- Hawaii lust - Jenna Ortega

By Billie_fan123

988K 26.8K 27.5K

Jenna Ortega being best friend's with Dahlia's roommate comes over to their apartment right before their firs... More



17.4K 466 271
By Billie_fan123

"You guys up for another round of tennis?" A yell comes through the door, waking both Dahlia and Jenna. Jenna's its up quickly, and then groans and puts a hand to her head in pain.

"My head is throbbing," she whines, falling back down against the pillow.

"You weren't answering your cell, Jenna, so I figured I'd stop by. I hope you're dressed-I'm about to come in!"

"What? Dahlia, you didn't lock the door last night?" Jenna whispers quickly, nudging her.

"I'm sorry, I was a little preoccupied taking care of you being drunk," she whispers back, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Come here, we're supposed to be a couple," Jenna grumbles, pulling her closer, laying her head on her chest and putting her hand on her arm. She also throws a leg over her, pressing her entire body against her. She has to take in a deep breath.

"Good morning! Sorry to wake you again, but I'm sure you'd rather me than your mother, yeah?" Her aunt laughs and walks inside, before eyeing them and their positions and saying, "Hope I didn't interrupt anything!"

"Actually, you just missed it," Jenna laughs, sitting up slightly to press her lips softly against Dahlia's jaw. "I'm surprised you didn't hear us-this girl's a screamer."

"No...I'm not," Dahlia laughs in embarrassment, uncomfortably shifting. "She's just trying to embarrass me."

"And either it's working, or that sunburn got your face worse than I thought," her aunt laughs, and she groans and covers her face in embarrassment. She hates when people point out that she's blushing.

"Awww, I think it's cute, babe," Jenna pulls her hands from her face, before she sits up, kissing her lips.

Dahlia's a little shocked then, not expecting that at all, but she quickly composes herself when she remembers her aunt watching them.

"How cute," her aunt tilts her head, smiling at them. "Listen, I hope we can get passed the...disagreement from last night and enjoy this trip. I think we should go play tennis with your mother."

"Then my mother should have come and asked us," Jenna shrugs, her thumb absentmindedly running across Dahlia's ribcage. "Me and Dahlia were actually thinking about going on a hike today."

"Jenna-" her aunt sighs, seeming upset about it.

"I'm sorry, aunt Camila, I just...can't take it. She's awful to me, awful to Dahlia, and for one day of this vacation I'd love some time without that," she tells her calmly, and Dahlia gulps.

"I understand," her aunt nods, breathing out. "She's angry at you both, anyway. I'll try and calm her down before your siblings get here tonight."

"Thanks, Camila," Jenna nods, her hand pressed flat against Jenna's chest. She breathes in deeply, her mind clouded by hormones, among other things. "Can you tell mom? I'd rather not have to."

"Of course," her aunt nods, before picking up their dirty tennis outfits from the floor. "I'll wash these so we can play tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah," Jenna nods, smiling slightly. "Sounds great."

"Have fun today! And don't forget your Siblings are getting in tonight!" her aunt waves over her shoulder, before closing the door behind her. As soon as Dahlia figures the coast is clear, she sits up slightly, making Jenna's hand slide down her abs.

"A hike? With the hangover you have?" Dahlia laughs, looking down at her before getting out to change.

"I wish I was a lightweight-drunker," Jenna shrugs, watching her dress. "But no. I had three-two on the beach, and another with snack bar guy-whose name is Jason, by the way-before you found me."

"Really?" Dahlia asks, pausing her movements and glancing at her to read her face and see if it's true. She quickly focuses back on something else and tries to act like she doesn't care. Which is true. "What'd you guys, like...do?"

"If you have to know, we hung out on the beach and talked for a few minutes when he got off work. He had a family thing, though, so he couldn't stay." she shrugs, sitting up on her elbows. "Why? Are you getting jealous, Dahlia?"

"Of course not," she replies as a matter of factly, pushing her hair back and taking in a breath. "Just making sure none of your family saw you out with some other guy."

"Oh yeah, right," she winks at her teasingly, and she just shakes her head with a laugh.

"So what are we doing today since we aren't playing tennis?" Dahlia clears her throat, changing the topic from this "Jason" guy.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going on a hike," Jenna sits up, yawning as she makes her way to her bag. She whips her head around quickly, looking at her in surprise.

"What? Really?" She asks, watching her pull clean clothes from her back and stack them on her arm. "Even with that hangover? I figured you were just...making something up to get your aunt off your back about tennis."

"Well, yeah, but I do actually want to go on a hike. Besides, I have these," Jenna tells her, shaking a bottle of Aleve and then popping it open and taking two. "It'll suck at first, but in about half an hour it'll have been like I never even downed three Pina Coladas at all."

"Yeah, well I'm not carrying you if you get sick," she shrugs, crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah? And what exactly is it that makes you think I would ever ask you to carry me?" Jenna laughs, narrowing her eyes and waiting for her explanation.

"You know, because I'm so strong and muscular now," she grins smugly, and she takes in a sudden breath as that triggers her memory from last night. "Your words, not mine."

"I was drunk, Dahlia. Trust me when I say it meant absolutely nothing," she tries to laugh it off nonchalantly, but she can tell she's embarrassed about it. Which is odd to see from her since it's so rare. Usually this dynamic is completely the opposite, so she's savoring this sweet, sweet moment. "My mind was practically...mush."

"How does that saying go again? "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts"?" Dahlia shrugs, now seeing why she teases her so much. It's actually extremely fun. "But in this case it's a woman, obviously."

"The fact that you're...you know, sort of muscly is only an observation-not a compliment." Jenna scoffs, shaking her head.

"Mhmm, sure," Dahlia nods and sighs as she goes to her bag to grab her own hiking clothes.

"Don't get all proud and smug, okay? And grow up." Jenna tells her, trying to brush her off. But she can tell it bothers her, which makes her really, really, inexplicably happy.

"I mean, it's just...kind of embarrassing how much you obviously want me, is all," Dahlia sighs, their shoulders brushing as she walks past her to the bathroom. Then, standing in the doorway, she adds, "You know, just a little desperate."

"Okay, mister I-get-a-flustered-every-time-a-girl-looks-at-me," she taunts, and suddenly her mojo is gone. Just like that.

"You know what? That's not even close to true, so I'm just gonna ignore it," Dahlia laughs it off, moving to close the door. Her momentary fun is over, and she's back to her usual torment of her, instead of the other way around.

She just gives her a cheesy smile, before she rolls her eyes and slams the bathroom door.

After brushing her teeth and fixing her messy hair, she opens the door and walks out, heading to her suitcase to grab her sunscreen.

"Really, Dahlia? Aren't you the one annoyed at me for not knocking?" Jenna laughs, and as soon as she looks up, she notices her pulling her bikini strings and tying them together from the back. She doesn't see anything, of course, but she feels jumpy regardless.

"Oh God, I didn't...I had no idea you were, like, naked," Dahlia mumbles out nervously, turning around and rubbing her neck. She takes in a long, deep breath, before swallowing thickly. "Well, not naked naked, but still. I didn't see anything, by the way, I j-"

"It's just a body, Dahlia," Jenna sighs simply, interrupting her rambling by gently punching her in the shoulder as she passes her to go to the bathroom. "Grow up, maybe?"

"I was just trying to be...I don't know, respectful or something," she replies, looking at her in the mirror. She's leaning down, and she glances up at her through the mirror with a smile, before splashing her face with water and dropping the conversation altogether.

"So what's the deal with your siblings? Do you...like them?" Dahlia asks, sitting on the bed while Jenna brushes her teeth and pulls her hair back and moisturizers her face.

"Uh," she hesitates, taking her toothbrush out of her mouth and hesitating-her eyes flickering up to the lights above the mirror in thought. "Yeah."

"Okay," she nods, and even though her answer was vague, she's still surprised she said that about even one family member, let alone two. "Will you tell me about them? I feel like I should know at least the bare minimum since we've been supposed to be dating for the past, like, five months almost."

"Mia's the oldest," she tells her, pausing to spit her toothpaste out in the sink before continuing, "She's my age, and we're in the same year at college. She's...nice. I guess as nice as you can be with a mom like aunt Camila, but still. She got her mom and aunt's passive aggressive comment curse, but it's not quite as bad so it's tolerable.

Then there's Aaliyah, who's a Junior in highschool. She's...not so nice. Perpetual rebellious teen antics, which was there before she was even a teen. Always partying; huge fan of drugs and alcohol. Lot of fun, though, but will inevitably start trouble. And lots of it. Then there's Maria who barely speaks. So there you go-you're all caught up."

"Sounds...interesting," Dahlia nods, and Jenna laughs as she steps back into the room from the bathroom, and then walks over to the kitchenette to grab a water from the mini fridge there.

"Interesting it is," she tells her, tossing her a water bottle too. Then she grabs her bag, and stuffs it full of snacks. "Make sure to be generous with the sunscreen-we don't want a repeat of yesterday."

"Yeah, yeah," Dahlia sighs, sitting up and walking over to grab the sunscreen. She takes her shirt off and applies it all over her body while Jenna slips on some clothes over her bikini. Then, reluctantly, she has to ask her to rub the sunscreen on her back, and then finally they leave the bungalow to go on this hike.

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