Harry Potter next generation...

De Tianarulesforever

7.8K 105 2

The next generation of Harry Potter characters are left alone in Potter manor for an entire evening: nothing... Mais

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

673 9 0
De Tianarulesforever

The next morning James and Fred woke up, sneaking to Rose's room, eager to see what the two had been up to. To their glee they found it locked and a silencing charm put on the door. They began banging on the door, shouting at the couple to let them in. Of course, Rose and Scorpius couldn't hear, but the rest of the entire house could and they came towards the door, grumbling in annoyance and rubbing their eyes. Evidently they had just woken up and were not pleased about it. "What the bloody hell is going on here?" asked Teddy crossly, glaring at the two boys. They just smiled cheekily and pointed to the locked door.

"We were just wondering what was going on behind those locked and silenced doors!" said Fred fake demurely. Immediately Teddy's expression changed to worry. He had trusted them not to do anything! Ron was so going to kill him! He tried 'alohomora' which didn't work and a few other unlocking charms none of which helped. Groaning, he told everyone to get ready for breakfast and then he himself went to get ready. Since he couldn't wake them up, they would just have to miss breakfast. It was not a fitting punishment but he couldn't really do much since they were technically adults and the only reason he didn;t want them to do anything was so he would not face Ron's wrath.

When he went down however he found Rose and Scorpius sitting casually with the rest of them, chatting as if nothing had happened. He marched up to them angrily. "What the bloody hell were you doing last night you two?" He was taller than both of them and Scorpius seemed to shrink under his gaze. His eyes could harden in an instant, something he had inherited from his father's werewolf side. Rose however stared him squarely in the eyes, not flinching from his gaze.

"What we were doing is none of your business. We're adults and responsible enough to take care of ourselves. Also, I'm not stupid enough to do something like that here! In another timeline where everything could go wrong! Besides, you don't actually care if we were doing anything or not! You're just scared of my father!" she pointed out coolly, her hair frizzing up more, a bad sign. Hugo, having noticed this, quickly tried to pacify her unsuccessfully. After a long pause in which she did not break eye contact with him, she said "If you must know, I had a nightmare and we decided not to disturb the rest of you!"

Teddy looked abashed. "Oh. Um..." he looked around uncomfortably until Vic nudged him. "Sorry Rose, I shouldn't have assumed anything."

Rose smiled sweetly, "Thanks Teddy, I appreciate it." Sometimes it was scary how quickly her mood could change.

"Ok, great! Everyone's happy! Now can we please eat something? I'm starving!" exclaimed James, making everyone laugh. James would never change.

"If we have anything to eat that is," drawled Scorpius.

"What do you mean?" asked Hugo, terror evident on his face. Rose rolled her eyes. Her brother was far too dramatic.

"Hugo, think about it, this place was last used more than 14 years ago. Did you really think there would be any food? Honestly, use your brain!" exclaimed Rose.

Hugo looked down at his feet. "Right," he mumbled, turning red.

James tapped his foot impatiently. "How do we get food? We have to eat! We might starve!"

It was Lily's turn to roll her eyes. "James, obviously we'll go and buy food from somewhere! I'm sure there's a place nearby." James blushed and didn't reply.

"I think I have some muggle money on me, but I really don't think it's enough to last us," said Teddy, reaching into his pocket and bringing out about 20 pounds. 

"It's not exactly legal, but maybe we could multiply the money using 'Gemino'?" suggested Pandora hesitantly. 

Victoire considered it for a while. "Yeah, while I agree it's not very legal or ethical, we don't really have a choice if we want to survive. Thanks Pandora," she said, casting the spell. Eventually they had about 400 pounds. 

It was soon decided that Teddy would take James, Fred and Hugo to go look for food since they were the hungriest and eat there before bringing food back for the rest. Teddy disguised himself as a young muggle man with deep brown hair, hazel eyes and a medium build. Someone no one would glance at twice. James had dark hair, so neatly tamed no one would ever recognise him. Fred had dark blonde hair and light brown eyes. Meanwhile Hugo had black hair and dark brown eyes. Before they left Teddy tasked Vic with coming up with names, personalities and descriptions for all of them so they could leave the house safely bearing no resemblance to any prominent members of society. The Weasley red hair especially had to go.

Vic got down to it immediately while Rose dragged Scorpius and Albus with her to the library to look for more information about getting back, leaving Pandora and Lily in the living room. They decided to practice meditation to help them in accepting what they had seen and to strengthen their occlumency. Soon their breathing slowed down and became in sync. Their faces grew serene, both smiling. However their peace was disrupted by Rose running in heavily and panting.

"I have-great–news!" she exclaimed, out of breath. "Time in the future is frozen until we get back! That means we won't miss anything and I still have time to get a job! I'm going to look for more info!" She then ran out just as fast as she had come.

Pandora and Lily looked at each other then burst out laughing. It was the first time either of them had laughed since the incident and it felt good. Victoire let them for a while before cutting in. "While this is great, I've finished the names. Why don't you tell me if you like them?"

The names she had come up with were:

Teddy - John Smith (Muggle man with deep brown hair, hazel eyes and a medium build)

Vic - Sheila Smith (Muggle woman, wife of John. Black hair, dark brown eyes, nothing eye catching about her features)

James - Thomas Smith (Brother of John. Dark brown hair, dark eyes, slightly taller than John)

Fred - Bob Brown (Brother of Sheila. Dark blonde hair, light brown eyes, slightly shorter than average)

Hugo - George Brown (Brother of Sheila, black hair, light brown eyes average height)

Albus - Jacob Williams (Cousin of John. Dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes, average height)

Scorpius - Oliver Williams (Cousin of John, brother to Jacob. Dark blonde hair, light blue eyes, taller than average)

Rose - Amber Jones (Cousin of Sheila. Pitch black hair, black eyes, average figure)

Lily - Grace Jones (Cousin of Sheila, sister to Amber. Dark black hair, dark brown eyes, average figure)

Pandora - Audrey Jones (Cousin of Sheila, sister to Amber. Brown-black hair, black eyes, average figure)

All of them are related to John Smith either directly or through Sheila. John and I live here together and all of you came to visit us for my birthday.

"Oh wow! That's a lot of work! Thanks a lot Vic," smiled Lily.

"But why did you put us as sisters? Does that mean we can't be seen together outside?" asked Pandora with concern.

Vic looked apologetic. "Yeah, about that, since we don't want to draw attention, and society is still very conservative at this time, I thought it was better we acted like we were what they consider 'normal'. You can still be together inside of course but outside try to be like sisters. I'm really sorry but we can't risk anything."

"I...I see,"said Lily coolly. She understood, but she still felt upset with Vic. "Thank you for making the list. We'll be in our room," she said, pulling Pandora with her. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. The one thing she wanted more than anything she couldn't have. All she wanted was to be with Pandora. And now she couldn't even have that. Why was this thing so unfair? Pandora opened their door and let Lily lie on her lap on the bed.

She began stroking her hair. "Look love, I get that you're upset. I am too. But we can't let that drag us down. In our time it's not like this. It's just for a few weeks, until we get back. I'm sure we can do that!" she encouraged . But Lily was not consoled.

"Weeks! That's too long, firstly, and secondly, who's to say we'll even get back? What if we don't and we're stuck here, like this, forever?" she cried hysterically, her body shaking.

"We have Rose, and Vic. Do you think they'll let us be stuck here? Rose has to get a job, remember? She'll get us out of here if it's the last thing she does. And besides, we can still be like this inside. We'll barely go out anyway! I think we can manage," she soothed.

"You're right. I just don't like the idea of being forbidden from something. It makes me want it more," laughed Lily, cheering up again. Pandora chuckled too and kissed her. Soon they both felt well enough to go down to apologise to Vic.

"Sorry for storming out just now Vic. I really do appreciate what you did," apologised Lily.

"That's fine Lils. I'm sorry it has to be this way too. Now why don't we find Rose before the boys die from boredom!" The three girls laughed as they made their way to the library, and for a while, things didn't seem so bad.

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