Second Chance

By FlameXFullmetal

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Naruto And Sasuke was back in time to save everyone from the destruction. They returned to the day they will... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 34

195 3 0
By FlameXFullmetal

Chapter 34: Another Tyrant

A month had passed following the official end of the chunin exams and many of the shinobi were already back to their normal routines however, it was still common to hear gossip surrounding the promotions of an entire graduating class. The shinobi in question had merely thrown theirselves into their training more determined than ever to continue to improve to prepare for the fourth war that was looming in front of them. None of them had slowed down and it had become common to one of them or even a whole team barely dragging themselves back to their homes at night only to get up and repeat the process. Everyone one of them believing that they could still be better skill wise and the improvements could be seen on every mission as they reacted, ended fights and completed missions faster and faster each time.

Each of the former genin had been working with the resurrected kages to improve in multiple areas. Shikamaru, and Shino spent a lot of time with Tobirama getting advice on improving their skill with jutsu creation as well as improving on the weaknesses of each jutsu they had already created. It had been surprising how well the three seemed to bond while never speaking of anything but jutsu. Fu, TenTen, Karin and Naruto spent a lot of time learning their clan's style and hidden jutsu from Mito as well as getting Fu the needed assistance to create the same bond with Chomei that Naruto and Kurama had as well as controlling the chakra. Ino's training was split between clan training, training in poison creation and interrogation with Anko while also working extensively with Hashirama on her mokuton jutsu. With Hashirama's advice and training methods combined with creativity and unpredictability she had picked up from Naruto, Ino was occasionally teaching Hashirama a new creation of hers.

Choji and Lee were spending time with both Hashirama and Gai to smooth out the rougher edges of their taijutsu while slowing but surely identifying and eliminating many of the elements that caused the harmful backlash in their styles. For Choji this had meant a diet change and modified poison resistance training. Which slowly but surely was making him immune to the harmful effects of the special food pills as well as learning how to do the transformation without them. For Lee this meant more training focusing on building his body's endurance and strength to resist the effects of opening the gates and getting his body used to internal nature transformations.

Haku and Hinata were working together to improve their flexibility and working with Tobirama to improve their chakra control to a point that they were starting to compete with the late hokage over who had the best control. Tobirama had also found something of an apprentice in Haku and had been working on making her control over water on par with his. This also helped her hyoton as well as she was learning how to draw water from even the driest condition, something that she had never been able to do. Meanwhile, Neji had been consistently ignoring the the clan in favor of training his new style of Juken. It was something he was finding to be quite enjoyable and cursed himself for not doing it sooner. The more he trained in his new style the more he realized just how limited and ignorant of the Juken's obvious weaknesses the clan had become. He was quite happy he had seen the truth before it had been to late.

It hadn't been just the genin that had been training non-stop. After witnessing three genin making it all the way to special jonin in less than a year of graduating, they had become determined not to be surpassed that quickly. Irregardless of the fact that two of them were time travelers and the third had been being trained by them. Kakashi had already been increasing his skills so that he wouldn't become to reliant on the sharingan as he had been and to try and keep ahead of his genin. Something that he was finding increasingly difficult. Asuma, Gai and Zabuza had also thrown themselves into a near suicidal routine to catch up.

The promotion's effects hadn't been limited to just them either. All of the shinobi in the village had increased their training in order to prevent themselves from being surpassed by the rookies. The ones that hadn't seen a point had been ordered to do so by Itachi as he wanted the village as prepared as they could be for the coming storm that would hit. Whether sooner or later was irrelevant. However, at the moment Itachi was staring at a mission contemplating his options. In his tome away from the village he had become quite knowledgable about the state of the other nations and he knew that the mission wasn't as it appeared. He was considering rejecting the request until an idea formed in his head.

"Send for Sandayu Asama, we need to discuss some details regarding his mission request." It wasn't to long before the man was standing before him and he sighed looking at the man who seemed quite composed.

"Sandayu-san, we have received your request for an escort to accompany your crew to Yuki no kuni however, there seems to be a few problems with the request itself."

"Is there? My apologies for not being clear on the request. What seems to be the problem?"

"You requested a C-rank escort for a film crew to a country that is neutral with Hi no kuni, however, I am not so naive as to think that the country is anywhere near an ideal state for anyone to be traveling to. I know that the country has been in a state of unrest since the death of the former daimyo Kazahana Sosetsu under suspicious circumstances. Fujikaze Yukie, the lead actress in the movie isn't just a fictional princess, either. She is the heiress to the nation and the rightful daimyo, Kazahana Koyuki. Konoha is not in the habit of involving themselves with political affairs of another nation. Even being seen with the princess could have severe political ramifications."

"So I am giving you a chance to fully explain yourself before I decide to reject the mission outright and blacklist you from future missions as you are intentionally intending to place my shinobi at risk unnecessarily. A mission of this level would typically be given to a genin squad. A rookie team under the guidance of a veteran shinobi. One that could not handle the chance of civil war erupted around them. A mission like this would be suicide for them." Itachi watched as the man slumped slightly before straightening his posture and giving the Godaime a look that showed his true nature.

"You are right about the political climate in Yuki, however, I was afraid that if I listed my true intentions the village would reject the mission without giving it any consideration. Had I known that the C-ranks typically went to more experienced genin teams I would have listed it as a B-rank. The truth is that the former daimyo was assassinated by his own brother in a coup de tat. Doto has been bleeding the country dry while attempting to find some kind of treasure that he believes his late brother had left behind. He thinks that it is a weapon of some sort that will allow Yuki no kuni to stand against the strength of the big five."

"I was a samurai under the late daimyo and have been working tirelessly to try and remove Doto from the throne of Yuki no kuni with what remains of those loyal to the princess. Unfortunately, we need more men and no one else will join our cause without proof that the princess is alive. I have been planning to get Koyuki back to the country to take her place as soon as I found her some years ago on the stage. I had hoped that our guise would allow us to slip into the country unnoticed so that we would have time to meet with the rebel forces and plan our next move." Sandayu explained to Itachi who sighed and closed his eyes.

"You are forgetting some very important things in this plan of yours. One is assuming that Doto hasn't been searching for his niece just as frantically as you had been. Second, is assuming that they haven't recognized the princess from all of her movies just as you did. Third, is assuming that the princess wishes to return to the country and take her place. Fourth, is assuming that the princess's return will spark a desire to turn against Doto in the people who have been living in fear of the man. They would most likely turn the princess over in exchange for things that they have been denied in order to curry favor with the daimyo."

"Finally, is assuming that even if they do work with you you will have enough men to face down against the man who control not only your country but your shinobi village as well. Unless you have ninja as well on your side that are strong enough to face down those that remain loyal to the throne of the daimyo, irregardless of the legality of who sits upon it, you will lose this battle." Itachi pointed out making the man slump almost in defeat.

"You have a good point there, but why wouldn't the princess want to take her rightful place?"

"For the same reason that you want to place her back on it. She could be afraid of her uncle and surviving the coup may have caused some emotional and mental trauma. As it is she could very well be suicidal right now and just not strong enough to go through with suicide. You have to remember she was just a little girl who lost all that she had to a man she should have been able to trust."

"...I suppose you have a point there, but what do I do? I can't let Doto continue to rule over the country and Koyuki is the only one that has a claim to the throne."

"You should count yourself lucky that I happen to have a team of extremely talented shinobi that are in need of field experience. However, you will make it clear to Koyuki what you intend and ask for her cooperation. Make it clear that if she does not wish to take the throne back you will not force her. However, you can request that she stay long enough to appoint her successor. You may do so in here if necessary. Furthermore, you will inform your crew of what they are walking into so that they are prepared for the danger and will follow all of the orders that my shinobi give them. They will not under any circumstances film my shinobi in battle and use the footage for the movie in any way shape or form."

"Eh? That is an odd request."

"No it isn't. The Princess Fun movies are extremely popular within every nation and if my shinobi's skills are revealed to the world more than they were during the chunin exams it could place them in danger."

"Ah, when you put it that way I can agree. Thank you Hokage-sama for allowing this to proceed."

"...You will still be paying full price for the upgraded difficulty..." Sandayu sweat dropped before nodding in understanding.

"Boar, bring me team seven and eight as well as Fujikaze Yukie." Their was no sound or indication that the ANBU had even heard Itachi's request but knew that the order would be carried out. Sitting back in his chair he closed his eyes and waited. He knew that this would be a long meeting. It didn't take the two teams long before they arrived in the office however, it would be close to an hour before the actress was escorted into the room looking rather unhappy by an ANBU that seemed just as angry.

"I apologize for the delay Hokage-sama however, I had to track down Fujikaze-san and sober her up before bringing her here."

"It's fine Boar." Sitting up he looked at the assembled team in appreciation. "I have a mission for the eight of you that is at least low A-class with the chance to escalate higher depending on the resistance you encounter. Should Fujikaze-san make the mission necessarily difficult feel free to keep her tranquilized in order to minimize the potential of unnecessary danger you may face."

"Eh?!" The shinobi yelled at the same time Sandayu and Yukie did.

"Now then Sandayu, you will explain the situation in it's entirety to those gathered. Yukie you will stay and listen and if you proceed to continue acting like a spoiled brat I will be forced to treat you like one." Somehow the gathered shinobi felt their eyes twitch at the implications of what they were being drug into.

One unnecessarily lengthy and repetitive explanation later...

"Absolutely not! I don't care what the conditions are! I refuse to go back there!" Yukie yelled venomously.

"Well you certainty have become more assertive since I last saw you princess." Kakashi commented lazily getting everyone's attention.

"You know the princess Kakashi-sensei?" Hinata asked in confusion.

"Ah. I was the one that extracted her from the country during the initial coup de tat." Jaws fell as even Sandayu digested the information.

"You were the one that saved the princess's life back then?!"


"Thank you Kakashi-san." Sandayu cried out as he bowed to the shinobi who just waved him off.

"You should have let me die back then." No sooner than the words left her mouth, Itachi sent a knowing look to Sandayu who sighed.

"Coward.." Naruto snarled making the princess recoil. "'I should have died back there' is no different than saying that you care nothing for the loos of human life that occurred among the people that you knew trying to get you to safety. That your father meant absolutely nothing to you. I get that your traumatized by everything that happened, trust me I do. So does Sasuke. However, to spit upon the sacrifices made to protect you is nothing but pure cowardice."

"You have no idea what you're talking about! Even if you did understand what is like to see everything around you burn to the ground, you have no idea what it means to have the expectations of an entire country on your shoulders!" Yukie snapped. Neither she nor Sandayu expected his eyebrow to raise as the other shinobi sighed and hold their heads.

"No you have no idea what it means to be the sole survivor of your country knowing that they had been betrayed and there was nothing left to save. You are not the only royalty in this room, princess. Had Uzu not fallen, I would be the crown prince of the nation. In the very same position you are rejecting. The only difference is, you still have a home full of memories of your family and friends to go back to. All I have left of my country are some artifacts, scrolls and the memory of a village practically razed to the ground and the skeletal remains of a family I never knew. Right down to the newborns."

"However, why don't you go ahead and keep making assumptions based off of ignorance. Grow up princess, Sandayu is not asking you to take the throne. He is asking you to return long enough to name someone to take the throne after your uncle is defeated. A week at best. Then you would be free to wallow in your misery and remain a bitter, angry unpleasant person that will remain alone in life because you refuse to let anyone get near you. A woman that will continue to make children cry as you treat them no differently than one would a rapist or murderer." Naruto replied. Sighing he leaned back on his heels and shook his head.

"Irregardless, you're going back. We were hired to keep you safe until the end of the movie and assist in retaking the throne for you or whoever you nominate. So I suggest you grow up and start acting your age instead of a whiny, spoiled six year old that isn't getting her way. When do we leave Sandayu-san, Hokage-sama?" Naruto asked turning to look at Itachi who had a slight smile on his face.

"That would be between you and Sandayu to decide, Naruto. Kakashi and Zabuza are here to observe and evaluate your performance on this mission. Remember what I said. The only thing holding you three back from jonin is experience and mission records. They will assist in the fighting but you are in charge of this mission. Sasuke will act as second in command. Your mission is to protect the movie crew as they film and upon arriving in Yuki no kuni remove Doto from the throne. How you do this is up to you."

"You can't be serious?! They're just kids!" Yukie cried out in dismay.

"Kakashi-sensei was just a kid when he saved you." Hinata pointed out making her flush in embarrassment.

"Furthermore, these three aren't just kids. They are shinobi that were able to uncover a planned invasion to the village and turned the invasion on the attackers. All the while single handedly taking out the biggest threats in the invasion. They have more than earned their ranks. Team eight is not far behind either. I know that I can count on them to come out of this mission intact." Itachi informed them. Sandayu nodded and the teams smiled at the praise.

"Yukie-san, Doto is after more than just your life isn't he?" Kakashi asked. Sighing she held up a hexagonal crystal for everyone to see.

"No, he wants this. I don't know why though."

"From our information he most likely believes it will unlock whatever weapon he thinks that your father built in his final days." Zabuza mused.

"There is no weapon. Father hated weapons and only ever tried to use Yuki's technology to help people. He was always going on and on about how spring was coming to Yuki no kuni. What a joke." the actress snorted.

"If Doto is after the hexagonal crystal than it would be safer away from Yukie. It would also guarantee that in the event she is captured somehow, he is forced to keep her alive to use as a bartering chip for the crystal." Sasuke replied knowing full well what was going to happen. Yukie just shrugged and tossed it carelessly towards the shinobi. Catching it Hinata quickly sealed it away.

"We should leave soon. The more of a head start we have on Doto the less time he will have to ambush us." Hinata quipped making Naruto nod. Turning to Sandayu he sighed.

"Do try to have the crew ready in two hours. We will be leaving then with or without them. Yukie if you run away and delay our departure, I will send Zabuza to track you down and I can assure you he will hate every moment of it and may knock you out in spite." Heading for the door he paused and looked at the princess in sympathy.

"With all of your country's technology don't you think that your father could have built a way to bring Spring to Yuki? It wouldn't be that difficult. Nor impossible. Seeing as technology does exist that can artificially create snow." He mused as he headed out of the door making Yukie and Sandayu stare in shock.

Several days later...

The mission had, as it went the first time around, proceeded without a hitch. Though Yukie remained combative and uncooperative the entire time she had yet to try and run away. Apparently. The threat of Zabuza was more than enough to keep her with the rest of the crew. Unsurprisingly, the crew was ecstatic when they learned what was going on and seemed even more eager to film the movie. They were quite disheartened however, upon learning of Itachi's stipulations on the ninja appearing in the movie though. However, that didn't stop them for long.

Even so, Naruto was alert remember how the ambush went the first time around. He was constantly setting patrols and clones into the distance to scout ahead for ambush locations while having Hinata scout with her byakugans. Sasuke was meditating and recalling everything that he remembered about the encounter and fights the first time around, while Kakashi and Zabuza were watching with small smiles at the fledgling shinobi's dedication and preparedness for the coming mission. Meanwhile, Shino, Haku and Fu had the unpleasant task of staying by Yukie's side and watching the movie actually being filmed. If someone were to ask later how the experience was to be on the set of the movie they would easily reply that it was disappointing. As the filming wound down for the night Naruto called a meeting with the shinobi.

"I'm sure you have guessed already however, team seven was assigned this mission the first time around. Unfortunately, we walked into this mission blind. However, we don't have that handicap any more. The leader of the shinobi opposition is Nadare Roga. You should remember him quite well, sensei."


"He is competent in taijutsu however, he has neglected it in favor of over reliance on chakra armor that he and the other shinobi including Doto wear. He is proficient in the usage of Hyoton based jutsu." Haku and Zabuza's eyes snapped forward in shock. "I'm afraid he is not related and his hyoton was trained instead of inherited. It allows him to manipulate the ice and snow around him, but does not give him control over the element itself like Haku's bloodline does. All the shinobi can use hyoton ninjutsu in the same way."

"However, the problem is the chakra armor. Until you get around it or overload it, something that only a jinchuriki is capable of, they are technically immune to everything but taijutsu. The armor can project a shield to protect them from projectiles and absorb the chakra in jutsu sent at them. This gives them a secondary source of chakra to pull off of if necessary. Break the armor and they will perform at chunin or less in skill." Sasuke quipped making them all sweat drop.

"Nadare works with two other Yukigakure shinobi. Fubuki Kakuyoku, who is pretty much the same as Nadare in over reliance on the chakra armor, has functional wings built into hers allowing her the ability to "fly" at high speeds. She is cocky and frequently taunts her opponents and can be easily distracted. The third member is Mizore Fuyukuma. He is also over reliant on his chakra armor however, his taijutsu is very good. He was able to fight me when using Kurama's chakra. However, he believes himself to be unbeatable so long as he has the armor. He also has a metal arm that can fire projectiles and fired directly at the opponent then retracted." Naruto continued. The shinobi around him nodded as they absorbed the information.

"The last time they attacked tomorrow morning when the crew stops to film on an iceberg. We should take them out quickly. The less Doto knows about us the better. Fu, with your ability to fly I want you to handle Fubuki. Sasuke, I'm sure you can handle Mizore. Zabuza, Nadare is extremely cocky but does have some skill. Take him out quickly. Expend no more energy than you need to. If necessary, throw them into one another. That will cause the armor to explode. That's how Sasuke and Sakura, of all people, defeated Mizore and Fubuki last time."

"Sakura?!" Hinata gaped incredulously.

"Yeah.." Sasuke said sweat dropping.

"You weren't kidding about that over reliance on the armor part were you?"

"Nope." Nodding their heads with the plan Naruto leaned back.

"Keep an eye on Sandayu. Last time we did this he got himself and all of the other rebels killed in a suicide attack on Doto. Once we make land, Kakashi-sensei, Haku, Shino and I will head to the castle to deal with Doto and his forces. Sasuke, Zabuza, Hinata and Fu will remain with the crew. My team is best suited for infiltration and assassination while Sasuke's team for protection and direct confrontation." Naruto directed. The jonin shook their heads in approval and smiled as Sasuke smiled softly at the plan knowing that he would probably split the team up that way. As soon as everyone was sure of their roles and upcoming positioning Naruto dismissed them and leaned back against the wall looking out the window. He hoped that things went as smoothly as he hoped they would. He could only smile as Hinata sat in his lap and leaned against his chest.

"Relax you're doing fine."

"I know that but the thing with team seven's missions is that they never go smoothly. Never. I'm worried especially since I'm the one in charge this time."

"It will work out just fine. Relax. Maybe before we return to Konoha we can have another date. We haven't really had the time between the missions, the chunin exams and the invasion."

"I'd like that." Naruto whispered wrapping his arms around her and feeling his eyes begin to droop. Hinata just smiled and let her eyes fall shut as well.

The next morning Naruto awoke to the shouts of the crew as they drew attention to the iceberg and frowned. 'So they had eyes on her as far as back as the hidden leaf. Either that or there are some members of ROOT still unaccounted for under orders to inform Doto of his niece's location in exchange for the chakra armors.' He thought as he shook Hinata awake and they headed up to the deck. A quick glance of the iceberg confirmed his suspicions as he subtly nodded to the team who slightly tensed as Naruto attempted to talk the director out of stopping. Unfortunately, Naruto had underestimated the man's stubbornness and resigned himself to watching for the Yuki-nin. Eyes just barely glancing off to the side in the direction he knew the attack was coming from, he and Sasuke slowly counted backwards towards the moment that the fight would begin. Sure enough, as soon as they zero the explosion rang out once more.

"Is that supposed to happen?" one of the actors called out in apprehension. True to Itachi's orders, the whole crew had been informed of the situation and despite managing to hide their nervousness, they were still worried. To the shinobi however, they had earned their titles as actors as they had managed to almost completely hide their unease even from shinobi. To most their nervousness could be attributed to the presence of the shinobi in the vicinity and that was perfectly fine for the Konoha nins.

"Get back to the ship." Naruto ordered evenly. The crew felt their eyes widened as they hurried back to the ship as quickly as civilians could. Glancing up Naruto felt his eyes narrow upon seeing the visage of Nadare.

"Still have the hexagonal crystal, Fujikaze Yukie? Or should I say Princess Koyuki?" The man stated even though his tone was slightly more tense than it had been before. Naruto stared impassively at him while taking quick note of everyone's positions. 'He's irritated. They noticed the hurried departure and had to catch up. That means...' Naruto thought before making subtle hand signs to his team.

'Tired. Unrested. Irritated.' He briefly signed making their eyes widen slightly.

"Ah. Kakashi-san, not going to run away like last time right?" Kakashi sighed and leaned back leisurely.

"I had more important things to do, like saving a princess, than to amuse a spoiled child playing at shinobi." He replied making Nadare snarl. As the man surged forward to attack the copy-nin some of the other shinobi rushed past him to attack his comrades. Paying them no heed in his anger he swung intending to punch the man in the face only to stare as Kakashi's form exploded in a shower of water from the force. Before he could react he heard a voice whisper in his ears.

"Next time rest before planning an ambush. You may actually think with a clear head." His world went dark before he could even turn around or respond to the taunt that had most definitely not come from Kakashi. Several feet away, Kakashi shook his head as he released his transformation hiding him among the snow.

"Honestly, why would I lean back and make myself more open to attack in front of an enemy I have some knowledge about?" He asked looking to Zabuza who shrugged as he placed his blade back onto his back before looking towards the kids. It was just in time to see Fu hit Fubuki's armor hard enough to cause it to explode. He sweat dropped and turned to Sasuke just in time to see Sasuke appear behind Mizore and remove his head as well.

"That was fast." Zabuza commented before smiling. "I like the efficiency. The brat planned the match-ups quite well." Kakashi nodded in pride as the group gathered together once more on the ship. There they were met with a dumbfounded expression by the princess and half the crew.

"" Koyuki stuttered now that the danger passed.

"You are going to have to be far more specific if you want any answers." Naruto dead panned at the woman.

"How did you know that was going to happen?" The director asked.

"If I was hunting down a princess hiding as an actress with a director that takes every possible opportunity to try and get authentic shots for his movie, that's where I would have ambushed you. Far to little space to escape with and getting the ship moving would take time that you wouldn't have to flee." Naruto said shrugging making everyone's eyes widen once more. "Even better if the iceberg just, you know, appeared over night. It was an obvious trap. Why do you think that I wanted to keep moving?"

"Good point. I suppose that I should keep that in mind." He conceded.

"You're just kids! How could you so easily kill like that?!" Koyuki exploded.

"We aren't kids." Hinata replied frowning. "We are shinobi. Killing is never easy. The decision to take someone's life is never easy. However, in order to fulfill or missions and protect our village we do so, so that someone else doesn't have to."

"It's not our first by any means, either." Sasuke added cleaning his sword.

"In case you'd forgotten our village was 'invaded' just recently. Most of the rookie genin had their first kills then. All of the younger shinobi here were rookies when it happened. They have already seen war." Zabuza countered and looked at the sky. "Kakashi and I are war veterans as well. Don't forget that if we don't kill them, they might kill you." The silence was unnerving for a few minutes before the film crew shook it off and got the equipment put away deciding that no one was in the mood to film at the moment. Sighing Naruto looked towards the horizon and took breath as he attempted to figure out what Doto would do next.

It didn't take to much longer for the ship to reach land and as soon as it did the equipment was rapidly being removed from the ship. Watching over the operation, Zabuza sighed wishing once more that he had been on the assassination team. He understood why Naruto had asked him to remain behind but he didn't like it. After all, out in the open like this he would have plenty of 'water' to work with for his jutsu and the climate was similar to Kiri's winters. Terrain he was quite familiar with and because of that he would have the better footing of the two experienced jonin. Meanwhile, Kakashi's jutsu wouldn't work well with the terrain and also required table footing if he was to use the Raikiri or the Chidori. He tilted his head as he heard footsteps approaching from behind.

"Zabuza, I believe was your name, where are the other four shinobi?" One of the cameramen asked in trepidation.

"Scouting ahead." He answered gruffly making the man nod and leave. In all honesty he wanted to finish the mission and head home. He was really, bored.

With Kakashi's team...

'We are almost there.' Naruto signed to the rest of the team who nodded silently in return. They had decided to travel silently to not attract any attention. As the castle loomed in sight Naruto nodded and slowed down to get a better vantage point.

'He's cocky. Sixteen guards outside barely any inside. Barely any of them have above high genin chakra. Doto is still in the castle most likely waiting for Nadare's team to return. You remember the plan?'

'I'm to locate the blueprints for the chakra armor and other weapons and confiscate or destroy them.' Shino signed back.

'You want me to locate and jutsu scrolls or artifacts that Doto has stolen over the years. With primary focus on Uzu artifacts and hyoton jutsu.' Haku signed just as quickly.

'I'm to take out the guards that have the highest risk of interfering in your fight and then regroup with Haku and Shino. Afterwards the three of us are to scout for prisoners and free them if there any. If there aren't regroup with you.' Kakashi signed not quite happy with the arrangement.

'I know you want to come with me, but the last time that we fought it was destructive and that was before I was properly trained. I intend to lead him away from the castle. Not only will that give you more time, but you and any prisoners won't be caught in the crossfire.'

'I know.' Nodding Naruto took a few calming breaths before nodding and the four shinobi went their own ways. For Haku, slipping in was easy as there was some ice on nearly every window. Quietly making her way down the halls, she would occasionally pull any guards inside an ice mirror and continue. It didn't take long before she located the room that held Doto's stolen treasure and quickly sealed all of it after disabling some shoddy security seals. In less than two minutes she was already looking for the room containing the jutsu scrolls. She knew why Naruto wanted her to take them. There was little to no chance of her clan's scrolls being intact in Kiri and almost all of her arsenal was self made with little variety as she relied heavily upon her ice mirrors. It was her chance to branch out. Additionally, with what Naruto knew of Yukigakure's condition the village was finished anyway.

Shino also found his way in easily via an open window. Slipping into the ducts he quickly sent out some kikaichu to scout and let him know if they found anything promising. It didn't take long before he was traveling as well. Waiting for the guard in the room to turn his back he quickly encased the man in his kikai before dropping to the floor and quickly gathering the blueprints. After clearing the room he slipped back through the vents and made his way towards the approximate area Naruto said the cells had been in last time.

Kakashi, was already headed for the cells as dealing with the 'guards' had been pathetically easy. Nodding to his right as Shino left the vents he smiled as Haku joined them on the left. Quickly entering the cells they found only two captives, both in need of medical treatment. Just as they broke the doors the castle shook and a large explosion sounded out somewhere above them.

"Looks like Naruto found Doto." Kakashi said knowing silence was no longer needed.

"Hai. It seems as if he was unable to strike him down in one move though." Shino said furrowing his eyes. "That is illogical. Uzumaki's stealth is some of the best in the village. There must be another shinobi here that wasn't present the first time."

"We have to get these two to safety first."

With Naruto...

Sneaking in had been rather easy. Especially now that he had known what he was doing. What he hadn't been expecting was to find one of Danzo's ROOT members that hadn't been in the village exchanging information with Doto or the shinobi to turn just before he could get out of eye shot. Cursing his luck he shot forward quickly dispatching the ROOT member and then turned to Doto to see the man frowning.

"I take it Nadare and the other's had failed if you are here." Naruto said nothing as he launched a foot towards the tyrant's head nearly catching him in the process. Only the barrier that sprung up from the chakra armor that Doto was wearing had saved the man from dying right then and there. Growling at the boy he Doto flung himself backwards as he began a string of hand seals that had Naruto cursing. Moving swiftly he broke Doto's hands apart and kicked him across the room quickly chasing after him. The next blow Doto dodged as he began weaving his seals once more activating the wings that were attached to the armor. Flying in the air he was able to finish his jutsu just before Naruto could follow.

"Hyoton: Kokuryu Bofusetsu." He called thrusting his hand forward as a dragon made of black ice barreled it's way through the window and began to turn in the air as it approached Naruto. However, the dragon was met head on by a Rasengan causing it to explode. Cursing Doto flew out the window for more room and Naruto quickly followed. What then began was a high stakes battle of cat and mouse as Doto attempted to make room between him and the pursuing blonde. Dodging yet another strike from the blonde he cursed as he watched him make a clone in mid air to propel him right back at the tyrant this time punching him in the face and managing to grab a hold of the wings. Leaning backwards while applying pressure to the joints, Naruto broke the wings off before sending the man plummeting towards a snow bank.

"Curse you! Just who are you anyway?!" Doto screamed in rage as he flailed to get back to his feet. Once more his opponent didn't answer. Growling Doto managed to form the six seals necessary and glared at the blonde.

"Just die! Hyoton: Soryu Bofusetsu!" Two black dragons made of ice shot towards Naruto before quickly merging into a massive tornado. Naruto raised an eyebrow and quickly formed seals of his own.

"Futon: Tatsumaki no Kabe." He called as several tornado's quickly rose in front of him. However, just like Doto's jutsu the tornados quickly merged and formed a much bigger one that not only overpowered Doto's it continued on its path and swallowed the tyrant as well. Inside the swirling vortex Doto found his armor quickly destroyed from the bits of ice flying around him. A second jutsu from the blonde was the last thing that he would ever hear.

"Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu." The tornado suddenly erupted into a spiraling column of flames that devoured the man alive leaving nothing but partially melted metal and charred bones. Sighing in relief Naruto leaned back as Kakashi, Haku and Shino dropped down next to him grimacing at the sight.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Now that this is over we can finish our mission and go home." Naruto said as the others nodded. He was more than ready to return to the hidden leaf and resume his training. He was just hoping that there was enough time.


A/N: Hi there! I'm back and have the newest chapter for you. This arc was not meant to be long or very exciting. Merely setting the precedent for future training. Also, a lot of the arcs will probably be condensed into one or two chapters with non-canon arcs taking more time and chapters for development. Anyway. I'm back and not going away. If you like, let me know! Ja ne!

Chidori – One thousand birds

Raikiri – Lightning Blade

Hyoton: Kokuryu Bofusetsu – Ice Release: Black Dragon Blizzard

Hyoton: Soryu Bofesetsu – Ice Release: Twin Dragon Blizzard

Futon: Tatsumaki no Kabe – Wind Release: Tornado Wall

Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu – Fire Release: Fireball jutsu

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