Encanto (Journey to the past)

By BiancaGradaille

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Mirabel's ceremony was sad for several reasons but there was one reason that everyone choose not to talk abou... More

The second ceremony
About Ten-Eleven years ago
Present (After casita fell)
Songs for the story: NC
Character info
Dinner tensions again
The triplets
Mica vs Abuela
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros part 2
Learning more
La Familia Sánchez
New visitors
The new generation(not a chapter)
Making plans and meeting the village
Talks and saying adiós
A song from the heart
We're on our way
Train rides and Stories
Journey to the past
Isa, Dolores and Luisa song
Tough calls and explanations
Meet the rest
NAC: Boarding house residents
Preparing for more Drama
Reunions part 2(Can't this family have one quiet dinner)
A New Miracle
Hang in there baby
Dia De Los Padres
Parents day Part 2
Out on the town
Javier's Journal pt 1
Journal pt 2
The Jungle pt. 1
Jungle pt. 2
The End or is it?

Catching Up

40 1 0
By BiancaGradaille

After hugging for who knows how long? The moment was interrupted when Chapa decided to make his presence known.

"Chapa would like to be let out, por favor. Parce too," said Antonio. Angie and Ignácio looked at him which made the boy recoil nervously between his brother and Mirabel's legs. After taking note of the little boy the siblings looked at their padre. "Oh, this is your primito, Antonio," Bruno said.

Dolores added with a smile, "Our little brother,"

"Tía Pepa and Tío Félix had another baby?" Asked Angelina amazed. Pepa must be 50 by now.

Still, shy Antonio answered with a raised hand, "I'm five," Antonino said showing five fingers.

Camilo patting his brother's head added "he can talk to animals,"

Angie looked down at Antonio and with a sweet smile said, "it's wonderful to meet you, Antonio," she reached her hand out "I can't wait to learn more about you," he saw how nice she was like his prima and grabbed her hand. Ignácio did the same.
The two wild cats roared again getting their attention. Mirabel decided to finally speak, "I guess we better let them out now"

"Yeah, Chapa tends to get restless but I think he can wait," she said still upset at the jaquin's role in Miguel's adventure. "Anyway let's get you all settled in the house. I'm sure you are all tired from your trip."

Everyone grabbed their bags and headed inside except Acacia who pulled Zano to the side, for a minute, "You're not out of dodge," Shrugging her words off Zano went inside 'this is going to be a long visit

————Dining room————

After bringing their bags inside a big man was waiting in the living room once he saw Miguel he hugged him. The visiting Madrigals learned this was Miguel's, Tío Chico. Chico helped them bring the bags to the guest rooms. Miguel and Antonio were told to go into Miguel's room. While the Madrigals went to the dining room. Not sure where to start the conversation but the silence was unbearable.

"So is no one gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" Asked Camilo.

"Which one?" Said Ignácio.

"How about you tell us what happened with Miguel and Zano?" Angelina suggested.

After explaining the situation, from Casita showing a hidden room, the mural changing, going through photo albums, and through the train ride here (balcony serenade not included) the duo could only process so much. But both understand the reason Miguel went there.

"Wow, I can't believe Casita added our kids to the mural in town," he said. "Or that we were taken off."

"We knew the magic added more to the family tree but that was inside Casita," she noted. "I didn't know their magic could reach into town."

Antonio added, "Neither did Abuela," this caused the two to flinch slightly unknown to everyone except Dolores and Bruno.

"It was only your eldest children added so far. Miguel mentioned you had other kids," said Bruno.

Regaining control Angelina and Ignácio focused on the conversation, "Yes, I have twin boys," stated Ignacio.

"And I'm pregnant with my second," Angie said rubbing her stomach, and then turned to Mirabel. "I'm sorry for any panic Chapa might have caused, especially in your room."

"Oh, it's fine nothing was broken," said Mirabel.

"The town was in a panic. Though you'd think for a magical town they are used to abnormal creatures," said Camilo.

"People often fear what they can't explain even if they grew up with it."

"To be fair the only one that had wings that wasn't a bird, was you," Isa said to Angie. "True," Angie agreed while taking another good look at her primas and primos, "I can't thank you all enough for bringing them back," she held Bruno's hand. "We're grateful he found you and now your here! All of you! You've all grown so much," she gestured to her cousins.

"Dolores, so lovely and less timid," Angie then noticed Dolores wasn't covering her ears, "your ears aren't bothering you?" Dolores nodded, "I'm fine" she squeaked smiling at her prima's kind words.

"Camilo, you got so tall, breaking any hearts?" Camilo smirked at the question, "Maybe..." he said coyly this made everyone chuckle.

"Congrats on being a big brother, it suits you," Camilo smiled at his prima's praise.

The twins smiled and turned to their other primas. Ignácio noticed Isabela's new look. "Isa you've sprouted and I like the hair, green looks good on you," Isa smiled knowing that green was their family color and they were okay with her wearing it.

"And Luisa still living proof that strong is beautiful," Luisa blushes at Ignácio's praises it had been a while since she heard their compliments.

"And Mirabel," Angie smiled warmly, "So grown up, thankfully I can still see that same light in your eyes," Unknown to her Mirabel's smile hid her nerves.

"Not just yours but all of you it's like your auras have changed," she said to the group.


"it's some soul energy thing. You'll have to ask J.C. He has that factoid memorized." Ignácio said.

"Where is he?"

At this question, the siblings stiffened and look at each other before turning to their father. "Papi, how much did Miguel and Zano tell you about Javier?"

"He said that you became soldiers..." Bruno paused worrying for the worst before his daughter placed her hand on his. "We did, along with my husband. After that, we joined an archeological dig. That was where we met Acacia,"

"My wife," said Ignácio as he showed them a picture from that time.

"We also met her sister Zita and her husband Chico. That was also when we meet Chico's sister Blanca,"

"Javier's wife," he pointed to a pale woman with a medical bag standing next to Javier. "We became close friends and joined a humanitarian organization to help people. We had many adventures but then we settled and became parents," Sensing their heartbeats Dolores sensed that there was more but it wasn't good. "Prima, what happened?"

"A year ago an old friend of ours came asking for help," said Angie.

"A village that helped us in the past was in trouble."

"Javier and Blanca went but..."

"They haven't come back."

This made everyone shocked especially Bruno whose son is missing. "They were supposed to message us if they were going to be late but they haven't yet."

"Not for a while at least," added Angelina.

"What about your friend?" Asked Isa.

"He tried to contact them but every time he did something got in the way," Ignacio stated fist clenching.

"Why didn't you guys-?" but was cut off by his sister "Camilo!"

"We want to!"

"Plan to!"

"But the kids needed us and then I found out I was pregnant..." she said rubbing her head. "It has been a lot."

"I guess Miguel got tired of waiting," said Mirabel.

"But in Tío's vision Javier was with you," said Camilo.

"You had a vision of Javier," asked Ignácio.

"Sí," he confirmed showing his children the tablet, "the whole family reunited,"

"What does this mean now?"

"It means that Javier will return"

"But what about..." noting their sister in laws absence.

"From this tablet, it only shows Madrigals by blood Tíos excluded," he pointed out their uncles' exclusion.

"There's still hope"

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Asked Luisa.

"Yeah we want to make sure Javier is okay."

"Gracias, pero the best way for you to help. Is by staying here and helping watch our kids."


"Angie please we want to help."

"You can't just-"

"I'm sorry I know half of you are adults now but this is dangerous."

"Then why?"

"We were trained and so were our espouses."

"And we've been there before,"

"Angie's pregnant how-"

"We're not going now, obviously," Ignácio stated. "We'll need to wait until the baby comes,"

"What if there is no time?" Mirabel pointed out. "Mira!" Scolded Isa.

"Sorry, it's just how can you know for certain if-" Mirabel tried to explain but then was stopped when Angie grabbed her hand, "No it's alright you have a right to question our methods but we need you to understand that we have experience in these situations."

"When was the last time you spoke with Javier?" Asked Dolores.

"Around two months after Mirabel's fifteen birthday."

This made Mirabel flinch 'around the time the magic was breaking'

"He said they were fine but needed extra hands so they're expecting us after the baby is born" Everyone was skeptical of this answer.

"So what are we going to say to our parents when they get here?" Asked Camilo.

"You tell them what we told you Javier's lost and requires assistance."

"You know our mother is going to insist on coming with you right?" Stated Isa.

"Or at least pack you a bag full of food that's half your size" joked Mirabel. Everyone chuckled at this. Isa couldn't help but mention her powers. "Angie, Iggy I want to so you something." she made a catus bloom taller.  "Things have changed since you left," she said.

"We kind of figured. You can't be gone for ten years and expect everyone to stay the same."

"Although from what you told us things in Encantó haven't changed much."

"Well, after Casita crumbled we've been taking things easier,"



"The magic was breaking..."


"Don't worry we found the problem and then we rebuild Casita and the magic returned!"

"Yeah, the whole town helped."

"They did?"

"Yes, as a thank you for everything we did for them,"


"You sound surprised."

"Papa, the villagers were not exactly happy with your powers," Ignacio recalled.

"Crybabies," Muttered Angie. "But I guess their 'criticism' for you outweighed their 'appreciation' for the rest of the family"

"Some of the villagers were also refugees with your abuelos you know that," said Bruno.

"And yet they and their children had the gall to blame you for every bad outcome,"

"Angelita things are different now. Our family is finally taking care of themselves and the villagers are learning how to be more self-reliant," Bruno said holding her hand. She looks at her father seeing that he is sincere in his words.

"We'll take your word for it," she smiled. "Anyway moving forward we should all be getting our rest"

"She's right we have the rest of the family to explain to and we need to prepare for the family reunion," said Ignácio getting up and guiding them to their rooms.
"Since the guest bedrooms are limited most of you will have to share. You girls will have to pair up so let us know. Papa, you can stay in the twins' room, it's connected to mine hope that's alright,"

"It's fine Hijo,"

"And Camilo" Angie said as she pulled down steps from a ceiling that revealed a door. "You'll be staying here," Camilo moves in front of the door to open it.

As he is looking around the impressive room he noticed Zano at the desk with headphones on. Then Zano noticed the pair of eyes looking at him. He takes them off and then asked, "What's up?"

"Oh didn't we tell you? You're sharing your room with Camilo," Ignácio said as he closed the door before either teen could protest. "Have fun!"


"Now as for you four, we have an empty apartment space that has two rooms for you to settle,"

"That's very generous of you but what if someone..."

"It's no trouble at all, your family,"

"Besides the place has been empty for months and no one has been interested,"

"Ven aquí Primas," Angie said as she leads them inside the apartment. Upon entering the cousins were impressed with the room. After the brief tour came time to partner up: Dolores and Isa would share a room. Which left Luisa and Mirabel.

"Now I understand you're probably tired and want to get settled but just in case dinner is from six to eight,"

"Gracias, Angelina," Angie left them to unpack. After a while, they all started to wonder.

"So, what do we think?"

"Honestly, I don't where to begin,"

"I'll start; Our primos are seven feet tall, Ignácio has stubble, Javier is missing, and Angie is pregnant."

"C'mon Isa, it's not that surprising."

"She is married," Dolores stated.

"Yeah, but it's so... unreal," Isa explained. "The last time we saw her she was flying around the Encantó and complaining about Abuela meddling in her life,"

"Something you can relate to," said Mirabel.

Nodding as she continued, "Now she's a mother and housewife," Isa said looking down.

"And that's bad?" Mira asked.

"Yes... No, it's just... she used to talk about wanting to travel the world before settling down," she recalled.

"Maybe she did. Remember what Zano said she became a soldier,"

"That's right!"

"Is she still a soldier?"

"I'm sure she'll mention it at dinner. I'm curious how abuela will react to her eldest grandchildren being in a war?"

"That's going to be a mess. But I wonder what Angie's husband is like?" Dolores questioned.

"He was in the military with them and a friend for ten years so he must not be that bad,"

"We'll see,"

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