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Several revelations happened in a short space of time that had Bucky's head spinning. His gut feeling that something had happened between Jamie and Steve was spot on, but there weren't any details other than that they'd slept together. When Thomas had made the off handed comment about being surprised that Steve and Jamie had made up after what happened everyone had frozen. Unsure where he was going with this Bucky and Sam had awkwardly stood by. Steve had made a non committal hum of agreement telling him that she was one of his best friends, that of course they'd make up. Turning to face him with a small frown Thomas took a sip of his beer. "Is that all she is to you, Rogers?"

"Of course. What else would she be to me?" Steve shifted uncomfortably, his small plate of cake forgotten in his hands as he avoided the other man's eyes. Seizing onto his moment uncharacteristic meekness, Thomas' eyes flashed with an almost antagonistic light.

"I don't know, Steve. I've always had a feeling that more has happened between you two than just friendship, you know what I mean?" Bucky and Sam share a look and a nod ready to step in to stop whatever this was. "I just need to know what I'm walking into because I plan on marrying her, but if I'm stepping into something is it even worth putting in the effort?"

Shock filled Steve's eyes and twisted up Bucky's stomach. He didn't know why other than the thought that he would be missing his chance stuck out to him. His friend's voice came out almost disbelievingly. "You're going to ask her to marry you? You guys only just got back together."

"We've been together on and off for years. So yes, the long term plan is marriage. Is there a reason why I shouldn't ask her to marry me?" The other man seemed more and more like he was baiting Steve into a fight. Any other day he wouldn't have fallen for it, but this was about Jamie. Even Buck was having a hard time not laying this asshole out.


When Steve floundered for words that's when Thomas immediately pounced on his hesitation. Taking a hostile step forward, crowding into his space. The other men moved to try and put some distance between them as he practically growled lowly, "I knew it. You've slept together haven't you? Just tell me Steve because I'm tired of all of this back and forth."

Letting his anger come to the surface and more than a little of his arrogance Steve tipped his chin up. "Fine. Yes we have, but it was never when you two were dating. What James does or with who shouldn't matter when you were the one who left her."

"Yeah, well at least I stepped up and went after her when I realized my mistake, unlike you." What happened after that happened so quickly that it caught them all off guard. In seconds they were having to pull Steve away from Thomas before he did something really stupid. Both men came back to themselves when Sam told them to knock it off. That they were ruining Jamie's party and this was neither the time or place.

A small sound had them all looking over to see Jamie standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at them in shock. Allowing himself to be pushed back Steve kept his angry eyes locked on Thomas who told Jamie they needed to talk as he apologized to everyone for causing a scene. They watched as she followed him looking back at Steve with disbelief at what had just transpired. The hurt look of hers as she walked out the front door seemed to finally snap him out of his head because Steve deflated a little before brushing them off of him.

No one seemed to know what to say or do as they all stared at Steve with looks of surprise, confirmation and 'what the hell just happened' expressions fliting across their faces. After a long tense moment he stalked out the front door. Bucky, not wanting round two to go down in the front yard, followed. Telling Sam to keep everyone inside. He had a feeling that even if Steve didn't involve himself that the conversation Jamie was about to have wasn't one she'd want them all listening to.

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