Hey there, doll

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After eleven hours trapped in a small plane with Tony Stark, Bucky was very nearly regretting his rush to get to Paris. Nearly but not quite. And having spent most of the trip watching Barnes pacing back and forth up and down the aisle, Tony was right there with Buck on the level of annoyance he could stand. The older man might be ecstatic for him and Jamie, but there was only so much restless pacing he could stand. Especially when it was someone else doing said pacing. Thankfully for them both once Happy tells them to fasten their seat belts Bucky finally sits. Although almost immediately he begins to bounce his knee as he goes over the speech in his head that he had been working on the whole way over here.

Gritting his teeth Tony cuts his eyes over at Bucky to see him quietly mumbling to himself. Seeing the other man practically sweating in his nervousness has him giving Bucky a break. However, that lasts only so long. Having had enough, Tony reaches across and firmly sets his hand on the other man's knee. “I swear to God. If you don't stop, we're gonna go back to having a problem, Barnes."

Fisting his hand in his hair Bucky grimaces out an apology. “Sorry. I'm nervous."

Rolling his eyes Tony sits back folding his hands in his lap. “What's to be nervous about? Jamie likes you, you like her. Steve is good with the two of you being together. You'll sweep her off of her feet and ride off into the sunset. Easy peasy."

If only it would be, Buck thinks to himself. “She's spent the last two weeks convincing herself we can't be together, Tony. Not to mention this last week she's spent with Richelieu. This guys is someone she doesn't have any bad history with or any drama because of how she feels about him. For all I know when I show up she could tell me to take a hike.”

“I'm gonna stop you right there." Tony says, holding up a hand to get the other man to shut up. “If Jamie feels about you the way I think she does, then you've got nothing to worry about. Jamie Dorsey doesn't love lightly. And before you say anything. She might not love you yet in the same way you do her, but she does love you already as a friend and something more. I think you understand what I mean. Look at all she's done for you since you guys met. I'm gonna let you think about that while I make a call."

Pulling out his phone he taps around then holds it up to his ear. Whoever he calls answers pretty quickly with an excited tone. "Hey Sweetness. I'm gonna be in Paris for a layover and I wanna see you before I head out to Milan.” Recognizing Stark’s nickname for Jamie has Bucky relaxing a little at the soft tone of her voice that he could hear through the speaker. Staring out the window Tony hmm’s as Jamie speaks. From what he could hear, she didn’t sound upset about him wanting to intrude on her vacation which boded well or so he hoped. “It's been a while since I've been there. Hopefully it's not too crowded.” He paused for a second, listening to what Jamie was saying before both of his eyebrows raised up to his hairline. “The whole place to yourselves, huh? Well, well. Isn't Henri so very thoughtful."

Pushing Stark out of the forefront of his mind, Buck did as he said to do. He thought about everything she'd done for him since he moved into their apartment. Everything from getting him Alpine to including him in her everyday life as if he'd always been there. Take their birthday for example. While it had ended horribly, the day had started out so well. Hell he still used the tumbler she made him everyday. A gift that she had made for him after only knowing him for less than three days. Then there were all of the movie nights, giving him a corner in her office and encouraging him to pick up drawing again. Even when he was giving her the cold shoulder for weeks Jamie had given him the space she thought he needed to deal with his issues even though she was hurting. Here was hoping that he hadn't waited too long and missed his chance.

Tuning back into Stark’s conversation when he hears the change in the other man's voice has Bucky’s gaze shifting over to the other man. “Wonderful, I'll meet you guys later. Okay. Bye-bye now." Attention immediately on Barnes, Tony sighs. “Okay, even I’ve got to admit that you’ve got your work cut out for you. Richelieu rented out the entirety of the Louvre for just the two of them today. Jamie has been dying to visit France for as long as I’ve known her and this guy is giving her the vacation of her dreams.”

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