Let Me Be Your Badboy (BTS Ji...

By parkjmprincess

60.1K 2.2K 430

Park Jimin is the high school's cassanova. He has slept with at least every single girl in the school whereas... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

5.2K 219 30
By parkjmprincess

Jimin P.O.V

I pulled up my pants and zipped my fly and crouched down to grab my belt. I wrapped it around my waist and tightened it.

"That was great." a flirtatious female voice said. She was sitting on the bathroom floor putting her clothes on. Her hair was damp and messy, her skin was sticky, and her glasses were foggy. It was obvious that she had been sweating, a lot.

"Ne..." I said buttoning my shirt, not really caring about anything she says.

"We should do that again."


I looked in the mirror and attempted to fix my messy hair. With no such luck, I gave up, and grabbed my stuff.

"Jimin..." Hyuna said seductively. She got up from the floor and grabbed my muscled arm. She pulled me closer to her and cupped my cheeks. She reached for my lips and kissed me passionately, like very passionate, with tongue and everything. I thought it was gross, but I went with it anyways.

"Call me." she finished, wiping her lips with a seductive smile.

"Of course I will, Hyuna." I kissed her sweetly on the forehead and left the bathroom.

Yeah right, like that's gonna happen!

I sped walked to the school's exit. I was about to leave when, suddenly, I heard a small yelp. Before I could distinguish where it came from, a loud CRASH, made me jump. I twisted his body to face the auditorium. The doors were open, so I walked towards the entrance. I could see a girl on the stage floor picking up things apprehensively. She had tripped on her own feet and was picking up the things she had dropped. I looked closer to see who it was and smiled when I soon recognized her.

It was the timid girl I had met this morning. I didn't know why but, I suddenly had the great urge to talk to her. I walked down the steps of the auditorium, passing every single seat, when I was finally close to the stage, I yelled out.

"Yah messenger-nim!"

I didn't remember the girl's name, but he did remember her nickname. The girl did a weird twitch thing, with her body. All the things she had just picked up fell back to the floor.

Jeez, this girl's always so tense!

I scratched the back of my head nervously. "Miahe, I didn't mean to scare you."

"I-It's ok." Hyorin said still not facing me. She got up, and scurried to the back of the stage.

I stood there befuddled. I didn't know why this girl had literally ran away from me. I looked around the stage and saw that there were paintings all over it. Large paintings, it was pretty cool. I walked around looking at every painting as if it was an art gallery.

"Daebak!" I said with pure amazement. "Who did this one!" I pointed to a large panel that had an unfinished painting of an autumn forest. Hyorin poked her head out to see what he was talking about.

"That's Yoona's." Hyorin said hiding behind another panel.

"Yoona? Yoona did that? Huh, I had no idea she was the artist type." I looked at her painting a little bit longer. "So where's yours?"

"Uh, I-I don't h-have one."

"Weo? Then why are you here."

"I-I'm cleaning after them."

"Cleaning after them?" I mazed my way to her. "C'mon, don't lie to me. Where is it?"

Hyorin's face was rapidly burning up. I had found her hiding spot. She looks like a puppy that had just met another person beside its master seriously.

"A-Aniyo. Why would I l-lie?"

I gave a breathy chuckle. "I'm not stupid. You have paint on your face and you have a very colorful apron on."

I stared at her for a long time waiting for a reaction. Hyorin's ears were like fire. Her face reflected the image of a tomato. She didn't want to show me her painting, I know. But why? "Look, I can see how uncomfortable you are. I'm not leaving until you show me it."

Hyorin quietly exhaled. "W-Why do you even care so much?"

"Because..." I got closer to her. "I'd like to know more about my messenger."


My mouth nearly hit the floor and my eyes looked like they were going to pop out of my skull. I was clearly in shock.

"Holy shit! You made this!" I flung my arms up in the air. "That's it! I'm done! I officially have no meaning in life!"

Hyorin released a quiet giggle. I heard it and it warmed my heart for some reason. I wonder why?

"I would've never thought you'd be this talented." I truthfully said. "I mean like seriously, this looks godly."

I turned my head to face Hyorin. She wasn't looking at me but at her shoes. It troubled me deeply then again, why? "You know, you never look at me in the eyes."

"I-I do." Hyorin said facing the other direction.

"Nuh-uh, like barely. You're not even looking at me right now."

I walked closer to her, Hyorin slowly took some steps back.

"You don't have to be so scared of me, you know. I'm not gonna do anything to you, you're not my type and besides, the only reason why I'm talking to you is for Mina. If you're gonna do me a favor, I might as well no a little bit about you."

I noticed that she became silent and her eyes were hidden from my view. Her lips turned into a frown and her hand was clutching her school uniform at her chest part. But still, who cares? She's normally like this.

"I'll write the letter to Mina tonight and you'll send it to her tomorrow." I smiled and walked to edge of the stage. "We're gonna make this happen!" I jumped off the stage and landed.

"Oh yeah, uh, what's your name again?"

"H-Hyorin. Kim Hyorin."

"Ne, ne, ne. I'm not very good with names, mianhe." I jogged up the steps of the auditorium. "Annyeong!"

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