They don't know about us ~ Jo...

By nellynorris

107K 1.4K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... More



2.4K 30 17
By nellynorris

"No, let me go last!" Harry shouts as he walks off to do the challenge first. "Just jump over the dog. Jump over it." Billy tells him. "Billy man, are you stupid?" Holly questions as she turns to look at him. "No." He shakes his head. "Alright." She nods turning to look at Harry.

"This is gonna be fucking priceless." Holly smiles as the countdown begins. "Ohh he's off. Not faster than the dog tho. Shit did that just bite his hand, that is well deserved. Well done doggo!" Holly claps her hand, as the dog brings Harry to the floor.

"How the fuck, are you not shitting yourself right now?" Rachel turns to look at the girl. "It's just, not scary." She shrugs. "Stand up Harry!" Billy shouts, making Holly double over in laughter.

"Fucking hell Bill, your so clueless sometimes." She shakes her head, gaining composure. "Bro, it actually merked me, it actually got me."
Is the first thing Harry says when he walks over to the housemates.

"Oi Harry, we can never do our handshake again, I'm never handshaking you again." Billy shakes his head, wiggling his finger. "Bro, honestly, bring your hands in. That's sketchy. And, it's way faster than you think." Harry explains.

"He nearly got his had taken off." Chip explains.

"It was fucking hilarious tho." Holly laughs, walking into the room. "And before you ask, everyone's doing my head in upstairs. You two, Grace and Liv are the only people I can tolerate at this moment of time." She nods, walking behind the chair.

"Hello, Holly." Max winks at the girl, but all he gets was a thumbs up.

"You know, once I saw that I was like yeah well, I'm not doing that." Chip shakes his head.

"But you did." Max and Holly say at the same time, turning to fist-bump each other.

"But, I did it anyway." Chip nods.

"So shush." The two others simultaneously say again.

"Man, we're like the same person." Holly smiles, looking at the camera.

"I don't like this teaming up by the way. It's rude." Chip looks between the two.

"Are you good!" Holly shouts to Chip when she sees him move his head around. "Am I good? No, no." He turns to look at her, shaking his head.

"You can do this,  just run." She encourages. "Yeah, no shit!" He shouts to her, turning to look straight ahead when the countdown starts.

"Shit, and he's off." Holly laughs when Chip starts to run. "And he's down, with a dog attached to his ass. Exactly what he didn't want." Holly breathes out between laughs.

"Oh, he done it again. You greedy little bastard. Let me get to that orange pole!" He shouts trying to crawl. "Let me go! Let me go!" He repeats still trying to crawl.

"That wanted your cake." Holly pats Chip's shoulder when he walks over to the group. "Nah, that's all for you." He jokingly says, sending her a wink.

"I'm joking guys." He holds up his hands, as he looks around the housemates. "Hmmm." Liv, Grace and Ilyas nod. "Right it's your turn now." Chip pushes Ilyas. "Guys, pray for me." He shakes his head, walking away.

"But I hurt my ankle, I fell over when the dog hit me. But yeah, I'll be alright." Chip shakes his head.

"Nah well-deserved man." Max nods.

"Everyone fell over when the dog hit them." Holly scoffs.

"You didn't." Max points to the girl.

"That's because I'm a woman, who has a twenty-five-year-old brother, which jumps on her like he's twenty years younger. I can handle a little dog." Holly laughs.

"Holly's gonna give me a massage, a little therapeutic bath and shit." Chip tells Max, as he rubs his shoulders.

"Say that word again." Max tells the curly-haired man.

"Massage?" He answers unsurely.

"Therafufic? Therafuphic." Max turns to the two behind him, who are pissing themselves with laughter. "Whatever the hell you just said." He shakes his head.

"Therapeutic." Chip and Holly tell Max how to say it.

"Therapeutic. Yeah, yeah, that's the one." Max looks at the camera.

"Come on, Ilyas!" Kate claps her hands as the countdown starts. "Bro, why do these dogs not get tired of this screaming?" Billy complains.

"Because it's territorial behaviour Bill, fear and anticipation of a perceived threat." Holly shrugs when she looks at him. "How do you know that?" Billy turns to her.

"I'm a dog person. I have a dog, my boyfriend got it for me." She looks down. "I'll get you another dog." Billy places his hand on her shoulder. "Wait, will you actually?" She looks up quickly.

"No, are you fucking kidding." He laughs, shaking his head. "Alright then, fuck you." She turns to look at Ilyas. "Yes, Ilyas!" Holly claps her hands as the dog brings him down.

"Yes! Yes!" Chip jumps up and down, along with Kate "That was crazy, the fall was mental." Harry laughs. "And he's still bloody crawling." Holly nods. "Keep going! Keep going!" Chip shouts to him.

"That's the third pole, I swear." Chip points to where Ilyas is. "It has to be." Holly nods her head, as the dog is pulled off the man. "Man, he ain't hurt is he?" Holly asks, as Ilyas just lies on the floor.

"No, it's just, really fucking hard to stand up with them on." Chip shakes his head, looking down at her. "Well done Ilyas!" Holly shouts as he walks over to the group.

"Your moving like the dog bro." Billy hugs him after he jumps on Liv and Destini. "Right, I'm shattered." Ilyas holds his heart. "It can't be that bad, right?" Holly asks.

"Holls, it's so much harder than you think. And you think it's going to be a piece of cake. It's not a piece it's the whole bloody thing." Ilyas scoffs looking at her. "Too bad it ain't my turn." She replies.

"You've got it, girl." Holly clicks her finger when Rachel is told to go. "Big batty gyal." Destini says as Rachel gets ready to run. "I can still see her nyash in that suit, as well." Billy nods, making Holly laugh.

"She has a nice ass, I won't lie." She shakes her head. "She's off! And she's down, after just two steps." Holly doubles over in laughter. "That is fucking hilarious." She covers her mouth. "She face-planted as well!" She shouts, falling to the ground.

"Is she alright?" Liv looks to Chip, who's just staring at his girlfriend on the floor, dying of her own laughter. "She'll be fine, hopefully." He smiles admiring her. "That's minus points!" Billy shouts looking at the camera.

"Billy she's on your team." Holly breathes out, looking up at him from the floor. "That's not minus points!" He realises, looking back up at the camera.

"This thing heavy you know!" Rachel looks at the housemates before the countdown starts for her again. "Wow, she made it an extra eight steps than last time." Holly laughs, sitting cross-legged on the grass. "This shit's heavy as fuck!" Rachel shouts before she's helped us from the floor.

"Ahh, I'm gonna die." Grace says when she's told it's her turn. "Ahhh, what the fuck?" Grace looks down when someone trips her up. "It's practice." Holly shrugs, smiling up at her.

"You bitch." She points at her. "Yeah, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna put my whole pussy into it." The blonde girl nods, walking away. "You've got this Grace." Rachel encourages.

"Ahhhh, oh my god!" Grace shouts, when she turns around to look at the dog. "This girl, why'd she look behind her?" Holly whispers, shaking her head.

"Keep going! Keep going!" Harry shouts at Grace after the dog takes her down. "Fucking hell, Harry you dickhead! The dogs got a hold of her! How's she gonna move?" Holly shouts to him.

"One point, but still." Destini says, as Grace high-fives Max. " I mean, it didn't get your tit." Holly shrugs. "Nah, that was actually the worst thing I've ever done in my life. Look at my hair." Grace points to it, making people laugh.

"About fucking time. Help me up." Holly holds her hands out, for Chip to grab. "Good luck." The man smiles, as he grabs her hands and pulls her up. "I'm gonna ace this." She laughs, walking off. "Why're you all laughing?" Holly asks as she turns around to the housemates.

"You've got a wet patch on your ass." Grace laughs, pointing to the leggings the brunette was wearing. "For fucks sake." She huffs, shaking her head as she walks to the challenge.

"I get what you mean now Rachel! It's fucking heavy!" She turns to shout at the girl. "It's fine tho, though you've got this!" Rachel holds her thumbs up. "I've got this." Holly nods looking forward.

"Just run, pretend you're running away from Harry when you sold a bunch of his good FIFA cards. It's no biggie." Holly takes a deep breath. "Ready whenever you are!" Holly shouts, right before the countdown starts.

"And I'm off." Holly starts legging it when it's time to start. "Fucking hell, she's off." Kate says. "She was on the track team, back in the day." Chip smiles, proud of his girlfriend.

"How's she doing better than you lot?" Max turns to the group. "I mean, it's Holly, she does a lot of things better than most of us." Ilyas shrugs, making everyone agree. "Bruv, she's still going!" Billy holds his hands up, as the dog bites down on her arm.

"Ahhh, hello then." Holly smiles, looking down at the dog. "Shit I'm dragging it." Holly stops running, stroking the dog on the head.

"How the fuck has she just done that?" Billy holds his hands, above his head. "She's a dog whisperer, I swear down." Grace scoffs.

"What's his name?" Holly looks up to the man, who's come to take the dog away. "Ozzie." He replies. "Ahh, hello Ozzie. Are you a good boy?" Holly says in a playful tone, stroking the dog behind the ears.

"Ahhh, yes you are." She smiles as the dog barks. "Be careful with him, won't you?" Holly stands up, as the man takes the dog away. "I will do dear, don't worry about him." He smiles walking away.

"Can I take this shit off now?" Holly shouts, holding her arms out. "I'm boiling, after that." The brunette fans herself as she walks to the housemates. "Why are you all staring at me, like that?" Holly breathes out.

"What?" She shouts, making everyone clap. "Please stop clapping I don't like this attention." She itches her head.

"I mean, I don't see what I did that was so amazing?" Holly asks looking at the camera.

"Your kidding? One you bossed that, two as I've already said, the dog didn't even take you down, and three you became friends with the dog." Max lists off, holding a finger up for each reason.

"Yeah, the dog was cute, I didn't even feel the weight of the dog, and Ozzie was cute okay? I had to befriend it." She shrugs. "Anyways, I smashed it and did better than everyone else." Holly smiles and winks at the camera.

"I mean, personally, I feel like I did better than you." Chip holds up his hands.

"Fuck off, the dog got a great bit of your cake. I'm really hungry, do we have any pickles in the fridge?" Holly gets off the subject.

"I don't think so." Max shakes his head.

"Any Ritz crackers, then?" She turns to chip.

"No, I think Ilyas ate the rest of them earlier." Chip scratches his head.

"Of course he did. Sug..." Holly gets cut off by Sugarlips.

"I already have it sorted, pickle and a packet of Ritz should be there soon for you Holly."

"I love you more and more everyday Sugar." Holly smiles, blowing a kiss to the screen.

"I'll do it." Liv says, as the groups are given the choice to let one of their non-runners run and double their points. "Come on Liv." Holly smiles hugging the girls as she walks back.

"You've got this, just pretend you're running away from Max and he's trying to kiss you." Holly makes a scenario up, off the top of her head.

"That'll make me run fast." She laughs walking off. "She's shitting herself." Holly shakes her head, watching Liv. "Oh no! Is the dog okay?" Holly shouts as Liv falls on top of it after it brings her down. "It's okay!" The man shouts back. "That's good!" Holly nods, letting out a breath.

"Double points!" Liv shouts, bringing Holly into a hug. "I'm proud of you, you didn't hurt yourself did you?" She asks concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine." Liv nods.

"That's good, I was worried for the dog as well." Holly says, looking at the dog behind Liv. "What, more worried than you were for me?" Liv asks her. "Yes." Holly laughs, receiving a small smack from the football freestyler.

"Oh, hello there." Holly laughs, looking at Chip as he joins in the hug. "Ello darling." He says in a high-pitched voice. "Group hug." Holly says as Ilyas and Kate join the hug. "Wait, Destini." Liv reminds everyone. "There she is." Chip says, as Destini comes over and hugs everyone.

"Liv did pretty well." Max looks at Chip and Holly. "No, she didn't." He shakes his head when Chip made a sound, making Holly laugh.

"Hey, don't be rude." Holly taps Max's head after she stops laughing. "I think she did outstandingly." Holly smiles, looking at the camera.

"I swear to god, my whole ribs are hurting. I generally can't do it." Max holds his hands up. "Are you aware of how many points you got?" Chip asks Holly.

"No, how many did I get?" She looks up at him. "Five, five points." He informs her holding that many fingers up. "Your kidding." She covers her mouth. "Nope, well done." He smiles, bringing her into a hug.

"Billy, you should do it. You said it'd be funny earlier." Holly speaks up, Chip's hands around her shoulders. "Don't you think Billy should do it, Chipo?" She looks behind at her boyfriend. "Yeah, come in Bill." He smiles.

"Bro, obviously I don't wanna, but I have to. Why are you asking if I want to, obviously, you didn't give me a choice. Man said do I want to? Wh... Who wants to? Who wants to die?" Billy says, making everyone clap.

"Nah, I respect that." Harry shakes the man's hand. "Yeah, I respect that, good shirt man." Max holds up his hand for a handshake as well. "Bro, I don't need your handshakes man, let me just get it over and done with man." Billy waves him off.

"There you go, bro." Holly smiles, taking Max's hand into hers. "I love you. You're my sis now." He smiles, bringing her into a hug. "Watch the ribs." Max reminds her, as she hugs his waist. "Shit I forgot sorry." She apologises, letting go of him.

"Mans not even waiting until the countdown." Holly laughs, watching billy take a few steps forward. "Shit, wa... wait, pause. Pause stop!" Billy rushes out, gaining composure. "You've got this Billy!" Holly claps, as the freestyler starts to run.

"Come on Bill!" Holly encourages the man, right before he falls on the floor, the dog grabs him by the side. "His screams sound like JJ when he laughs." Holly looks up at Chip. "They actually do." Chip nods, agreeing with her.

"That was so good!" Grace shouts as she claps her hands. "Billy, man. You did fantastically." Holly praises him. "Thanks, Holl's." He smiles, walking over to the group. "Yes, Billy." Grace says.

"It's the thought that counts." Harry nods. "He needs to shut up." Holly rolls her eyes. "He did make it quite far though." Ilyas points out. "Nah, he did well look. He got like three points." Harry points to the poles.

"He actually got to the third one." Ilyas counts the orange checkpoints. "Hey excluding Holly, you made it the furthest bro." Ilyas informs the freestyler.

"Billy I'm actually so fucking proud of you right now, it's bringing a tear to my eye." Holly smiles, pretending to wipe a fake tear away.

"Are you chatting about Harry?" Holly asks the blonde girl, as she walks into the bedroom. "Yeah, oh my god Holly, I'm so happy you punched him. I was close to." Grace grabs the girl's arm, and pulls her down.

"No, because what the fuck, he sneezed all over me this morning. Like BFFR what does that spell? Be fucking for real." Holly scoffs. "Nah, yesterday yeah, I was eating my breakfast, and he kept talking and getting his spit all in my food." Grace explains, making Holly cover her mouth in disgust.

"I don't really like to chat shit about people in groups like this, I say it to their faces when they're pissing me off, more, so, punch in Harry's case. But, that what you just told me is fucking vile." She shakes her head, standing up. "I'll see you, girls, later." She waves bye, as she passes Liv on the way out.

"Do you two have hate comments?" Max turns to the couple who are talking. "Do we get hate comments?" Chip questions, looking at the nineteen-year-old.

"You don't read them, do you Chip?" Grace asks. " I don't really read them, her, however." Chip suggests, pointing to the brunette next to him.

"Fuck off, I don't read many of them, as much now." She closes her eyes, hitting her boyfriend's hand away from her. "If you do, what are they about?" Max wonders.

"Ahh, it'll just be some bullshit, like Chips annoying or something." He shrugs his shoulders, wiping his eye. "But, I feel like that's an easy card tho init." Grace says.

"Yeah, it's just easy. Just some pe... Not everyone is going to like you, init? So, you just gotta remember that." Chip tells Max.

"Yeah, you shouldn't give a shit what anyone says." Holly picks her fingernails. "What about you." Max points to the girl. "Oh, I get loads." She scoffs.

"Yeah, but what sort of messages are they?" Max leans forwards, to look at the girl. "Oh, like, your so clapped, none of the sidemen like you, your the least favourite Lewis sibling. Like okay I understand. But, just like Chip has said, not everyone's gonna like you, I don't care." Holly scoffs.

"Like if I'm so ugly, how have I bagged the second fittest person to ever walk this Earth? And the Sidemen actually love me, I can prove it, if you want me too." She shrugs.

"Plus I didn't ask for your opinion, Harry's the better sibling everyone can collectively agree on that like, there's just no point in trying to make people feel bad about themselves." Holly rants scoffing.

"Wait, can we go back to how you've bagged the second most fittest person in the world?" Chip turns to her quickly. "Jeez don't give yourself whiplash man, and I've already told you this. Hailee Steinfeld is the fittest person of all time." Holly scoffs.

"Calm down girl, it was just a simple question." Chip laughs. "I think with you, is that you're a bit like marmite. People are either gonna love you, or they are gonna hate you." Harry nods.

"Bro, regardless, the fact that everybody is talking about you is a good thing bro." Billy explains. "Yes exactly, it's not a bad thing bro. It's not a bad thing." Harry shakes his head. "What's Grace laughing about?" Holly asks Chip, as her eyes are closed.

"She's trying to get some blackheads from Max's face I think." He tells her looking down at her. "Stop looking." She smiles, still picking her nails. "How'd you know?" He questions. "Holly senses." She opens one eye and looks at him.

"Miss gurl, stop doing that." Chip shakes his head, wedging his fingers In-between them. "I'm going to sleep." Holly yawns rolling over to her side.

Authors note:

I'm so tired! It's officially the weekend! So, I'll be writing a lot.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What was your favourite moment?

I'm loving how Max and Holly are like brother and takes nine of his crap.

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