Son of Darkseid

By VgNishiki

85.8K 1.3K 479

What would have happened if another kryptonian besides Kal-EL and Kara zor-el had been sent to earth but by a... More

Training to become a God
A new God is born
League of Justice
The last training
The war Start
Fight between Gods
A Normal Life
A second chance
A new member in the family
A bomb of Laughter
Unexpected visit
Flash War Vol.46
Flash War Vol.47
Flash War Vol.48
Flash War Vol.49
Flash War Vol.50
Justice League vs Suicide Squad
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.2
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.3
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad Vol.4
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.5
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.6
Old Gods
Old Gods-Lust and Power
Old Gods-Declaration of War

Old Gods-First Contact

523 15 4
By VgNishiki

-You cannot stop me!
Nothing can!


Fire, fire succumbed that place where they reigned for countless years in flames. How was it possible for her, a goddess, to be in this deplorable state? Crawling in the mud looking for a place to hide. She was Athena! She was...

A shadow loomed over her, there was no hope that it was one of her brothers, this monster was unstoppable.

Athena: [Laugh] So you're done with Ares. I never thought I'd see him defend Olympus, [Sound Of Pain] what a terrible evil that damn witch has brought to this place!

???: I warned you. To you and all of your kind. You would not listen to me with words and these are the consequences.   

Athena: Save your sermon. If you are going to kill me just do it.

He knelt down and lifted the chin of the goddess.Even with all the mud and blood she looked beautiful.

???: There is a way to end this without spilling more blood of the Olympians.  He sent you here to die.  Help me get to him.

The goddess looked into his eyes, those blue eyes that made her feel confused, the words of this god spoke the truth.

Athena: After all this, do you expect me to trust you?

Dav-Vel: Trusting me is the only thing you have left. Once I have him in front of me it will only be between me and him. From the beginning it was and still is, you were just only in way.

Athena: I...I will-

2 days earlier

Venus: Impressive isn't it ?  Myths say that she was the most beautiful goddess in the world. Mortals worshipped her from Paphos, to Ishtar and Astarte. Her greatness was spread over many parts of the world as well as those of her siblings.

Dav-Vel: I have read about her and the others.

Venus:  Tell me what do you think about them?

Dav-Vel: They were pathetic.

Venus: Oh? Would you mind explaining to me why ?

Dav-Vel: Their government was weak. The mortals followed children who threw tantrums when they didn't get what they wanted. And Zeus is disgusting in my eyes. How many women and men did he hurt physically and mentally ?

Venus: Fair enough. Lest move to the next painting.

by: LinZArcher

Venus: Isn't she beatiful? Do you have any impression of her?

Dav-Vel: I have read her myths. It is said that she was generous to those who venerated her but those who insulted her paid dearly.

Venus: A fair deal in my opinion.

Dav-Vel: Perhaps. Many Olympians were like that. Even Zeus sometimes. But how many atrocities did they do for their own benefit or because they were angry or jealous? .... But in the end who am I to judge?

Venus looked the man in the eyes she could see the fury when he spoke of the gods. He was partly right. When she and the other Olympians wanted to be cruel they really could.

Venus: But not all is cruelty in their myths, there are times when they are as vulnerable as we mortals are.

The conversation continued through the many paintings showing various pictures of the gods of Olympus.

Venus: Tell me do you believe they existed?

Dav-Vel: Who knows? In this world full of people who can shoot laser beams out of their eyes and fly, you never know. Wonder Woman is proof of that, she's an Amazon.

Venus: Any opinion about her?

Dav-Vel: No.

Venus:[Laugh] Let me ask you something.

The walk came to a painting in which several gods were prostrating themselves showing the high respect that mortals had for her.

Venus: If you were a god what kind of god would you be?  how would you stand out from the rest, what would you do to make mortals worship you with pure and sincere love?

Dav-Vel: Nothing.

Venus: Just nothing? You would have eternal youth and power beyond Imagination.

Dav-Vel: I don't want to be one. It is a burden and a curse that can cost you a lot. It can leave you scarred for life not only to yourself but to those around you. It's a life of misfortune, prophecy and death. I don't want those around Me suffer because just of my mere existence.

Venus: Everything is written, even their deaths. Even if they fought to change their destiny, what difference would it make if that decision would lead to their death?

Dav-Vel: Everything that is written can be rewritten even destiny. And to answer your question , Perphaps they didn't try hard enough

Venus: [Laugh] You can be very naive you know that?

Dav-Vel: Not naive. I just see the reality of things. Fighting to choose your own destiny is better than accepting a written death.

The beautiful blonde approached him and put both hands on his chest, her touch was strange it made him feel uncomfortable. They met only a week ago and this woman was very attached to him.

Venus: That's what I like about you, you're so stubborn.

Something bad had happened. A lot of screaming and a loud explosion with several tremors. Close to the golf of Mexico

Dav-Vel: I must go.

Venus: So soon? I thought we were having fun.

Dav-Vel: I remembered I had something to do today.

The blonde watched as her companion left her sight, slowly and surely she approached the window and watched as something flew off into the sky quickly causing her to break into an evil grin.

Venus: Go and save the day, let's see what you are made of destroyer.


His communicator began to ring in his ear. He assumed that the league was also aware of the situation on the island of San Baquero

Martian Manhunter: I guess you must be in San Baquero by now. Some heroes and many League Volunteers are evacuating the inhabitants.

Dav-Vel: What do you need me to do?

Martian Manhunter: Do you know how to stop an erupting volcano?

Dav-Vel: I'll figure it out.  I will give the evacuation time, don't waste it. By the way Where's Superman?

Martian Manhunter: I was hoping to ask you the same question.

Dav-Vel:  He should be helping with the evacuation by now.

Martian Manhunter:  I tried to contact him. There was No response.

The new god concern increased. He had to be the first to reach the island. This was not like him.

Dav-Vel: Try again until you locate him. Tell Kara to get ready, I have a plan.

Looking at the island from the sky he could see the chaos below as the evacuation continued they needed to act fast.

Wonder Woman: We're here I assume you have a plan.

Dav-Vel: I just asked for Kara what are you doing here?

Wonder Woman: An extra hand wouldn't hurt. Now do you have a plan or not?

Kara could only see the hostility that these two were emanating. It was no secret to her that her beloved did not get along with Wonder Woman.

Dav-Vel: We'll keep the volcano from exploding for a while. We'll give you time. Don't fall behind.

Without a second thought they  jumped into the volcano and entered the lava. Making multiple tunnels around , keeping it at bay was the only thing they could do.


For several minutes he was making ducts trying to keep cool down the insides but his thoughts were still on Kal-El.

Something must have happened and his concern grew by the minute the more he thought about it. Maybe Kara knew of his whereabouts. It wasn't appropriate to use the communicator to ask a question like this  in this situation but he really was worried.

Dav-Vel: Kara, are you there?

Kara: Oh hey! Your plan is working! If we keep going like this the evacuation will be over before it erupts.

Dav-Vel: Where's Superman?

Supergirl: What? I thought you would know. I thought it was weird that he wasn't here.

Dav-Vel: So you don't know neither.

Supergirl: Nope. I'm sure he's fine. It's him, nothing in this planet can put him in danger. 

Dav-Vel: Thats-

It all happened in slow motion, something had come out of the right side of the stone wall, whatever it was, It was hungry for battle the beast and him  began to fall into the depths of the volcano.


A strong rumbling caused the whole area to tremble. The inhabitants panicked, making things more complicated.

Flash: Please calm down, there is room for everyone.

Barry was very nervous as the giant cone in front of him looked more and more intimidating as the fireballs flew out of the top of the cone. Luckily the red tornado was in the air preventing the flaming rocks from falling on the people.

Vincent: Don't worry, we'll get everyone out.

Barry looked at his partner, being so stressed he had gotten lost in thought and hadn't noticed her.

Flash: It's not that, it's just that it's really uncomfortable to be so close to that thing. It could explode at any moment.

Vincent: Afraid you can't outrun the explosion?

Flash: Ha! Please I can do it with my eyes closed. Hmm...Whatever those three are doing in there is working.

Red Tornado: Not by much. The volcano is destabilizing. The tremors are getting stronger and the lava is already in the jungle. We have to get the refugees to safety.

Flash: I will go around the island to see if there are any people left behind.

Vincent: Again? didn't you hear red here?! we have to go.

Flash: You can never be sure. Go if you have to. I can beat the blast.

Flash left inmidiatly to look for more persons.

Vincent: This guy....

Solid ground, he hoped the fall didn't make things worse out there, he wasn't at the bottom but he had reached some area where the flaw of the lava  was just touching his feet.

But all his attention was on what was around him. As far as he could see they were some kind of half-man beasts ? Bulls. And lava was coming out of their mouths from various parts of their bodies. In a few words mosnters.

Dav-Vel: What kind of abomination are you?

One of the many beasts responded with a roar and lunged at him raising its axe with killing intent. He easily caught the blade of the axe and to give a strong blow to the demon in front of him causing all the other monsters to throw themselves against him.

One by one they were falling, these animals threw themselves with only one intention against him to kill.

One of the beasts even managed to hit him in the cheek with its axe, taking him by surprise and leaving a small wound.

Dav-Vel: Magic.

He took the minotaur's head and smashed it against the ground exploding it and he didn't stop there he took the axe and with a strong blow he cut off the head of a group of beasts that came to attack him.

Dav-Vel: Martian. I hope that evacuation is far away from this island.

With a battle cry he rushed towards the bunch of beasts that were in front of him.

He was sure that these monsters were not here by chance, they were surely the cause of the state of the volcano, retreat would be the best option but who was he kidding he was not going to leave a fight half way. And if he was right if they were the cause of all this chaos maybe killing them would save these people's home.


Flash Pov

The speedster had entered the village to see if anyone had been left behind. Every time he saw the volcano it looked like it was about to burst like a piñata.

Flash: Okay, being closer is much scarier.

House by house he checked every corner and hiding place he could so he figured there was no one left in the village.

Flash: Well I guess there's no one here

???: Hello

Barry looked up and saw a little girl up in a palm tree, the girl was full of cuts and her hair was all messed up, Barry felt really bad for the little girl.

Flash: Hello there. How did you get there?

Girl: I climbed the tree.

Flash: I noticed. But why aren't you with your family or the evacuation? This place could explode at any moment?!

Girl: Big bad monsters came through here.

Barry looked at the girl with a lot of concern maybe the fumes from the volcano were making her imagine things he had to get her out of the village and fast.

Flash: Well why didn't you come down?
There's nothing around here anymore.

Girl: I said I knew how to climb but getting down from this palm is another story. Anyway I don't have to worry Superman will be coming for me any minute.

Flash realized it was his time to shine, this girl would meet one of his favorite Justice League heroes. Barry stood up straighter and puffed out his chest and finally put on a heroic pose to give the presentation more drama.

Flash: Don't worry kiddo because something even better has come to your rescue. The Flash!

Girl: Who...?

The little girl looked at Barry for a second, looking from side to side to see if she knew him, but she didn't have the slightest idea who he was.

Flash: The fastest man in the world, I can run around the planet  in minutes.

Girl: Nope.

Flash: Protector of central city?

Girl: Doesn't ring a bell. You must be one of those new heroes around here. Don't worry, you're doing great.

Flash: Ok listen tree girl, I'm not-!

A loud rumbling sound was heard all around the island, slowly flash and the girl looked behind them and realized the state of the volcano.

Girl: I think we should leave.

Flash: I agree.

Barry in the blink of an eye took the girl off the palm of his hand and started walking away from the place with his super speed.


Many of the bodies of the abominations that had attacked him lay around dead, some of them split in half with marks slashes , others with swords and axes stuck in their bodies, he would be lying if he said that this ambush was not entertaining.

His theory was correct too, this eruption was not natural, these things were the reason of it at least it was calming down, these people would not lose their home.

Communicator: Dav-Vel?!

Dav-Vel: It's over.

Communicator: Where have you been? You don't answer your communicator and you don't report what happened?

Dav-Vel: It doesn't matter, it's over, this place is no longer in...

He couldn't even finish the sentence because something very big broke through the wall to his left before he could defend himself the giant's huge hand grabbed him and started dragging him on the ground.

And it didn't stop there, the huge cyclops beast threw him to the ground and with its two long arms began to hit the ground violently.

Communicator: Dav-Vel! What's going on? I'm coming to you.

The beast stopped hitting the ground and looked to where his victim was and to his surprise there was no one there. This confused the beast and it approached the hole that was filling with lava.

A fist came out of the hole and gave a strong blow to the one-eyed beast causing it to fall backwards and the volcano's insides began to collapse further and the eruption continued to worsen.

The giant began to rise and behind him minotaurs began to appear but the Kryptonian's attention was still on the giant in front.

Cyclops let out a loud scream and charged forward as the minotaurs followed him in his attack. Before the beast could attack his target something fast came out of nowhere and hit him from the side, Dav-Vel took the opportunity to hit the Cyclops in the stomach throwing him back to the ground.

Super Girl: Hello dear, do you need help?

Dav-Vel: Much obliged.

Super Girl: Well what are we dealing with?

Dav-Vel: Questions later just kill them.

Both of them launched themselves against the minotaurs, both of them killed whoever got in front of them without giving them a chance to defend themselves.

Super Girl: You know this is not what I expected when you told me you were taking me to dinner a few days ago.

Kara had a minotaur grabbed by the head in a hook with her arms and one came from behind her back and tried to hit him with an axe but before Dav-Vel got there he was able to stop him.

Dav-Vel: Be careful, their weapons have magic.

Super Girl: Please, I was just distracted for a moment, nothing is going to happen to me.

Dav-Vel: These things are the reason the place is about to blow up. Let's not screw it up this place can be saved.

Kara had proven to be a skilled warrior, she was trained by the Amazons and had stood her ground against Darkseid even if she had lost, living to tell the tale was something worth mentioning in the archives of the new gods but her overconfidence was her only problem.

The cyclops had risen and lunged at him again, he easily moved to the side and landed a heavy blow to his jaw, the beast acted without intelligence only using his brute strength as his weapon.

Dav-Vel: Kara we need--

He felt something fall on him, it was those  monsters! All the remaining beastmen began to jump on him, he finished with the ones he could without realizing the Cyclops was behind him and began to crush him with his fist along with the beast without care.

Super Girl:Don't worry I'm-

She stopped from the sudden pain she felt and looked at her waist, there was a sword embedded in it, the pain was horrible and she was confused, she didn't expect a normal sword to hurt her. She couldn't take it anymore and fell to her knees, the pain was unbearable.

Dav-Vel who realized the state of Kara felt an incredible fury and freed himself from all the minotaurs, in the blink of an eye he went to the beast that had pierced Kara with his sword and cut him in half.

The remaining ones he disintegrated with his laser vision, his patience was over.

The cyclops still seeing that his allies were dead went to attack without caring but he didn't get two steps because something was pierced through him. He couldn't even defend himself because his head was cut off.

Dav-Vel: Pathetic.

His concern returned to Kara. He went to her to take her in his arms the sword had done heavy damage. The magic could be a very annoying problem for her and Superman.

Dav-Vel: Do not worry...You are safe with me...

Super Girl: I know...Did we win?

Dav-Vel: Yeah, we did-

The cyclops's body began to convulse, holes began to erupt around the giant's body with a lot of steam and a strong energy coming out of his body.

Wonder Woman:  Hera!

Wonder Woman came to the and saw all the bodies of the monsters, she knew them very well, she fought against them in her time when she faced the god of war seeing the again was a surprise.

Everything was in slow motion for the Kryptonian. Dav-Vel's instincts kicked in and without a second thought, with Kara in his arms, he lunged towards Wonder Woman, grabbing her by the waist to make an escape.

There was no hope for this island, from the beginning it was going to explode no matter what he did, now his only goal was to get Kara out of the place and take her away a small explosion like this wouldn't hurt but he didn't want to find out what it would do to Kara in her present state .

Dav-Vel: I'll get you out of here Kara don't worry-.

Dav-Vel felt something on his leg, he was speechless when he saw many of the beasts still alive but in a deplorable state, they were missing half of their torso and it was a surprise that some of those things were still alive and little by little they were climbing up his leg towards Kara.

Dav-Vel fixed his attention on Wonde Woman and they both stared into each other's eyes and everything around them was gone, no words were exchanged, no signs were exchanged and yet they both knew what had to be done.

He released Kara from his arms, Diana took action and grabbed her in his arms to fly away making her own exit with her own strength looking one last time worried about her partner.

Dav-Vel: I've had enough!

Without any more patience he took the head of one of them and ripped it from what was left of his torso to then use his laser vision to all its might to kill the resto of those monsters without any fear knowing that the place was going to explode anyway.


Palm Girl: Run faster! It's catching up to us!

Flash: I'm trying! But I can't if you've got your hands in my face!

Flash was running through the jungle of the island trying to get to the sea to get far enough away from the explosion that was reaching them, the girl was making his job even harder.

Flash/ Palm Girl: AHHH!

Flash reached the sea overcoming the explosion but the shockwave made him lose his balance causing them both to fall into the water.

Flash: Kid, are you okay?!

Palm Girl: That was awesome! What was your name again?

Flash: It's Flash be sure to remember that name kiddo and by the way told you I'm the fastest man in the world.

Palm Girl: Nah I still think superman beats you.

Flash: What?!? I just saved you in the middle of a volcanic eruption!!!

Palm Girl: Superman could have done that even with more style than you.

Before the argument between the two began a shadow loomed above them both.

Palm Girl: No way, pinch me, I think I'm dreaming, superman is in front of me!

Dav-Vel: Not even close. Who is your friend?

Flash: Oh hey man. I rescued her from a village near the eruption. Before we continue this conversation could you explain to me what the hell is that thing in your hand?

Dav-Vel: Trophy and evidence.

Palm Girl: See! I told you that monster came to my home. That head looks exactly like one of them!.

Flash: Huh...So you weren't hallucinating

Palm Girl: What?

Flash: Nothing! Nothing...


Location: Watch Tower

3:45 AM

His stroll through the halls of the league with a minotaur's head in manl attracted many surprised looks, not that he minded, he had to see Kara immediately he had to make sure she was okay.

Dav-Vel: Blue Bettle!

Blue Beetle: Dude, what is that thing?

Dav-Vel: Take this to Batman right now.

Blue Beetle: What? Why me? Give it to someone else.

Dav-Vel: Now.

Blue Beetle: Ohhh man.

The Kryptonian made his way to the League infirmary, as he advanced the automatic door opened and he found himself face to face with Wonder Woman and John Stuart.

Wonder Woman: You're back! Are you all right? When the volcano exploded I-

Dav-Vel: Where's Kara?

John Stewart: She's in the infirmary. Cyborg is taking care of her, she's stable for now.

Dav-Vel: Do me a favor and look for Superman. Something weird is going on.

His pace was hurried, when he reached the front of Cyborg's lab he felt the door taking forever to open.

Cyborg was analyzing Kara's condition with several holographic computers around him, one of the advantages of being a living computer like him, while she seemed to be unconscious in another room receiving solar energy from some panels.

Dav-Vel: How long until  she recovers ?

Cyborg: It will take time. She's not like you. I received a strange DNA analysis that Batman sent me, what the hell happened there?

Dav-Vel: Beasts, lots of them.

Cyborg: Beast? Were they dormant inside?

Dav-Vel: No... But they were the reason the volcano was active.

Cyborg: Shit... That strange. You shoulg go change,  She'll be fine. I'll personally make sure of her recovery.  For now you have to go with Batman he needs you in the lab whatever you brought has him very interested.


The sample you brought me has both human and Bull DNA. The sword as well as the head emanate certain portions of Magic.

Yes, I could notice the magic. Simple iron sword or axes would not hurt us. What did the victims of the particular village say?

The people of the village were questioned about what happened. They fled away from their village because of these monsters, not because of the eruption.

The eruption started because of them. Were they trying to attack Kara or were they trying to lure us in?

Batman: To what end?

Dav-Vel: I don't know.

Batman: Whatever they were, these things bear a strong resemblance to beasts of Greek mythology.

Wonder Woman: Minotaurs.

The attention of both heroes shifted to the heroine at the entrance of the lab. Who better to give them information about these beasts than an Amazon?

Wonder Woman: I fought them, they are one of Ares' many minions that serve as warriors or cannon fodder.

Dav-Vel: Ares...One of your gods...

Wonder Woman: Indeed. If he was the planner of this attack I don't see what he would gain from it.

Batman: I already contacted Doctor Fate ,  he will help us with the magic around the head and the sword that stabbed Kara.

Dav-Vel: I have a better idea.

Wonder Woman: Where are you going?

Dav-Vel: To find someone who can actually help.

Batman knew who he was talking about, he really didn't like magic at all he belived in science but when it was vital to his research he reluctantly sought help from a magic users but the person Dav-Vel was about to look for was out of conversation.

Batman: There's No need to look for him, Zatana or Fate are enough for the job.

Dav-Vel: I need someone to help me not someone to tell me how dangerous it is to keep investigating either way I was not asking for your permission.

Diana watched as the new god withdrew, with the sword that had been stabbed into Kara, she was worried about him. A strange feeling she didn't think she would have for him.

Sorry for the long wait guys , I hope you enjoy the chapter. (: Thank you for reading this.

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