A Journey for Six | TMF Fanta...

By Amnyttendi

1.5K 59 17

A group of young teenagers are told to go on a quest to stop a bad king from conquering the villages and the... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Small Update
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

332 8 0
By Amnyttendi

The night was quiet. The dark blue sky with the beautiful white moon and billions of stars shining above. Everything felt peaceful, not for two young teens. The two young teens, aging at 16 and 18, were stuck in the middle of a dark invisible cave. A boy flashed his torch over the piece of paper in front of him as a girl watched over his shoulder.

"No way out..." The boy mumbled

"Wait what?! What do you see!" The girl yelled in his human ear, leaning on his shoulder

You might be wondering, how in the world did they end up in such a situation like this? Don't they have friends to help out? Well, it all started earlier today, in the village of Rosebud...


"Everyone ready to set off?" A teal haired girl asked

"Yes Ma'am!" Her friends said in unison

In the elegant kingdom of Rosemeadow, there is this team called the Rosebud Council. This is a group of young teen mortals being adventurers in certain quests to save their village. The members of this team are:

Jake Sterling, the brave knight...

Hailey Austin, the leader...

Alexzander 'Zander' Wickham, the elf mage...

Luke Peterson, the archer...

Millicent 'Milly' Brooks, the pink-haired demon...

And Sean Everett, the half-breed hybrid

"Uhh, what's our mission again?" Jake asked Hailey while putting his metal sword in his holster.

"According to the queen's right hand, they got the word that a dark king is planning to use a power source to conquer our towns, so it's up to us to stop this. We can't let this happen..!" Hailey explained.

"How far away is this 'dark king'?" Milly raised a question

"I'm not sure, it may take us a few weeks..." Hailey answered back

"Ugh, why that long?!" Milly whined

"Stop whining Milly!" Zander rolled his eyes until he felt a hand on his shoulder, which was his new boyfriend

"Calm down, Zander, there's no need for that..." Luke spoke

"It's not my fault she's acting like a 7-year-old!!" Zander in a sarcastic tone

"Guys, we don't want to waste our time arguing, we're on a strict time limit..." Sean tries to settle things down

"Thank you, Sean, we gotta get moving!" Hailey steps in
"Milly and Sean, here's a copy of the map. You guys take Diamond Lane. We'll meet you at the castle."

"Of course, I get paired with Sean..." Milly looked away, slightly blushing.

"What's wrong with me?" Sean raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing's wrong you fool!" Milly scoffed.

"Milly if you're going to complain, then you can go with Zander and Sean will go with us.!" Hailey declares.

"Hell no! I'm not going with a grape boy, I'm fine with Sean!" Milly walked over, putting her arm around him.

"At least I don't have to deal with two idiots..." Zander said

"I'm right here you know..." Jake noted

"Shut up you prick!!"

"Why don't we all shut up?!" Hailey raised her voice, tired of acting like the mother.

"Me and Milly should probably get going..." Sean changed the subject

"Be careful out there, contact us if you need help." Hailey swung her backpack over her shoulder.

Milly and Sean soon took their assigned route while Zander led the others to their route named Roswich Road to begin their journey. You might think the demon and the hybrid will get along very well, but you're kind of wrong about that.

People don't know that Zander and Milly shared the same energy, specifically the negative energy while Luke and Sean shared the positive and calm energy. Sean and Milly can get into small arguments about whether the issue is huge or not, which could mean why Hailey made them go together to fix their relationship. They are good friends, it's just that sometimes they don't get along like they can't stand each other. There is one thing that their friends don't know, which is that they are slowly developing feelings toward each other.


Now, here they are. Trapped inside this deep cave for probably hours without any light or oxygen from the outside world. Their only way of communication is to write a letter and have a bird transport it to them, but they can't since there seems to be no way out...

"The rocks seem to be hard for anyone to push against.." Sean examined the cave's rocky gray walls.

"Psst really?! I bet I can move them with just one punch!" Milly laughed as she cracked her knuckles

"I'm telling you in a calm way that's a bad idea..."

"Oh, now it's my fault we are in this cave?! You're the one with the map!"

"You basically lend us here in the first place!" Milly turned around as she sat crisscrossed on the ground

"This is the right path, Milly! We got sent here for a reason!"

"Well maybe look at the map again! You're the brains remember!"

"Alright fine, if it makes you happy..." Sean looked at the map one more time and noticed that she was right, they went the wrong way

"Well, nerd? Was I finally right this time?" Milly said sitting in a very weird position that the writer can't explain

"Apparently Yes...I must have gotten confused when I saw that path that got divided into two before"

"Ha told you! Now, are you finally gonna show us where the RIGHT path is?"

"I could, if we find a way to get out here, or else something bad happens."

"You said those rocks are hard to push against. Do you have an idea to get those rocks out then?"

"Hmm, if only we had a strong force of magic to push them, then no."

"Can't I just push them?! I'm strong, at least above average for a human!"

"Milly I'm afraid you don't have enough strength from your wings to push them."

"Who said I need to use my wings? We are in a cave, Sean! How am I supposed to use my wings in such a small space?"

"Plus you're forgetting my demon blood improves my strength! I was born a tank!"

"Okay, I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't studied about demons in a while..."

"So rude! As a demon, I'm offended that you don't care about my race!" Milly goes to a stone wall and starts to cry

"No Milly, don't cry!! You know I care about your race. I mean, look at me: I'm half human, half wolf hybrid."

"Oh, yeah! Tell me when I can actually use my demon powers you puppy!" Milly continues to cry

"Firstly, I thought I told you not to call me a puppy. Secondly, you can only use them when something powerful like some sort of monstrosity takes over."

"Puppy, we are stuck in a damn cave! We would literally die in here if we don't get out! If I can just use a little bit of my power I can-"

A loud roar could be heard deep inside the cave shaking the stone walls of the caves

"Did you hear that?"

"Uh yes! What was that?! A giant snake, a vampire bat?! A DRAGON-" Milly yelled until her mouth was covered by Sean

"Calm down! It's probably something outside."

"Sean! We can barely hear the wind outside of this cave! Plus that roar sounds too loud to be outside!"

"We are dragon meat, Sean! Dragon Meat!"

"Don't panic!! Just be quiet and hope it goes away..."

The loud roar echoed again making Milly jump into Sean's arms screaming like a high-pitched squirrel

"First time you jumped into my arms, huh?"

Milly's face started to turn a little red before smacking Sean in the face. "Sean! There is no time for flirting! Something is in here with us!"

"Oww!! You didn't have to slap me! We're gonna have to check it out" Sean put his hand on his face as it started to bruise a little

"Are you crazy?! What if it IS a dragon? It's gonna eat us in one chomp! I swear imma become a demon burger!"

"We have no choice, Milly!! Just stay close to me..."

"Fine but I'm running if you get eaten!"



Sean lit his torch and walked down the dark cave with a scared Milly behind him. Milly shouldn't trust Sean about this idea, what if they do die? What would their friends say? Her mind was filled with thoughts, sweating and shaking as Sean tried to comfort her. As they walked, a shiny gleam of light could be seen within the dark cave.

"What is that..?" Sean glanced up ahead

"Is it freedom? At last?" Milly peeked

"I'm not sure, let's see..."

They continued to walk towards the light as they got closer, it was revealed to be a land filled with diamonds and gold, with rubies and silvery jewels.


"Oh my goodness! Where did all of this come from?"

"No idea but we have to take some! This could pay off our debt in real time!" Milly jumped into the piles of goodies splashing around the gold

"Milly, I have a bad feeling about taking these. Wouldn't you say it's a little bit suspicious?"

"But Seany! It's gold, we have to take some! Plus who will come and-"
Loud rumbles could be heard somewhere inside the cave of golds.

"Milly, I think we should get out of here..."

"Alright alright I'm coming- OW!" A large reptilian tail smacked Milly down the pile of gold, crashing into Sean while landing on top of him.

"You okay.?!"

"OW! Yes but- WHAT IS THAT?!" The large green lizard's tail swished toward the two teens but luckily they managed to dodge the tail

"You don't think it's a..." Sean stared at the creature.

"It's a dragon, Sean! A dragon!"
"We are dead meat! I'm a demon burger on a plate!" Milly starts to panic

"You're not! We're gonna have to fight it!!"

"Fight it?! Have you seen its tail?! It was 10 times our size!"

"That may be true but it's either we die trying or die by getting eaten!"

"OH MY GOD SEAN LOOK!" A large green lizard creature could be seen on top of one of the piles of gold.
The large lizard had a handful filled with gold in its giant claws.

"It seems that the big lizard is the owner of all that gold-"

"Yeah, probably just protecting it..?"

"So like can we escape now? I don't wanna be lizard meat..."

"Yeah we can, it doesn't look like it's going to hurt us..."


The two teens ran towards an exit of the cave they quickly found until loud steps could be heard behind them as they turned around and the lizard was right behind them.



The lizard roared, opening its mouth as Milly and Sean continued to run as fast as they could until Milly accidentally tripped over a ruby placed on the floor.


"I'M COMING! HANG ONTO ME!!" Sean grabbed Milly and placed her on his back

Milly blushed a little, holding tightly on his back as the lizard shot venom out of its mouth toward the teens .

"SEAN WATCH OUT!" Sean turned his head around

Sean dodged the venom by ducking and kept on running towards the exit. The lizard roared loudly as it jumped so high that it blocked the entrance of the exit.

"Damn it!!"


The lizard roared running towards them, Sean did an epic 360 turn running into the area filled with piles of gold while they were hiding behind one pile.

"I have an idea!!" Sean's mind brightens up

"What is it now nerd?! Whatever you do, you better hope it works!"

"Imma try to see if I could create a powerful force from this gold."

"Oh yeah, like that is gonna work!"

Sean took a pile of gold and combined them into the golden fire, putting his hands forward to the dragon as the fire shot out.
The dragon roared as the fire hit the dragon's eye making it crash into the piles of gold causing them to collapse.
The piles of gold fell on top of the dragon collapsing the dragon under the gold.

"It worked! Now we can get out of here using this fire!"

"WOOHOO! GO SEANY!" Milly wrapped her arms around Sean giving him a big and tight hug
Sean took one more pile of gold, converting them into fire, and blast a hole into the outside.

"Wait, How come you didn't do that before we were almost killed by a giant lizard?!" Milly recognized

"Well, I can't do it if I have a source of currency near me. It's very efficient." Sean stated

"You are just saying that so you could flirt with me in that damn cave! Whatever puppy, at least we can finally get out of here!"

"I thought we agreed to never call me a puppy!" His face started to blush

"Oh come on! It's cute calling you a puppy! I can't ignore your cute little animal ears!" Milly said, pulling on Sean's wolf ears.

"Hey!! My ears are sensitive!"

"Haha see! You are a puppy! Now come on, let's go before the portal goes away!" Milly jumped through the portal, following behind Sean


The bright yellow portal took the two teens outside in an open area, they were finally out of that endless cave. Somehow, the sky was light blue and the beaming sun was in the middle between some white clouds. The time was right around noon, they had been stuck for at least 5 hours. They realized that they were in some woods with something helpful nearby.

"Milly! Look!" Sean pointed to what was in the distance

"A town! Let's go eat Sean, I'm hungry!" Milly beamed

"Okay, if you say so..."

Milly grabbed Sean's arm excitedly and dash towards the town while trying to not make Sean's trip. They found themselves in the town's streets and scavenging around for a place to eat.

"Huh, that's strange...there's no one here..." Sean noticed there were barely any people out right now

"Hmmm..." Milly looked up at the sky and rubbed her chin

"That is weird...It's still datime, where could everyone be?"

Sean soon heard some slow music around as his wolf ears twitched, indicating the strong source of hearing he has.

"Wait, I hear something..."

"What is it, puppy?" Milly asked

"I hear some music...coming from that building over there."

"Well, let's go! What are we waiting for?"


Milly walked behind Sean, pushing him with her hands toward the building. From the outside, it looks inviting, pleasant, and snug. Soft Wooden planks and tree trunks made up most of the building's outer structure. It was difficult to see through the small, curtained windows, but the hustling and bustling from within can be felt outside. It turns out it was a bar.

Sean was a little flustered of what Milly did to him. As they enter the bar through the well-crafted, wooden door, many aromas of sweat and alcohol hit them. The people inside did not have a friendly face at all, just a whole bunch of taller and buff men, glancing and staring at them. The teens walked the wooden floor so awkwardly that they didn't notice that they were holding hands.

"Let's hope we don't attract too much attention..." Sean's tail was shaking a little

"Just shut up and act normal, pretend they don't see us," Milly muttered at him

They managed to get to the front counter as a bartender was wiping a small shot glass up, looking at the teens with a strange look.

"Hey, bartender! Haha..! What is going on..?" Milly awkwardly waved

"Well...well...what have we here? A bunch of little whittle kids.." The bartender responded

"What you say, Paul?!" Milly found a chair, ready to fight the bartender until Sean stopped her.

"Milly stop!! We can't do that."

Sean heard the room get quiet as he turned around and saw that everyone else was looking at them and that's when he felt extremely anxious.

"Woah there kid, calm down. You two do realize y'all are at a bar right? You are way too young to drink anything here.." The bartender stated

"Uhhh actually...we're not here to drink...we came here hoping you have some food for me and my friend." Sean calmly said

"Huh...well, you have any money? I don't give free charity to little kids, you know."

"Oh yes of course!" Sean reached into his small pouch, pulling out 10 gold coins. (In this universe, it's enough for one meal)

"Mmm, that can only get you a small portion of a meal."

"Hold on, I got this! Here! 20 gold coins!" Milly slammed a pocket of 20 gold coins on the counter.

"Really Milly?" Sean faceplammed

"What? I'm a big girl and big girls need a big meal! Two orders of the big burgers and fries please and keep the change!" The bartender sighed but nodded, grabbing the 30 gold coins and going to the kitchen to make the meals.

"Yeah, I can tell." Sean chuckled a little as they sat down at a table.

The two were busy talking that they didn't realize a tall buff man, probably the biggest man in the whole bar, was standing above them.

"This isn't good..." Sean said to himself

"OH uh...hey big guy! Nice bar huh.?!" Milly approached in a friendly way

"Milly, I don't know if you know this, but it looks like he's about to beat us up..." He whispered

"Well, let's just hope he is a nice guy...despite his looks..." She whispered back

"Hey, you two look very familiar..." The tall man said

"Oh...haha! We do?!"

"Yeah...you look like those two adventurers from that one town..."

"Haha! Well, we do adventure a lot, right Seany?" Milly sweated, hitting Sean's shoulder

"Yeah...we sure do..." Sean sweated as well

The tall guy began to crouch down and stare at Sean eye to eye, making Sean sweat even more.

"Say...are you a hybrid by any chance..?"

"Uhh...yeah, I'm a wolf hybrid..." The tall man looked at his ears and his medium-length tail, slightly hanging out the edges of the chair.

"Ah, I see...I fight creatures like you..." The tall man grabbed his giant axe

"Oh no..." Sean felt frightened because it reminded him of something

"Hey! Leave him alone! He is really tired right now and doesn't want to fight!" Milly stood on the chair she was sitting on, yelling in the tall man's face as he burst out laughing.

"Milly, what are you doing?"

"Wow little lady, you have some confidence. By the looks of it, you seem to be a demon...that explains your cocky attitude..."

"What did you call me?!"

"Milly, I think we should leave..."

"Two courses of big burgers and fries are ready!" The bartender came up, placing two plates on the table Milly and Sean were at

"Hey! Tall man! Leave the kids alone, will you?" The bartender told the tall man as he scoffed and walked away

"Oh, thank you for that..." Sean thanked

"It's no problem, it's an everyday hobby for my bar. Plus, I don't want you kids to get hurt even though both of y'all are adventurers."

"Thanks, bartender!!" Milly grabbed a handful of fries and eating them

"Dang, You must have been hungry!"

"I have been starving since we got stuck in that cave! I swear!"

"Don't worry, I believe you! Not gonna lie, I was a little hungry as well..."

"Well, aren't you gonna eat, puppy? Don't need to just sit there and stare into space..."

"It's just that I get kinda nervous when eating in front of people..."

"Oh, we can take it to go if you want!"

"No, it's fine, I can deal with it. Besides, we both need a break..."

"We really do, I'm still traumatized about that dragon.."

"I'm so sorry Milly, I should have been paying more attention..."

"It's cool! I forgive you!"

"Thanks Mills.."

"Of course, now eat your damn food before it gets cold!"

"Alright Alright!"

End of Chapter 1


A/N: Hey Y'all! I have created this new fanfic for all of you! I do believe I won't ditch this because I love fantasy and it makes me feel motivated.

You can expect a new chapter every 3-5 days, depending how long is it and my roleplaying partner if they're willing to continue.0

Before you say anything, I do in fact ship Milly x Sean so in this story, it will start as platonic and it will get romantic. If you do not support this ship at all, I will gladly ask you to not read this book for that matter because the last thing I want to see is hate. However, it will not focus on just Seally, it will also focus on other ships like Lander and Jailey, and some more platonic ships you'll see later on!

Well, that's about it! See you in the next chapter!! ❤️

3541 words

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