
Bởi Raven0822

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*Altered timeline*Very mature content*18 and older* A very reluctant Jamie Dorsey agrees to listen to the ide... Xem Thêm

Reunited at last
Hi, James
Please, just hear me out
You talk a lot don't you
I trust you
Making up and whispered confessions
Moving day
It's an emergency
Broken together
Happy birthday!
Deuxième partie
Taking a break
Queen of broken hearts
Fake it till you make it
Rip off the band-aid
Checking in
Movie night
We need to talk
A week in Paris
Go get your girl
Hey there, doll
Bold of you to assume

New Asgard

559 25 5
Bởi Raven0822

Having landed safely in Oslo, Norway Jamie was mentally and physically wiped after her emotional talk with Bucky before she left and a full day of flying. She sent off texts in several of her group text threads to let everyone know she was still alive, but other than that she ignored her phone. Bucky was the first to send her a private message wishing her a fun time and safe travels. Seeing his name pop up had a smile crossing her lips for the first time in a while. After many tacos and a lot of catching up while she finished packing, her and Buck had promised to talk while she was gone. They'd promised to not let this time apart affect their friendship as much as the last three weeks had. The only thing was; what did they talk about when what went unsaid still hung over their heads? While she was glad the air had been cleared between them, it had only become that much more muddled in the end. He had feelings for her and since she was being honest with herself, Jamie definitely had feelings for Bucky. But they both refused to do anything that would hurt Steve. He just meant way too much to the both of them.

Groggily grabbing her luggage from baggage claim and loading the bags on a trolley, Jamie forced a smile on her face as she made her way over to Thor and Val who were eagerly waiting for her. First hugging the new King of the Asgardians and then the god of Thunder she tiredly greeted them both. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you guys." 

Seeing how exhausted she was they each took the larger of her suitcases from the trolley. They knew better than to touch the two medium hard case suitcases that housed her cameras and accompanying gear that she insisted on carrying herself. As they ushered her out to their flying boat Thor and Val broke off for few to pose for pictures with fans and tourists who'd spotted the famous warriors loading up her luggage. Waiting patiently for them to finish up Jamie laughed to herself as she stood next to the floating vessel casually parked alongside the other waiting cars and taxis. It was a strange sight to see indeed. Although one that had become common here in the last few years. Still, she couldn't get over their preferred mode of transportation. For as advanced as they were as a race they still hadn't adjusted all that well to Earth's ways. Boats and horses they did just fine with. Cars, not so much.

Valkyrie smiled over at Jamie as she watched the Midgardian cautiously and carefully settle down on one of the benches next to Thor who tenderly covered her lap with a thick blanket. She watched as he fussed over the small woman like a child making sure she was warm and comfortable enough. While it was April it was much colder here than it was in New York. Not to mention their boat wasn't exactly traveler friendly in the colder, wetter months. Val could see how weary the younger woman was. The dark circles under her eyes and the slight slump to her shoulders as well as the forced smile she gave them. She also noticed the sadness that lingered around the young women almost like an invisible shroud. They weren't as in close contact as she and Thor were, but Val had come to care for Jamie as much as the other Midgardians she'd come to know. Val didn't know what had finally gotten Jamie to come visit after months of badgering, but she'd take it if it meant catching up with her new friend.

The spunky Midgardian could handle Thor and the others just fine. In fact, she'd helped several of them along with Steve Rogers, in coping with the loss of their people after the Snap. So it went without needing to be said that Jamie Dorsey was loved by New Asgard and it's remaining people and they would all be pleased to see her return after so long. Firmly grasping onto the side of the boat as they got going Jamie looked up at Valkyrie when she spoke. "We're so happy that you finally decided to come visit us. I'm excited to show you how much things have changed since you were last here."

A niggling twinge of guilt fluttered in the pit of Jamie's stomach that she'd let her friends down since everyone came back. But she was hoping to fix that wrong while she was here. "Me too. I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to come back. I've really missed being here and all of you." She wistfully gazed out at the beautiful green countryside as they left the city behind.

Tucking her closer into his side to share his body heat Thor gave Jamie a light squeeze. "Don't be, little one. We of course understand what you've been dealing with. It's been an adjustment as well for us with the influx of Asgardians and Midgardians who've returned." Leaning into his hold Jamie let the two of them update her on all of the things that they had done to blend Asgard and Earth together so that it felt more like home to their people as they made the hour and some change long flight to Tønsburg. She gratefully let them distract her from the drama and hectic life she'd left behind in New York.


A week later

The apartment felt twice as big and twice as empty without Jamie and her exuberant personality here. Of course she'd been gone before, but never as long as she had been when she went to Portland after their birthday. She had said she would be gone for at least a week, maybe two, to recharge and take pictures 'simply for the hell of it'. Buck knew that just because they'd finally sort of talked about it didn't mean everything had gone back to the way it was before he'd acted like the jealous idiot he had been for the last few weeks. They may have parted on good terms, but things had been awkward in the wake of him revealing how he really felt about her. And she hadn't said it outloud, but Bucky knew she felt something for him in return based on the, dare he say it, happy expression on her face back in the elevator when he let it slip.

But the thing was, neither of them wanted to hurt Steve and if they were to pursue any kind of relationship beyond friendship right now then that's exactly what would happen. This new start between her and Steve was precarious and still healing. So for their mutual friend to see him get the girl he's wanted for years would only be rubbing his face in it. And neither Jamie nor Bucky wanted to do that. They loved and cared about him too much. As for them and their relationship? Well their friendship was still so new. Having only known each other for mere weeks, barely a month and some change, it seemed impossible that he could develop feelings like this for someone or anyone really. And yet here he was acting like a lovesick fool because Jamie wasn't here. He'd even gone in this morning to talk to Maria about benching him for a week so that when Jamie returned he would be here. He told Maria it was because he was overwhelmed by everything, which was true, but really he didn't want to miss her the moment she got home.

So here he was moping around the kitchen as he made himself and Alpine something to eat. Buck couldn't help but hope that Jamie had changed her mind about staying an extra week and would walk through their front door any second now. In his mind he allowed himself to picture that she would dump her luggage in a heap by the door as she raced across the room to jump into his arms and kiss him. Closing his eyes Bucky tried to imagine what her lips felt like, what she tasted like. But his romantic imaginings were prematurely interrupted. At Ally's annoyed meow at him taking so long in setting out her food, he opens his eyes and lets out a long sigh. Bucky finished mixing her wet and dry food before placing the bowl in its designated spot on the floor next to his chair. Stroking his hand from her head to her rump. "Sorry Ally. Here you go."

Going back to dump a heaping plateful of scrambled eggs and bacon onto his plate Buck filled up his tumbler with coffee before bringing them both over to his spot at the kitchen island. He didn't know what he was going to do when Jamie actually came back. How were they supposed to act now that they knew of their mutual feelings for each other? Buck didn't know but they'd have to figure it out fast because he knew as soon as Jamie landed at JKF Steve would be here to hangout. He and Jamie had been talking a lot mainly through texts patching up their own relationship and Buck knew his friend was chomping at the bit to see her in person.

They all were if he was being honest. True they were all happy that she was taking some time for herself, but in terms of her brother and Peter they weren't used to her being gone like this. More than once the kid had come over to just be here and sometimes Matt would tag along. Buck didn't mind it. Actually it gave him better insight into who Jamie was before the snap and even before then because Matt would share stories about her from when her parents were still alive. He could see the pain in the other man's eyes when he talked about his deceased sister and her husband, but also the love. It was the same for Bucky and his own sister. Rebecca. Shaking his head, not wanting to get trapped in maudlen thoughts he got back to finishing his breakfast.

As he was putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher the door opened. Spinning around hopeful that it was Jamie, Bucky had to actively hide his disappointment when he saw it was only Steve. Forcing a smile he waved him inside. "Hey, pal. What's going on?"

Tossing his keys in the glass bowl on the side table Steve hung up his jacket as he ran a hand through his rain dampened hair. "I heard about your request for leave. Wanted to check in with you to make sure you're alright." Expecting this, Buck nods as he wipes his hands off on a paper towel before he crumples it up and throws it away.

"Don't worry too much. I've already talked to my therapist about it. She thinks I might have jumped in too soon and suggested a small break." All true. Scooping up a sated Alpine they go over to sit in the living room. Settling down on the couch each man not thrilled with the coming conversation. Trying to head him off, Buck attempted to come across laid-back. "Wipe that look off your face, punk. I'll be fine. Just need a breather, that's all."

Sighing, Steve rubs a hand over his face trying to hide the worry for his best friend. It's no use because Buck's already seen it; he just decides to not comment on it. "You know me though." He chuckles half heartedly with a shrug. "I just wanted to make sure you know that you can talk to me. About anything." Based on the intense expression on his face Buck worries that Steve might have clued in on his feelings for Jamie.

"No, I know. I'm all good. Just need to take a beat." He avoids looking at Steve in favor of petting Alpine. Curled up on his lap soaking up all of the attention she was getting. He had to smile at his happy girl for the little bit of peace she brought him. "How about you, anything you need to talk about?" When it takes Steve more than a minute to respond Bucky glances over in his direction to see his friend lost in thought. "Steve?"

"Hmm, what?" Sort of dazed, he breaks his stare from the view of the rainy city outside the windows to look at Bucky who was now the one who was concerned. "Oh I'm good. Just tired, is all. I haven't been sleeping all that well lately." It was true. Ever since the day he and Jamie talked his mind had been racing with everything he'd said or done for the past five years looking for where he went wrong. She said there was nothing. That it was her, but surely he must have… No, he had to stop doing this to himself. If he didn't then he was sure that what tentative truce they'd made would crumble into dust and he'd lose her all over again. Focusing back on Buck, Steve forced a tired smile and deflected. "So have you decided what you're gonna do with your furlough?"

"I was thinking about going out to see my mom and dad. It's been a while." It'd been a couple of months actually. Something that he felt ashamed of, but it was hard for him to go out there. To see not only them but the names on the graves of friends they had grown up with. Changing it up he scratches under Ally's chin triggering her contended purr. Keeping his eyes on the white feline he whispered, "I miss them."

An expression of sympathy flashes through Steve's blue eyes. Mr and Mrs Barnes had always been like his other parents when he was growing up. Always looking out for him when his Ma had to work double shifts at the hospital just so they could have a bit of extra money. Steve always had a spot at their table and Mrs Barnes expected his behind at that table every night his Ma had to work late. Like Bucky, he never got a chance to say goodbye to them or to Becca, Buck's kid sister. So when he had the chance he would visit them when he visited the cemetery to see his own mother. "Me too, Buck. If you want company I can come with. It's been a minute since I've brought Ma some fresh flowers." The offer was kind and actually greatly received.

"I'd like that." Looking over at him he thanks Steve. "Hey, thanks by the way. For going to see them, I mean." He knew that he'd made sure to visit his ma and pop for him since he woke up from the ice. Taking flowers and such to lay on their graves whenever he went to visit Mrs Rogers. Waving him off Steve didn't want thanks; he knew that but Buck owed it nevertheless. "If you aren't busy we can go later this week."

With a small smile he nods. "Of course. You know how much I loved them. Just let me know the day and time and I'll be there." They chat for a while about nothing of consequence until Steve gets paged for a meeting. Making plans to go out to the cemetery this weekend he takes off telling Bucky that he'll see him later.

Alone again, Bucky stares out the window for a bit, watching the rain pelt the windows until he forces himself to get up. No more moping. Leaving Alpine the choice to follow him or stay down here he goes upstairs to Jamie's studio/office. Pulling out his sketch pad and the set of pencils she gave him he takes a seat and tries to occupy his mind with something productive. Since Jamie encouraged him to get back into art she'd helped him brush up on his skills. So he got to work filling page after page with memories of his family. His mother and father slow dancing in the kitchen. His sister looking at her reflection in the bathroom mirror as she braided her hair. His family seated around the dinner table laughing as they talked about their day. Becca and their Ma teaching Steve how to play the piano. Watching as his pop worked on their Studebaker, walking him through what exactly he was doing.

Eventually like it has all week, his mind turned to Jamie as did his hand. Turning to a fresh page Bucky took his time to sharpen his pencil. The visual of her beautiful hazel eyes came to his mind's eye. Pencil to paper he got to sketching until a strip of her eyes, brows and pert little nose filled the page. The next page he drew her in profile. It was from the last time he'd watched Jamie edit her latest photoshoot. She'd been so focused on her task that she never noticed him watching her so intently from his spot over here on the couch. He liked that about her. The way she would get lost in her work as she bobbed along to whatever playlist was her favorite that day.

Halfway through his drawing he got a text alert. Setting the sketchbook and pencil aside he pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was from Jamie. His excited smile dimmed when he read her message.

Dollface🦋: Just wanted to let you know that I'm extending my trip. Unsure yet for how long. I'll call you when I get a free minute. Things have been so hectic, but in a good way. I'll explain later.

This was good news for her. It meant that whatever had her so busy was making her happy. And for that he had to be happy, right? Thumb hesitating over the keys, he thinks about what he should say.

Bucket🪣: Must be something good to keep you away for so long.

Bucket🪣: Ally says to tell you she misses you.

Dollface🦋: I miss her too. Give Ally cuddles and kisses for me. Sorry to cut this short, but Korg and I are in the middle of a match. Call you soon.

Tossing his phone onto the seat next to him Bucky slumped down with his hands over his face. He hated this. All this distance between them and not just the physical distance. It was the way Jamie was actively curbing her words. Before he messed up Jamie would have called him every day to tell him what was going on with her trip. She wouldn't have just texted him like this. She wouldn't have been in such a rush to get off the phone with him. God, why'd he think pushing her away was a good idea again? Picking up his sketchbook he turned to a new page and began to draw the two of them. He drew the version of them he wished was real. Her in his arms while he looked adoringly down at her while he told her how he really felt.


"I swear to Thor! If you don't stop being an immature little shit and talking trash, you're not gonna have to worry about the god of Thunder coming to find you cause I'll–" Snatching the headset from her Thor told her to calm down. Reaching for the headset she jumps up trying to get it back. Holding it above his head the Asgardian placed a hand on her forehead to keep her back. Growling Jamie smacks his hand away from her face. "No, I'm not gonna calm down. If that little babyback bitch wants to talk smack like that to my friend then he's gonna deal with me."

Wrangling her to his side, Thor speaks in a cautious tone. "Believe me, I understand how you feel. But this is a side of you I've never seen before. And it's a little scary." He nods to Miek who was trembling in his spot next to Korg who was grinning at her as he gave her a double thumbs up. "Are you calm now?" He asked, meaning could he let her go? Sighing she relaxes into his side and nods.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired of seeing Korg upset by people who hide behind their comms." Giving Thor a hug she lets him go to give the Kronan a high five and instantly regrets it. Shaking out her hand Jamie apologized to Miek for scaring him. "Sorry Miek, I'll try to restrain myself next time." The Sakaaran chirps at her in what she assumes was his acceptance. As much as she'd hung out in New Asgard Jamie hadn't been able to pick up the aliens language like the Asgardians who understood all languages with their Allspeak. Picking up her overnight bag and her camera case Jamie tilted her head towards the front door. "Alright, we've got to get to get going if I'm to meet the plane Henri sent for me on time."

A couple of days ago Henri called her to ask for a favor. He was in need of a photographer at the last minute since his usual guy had gotten sick. Not knowing that she was on vacation he'd been extremely apologetic for interrupting her time off. Jamie told him to stop and that if she didn't want to talk to him she wouldn't have answered the phone. Already in Norway she wasn't far from where he needed her to be so Jamie had agreed to take him up on the job. It was a fews days to a week at most. The job was to follow him around the Crimson Sparrows headquarters and his home taking pictures for their website or something. It was good money, but that wasn't why she was doing it. They'd gotten to talking and had genuinely become friends so she told him that she'd waive her fee but would take the photo credit. So Thor was taking her back to Oslo to catch the private plane Henri had sent for her.

"You're coming back, right?" Korg asks, watching as Thor helps her slip on her jacket. Their friendship was easy in the way that the alien only wanted to be her friend. The same with Mike and Thor and Val. It's why she felt like she could breath here in New Asgard and why she was going to be coming back instead of going back home to New York when this job was done.

"Yeah, sometime this week. I'm just doing a quick favor for a friend and then it's back to my vacation. Can't leave without crushing the big guy here in Mario kart, now can I?" She grins as she poked Thor's side. Waving goodbye they exit the house to the waiting longboat and get going.

Jamie was just glad it wasn't raining today otherwise she'd be drenched by the time they got to the airport. Thankfully the hour long trip was quick made that way because of Thor's stories. After going through security and customs he left her at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the fancy Gulfstream. Wrapping her up in a tight hug he kissed the top of head. "Just give me a call when you're on your way back and I'll pick you up, little one."

Going up on tiptoe, Jamie kisses his cheek in kind. "I will. See you in a few days." Hugging him tight around his neck she was quick let go and ran up the stairway to the waiting flight attendant. "Hey, I'm Jamie."

"Nice to meet you, miss. I'm Odette. Let me take your bags and get you settled." The pretty blonde holds out her hand for Jamie's luggage. Handing her overnight bag over, she hangs onto her camera case. She wouldn't be letting anyone handle it. Her gear was too expensive and she'd had enough of sending out her beloved cameras out for repairs this year. Buckling in, Jamie listens to Odette's spiel about flight safety and what to do in case the plane has any trouble landing. "We're about to take off so is there anything I can get you before we do?"

"Nah, I'm good, but thanks." Nodding politely Odette goes into the cockpit to buckle in for takeoff. Pulling out her phone Jamie shoots off a text to Tony, Peter and Matt to let them know where she was going and for roughly how long. At the last second she texted Steve as well. They'd talked a lot over this last week and as much as they had put up new boundaries, Steve told her that when it came to her safety that was one thing he would prefer to know about. So for his peace of mind she sent the text.

Next she texted Henri to let him know she was on her way and then turned her phone off. Tucking her phone back into her pocket Jamie leaned her seat back a little and closed her eyes to take a nap. It was a short flight from Norway to France, but she could use the rest since she hadn't really been sleeping that well. It was hard to get comfortable without Bucky downstairs from her and the fact that they left so much unsaid. Things were still really complicated and it didn't seem like that was going to be changing any time soon as long as she had feelings for him. They had to find a middle ground if they were going to keep living together. Not just for Steve's sake but for their own sake.

At some point she had dozed off because nearly three hours later Odette was waking Jamie to let her know they'd landed. Wiping the sleep from her eyes she thanked the flight attendant and grabbed her baggage. As she was walking down the stairs to the waiting car she was surprised to see Henri himself getting out of the driver's side. He waves as he goes to his trunk to open it for her bags. "Bonjour, ma chérie."

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