A week in Paris

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Relaxing back in the squashy armchair in Henri’s library, Jamie lifts the mug of fragrant now warm tea to her lips as she looks out the window at the man himself who was currently running around the back garden with his Newfoundland puppy that was almost as big as he was. This past week following him around had shown her a whole new side to the billionaire businessman and she had to say, she liked the more relaxed version of him. Especially this playful one. While in the office or on the go Henri was stern and focused as he conquered the role of CEO of Crimson Sparrow, but in private he was sweet and fun loving. Although his phone was constantly going off with some work matter at all times of the day and night, Henri didn’t let that stop him from taking time for him to enjoy some downtime. Like when he had canceled all of his meetings and had handed off all of his calls to his personal assistant the day before so he could show her around Paris. He’d spent the morning taking her to do all of the touristy things before showing her the side of Paris that only the locals knew about and she’d had the time of her life.

Henri had his chef pack and load up a picnic basket in the trunk of his Bugatti Royale Crown before whisking her down to Versaille to have dinner in the gardens of the palace before taking a tour inside. Jamie had had the opportunity to come to France before on a photography assignment for Time Magazine, but she’d never gotten to do any real exploring outside of the highrise she had been to back in the capital city. This was fulfilling a dream she’s had since she was in high school and had missed out on the trip she was supposed to go on with French class because of the accident that had killed her parents and had very nearly killed her. At one point when they were in the hall of mirrors Henri had taken Jamie’s camera insisting that he take her picture. She had smiled tearfully later that night when she’d uploaded the memory card to her computer and had seen how many wonderful pictures he’d taken of her. Especially of the one when she hadn’t been paying attention having been lost in thought about her parents as she was surrounded by the gilded mirrors reflecting a dozen images of herself looking wistfully happy.

It hadn’t surprised her that she’d taken so many pictures that she’d almost filled an entire memory card just from that day alone. What had surprised her was how carefree she looked in all of the pictures taken by and later with Henri. It showed Jamie that this time away focusing on herself had been very much needed. And to do it with a new friend who had no connection to any of the painful parts of her past was the biggest part of being able to let go and just be. It was also why she’d extended her stay at Henri’s insistence after she’d wrapped up the assignment two days ago. He’d told her that she was more than welcome to stay at his home for as long as she wanted. Instead of declining like she normally would have, Jamie simply said thank you and let her friends and family know she’d be staying for the rest of the week before going back to New Asgard on Monday.

As for work Jamie handed off the few assignments she had booked in the next few weeks to a few colleagues who could use the work more than her. This time off wouldn’t exactly kill her bank account since Tony had deposited all of the money she’d been paying him in rent for the last five years. That had been quite the surprise notification to read when she’d woken up the second day in New Asgard. When she called to confront the man Tony had told her he’d had the money sitting untouched. He’d never planned on actually keeping the money she’d been giving him and now that there was an ocean between them he was giving it back as well as the money Bucky was paying in rent since he let her know that the apartment has been hers the whole time. Jamie had been livid at first, but he’d used Morgan as a buffer knowing she couldn’t stay mad with her goddaughter on the phone being all cute before hanging up on her. So now that she had quite the nest egg she was going to do what she wanted for a while before going back home to all of her responsibilities and the tangled mess that was her personal life.

Spotting her watching, Henri waves before miming for her to join them just as Rosalie knocks him down to the ground. Laughing Jamie sets aside the mug to grab her camera and snaps a picture and then makes her way over to the french doors that lead outside. Biting her lip she takes a few more pictures of Henri on his back as he wrestles playfully with the giant black pup. Calling for reprieve, he gently but firmly pushes Rosalie back so he can get up. Whistling a quick shrill note has the puppy bounding her way, but Jamie has learned her lesson well this week and holds up a hand before the beautiful beast of a dog can knock her down.

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