Cafe 7 Dream (RenHyuck)

De nctizen24

10.9K 441 235

Haechan is in love with Renjun and has been forever. He's flirtatious but losing hope. Renjun is the cafe own... Mais



331 14 6
De nctizen24

⚠️ talk of depression and suicide.

It's now been a full week and a half and every time Haechan asks to hang out with Renjun he's been busy. He's pretty much given up.

Today the cafe is set to close early, all seven are always together. Today is the day that Haechan needs his friends the most. It is on this day, six years before that he held his mothers hand as she lay dying in a hospital bed. He was always close with her and when he was only sixteen he lost her. She struggled for years with her depression and eventually lost the battle. She swallowed a bunch of sleeping pills and by the time his dad got there she was too far gone. They tried. The ambulance came and tried reviving her all the way to the hospital and they were able to keep a faint pulse going. She lay in the hospital for three days on life support before they were able to let go. The pills had already ruined her organs and her brain had no activity whatsoever. With Haechan on one side and his father on the other, her heart stopped beating. He was devastated, broken, he blamed himself and even his father for a couple of years before he finally started to understand the nature of the beast. He had thought previously that if only he were a better son? If only his dad would have treated her better?
It wasn't until he finally figured out that depression is a disease that took over her mind and eventually her body, that he was able to pick up the pieces and carry on.
He goes every year with his father to leave flowers at her memorial sight and update her on his life. He always tells her about Renjun and he knows she would roll her eyes at his fear and tell him to just get it over with. He chuckles to himself before kissing his fingers and touching the glass box. He then gives his dad a few minutes alone too. He waits outside just by the exit with his head down, just thinking about how things would be if she was still here.
After it is time to leave Haechan drives his dad home then he will go to his to prepare for his friends. Some years they will go out and play and have fun and some they stay in and cuddle with movies and talk. It's always up to him to decide. He loves his friends so much and he feels their love too, all the time really but on this day it's even more.
When he gets home to his dark lonely apartment he sits on the couch and cries. He misses her so much and wishes he had someone to hold him through his pain. He calls Renjun but gets no reply so he gets Chenle instead.
"Can you come now, i need you." He whispers softly into the phone.
"I'm on my way with Jisung already and I think the others are too." He nods even though Chenle can't see him and hangs up the phone. He sits and relives it, holding her cold lifeless hand, watching his dad try to keep it together on the outside but clearly falling apart on the inside. He goes to the shelf with her picture and clutches it to him just as Chenle and Jisung walk in. He turns to them and they are quick to hold him as he breaks down in their arms. Little by little the whole gang shows up. Everyone but the one he needs the most. He doesn't notice at first because he's wrapped in everyone's arms but as soon as they start to ease away he asks.
"Where is Junie? Isn't he coming?" He sounds sadder than they have ever heard and Chenle is quick to pull out his phone. He again doesn't answer so Chenle leaves a frantic voicemail.
"He's not hurt is he? Did he say where he was going?" Jeno shushes him and pulls him to sit.
"I'm sure he's fine, he's just running a little late. He will be here soon." He says in his calming voice. He just nods and tries to calm himself. He rubs his palms on his eyes and looks to the ceiling, trying to keep more tears from coming out.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why, I just can't help it." Jeno rubs his back.
"It's ok, let it out. We don't mind a bit." He says softly. The others are busying themselves with everything else. Jaemin gets his three air mattresses out of the closet and blows them up while Jisung gets blankets and pillows. Mark has the task of ordering food and Chenle and Jeno are sitting with him on the couch.
After everything is ready they take him to his room and have him change into some cozy clothes. They've all come in sweats but he's still in his suit. He slowly takes it off, still thinking of Renjun and why he isn't here. They always come at the same time, he is always home by three pm, and they usually are there by half past. When he's fully dressed again he comes out, again looking for him. He sighs and tries to stay calm and not think the worst but so many thoughts are crossing his mind.  He cuddles into Jeno and Chenle again and the others all cuddle up around them. Some would say they were too old for this but they all know this will likely be a tradition until they are old men. By five thirty Haechan is a wreck, again. He's not sure if he should feel like he was abandoned or if he should be worried for him. Chenle has still been trying to call to no avail and honestly they are all a little worried, so when the door flings open to a winded Renjun they all breath a collective sigh of relief. Haechan looks up with his puffy red eyes and crushed spirit and Renjun bursts into tears. He knows he caused that and he feels terrible. He walks quickly to him and crawls onto the mattress and holds him tightly. The others give them a little space knowing they need this. The food isn't scheduled to come until six but they go to gather the things they will need anyway.
Renjun's face is buried in his neck as he sobs away his tremendous guilt.
"I'm so sorry." He whispers.
"I'm usually first, everything went wrong and I couldn't get here and I'm so sorry." Haechan just holds him and cries in relief. He's just so happy that he's ok. After a few minutes of this Haechan pulls away and looks him over.
"I'm just glad you are here now, I'm glad you are safe. But why are you dressed like that?" He asks eyeing his nice black suit that he usually only wears for special occasions. He sits cross legged and faces Haechan before taking his hand and smiling awkwardly.
"I guess I have some explaining to do."

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