They don't know about us ~ Jo...

By nellynorris

107K 1.4K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... More



2.3K 40 38
By nellynorris

"If you count up to a hundred ten times. And each time you get to a hundred, put your finger up. Then, get to two hundred and put another finger up." Harry tells everyone how to do it.

"Make sure you use the clock in there to track where you're at. Otherwise, you'll start forgetting. So, if you count to a hundred each time, then move the clock to one." Chip explains. "I'm going elsewhere. You are all making this unnecessarily difficult and confusing." Holly stands up and walks to a different room.

"Can you get me a glass?" Holly asks chip, as she walks into the kitchen. "Sure." He nods, opening the cupboard and bringing one down. "Thanks." She smiles, walking over to the sink. "What are they doing?" Holly whispers to Chip. "Seeing if they can count in time. I don't know." He shrugs.

"Helpful." She nods turning the tap off. "Stop." Liv says making Harry laugh. "Fuck me Liv, your off by four seconds. Nah your gonna get us fucked. You've got to practice come here." He scoffs.

"Harry shut the fuck up!" Holly shouts, making everyone look at her. "I swear to god, you just need to zip your mouth." Holly points to him. "I'm not doing anything wrong." He shrugs his shoulders. "Swear down?" Holly asks. "I swear down." Harry nods.

"Right how about you continue your counting, and you come with me." Chip says pulling Holly away. "What's wrong?" Chip asks as they walk away. "Nothing." Holly shakes her head. "Harry's just being fucking jarring." Holly scoffs when she sees Chip give her a look.

"Come on, he's not that bad." Chip looks her in the eyes. "Your right, he's not that bad. It's just today, he's getting on my nerves." Holly explains.

"Yeah, your button was pushed, easily. It usually takes more than that, what's going on?" Chip asks grabbing her shoulders. "I don't have a clue." Holly yawns.

"Your cute, you know that." Chip looks down on his girlfriend lovingly. "Shut up you nerd." She scoffs pushing him away.

"Housemates, Max has completed his challenge. Liv is next."

"It's been like ten minutes." Chip says as he and Holly walk back into the room. "Liv your turn girl, good luck. You do you." Holly pats the girl's back. "I knew he was gonna give up." Destini complains.

"Bruv, I swear to god, when Max gets out here if any of you shout at him. I'm gonna lose my shit. And I mean, to anyone." Holly shouts as she looks between Grace and Chip. "You got it?" She asks. "I got it." Chip is the first one to reply.

"I don't know why, I'm all of a sudden like really protective of him. I think it's because I low-key see my brother in him. Harry's a bit autistic you know. Has a really low attention span, and Max he has just a little less attention span. So I don't know what people are expecting from him." Holly explains as she leans back in the storeroom chair.

"She's not going to do anything." Harry scoffs under his breath so only Destini heard him. "She can be scary." Destini says, moving away. "We've lost twenty minutes of time. Cus he's like ten, fifteen minutes there right? So, he's miles off." Chip says.

"Bro, I don't think he's spent ten minutes tho." Harry shrugs. "You're only allowed twenty-five minutes to tell the time off." Chip continues to explain. "Have we even been out for ten minutes?" Harry asks.

"Nah there's ten people to go bro. That's what I mean, we're not gonna get the special prize." Chip shakes his head. "Oh shit." Rachel says. "It's not a big deal, okay." Holly scoffs.

"You're a fucking doughnut man." Chip points to Max as he sees him leave the room. "That was like ten minutes." Chip smiles, as Max walks closer to him. "Harry, I swear to you." Holly warns as he walks closer to Chip.

"Let him talk." Destini walks closer to the main table in the room. "We don't deserve to know. Bro, what was that? Are you joking?" Harry asks, pissed off. "Harry for fucks sake, leave him alone!" Holly storms over to him and pulls him away from the nineteen-year-old.

"I promise you, that was the most tiring challenge, I've ever done in my life." Max points to himself. "Oh my god." Harry turns his head around. "You want me to speak, one, two, for a thousand eight hundred times?" Max questions.

"One thousand eight hundred!" Harry shouts turning to look at the confused nineteen-year-old. "Max, Max, when did y... what did you get up to?" Billy asks the boy. "Huh?" He asks.

"Do you think you done it?" Billy questions. "I just started singing In there bro." Max points behind him.

"You've fucked us all you know, you've actually fucked it. You're a sabotager a hundred per cent." Harry walks away from Holly, and closer to Max as he stands on the steps.

"I've had it up to here with you now, Harry!" Holly starts to storm over to him, but Chip acts quickly placing his tea down and wrapping his hands around her waist. "Let me go, Josh." Holly huffs, folding her arms.

"No, not until you calm down." He says in her ear. "I'm very fucking calm right now. It's just Harry's being a knobhead." She points to the boy.

"Come on, we're going outside." Chip picks Holly up and throws her over his shoulders. "You deserve that." Holly slaps Harry around the head, as Chip walks past him.

Holly's POV:

"I'm gonna kill him." I conclude as Chip puts me on the floor. "Why are you so, you know...?" Chip trails off, waving his hands around. "No I don't know, enlighten me." I stand up straight, crossing my arms.

"Why are you being mean?" Chip says. "Me? I'm being mean?" I scoff pointing to myself. "Kinda." Chip nods. "I'm being completely reasonable. It's Harry that's being mean." Holly points in the direction of the kitchen.

"Like one, was he expecting Max to take this seriously? Two, he's putting pressure on everyone making them count exactly on time. Like, this is year two shit, Josh. And three, he's just jarring." I list off turning around to look at the sky.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" I turn back around, to see Chip with his hands covering his mouth. "It's just..." Chip starts but stops as he starts to laugh again. "It's what? Just spit it out already." I huff, sitting in the chair outside.

"It's nothing bad." Chip shakes his head, sitting down next to me. "It's just, I love how you ran out of reasons so you called Harry jarring." He laughs. "He is." I scoff, looking at him. "And that's not the only reason you were laughing." I shake my head.

"It's just, it's kinda sexy when you call me josh." He leans over to me. "Oh is it." I nod my head slowly. "Yeah." He says staring into my eyes. "Too bad, I don't care." I laugh leaning back.

"You okay?" Chip asks me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I look at him. "I don't want that 'I'm fine' bullshit." He says in a squeaky voice. "What's actually going on in that pea-sized brain if your." He says pointing to my head.

"I miss Harry." I shrug. "And the boys. Mostly Bog tho." I nod. "And that's understandable, I'm sure he misses you. But, he wouldn't want you missing him to impact how you are in the house." Chip explains to me.

"You're right, I should just be plain old Holly." I nod realising what he's saying. "Exactly." He clicks his fingers. "I'm still not talking to him in there tho." I shake my head, pointing behind me.

"Just no more arguing. I'm begging you." My boyfriend leans closer to me, his hands pressed together. "Alright." I smile giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Erm, Holls..." Chip looks at me as I stand up.

"Yeah?" I turn around. Chip doesn't say anything, just points to something behind me. "Shit." I whisper as I turn and look at the camera. "Kinda forgot we were here you know." I itch my head, turning to Chip.

"Yes shit, quick we need to go to the store room." Chip jumps up, grabs my hand and runs into the house. "Where are you tw..." Max starts as we run through the kitchen. "Not now Max, sorry!" I shout looking behind me as chip pulls me away.

"Hello, you two."

"Hi." I smile sheepishly as I sit on the chair.

"So you may have seen something." Chip crouches down, in front of me.

"And we just wanna say, whatever it was you did see. Please don't show it in this episode." I plead.

"We'll do anything." Chip shakes his head.

"I didn't see anything. I don't know what you're talking about."

"I knew you'd have our back." I point to the camera.

"Anything for my favourite housemate."

"Ahh, I love you Sugartits." I smile.

"What? Did you just call her Sugartits?" Chip spins his head around to face me.

"Uhhh, no." I shake my head looking to the side.

"You so did. That's so funny." Chip laughs. "Does she always call you sugartits?" Chip turns back to the camera lens.

"Yes, we have a connection. Ima steal your bitch."

"What!" I shout, throwing my head back in a fit of laughter.

"I don't think so. She's mine." Chip stands up bringing me into a hug.

"Go, I won't tell anyone your secret."

"Love you Sugar." I blow a kiss towards the camera as Chip pulls me up.

"That was a close one." I whisper as chip carries me up the stairs. "Too close, but whoever that is knows now." Chip tells me. "Oh well." I shrug looking up at him.

"Do you not care?" Chip asks, looking down at me. "You've got a double chin." I laugh playing with his beard. "Don't ignore the question." Chip puts me down at the top of the steps.

"Not gonna lie, I don't care who knows now. It's just about finding the perfect time to tell them." I smile. "Your kidding, right?" Chip asks me sceptically. "Nope." I shake my head walking into the bedroom.

Third Person POV:

"I'm not going in there if Harry's still waffling about the challenge we're doing." Holly tells Chip, as she lays on her bed. "What are you going to do then?" He asks, walking to the end of her bed. "Nothing, probably sleep." The brunette shrugs. "Alright, see ya." Chip nods, walking out to the housemates.

"Where is it?" Holly asks herself as she leans off her bed, looking underneath it. "Aha, I found it." She whispers as she pulls herself up in the bed. "So Sugar." Holly looks towards the camera in the room and smiles. "My picture book isn't the only thing I brought." She laughs.

"I also brought my MP3 player. I mean, I know they're old but I need my Taylor swift. Some of JJ'S songs are decent as well. Talia's songs are sexy like her. So I will be laying here, listening to these bangers. While they waffle about the challenge." The brunette explains, going under her cover.

"Have you a lot shushed about the challenge yet? And where's a man like Bill" Holly walks into the kitchen. "Yes, we've shut up about that and Billy's in the challenge area." Ilyas looks at the girl. "Where Max?" She asks.

"He's in..." Harry starts. "I didn't ask you. So shush." Holly cuts him off. "What?" He asks rolling his eyes. "You know exactly what you did, so don't start rolling your eyes at me love, because I will deck you. Don't test me." Holly shakes her head pointing at the man.

"Where Max?" She asks looking at the three other people at the table. "He's upstairs." Rachel points to the stairs. "Right, thanks for that Bada." She nods going to the stairs. "Where are you going?" Chip asks his girlfriend. "Somewhere." Is all she replies with, walking to the stairs.

"About fucking time." Holly says as Max comes out of the bathroom. "Ahh, fucking hell bro, don't do that." Max leans back on the door frame, holding onto his chest.

"I didn't do anything." Holly shrugs her shoulders while smiling at the nineteen-year-old. "I wouldn't go in there for a while, wait for the smell to go." Max tells Holly as he shuts the door.

"Fucking hell Max, I can smell that. What have you been fucking eating?" Holly covers her nose, as the smell of shit comes wafting her way.

"Erm, beans." Max nods sitting down at the make-up table. "I should be normal to shitty-smelling shits by now. Harry and JJ, fucking hell. They stunk the whole house out when we all lived together." Holly laughs at the memory.

"What was it like? Living with them?" Max asks curiously. "It was fun, It was me and Dani that lived there, the only girls, but Frey, and Tal were around a lot. It wasn't bad, I get along with all the boys, they're all my brothers. Apart from Josh, he's my dad." Holly explains.

"Do you think they'd like me?" Max asks leaning on his hand. "I mean, I'm not sure. They'd have to meet you to judge whether they like you or not. I ain't gonna lie, I didn't like you at first. But, you're starting to grow on me." Holly tells him.

"Awww, you like me. And I just wanna say I'm sorry for calling you ugly the other day and throwing your book on the table." Max apologies. "It's fine, honestly. I got my book back in the end didn't I." She shrugs.

"Nah, because darkest told me off. Said I made you cry, and I feel really bad." Max proceeds to talk about it. "Max, I promise you it's fine." Holly leans over placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Can I just say something?" Max questions. "Sure." Holly nods unsurely leaning back. "On a gang ting, on a gang ting, yeah." Max says. "On a gang ting, yeah?" Holly asks.

"You're so fit." The nineteen-year-old straight up tells the girl. "Thanks, my boyfriend reminds me every day." Holly laughs. "Way to shoot me down." Max nods standing up.

"And Max!" Holly says a little too loudly. "Yes." Max turns around. "Don't listen to what they're saying. I'm proud of you." She smiles. "Thanks, Holly." Max nods walking down the stairs.

"Now why was I say up here again?" Holly whispers to herself. "Fuck me I forgot." She scoffs standing up. "Right! I remember. I needed a piss. I'm so forgetful." She tells herself walking into the bathroom. "That fucking stinks." Holly heaves, walking out of the room.

"Nah, Chip fall asleep on me bro. That was nice. Sleep on top of me." Max tells Chip as he lays on Holly. "Ahh, Chip. Do that massage again. On my legs. Fucking hell, that's nice." Max smiles as Chip sits up from laying on his girlfriend and starts massaging Max's thigh.

"His tool is massive, you know." Chip says looking at Ilyas. "Who?" The man asks. "I saw it yesterday." Chip ignores the question. "He has a massive cock?" Ilyas asks as he looks at Max. "Yeah, he actually does." The YouTuber nods.

"I'm not surprised you know." Ilyas casually shrugs. "How did you see it?" Destini wonders. "He was, he was just walking around in his boxers for like the first time, ever." Chip explains. "Bigger than yours?" Ilyas asks.

"Probably." Chip replies making Ilyas laugh. "Probably not." Holly whispers really quietly, so no one heard her.

"Holly, you cheeky girl."

"Are you fucking serious?" Holly jumps up from the sofa, with a red face. "What just happened?" Liv asks confused as everyone stares at Holly.

"Nothing, nothing happened." The brunette shakes her head, as she sits back down. "Sugar I love you, but please. Be quiet." Holly begs as she stares at the ceiling.

"I've just been, but I need another piss." Holly scoffs standing up. "Yeah, we needed to know that. Thank you Holls." Ilyas looks at the girl. "Your welcome man." She points to him, as she walks out of the room.

"That's a cute little game. We shall play it now." Grace smiles, holding twister. "Ahhh, okay, we'll play it now." Ilyas says. "Bro, wake up." Chip pulls on Max's hoodie. "Who's gonna be Grace's partner?" Ilyas asks.

"Wait, what. You have to be in pairs?" Holly stands up from the sofa. "Have you never played this game before?" Grace turns to the girl, as she unwraps the sheet. "Yes, obviously. But I thought one person spins, and the others have to do that move." Holly shrugs.

"Who's gonna be standing behind Grace when she's bent over?" Ilyas laughs. "Fuck you! Standing next to that brick wall." Grace shouts at him. "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute." Holly hops up and down, waving her hand in the air.

"Calm down girl." Ilyas laughs. "Do I have a nice ass?" Grace asks looking around at Holly. "You have a sexy ass girl." Holly winks at her friend. "You liar!" Grace points at the brunette.

"I'm not lying. I don't lie." Holly defends herself. "Your gonna get it." Grace drops the mat and chases Holly as she runs away.

"Oh, that's left-hand red." Chip tells Max after Harry spins the wheel. "Olivia! Left foot red." Chip stands up after he spun the wheel. "Look how she's gone straight to this side." He laughs.

"Guy's, is there any way I can get out of here?" Holly asks from under Kate and Billy. "I don't think so, you're quite stuck there." Grace says. "I need a piss tho." The brunette huffs. "Hold it." Ilyas tells her.

"I have a weak bladder, you know this shit." Holly scoffs looking at the man. "I'm sorry guys." Holly apologised before dropping to the floor.

"Chip, pull my legs." Holly tells him. "Why?" He asks walking over to them. "So I can get out, you numpty." She scoffs. "Hold your horses." He laughs pulling her. "I'm free." Holly jumps up to her feet. "And now I need to go pee." She runs out of the room.

"Do you have any tattoos? Does anyone have any... well you have tattoos." Kate points to Grace. "Do you?" The blonde points to Rachel. "I do." Rachel nods.

"What is it?" Holly leans forward as the girl lifts her top. "Ohhh, cool." Kate says. "It says destined for greatness." Rachel says.

"That's well cute. I have one on my rib cage as well." Holly says standing up. "What's yours?" Rachel asks. "It says I love you. My boyfriend wrote it so I got it tattooed on me. Because why not." Holly shrugs, lifting her shirt.

"Let's see." Kate leans forward. "That's adorable." Kate says in awe. "I know, he couldn't believe his eyes when I showed him." Holly laughs.

"Where are you going?" Holly turns to Ilyas as he walks past. "To Chip." Ilyas nods. "Ooo, I'm coming." She smiles dropping her top and jumping on the boy's back. "To Josh Larkin." Holly points in the direction of the challenge area.

"Yo, Bill. You coming?" Holly asks the freestyler as they pass him in the gym. "Where?" He asks. "To annoy Chippo." Ilyas smiles sneakily. "I'm down for that." He smiles following after the two.

"Hello, hey chip!" Ilyas shouts as Holly opens the door for him. "Oh my god." Ilyas smiles as he puts Holly on the bean bag. "Prick." Holly scoffs laying down.

"Ilyas, you're a fucking prick." Harry opens the door, as Ilyas bounces the exercise ball. "Oh no! The headache is back." Holly shouts, covering her ears. "You lot are cunts." Harry points to the three people who aren't supposed to be in the room.

"You, you got it?" Harry asks Chip. The YouTuber just nods and waves him away, as he continues to count. "Right I'm going." Billy says leaving the room. "Au revoir, Bill." Holly waves bye to him. "Au revoir." Billy says leaving the room.

"I'm gone as well." Ilyas says winning at Holly as he leaves the room. "Then there were two." Holly smiles as Chip continues to count. "Alright, you count and I'll talk." Holly says, making a bed out of the four bean bags that are in the room.

"Thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five." Chip says. "Alright, so you can count how fun. Have I ever told you about that story?" Holly asks, looking at her boyfriend as he walks around the room. "You don't know which story." Holly nods as Chip shrugs.

"The one about me and Harry going to the football?" Holly makes the story she was talking about, more clear. "You have, right." Holly slowly nods her head when Chip nods. "I'm gonna go to sleep. You have fun counting." Holly laughs as she closes her eyes.

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