By AyakoShizuka

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❝ Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence.❞ ✽ Honkai Impact 3rd/F!Reader ✽ More

Rebirth of a Soul - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Interlude-Kevin Kaslana Memories
Remembrance of a Soul - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
2nd Eruption - Sirin x Sister! Reader
My One and Only Master - Mei Raiden x Reader
Till Death Do Us Part - Su x Reader
Innocence - Kevin x Child! Reader x Hua
Soft Spot - Kalpas x Reader
Anger - Kalpas x Reader
Enemies to Lovers - Su x Reader
Individuality - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Will of Himeko - Himeko Murata x Reader
Family - Welt Yang x Wife! Reader
Jealousy - Welt x Wife! Reader
Acceptance - Yandere Mobius x Reader
Friendship - Sirin x Reader
Let's Start Over - Pardofelis x Reader
Confession - Kosma x Reader
Misunderstanding - Pardofelis x Reader
Star-Crossed Lovers - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Second Chance - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
The Warmth of a Cold Touch - Kosma x Reader
Girlfriend - Kalpas x Reader
Time Had Never Been A Problem - Fu Hua x Sister! Reader
Never Let You Go - Yandere Aponia x Reader
Clashing Personalities ~ Vill-V x Reader
Broken Promises and A Shattered Blade - Kiana Kaslana x Reader
A Spark to Light the Trailblaze - Himeko Murata x Reader
Black Dahlia ~ Vill-V x Reader
Hope for a Better Ending - Elysia x Reader
Her One And Only Regret - Elysia x Reader
One-sided Eternity - Su x Reader
The Calm Cold of Raging Wind - Yae Sakura x Reader
The Incident - Yandere Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Gone - Yandere Herscher of the Void x Reader
Caring for the Sick - Otto Apocalypse x Reader
His One and Only Regret - Otto Apocalypse x Reader
Su relationship headcanons
What Matters Most - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Proposal - Eden x Reader
A Flame Under The Stars - Kalpas x Reader
Forgiveness - Su x Reader
Tea is Better than Coffee - Su x Reader
The Troubles Of Fame - Hua x Reader
Until Next Time - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Kevin dating headcanons
Matchmaker At Play - Kosma x Reader
The Future Is Not So Bleak Anymore - Kalpas x Reader
The Weekend - Kosma x Reader
Valentine's Day - Sakura x Reader
Trust - Su x Reader
Stars - Elysia x Reader
Profession of Love - Su x Reader

Limited Time - Kevin Kaslana x Reader

2.7K 67 8
By AyakoShizuka

A/N: I apologize for the long wait. I was busy last week and had trouble getting some inspiration on what to write for this particular request, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.

Requested by Everest151.


It felt like two ends of a magnet being attracted to one another. Attached to Mei was a string and at the end of the string was her, the Elysian Realm's guiding program.

"Hello, Raiden Mei. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), bearer of the Signets of Stability." You introduce to the new visitor of the realm. "Though most would be more familiar with 'Dr. MEI' than '(Y/N)'."

"Dr. MEI?" Mei knew that name well. It was the name of her carbon copy from the Previous Era. "You're MOTH's head scientist."

"It seems Kevin spoiled the surprise too early." You almost seem disappointed, but the Herrscher could tell you were simply feigning.

Mei took no time to ask her question. "Why do you call yourself by a different name?"

"I anticipated that your first question would be about my appearance rather than my name." You confess. "It seems that Kevin only told you so much."

"You didn't answer my question," Mei remarked before scanning over your form. "How many Flame-chasers know of... this?"

"I didn't." You agree with the visitor's statement and move to place your hand on your hip as you address her inquiry. "To answer your next question, only a select few are aware of my circumstance— you, Kevin, Elysia, and Vill-V."

"The others haven't realized?"

"The other Flame-chasers were not informed. However, Su likely knows. Nothing escapes his perception." You crossed your arms. "As for the rest, it's best to keep them in the dark for the time being."


"I'm afraid now isn't the best time to ask questions." You advised.

Mei was almost certain that you wanted her to drop the topic with the way you were looking at her like she had no choice but to comply like any other sim. She stared at you for a couple of moments, pondering if she should allow things to be. You simply smiled at her. After what felt like an eternity, Mei made a decision.

"I'll be leaving now." She announces.

You looked pleased with her choice and the loosened shoulders told Mei as much.

"A wise decision." You said. "Raiden Mei, if you are still curious, I'll be waiting."


Mei stared at you. Wordlessly, she turned and left, taking into account your invitation. For a few moments, you stood. When you were sure you were completely alone, you turn to look over your shoulder at the hidden figure lurking in the shadows.

"I never took you as an eavesdropper. It seems that there are things that even I don't know about you." The person steps forward to reveal a familiar face. "Kevin." You greet from behind, still staring at the taller male with an inquisitive look.

Kevin crossed his arms. "I was passing by."

Still as stubborn as ever, you thought. He was like a child who's been caught holding something he shouldn't be holding only to tell their mother that they were simply looking. You inwardly chuckle at comparing humanity's strongest human to a child of all things.

"Kevin, we both know that's not the entire truth." You remark, crossing your arms just as he has. "I'm your girlfriend. You can't lie to me so easily. Perhaps... you were worried?"

"..." He looks away, unable to maintain eye contact with his beloved. His slightly tinted ears gave him away.

You chuckle in amusement. "Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing you. I can understand why you loved teasing me back then. It is rewarding."

Your insinuating wasn't received with open arms.

Kevin glanced at you, with an expression that was close to pleading. No one could pull such a reaction out of the man, but you. The thought made you proud.

"MEI..." He said in the most endearing tone.

Unfortunately, the results were too good to pause your endeavors, but Kevin didn't need to know that. Sweetly, you smiled at him.

"How about I make it up to you? Would brunch suffice?"

"As long as I'm able to stay by your side, that's enough." A very Kevin-like response.

A smile appears on your face. "Brunch it is."


"I didn't know that Dr. MEI has synchronized her memories into the realm," Mei remarked.

"Erm... How should I put this? MEI isn't like everyone else. She didn't synchronize her memories. She transferred her consciousness." Elysia emphasized. "She's the Elysian Realm's guiding program."

"Guiding program?" Mei echoes.

Elysia nods. "That's right. You can think of her as our guide. We follow MEI's directive."

Mei frowned. "And you're all okay with the arrangement? Isn't this... taking away the free will of the sims?"

"The guiding program does appear to be dictatorial but there's no need to worry. The purpose of the program is to regulate the sims and make sure that we all live peacefully amongst one another. MEI hasn't issued a directive for fifty thousand years."

"She seems like a trustworthy co-partner."

"Uh-huh. I can't think of anyone who would be the perfect candidate but MEI."

"Is there a reason why I haven't met her until now?"

"MEI usually doesn't leave her laboratory. When she does it's usually because of her daily walks with Kevin. Did you know? Kevin takes MEI on a walk every week because he misses her so much. It's like their weekly date."

Mei picked up on what Elysia was trying to tell her. She didn't question how the pink elf knows.

"Thank you, Elysia."


Raiden Mei enters the laboratory belonging to Dr. MEI. She found you waiting for her. The Herrscher closes the door shut for some privacy.

"Is now an appropriate time to talk?" She asked.

"What do you wish to ask?"

"According to Elysia, you're what the sims call the 'guiding program'. What does that entail?"


"Wouldn't you be?"

"There is some appeal." You admit. "My role is as it sounds. The Elysian Realm is under my guidance. Half of it to be precise."


"Elysia and I have shared control over the realm. If something were to happen to one of us, naturally one of us would assume full control of the realm."

"I see." Mei seemed content with your explanation so she moved on to her next question. "If I recall, you stated, 'I'm afraid now isn't the best time to ask questions.' What do you mean?"

"I can see why Elysia raves about you so much. You ask all the right questions. However, they are the most difficult ones to explain."

"How so?"

You told it to her without sugarcoating it. "A couple of days ago, someone corrupted my sim." Mei was startled by the news, but you continue as if you haven't spilled anything alarming. "The perpetrator was attempting to delete my data. The attack caused my consciousness to transfer over to another body. As a result, I lost my original body. The sim you see before you is a prototype made for cases such as this." You exhale deeply. "The perpetrator proves to be very difficult to deal with."

It became apparent how upset you were. An attack on you could very well be an attack on all. Dread settles within Mei's guts.

"Did you identify who was the attacker?" You shook your head.

"By the time, I made it back, there was no trace of them. Not even of my body. It was like the incident never happened." So you had no clue who could have done it. "For someone to take over my consciousness, they would have to be within the realm to do so."

As soon as the words left your mouth, there was a deafening silence. Mei turns to you, almost accusatory.

"You're saying... there's a traitor?" Mei questioned incredulously.

"It's unlikely but we cannot deny the possibility."

The thought of suspecting the people Mei has grown close to was unbelievable. She paused as she realize something.

Mei regards you with suspicion. "How do I know you're not trying to mislead me?"

"You have right to be suspicious. However, I would not have told you of my circumstance if that were the case."

Point taken.

"Shouldn't we warn the others?"

"It's too early for that. We would only put pressure on the enemy, possibly altering their agenda. The last thing we want is another attack."

"Doesn't the enemy have control of the realm because they possess your body? Is that not of concern?"

"They may have obtained my body but they don't have my consciousness. It is my consciousness that is linked to the Elysian Realm, not my body."

Mei filled in the rest of the puzzle. "Without your consciousness, all they have is a vessel."

"Correct. Of course, there is the problem of them using my body to pose as me."

Mei understood your unspoken request and assured you, "I will keep an eye out."

"You have my gratitude."

"Do you believe the perpetrator is trying to destroy the Elysian Realm?"

"That's the frightening part. We have no idea what their motive may be. Whatever the case may be, the sims will be advised against contacting me unless necessary due to reasons unknown. Be as it may, I am still the sims' guiding program." You shift your gaze onto her. "I advise against letting your guard down. No one is to be trusted, not even myself."

She's in as much danger as anyone else.

"I'll bear that in mind."

"Good. That's all the time we have. Kevin will be coming to have brunch with me soon. I prefer to keep what has been discussed here a secret. He's worried enough as it is."

Mei understands. "I won't say a word."

That was the end of the conversation.


"What did the Herrscher of Thunder come for?" That was the first thing Kevin said when the two of you sat down.

He had most likely encountered Mei on his way to your laboratory.

"She was curious about the Elysian Realm's guiding program." It wasn't a complete lie. She did come to ask you about your role. "What's wrong? Concerned?"

Your smile drops at Kevin's lack of expression. It seems that your attempt at lightening the mood failed.

"I am concerned." He stated. "We have yet to locate the reason behind your predicament."


"Kevin, we're supposed to have brunch." You gently remind, trying to get the male to forget about the incident. "Have you tried the pastries?" You motion to the treats you set out. "They're very well done."

Kevin didn't say anything. He knew that you just wanted to make him happy, but he could not enjoy his time with you while a threat looms over your head. He had questions that he dare not ask. What happened to your original body? You had yet to give him an explanation. Most of all, who or what was responsible for your circumstance?

Kevin knew that you did not want him to worry which was why you did not tell him what had happened. However, he feared that he would lose you again, just like the last time.


When Elysia didn't show up to meet with her, Mei grew concerned. Even more so when Mobius declared that she was dead. She walks up to the terrace where the three MANTISes stood. Kevin was asking Aponia about something regarding Elysia when Mei interrupts.

"Before you go on, I have a question. Elysia is dead? Can you explain what it means?" Mei demands with crossed arms.

"Mei, don't press him about it." Aponia attempted to reason with the determined woman. "He will respond with "It's none of your business.""

Mei turns to the woman. "I can guess that, but it doesn't mean prying is useless."

"But there's no hurry. Isn't Su... validating the matter?" Aponia gestures to the psychic standing across from her causing the Herrscher to direct her attention onto the still figure.

Su hasn't moved a muscle since she got here.

Mei turns back to Aponia, "Aponia, what did you tell him? He's been like this ever since."

"Ah... Before that, I had perceived unusual changes in the realm. It was an... emptiness that I could not ignore, so I asked Su to monitor it for me."

"Can't you do this by yourself?" Mei asked.

"I have no problem detecting, but the bearer of the 2nd Divine Key is much better at sourcing," Aponia explains. "I fear I'd involve other parts of the realm if I were to do it myself. It may even... prevent us from conversing this way."

"What did he find out?"

"Elysia... disappeared from the realm," Aponia reveals.

"Disappear... You're saying that a sim has never disappeared in fifty thousand years?" Mei questioned.

"Yes. Vanishing is far from hiding, and..." Aponia didn't finish the thought. She instead chose to focus on the man beside her. "Let us wait for Su's conclusion." She turns to Kevin who has been silent the entire time. "Kevin, it might be best to ask for MEI's assistance. I know that you have said that she is not to be disturbed but her insight would be helpful in our search."

Kevin nods. "I'll talk to her."


"Kevin? Is something the matter?"

Kevin was relieved that you were safe.

"Elysia is missing," Kevin informed. Your expression slightly changes upon hearing this news. He noted that you did not appear shocked. "Your insight would help in finding Elysia."

"I understand." You nod. "I will lend my assistance."

"Good." He nods.

There was a brief silence before you asked, "Is there something else?"

He must not have done well to conceal his thoughts if you had picked up on them. Kevin did not hide from you. He remained firm. Kevin proceeds to tell you of his undying desire.

"It's dangerous at this time." He stated. "I suggest that we investigate together."

Kevin wanted to be there for you. He didn't want to leave you again. He didn't need Aponia's gift to know that the Elysian Realm was reaching its final chapter. At the very least, he wanted to be a part of your chapter. He waits for your answer and was relieved when he heard what it was.

"I will be entrusting my life into your hands, Kevin."

"I will not fail you." Not like the last time.

This time, he'll be beside you.


The two of you had left the laboratory and were off in search of Elysia. You tried contacting her through your shared connection but to no luck.

"It's almost as if she has completely disappeared." You uttered. "Her data isn't a part of the Elysian Realm anymore."

"We won't be able to bring her back," Kevin concluded, his heart heavy.

"It isn't strange if the realm had some abnormalities." You stated. He knew you were speaking factually. There were still other variables to consider before reaching the final result. "It seems that I won't be able to investigate further with the program. We will have to rely on each other to understand what is going on."

"It can't be helped." Kevin accepts the outcome and decides to address the most obvious concern. "Is Elysia's disappearance connected with the loss of your original body?"

You were quiet for a moment. He watched as you sigh. Seeing no need to hide the truth from Kevin any longer, you told him everything.

"Do you believe that the perpetrator is the same one behind Elysia's disappearance?" He asked after you had finished detailing to him the incident.

"That appears to be the case. After failing to corrupt me, the perpetrator has gone to the other sim who has control of the realm, Elysia." You summarized. "The fact that she is missing points towards the direction that the perpetrator is after the control of the realm."

"What should we do?"

"We should inform the others. They—"

"Kevin?" Footsteps approach the two sims. You and Kevin turn and found Aponia walking up to the two of you. "And..." The woman scans your form. Her brows furrowed quizzically. "MEI..?"

"It's me." You confirm her suspicion. "I apologize if my appearance has... confused you. I would explain everything but now isn't the best time."

"There's no need to be sorry, MEI." Aponia seems to understand your predicament. The nun turns to Kevin. "Mei needs your help."

"Has something happened to her?" You asked.

"It seems that she and Su... are in a difficult predicament. I would offer my help, but..." She trails off. "It would be best if Kevin goes in my stead."

Kevin slides his gaze onto you. He was reluctant to leave your side. You, sensing his hesitation, said to him, "Go. They need you more than I do."

That's not true. He wanted to deny your words, but he knew you were right.

Kevin turns to Aponia. "Keep her safe."

The woman places her hand delicately over her chest and said to him. "You have my word."

With that, Kevin departs from your side. Just like the last time.


"Kevin, you must go." You stated firmly. "They need you more than I do."

Kevin knew that, but he wanted to believe that he could stay with you. He wanted to believe he was expendable. He was humanity's hero, their hope. The man belonged to all, not one. Cerulean blue eyes stared at the naked nape covered by a black collar.

You noticed his stare and assured him, "I'm getting better, Kevin. Don't worry about me. Be concerned about the fight."

That's right. He and the other MANTISes were to be dispatched within an hour. Kevin cannot help but complain that it was a short amount of time. His feelings were evident on his face.

To soothe him, you said to him, "Su will be with me. I won't be alone."

But he won't be by your side. His hands clench, but he could not admit to you his selfish desires. Slowly, he accepts reality.

"I understand."

He wished he could hold you one last time, but he did not want to worsen your condition, so he didn't. If only he could feel your warmth again instead of the cold he felt every single day.


"Step back, Herrscher of Thunder." Kevin orders.

Mei turns towards the unexpected guest. "Kevin?"

Ice surrounds the monsters, freezing them in place. Mei uses the opportunity to finish the mobs off.

"Is it over?" Kevin asked.

"Not yet." Mei delivered the finishing blow. "Now it is. Why are you here?"

"Aponia said you needed help." Kevin simply said.

He was not in the mood to talk. Kevin was still unhappy that he had left you alone, even with Aponia by your side.

"Kevin?" Su noticed their new guest. "I see..."

"Su, how did it go?"

"I retrieved all the data in the realm..." Su heaves a sigh and shakes his head. "Not only have I gained nothing, but both Sakura's and MEI's data have also been corrupted."

"Both Sakura and MEI?" Mei questioned.

Kevin looked upset, but he suppress his emotions and allowed his friend to continue.

"Yes, the data forming them has vanished, but some traces they left are preserved by chance. In other words, they have not completely vanished like Elysia, but is similarly unfindable."

Kevin shuts his eyes, saying nothing to Su's words.

He accepts the situation. "Let's get out of here first."


Kevin finds you absent and was unhappy with Aponia's carelessness, but the woman stated that you had commanded her to wait for him. He knew that even she could not deny the guiding program's directive, but where had you gone? Was it so important that you would forgo your safety? He was brought back to reality by Aponia's voice.

"Which is to say... we can confirm it." Aponia looks for the side sadly. "Elysia... She really... departed."

Mobius huff. "Heh. All for nothing. When did it become difficult for you to accept reality? At that time... why didn't you show this expression?"

He sees Mei looking at him, expectantly. Kevin steps up as a leader and stated, "We will only speak of this matter here."

"Well, well... If it isn't the sidekick." Mobius welcomes as if the man hadn't been standing there the whole time she's been mocking Aponia. "I thought you'd panic and play dead like a mole without someone to follow around. With MEI absent..."

Kevin ignores her effort to get a rise out of him. "This is important. I'll say it once. Before we make progress in our investigation, making this matter public will only harm us. Unless I state otherwise, you mustn't tell a sixth person in the realm. If someone doesn't want to cooperate... I don't mind shutting them up differently."

"But... if you've retrieved all data, what's there left to do?" Mei inquired.

"I need to confirm the nature of this happening." Kevin states.

Mei knew what the man was thinking. "The typewriter that won't put out false messages?"

"Correct," Kevin affirms. "But before that..." He turns to Mobius. "Do you have anything to add, Mobius?"

She was silent, but she knew Kevin wasn't asking for her input.

She concedes to his demand. "Yeah, yeah, I'll play along for now. As for how long... that depends on my mood. After all... I don't have the slightest interest in mourning a traitor. You... humans always deny the right path... Then you rue your decision when it's too late. That's why you... bore me to the bone."

Mobius left with her chin up and did not look back.

"Kevin..." Su calls in a low voice.

Kevin understood his friend's concern. "She won't give it away. Now then... What about you, Aponia?"

He turns his focus onto the grieving woman.

"Kevin. From that time onward, we've become equally special. If I cannot keep a secret... The situation would be very different." Aponia reasons. "And I'll be away for a while."

"Are you... going to investigate this your way?" Su asked.

"Yes, but not because I don't trust you, Su. I only want to contribute however I can." Aponia assures.

"Very well." He accepts her decision. "I will continue trying."

Aponia turns to Mei. "And... Mei, can I ask you for another favor?" She smiled at Su and Kevin. There was something about the smile Aponia wore. "Mei, can you come closer? I don't want the boys to hear it."


"Meeting dismissed. Whatever the case, be cautious." Kevin advised.

"Kevin, wait." Mei stops the male from leaving. "I'll go with you. I need to confirm something... with the typewriter." He didn't say anything, but Mei pressed on, "I won't accept any conclusion unless I see it with my own eyes."


His response was, "Follow tight" before walking off. The Herrscher follows him. He was reminded of himself at that moment, back when he was chasing after you. He was still following after your shadow.


The Herrscher of Corruption had been the mastermind behind everything. Almost all the sims had fallen. There was still you and Kevin intends to go back for you. He finds you alone in the courtyard much to his relief.

"We must get you to safety." He spared no pleasantries as time was of the essence, but it looks as though you had not heard him. Kevin desperately calls for your name. "MEI—"

"Kevin, I won't run." You cut in. "You need to join up with Su and help Raiden Mei."

"I will not leave you." Never again.

"Kevin, I'm going to die." He knows, but he doesn't want to leave you. His hands clench and his heart sank. "Kevin... Look at me."

You said those words softly, befitting a fragile human like you. He looks up. Kevin stiffens when you lean over to kiss the corner of his lips. Immediately he grabs your shoulders and pulls you away from him.

"MEI!" He scans your face for any sign of frostbite. Kevin was relieved to see you unharmed and remembered that you were more sturdy in this form than when you were alive. He looks back at you. "Why?"

You smiled. "Fifty thousand years... That's how long we've been together in this place. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to rush you, but I grew impatient. I would have confronted you but I told myself to wait for the right time."


"You have to go, Kevin. They need you more than I do." You had said those same words fifty thousand years ago. "Go."

He didn't initially heed your command, but even he could not help but follow through in the end. He nods and steps forward. The man leans in. Your eyes slid closed. You allow him to plant a kiss on your eyelids. When you open your eyes, you found him staring at you, capturing your image for the last time. Then he lets you go. You watched as he leaves like snow in the presence of spring, having no choice but to leave until next winter.

You huff in amusement. "Honestly, that boy will be the end of me."

This will be the last chapter of the Elysian Realm as well as yours, but you were not afraid because Kevin will be right there with you.

A/N: This was probably not what you expected out of a 'reincarnation one-shot', but I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry if it wasn't what you had in mind.

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