I interrupted. "Save this sorry and now only talk to me when you're ready to tell me the truth that you have been hiding. I'm guessing it is something bad. So save that sorry for later." I snapped and left the place.

Where can Zayn be? Chris was not in the cafeteria too.

I heard some screams from the basement. I ran there and saw Zayn and Chris fighting. Zayn had his knuckles bruised while there was blood on Chris's lips.

"ZAYN." I called out. "Stop it. He will hurt you." I stopped him. I stood in between him and Chris.

"Saving your boyfriend? So you're sure I'll beat the shit out of this Malik guy." Chris asked laughing. I turned and hit Chris on his face. I directly hit on his jawline.

"Stay away from Sarah. Stop using her." I shouted. "So that bitch told you everything?" he asked.

"She didn't tell me anything. Maybe because you threatened her not to. Listen here, next time you try to scare me with that photo, change your tattoos."

"Smart girl." he tried kissing my cheek but Zayn pushed him away.  "Stay away from her."

"Does your boyfriend know anything about your past? You know that he was a womanizer and that he slept with almost every girl from the college. But does he know who was the first boy to get under your pants? Wasn't that a great night!" he winked.

"What?" Zayn asked shocked. "What is he talking about?" He asked me. Zayn was angry but he was more shocked. I broke his heart, no but wait, I have never slept with Chris, we never had sex.

"Zayn, I can explain everything. Give me a chance. Don't listen to him. Zayn,I...."

"Save that, Sophia." He snapped and walked out of the basement. He left without giving me a chance to explain. He left me all alone.

"That is sad. Sophia Payne had her second break up." Chris faked his sympathy. "The ugly heart breaking moment."

"Why don't you leave me alone? Please get away from my life. I beg you." I cried and ran out after Zayn. But he already left. I saw him leaving the college in his bike. He didn't even wait to hear me.

Tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall. I should have told about this to Zayn before. But I made a mistake.

I left the college without letting anyone know. I know I don't have any vehicle to go back home but I couldn't go back and ask Liam for the keys.

I started running on the path as fast as I could. I didn't care about my wounds or that stitched stomach. I just wanted to confess everything to Zayn from the start till the end.

I even fell twice but stood up and again started running. After ten minutes, I finally entered our street and I knocked at Zayn's door. After a minute, the door was opened by Tricia.

"Sophia. Oh my god. What happened?" she asked worried. "Where is Zayn?" I asked crying.

"He came back home and ran upstairs. He was angry about something. What happened. He is not opening the door and you're crying. Just tell me what happened between you both?"

"Can I talk to him? He is angry at me." I asked without answering any of her questions. She nodded and let me in. I ran upstairs and knocked at his door. Tricia came up too.

"Zayn, open the door. Sophia is here." Tricia asked knocking at the door. "I don't wanna talk to anyone. Not even her." her. He didn't even speak my name.

"Zayn, I'm sorry. Please give me a chance to explain." I cried. Tricia placed her hand on my shoulder and helped me standing properly.

"You're weak. Dear, sit down. He'll probably come out after some time." she asked me. I shock my head. I won't leave until he talks to me.

"Zayn, open the fucking door. She is here to talk to you. She is not okay." Tricia shouted.

The door flew open and I saw shattered pieces of glass on the floor. Zayn stood there, his eyes puffy red and his wrist was covered with red blood. I walked in and Tricia shut the door behind me and left. Maybe she knows it's better to let us handle the things our way.

I stood near the door while he stood next to the window. I walked to him and took his hand in mine but he pulled it back.

"Your hand is bleeding." I whispered. "Why do you care. I can take care of myself." He snapped.

"Won't you give me a chance to explain?" I asked, trying not to cry. He didn't speak anything. His silence meant that he was pissed.

"Okay, I will not leave this place until you talk to me. " I declared and sat on the floor next to the door and cuddled myself. My wound hurt me. I was sure the stitches opened. My shirt was red, covered with blood.

I saw him walking to the table and taking out a box from the drawer. He walked to me and picked me up carefully and placed me safely on the bed.

"Take that off." He motioned me to take out my shirt so that he could clean it. I nodded but again like that night, he himself took it off and started cleaning the blood that was spread on my stomach.

He didn't utter a word. I wanted to speak but he was concentrating. "Ouch." I winched. His finger touched my bruise and that burned like hell.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry." he apologised looking up. He was terrified.

I cupped his face in my hand. "I'm fine. You would never hurt me. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for hiding things from you." I cried. He wiped away the tears with his thumb and hugged me. His hug meant everything. It was the cure of my pain. That's what I needed the most right now.

"I was angry. The way he tried to kiss you and when I came to know about what he said, I lost my temper."

"He was my ex boyfriend. He was the one, I was talking about. He was the only one who cheated on me and now he came back to make my life a hell. I wanted to tell you everything but I was scared that you would get into a fight with him and hurt yourself."

"You should have trusted me for once and told everything." He sounded sad.

"I trust you more than anyone but I also care for you the most and yes, Niall and Louis knew that he was my boyfriend."

He looked into my eyes. "They did?" I nodded.

"They already knew that my ex was after me to take his revenge and when Chris showed up here, I didn't knew what to do. I was scared, I couldn't share that with you. Niall and Louis were the only one I could trust at that moment."

"Did he do anything to you?" He asked. I nodded looking down. He lifted my chin up. "What?"

I hugged him letting more tears roll down my eyes. "That incident in the restroom wasn't an accident. Chris was the one who hit my head with that wall, he did that to me."

Zayn clenched his fist. His eyes turned red. "Zayn, please don't do anything. No one knows what happened that day. I don't want to create a scene." I grabbed his hand.

"Create a scene, Sophia?" He asked, clearly not okay with my opinion. "He hurt you. He fucking tried to kill you. After everything  you've been through because of him, how can you ask me to be calm? He has to pay for his fucking deeds." He shouted.

"Zayn please, you're scaring me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. He is a part of some gang. He had cameras set up in your and my room. He watched us all the time."

His eyes went wide in shock.

"He is a psychopath. Are those cameras still here?" he asked. I shook my head. "I took them out one day when you were out."

"So he watched you all the time?" He asked, clearly trying to understand everything. I nodded.

"He has to pay for this. You can't stop me. I won't fucking leave him. He made you cry. He did all that to you. He has...."

I pressed my lips on his. I did this to stop him, I had no other way. He was angry and I knew he would kill Chris right away but also hurt himself. He didn't kiss me back. So I pulled back.

We sat in silence. Then he planted a Kiss on my forehead. "Why don't you understand, Sophia. He fucking hurt you, he was the reason I almost lost you. I just can't let him go away so that he can do that again. I fucking care for you and all I want if for you to be safe because I love you."

"I love you too and for that, I just want you to be away from him. I want him to pay for his sins too, but we can't take control in our hand. It will only result into something worse."

He kissed me and this time I kissed him back. He relaxed. I placed my hands around his neck and he kissed me passionately.

Thank god, he calmed down. I was happy that we solved everything. Now Zayn knows everything and so I feel good. Even better because he was next to me, he was there to hold me close to him.

Now Chris can't do anything. I and Zayn have each other. I won't let anything happen to Zayn, this time, I'll save him. I won't let a bastard ruin my relationship with Zayn.


Question for all. What is your favorite t.v series ATM?
Mine is Riverdale, Supergirl and I'm also watching The Originals.

Keep voting and send feedbacks.

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