Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y...

By all4eddie

321K 8.6K 7.6K

‼️OVER 18s ONLY‼️ Y/N and Eddie were inseparable as children, despite Eddie being a rough around the edges, m... More

Extended Family
Two Peas In A Pod
{Eddies POV}
Senior Year Seperation
{Eddies POV}
Mom & Dad
Sunday Dinner Surprise
At Home, At Last
{Eddies POV}
Deja Vu
Knight In *Not So Shining* Armour
{Eddies POV}
After School
Water Fight
A Change is Coming
Retail Therapy
{Eddies POV}
New Beginning
Pancakes for Breakfast
*not a* Double Date
Saturday Night In
A Rainy Sunday
{Eddies POV}
Corroded Coffin
{Eddies POV}
That's What Best Friends Are For
{Eddies POV}
I Wish I Knew
Authors Note <3
{Eddies POV}
Sunday Morning Study Session
Sunday Dinner Take 2
Beauty and The Freak
Dollar Tree Shopping Spree
Hair Ties
{Eddies POV}
Corroded Coffin @ The Hideout
After The Gig
Good Morning Beautiful
Harrington Party
The Perfect Hangover
"I Know Nothing!"
Dinner Date
To Be Continued
Picnic Date
I Love You
I'm So Glad You're Mine
I Could Get Used To This
Go For It Girl
{Eddies POV}
The Red Door
Worth The Risk
Happy Halloween
Promise To Be Mine?
{Eddie POV}
We've Joined The Club
{Eddies POV}
I Need A 'D'
You Are My Future
Nice To Meet You
So This Is Love
You Can Be The Boss
Nurse Jenny
Date Day Idea
Black Mountain Trail
We Aren't Getting Any Younger
That's What Best Friends Are For
The Night Before
The Wedding Day
Yours... Forever
This Is How It Feels
{Eddie POV}
A Case Of Mistaken Identity
Make Up
Clearing The Air
Real Life Rockstars
It's A Done Deal
Okay, You're Done
Strip Studying
I Get Messages From The Stars
Let 'Em Hear It
The Sleepover
New Member Of The VIP Gang
Grad Ball Dress Hunt
Lets F*** In The Back Of The Mall Pt1
Lets F*** In The Back Of The Mall Pt2
Graduation Day
Graduation Ball
Lovers Lake
You and Me
The Elephant In The Room
Overthinking Is A B*tch
Late Night Phone Calls
Merry Christmas!
Moving In Day
Christening The Bedroom
A Welcome Distraction
It Was A F****** Burrito
{Eddie POV}
A Mothers Love
The Earle Hotel
Gimme One More
Authors Note
Stay In Your Lane
Home Is A Feeling
What You Don't Know 'Can' Hurt You
{Eddie POV}
Step One
Authors Note
A Thousand Red Roses
Teddie The Bear
Come To Me
{Eddie POV}
Golden Hour
Valentines Special
Robin 'Blabber Mouth' Buckley
{Eddie POV}
Clean Up On Aisle 6
Bonnie & Clyde
Bonnie & Clyde Part 2
Bonnie & Clyde Part 3
Dream Girl
The Best is Yet To Come
Into The Hellfire
Into The Hellfire Part 2
Into The Hellfire Part 3

Sick Day

1.4K 43 31
By all4eddie

"Eddie, you have to get up we are going to be late for school!" You tell him before tugging on his arm trying to physically pull him from his bed. He answers you with an inaudible groan. "Babe seriously, you already missed a day this week you can't be late for another!" You warn him, you stand with your arms folded across your chest at the foot of the bed.
"I feel like I've been hit by a truck...then it circled back and hit me again." Eddie mumbles.
"I'll get you a coffee, that'll wake you up." You say as you turn heel and head to the kitchen, pouring him a hot cup of liquid energy.

You head back through and place it onto the bedside table, he still lays there refusing to even open his eyes. You stroke his face, trying to wake him again.
"Oh no Eddie, you're boiling hot!" You gasp, placing your palm flat against his sweaty forehead. "I think you've got a fever, shit!" You say.
"Told you I wasn't feeling well, you just don't believe me." He complains.
"I thought you were just trying to skip school." You reply, "I believe you now, Jesus, you're burning up babe!" You say.
"My head feels like there's a little drummer boy in there." He mumbles, scrunching his eyes closed tightly.
"Well you can't go to school today..." You sigh, "you need to get better for the weekend cause you can't miss it!" You say.
"Will you stay with me today, you can play nurse, it'll be good practice." He mumbles into his pillow.
"Of course, I'll stay with you. Let me just phone my mom, she can call the school and let them know neither of us will be in today, okay?" You say to him, he nods weakly.

While through in the kitchen calling your mom, you fill a glass with cool water and grab some medication for Eddie. You take it back through and he's still in the same position he was in when you left him. You gently get into bed beside him, being careful to not spill the water.
"Here, take these." You whisper to him and nudge him gently, he peeks at you with one eye and groans. "I know you don't like taking pills, but I snapped them in two so they're tiny little ones, you won't even notice them." You promise him. He pauses, before slowly raising himself up in the bed, resting against the headboard. He takes the pills from you and swallows them with water. "Good job!" You tell him once he's swallowed the tablets.
"Don't baby me." He pouts.
"Well you are a big baby!" You laugh.
"Hah, ouch, don't make me laugh." He says, wincing in pain.
"Alright, lay back down." You tell him before helping him lay his head onto the pillow.

You then pull the sheets off of him, leaving him in just his pants.
"Heyyyy, what are you doing?" He complains, trying to pull the comforter back over himself.
"You've got a temperature Eddie, you need to strip off." You tell him, pulling the covers way off of him and tugging at the checked pyjama bottoms he is wearing.
"Ohhh, I like where this is going." Eddie smirks, throwing his arms behind his head.
"Shut up," you giggle, "I thought you were ill." You raise your brows at him, tossing his trousers into the floor.
"I am ill but I'd never say no to that." He winks weakly. You roll your eyes and shake your head.
"You're impossible." You giggle. You stand and open his bedroom window, leaving it slightly ajar, before joining him back in bed.

"I'll head out to the store and get some ingredients for a nice soup or something, that sound good?" You ask him.
"Mmmm, that sounds great." Eddie replies. You lift his heavy arm off of your stomach and hop out of bed to get yourself dressed. You toss your hair into a messy bun and slip your converse on.
"Where's the keys?" You ask him, waiting by his bedroom door, ready to go.
"What keys?" Eddie questions, his eyes are closed as he lays motionless in his bed.
"The van keys?" You ask again.
"Nope, no way!" He says, suddenly lifting his head off the pillow to stare at you with wide eyes.

"Aw Eddie, come on! I'm not walking all the way to the store, I have a driver's license you know, you just never let me drive!" You laugh.
"Yeah, cause you suck at driving!" He says, very seriously, with plenty of emphasis on the 'suck'.
"I do not suck!" You laugh, "I mean, I hit a sign post one time and that apparently makes me a bad driver, whatever." You shrug.
"Yeah, a sign post, a shopping cart in the parking lot, that one time you almost hit that deer!" Eddie laughs, reminding you of all your 'oops' moments behind the wheel.
"The deer almost hit me, you mean!" You shout.
"And the countless kerbs you've hit!" He says finally.
"Eddie, I'm taking the van whether you like it or not. What's mine is yours baby." You wink.
"Ughhhh, fine. Keys are in the kitchen." He sighs, throwing himself back onto the pillow.
"I promise I'll bring her back in one piece!" You tell him, making your way through the trailer.
"She better not have a single scratch, I'm warning you!" Eddie shouts.

You head to the store and collect all the veggies you need to make Eddie a healthy soup, your mom always makes it for you when you're ill and it's like a magic potion, it always makes you better. You pick up some liquid medication for him that's really made for children only, but Eddie is a big kid and hates to swallow tablets. Then you grab some of his favourite candy and stock up on some YooHoo drinks since they're his absolute all time favourite, you know it'll cheer him up at least. You bag and pay for your groceries before heading out to the van to make your way back to the trailer. You're reversing out of your parking spot when you hear a loud screeching coming from the passenger side.
"Oh shit!" You say aloud, but continue to head home anyway, there wasn't another vehicle beside you so at least it wasn't somebody else's car you scratched.

You get back to the trailer and scope out the exterior of the van quickly, to see where the 'screech' had come from and sure enough, there's a fresh scratch on one of the vans alloys. In fairness, the van is old as heck and covered in dings and scratches so you don't think he'll even notice. You've decided not to break the news to him today. You head back into the trailer and begin preparing all of the vegetables, tossing them into a large pot on the stove along with plenty of seasoning and stock, bringing it to the boil then letting it simmer while you check on Eddie again.

He's sitting up in bed with a notebook on his lap, looking a bit better than he was this morning.
"You're back." He smiles and looks at you from under his brows, concentrating hard on the notebook in his lap, you're surprised to see him doing homework.
"Uhhh, I know you're ill, but did you hit your head or something? Are you seriously doing homework?" You laugh, heading over to join him in the bed again, you feel his forehead with the back of your hand and he's still feeling a bit hot.
"It's not homework dummy, what do you think I am, teachers pet?" Eddie scoffs.
"That you are not." You giggle, peeking at what he's writing in the book.
"It's the bands songbook, just trying to finalise some things for Saturday night." He tells you before putting the pen onto the page and closing the book.
"Anything you can play for me?" You ask.
"Nope, you hear it all on Saturday, it's not ready yet." He tells you.
"Booooo, okay. Now, let's just get you in ship shape for then, the soup will be ready in ten minutes." You tell him, snuggling into his chest.

You prepare a big bowl of soup for Eddie, ensuring all the veg is well blended as you know he'll complain if he finds lump of carrot in there. You take it through along with a spoonful of medication and a YooHoo under your arm, to where he sits in his bed, in just his boxer shorts.
"Ready for your next dose Mr Munson." You smirk, as you place the soup onto the beside table and guide the spoonful of medicine towards his mouth.
"Did you really go and get me the baby stuff?" He laughs.
"Well yeah, you're such a wimp when it comes to taking tablets I thought this would be better." You giggle, spooning it into his open mouth.
"You're too good to me Nurse Y/N." Eddie smirks, "and my favourite!" He says when he spots the chocolate drink, he snatches it and gulps some from the bottle, leaving him with a chocolate moustache. You chuckle to yourself, shaking your head and using a thumb to wipe it off for him.

"I promise there's no big bits in this, you'll hardly taste the vegetables at all." You promise him as you hand him the bowl, but he doesn't move his arms in an attempt to take it from you. "Aren't you hungry? Take the bowl." You laugh.
"Feeeeed meeee." Eddie whines.
"Are you for real right now?" You laugh.
"Yes, I'm sick!" He complains.
"Yeah, you've got a fever and a headache Eddie, you haven't lost the use of your goddamn hands!" You chuckle loudly, trying to hand him the hot bowl of soup again but he still refuses.
"Now Nurse Y/N, that's no way to speak to your sickly patient!" Eddie says in a false shocked tone.
"You really are an ass." You roll your eyes and begin blowing on a spoonful of soup to cool it before spoon feeding your 6 foot boyfriend like a toddler. He eats the first spoonful and smiles smugly at you.
"That's more like it Nurse Y/N, you're my favourite." He winks, you spoon more into him just to get him to shut up.
"And you're my most demanding patient of all time." You laugh.

By the late afternoon, Eddie still has a slight fever but his headache has subsided at least. You both lay in his bed, he's been jotting things down in his notepad and striking different chords on his acoustic. You've been laid at the bottom of the bed doing some school work for yourself and then admittedly doing a little bit of Eddie's to make sure he's all caught up.
"I should shower huh, I stink." Eddie laughs and sniffs his underarm.
"Eww Eddie!" You laugh, throwing your pen at him, "go hop into the shower if you're feeling up to it." You tell him.
"Is that not part of my care?" He says with puppy dog eyes.
"Is what part of your care?" You question him.
"Won't you shower me, great Nurse Y/N?" He bats his eyelids at you.
"Eddie! I am not showering with you, you're supposed to be ill!" You laugh, softly punching his thigh.
"I didn't say I was gonna fuck you!" He scoffs, "although if you'd like me to....." he begins with a smug smile before you interrupt.
"Save your energy soldier, you need to get better first!" You laugh, "but I will come and wash your hair for you Mr Munson." You smile, placing a soft kiss onto his bare leg before grabbing his hand and taking him into the bathroom.

You keep the water at a medium temperature so it doesn't make him any hotter than he already is and you grab him a fresh towel. He's standing behind you doing the loudest and longest pee in history surely, it only makes you laugh.
"Alright Mr Munson, your shower awaits." You tell him, he strips down naked and steps into the stream of water, you'd be lying if you said you didn't clench your thighs at the sight, but you need him to save his energy so he is better for the big gig at the weekend. He stands under the water and lets it drench him from head to toe, his wet hair sticks all over his face.
"Ahhhhh, I feel better already." Eddie sighs as the water cleanses him.

"I'll be right out here when you're ready for me to wash your hair." You tell him, putting the toilet seat down and taking a seat on the lid.
"Join meeee." Eddie whines.
"No Eddie, we both know how it'll end!" You laugh.
"I promise to keep it in my pants." He says, peeking at you from the shower.
"Umm, bit late for that." You point down at his bare body.
"Yeah well, you know what I mean." He laughs, "I promise to behave." He bats his eyelashes and pouts.
"No Eddie, I'll wash your hair for you but that's it! I will shower alone once you're done." You tell him.
"But Y/N pleeeease." Eddie begs.
"Noooooo." You answer.
"Pretty please, it'll make me feel better." He whines.
"Eddie shut up, you're gonna give me a headache now!" You laugh. He gets the cheekiest, most mischievous grin on his face and you dread to think what's coming next.

"Get. In. Now." He says, slowly moving away from the stream.
"No!" You answer sternly laughing at him.
"I'll drag you in here Y/N, I'm warning you!" He says, titling his head and looking at you very seriously.
"I'll kill you Munson!" You warn him with a pointed finger as he exits the shower, dripping wet all over the tiles.
"Is that a threat Nurse Y/N?" He says shocked, "I'll have to speak to your superior!" He mocks before making grabby hands at you, gripping your waist and dragging you inside of the shower with him, fully clothed.
"Edddddiiieeee!" You squeal, being temporarily blinded by the stream of the shower unexpectedly hitting you in the face and soaking you from head to toe. Eddie just laughs wildly like a maniac.

"I warned you missy!" He laughs. You punch his chest softly, unable to stay angry for long, especially when he's got that big toothy grin plastered across his face that is so adorable.
"I'm soaked!" You laugh, looking down at the clothes that cling wetly to your body.
"Guess you better strip." He sighs and shrugs his shoulders, the side of his lips upturning into a smirk.
"Damn you, Munson." You shake your head at him but can't help the grin that appears as you begin to rid yourself of the wet clothes, tossing them out of the shower and onto the tiles with a 'slap' noise.

"Sooo, now that you're here....and we are both naked...." Eddie says, before grabbing your ass in his palms and kissing a line from your neck to your breast.
"You'll be the death of me." You giggle, enjoying his mouth on your skin.
"Hey, that's my line!" Eddie laughs as he continues to attack your bare body in wet kisses under the warm stream of the shower. "Best sick day ever." Eddie chuckles between kisses.

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