Go get your girl

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Natasha's POV

Since Jamie had decided to extend her trip out even further to include working a job and since Maria wouldn’t let him back after his initial request was up because Dr Raynor had ratted about his depression, Bucky had been hanging around the Tower to help alleviate his boredom and so he didn't have to be alone in their apartment surrounded by all of her things. It really wasn't helping though. If anything, it was making it worse. Everywhere he went Natasha knew he saw Jamie in some way in a remembered time from when they'd hung out or trained here. That or someone would casually bring her up in conversation because she was as much a part of their lives as she was his. So after two weeks of watching this, Natasha had had enough. Seeing the poor lovesick man pining for one of her closest friends while hiding said feelings as best he could from their other mutual friend was killing her to the level of annoyance only Tony could inspire in her. Also she was a sucker for romance.

When Jamie and Bucky were on the outs it quickly became apparent to her that the younger woman was feeling more than friendship for the metal armed man. It's why Natasha had insisted Jamie talk to him before she left for her vacation. Otherwise she knew things would only spiral even more in Jamie's absence. She hated to admit it, but it had taken her a little longer to come to the same conclusion in regards to Barnes' feelings towards Jamie. It's why when she happened to see Jamie's name linked with Richelieu's, Natasha had clicked on the article more out of concern rather than curiosity. She expected to see something regarding the work she'd just done for him and his company, instead Natasha saw what looked like Richelieu kissing Jamie's neck while he had his arm wrapped around her.

The cozy scene the paparazzi pictures painted was one of a new couple out for an evening stroll with an adorable giant black puppy. Within seconds she had called Jamie despite the time difference to find out what the hell was going on and if she knew that her face was all over the society gossip rags from Paris to the world over that cared about the billionaire's love life. Natasha had been relieved to find out that it wasn't what it looked like. The gossip articles almost never printed correct information, but when Jamie and Bucky were still on the outs she had mentioned that Richelieu was interested in being more than friends. It wouldn't be the first time a woman had used another man to get over someone else.

It wasn't really Jamie's style though, but sometimes you do desperate things when your heart gets bruised and broken. After talking for a few more minutes Natasha let her friend go back to sleep and sought out Bucky to warn him about the articles floating around. As a man, he was bound to do something stupid if he assumed that the woman he was in love with was off galavanting all over France with some rich asshole who didn't actually have a chance with her if he would only pull his head out of his ass.

Finding him in his usual spot in the living room she rolled her eyes at the sight before her. As per his new routine Bucky was slumped down on the couch with Alpine draped across his chest. Biting back the sarcastic comment that comes to mind Natasha crosses the open room to plop down next to him. Reaching over she scratches a sleeping Ally between her ears causing the feline to begin to purr while she stretches out before settling back down on her owner's chest with a big yawn. "I need to talk to you about something important regarding Jamie and something that's just been published on several websites."

At the mention of her name Bucky simultaneously perks up while trying to appear unphased. "Oh, has her pictures for Richelieu been published already? I figured she'd need a few more days to sort and edit them first." She shakes her head no.

"It's not about that. However it does involve Richelieu." Holding up her phone she says, "I'm going to show you something and you aren't going to freak out. You're going to listen to what I have to say because I've already talked to her and gotten the real story." With that warning in place, Natasha pulls up the first link that she'd initially read. Handing over her phone she sits there watching as he skims the article talking about the Frenchman's past love life.

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