They don't know about us ~ Jo...

By nellynorris

107K 1.4K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... More



2.6K 43 60
By nellynorris

"Ahhh, that's so cute." Holly says as she rushes to the scorpion on the table, ignoring the tarantula next to it. "Look next to you." Liv tells her. "Wh... Fuck me!" Holly yells, running out of the room. "I'm not coming back in." She shakes her head.

"You don't understand how much I actually hate spiders." Chip shakes his head after Kate laughs at him. "I do, you scream like a little girl when you see one." Holly laughs. "Like you can say much, so shush." Chip points at the girl next to him.

"You know what, we're actually having a scrap." Holly scoffs as she looks ahead. "Baiting me out, who do you think you are?" She whispers leaning toward Chip. "I think I'm your best friend." He nods. "You wish." She laughs.

"You also ran out of the room, when you saw the tarantula." Chip turns to look at her. "You are also standing in the corner." He laughs. "Shut up, it's a phobia you know that." She scoffs, leaning on the wall.

"Welcome to trick or treat. In teams, you will nominate one Person each round to answer an A or B question. Once you have made your choice, you must put your hand into your selected mystery box." Rachel starts to read.

"Find a green star and you will receive one point for your team for the correct answer. Find a black star and you will gain no points at all. But beware! The stars may not be the only things in the box..." Rachel finishes reading.

"How many clubs played in the first premier league?" Harry reads out his question. "It's twenty-two." Ilyas and Holly whisper the answer to their group, high-fiving each other.

"I literally don't watch football. A twenty-two or B, eighteen. How many clubs? I'm gonna go with B, eighteen that's locked in." Harry answers as he walks over to the boxes on the table. "Blindfold on." Holly tells him.

"Go." Max and Rachel tell him. "Ahhh." The man shouts pulling his arm away from the box. "Don't think about it." Billy says. "It's a lot harder than it seems, Bill." Holly looks at the freestyler. "Oh well." He shrugs.

"Slip in there, feel it as well, try and grab the thing that's in there." Ilyas nods his head. "There might even not be anything in there." Ilyas says as Harry rips his hand out of the box, and screams. "Nah, What the fuck is that?" Harry asks as he touches the thing inside the box.

"Ha, he's dropped it. It won't mean anything anyways, he got it wrong." Holly shrugs. "You're the leader of the group." Billy tells Harry. "I've dropped it." Harry scoffs.

"Five, four, three, two, one. Times up."

"It was tuna. I smell it." Harry pulls his hand out of the box. "Eww." Holly covers her mouth when the smell wafts towards her. "Move over here." Chip grabs the girl's shoulders, and moves her to the corner.

"What are you doing?" Destini asks. "If you don't want her to be sick on you, then I suggest you stay far away from her until the smell Is gone." Chip turns around and tells them.

"Josh I can still smell it." Holly tells him. "Here." He takes off his jacket and passes it to her. "Smell that." He shrugs. "Thanks." She nods her head, bringing it up to her nose. "It's just tuna." Kate shrugs. "Not to her, she's sick at the smell of any fish." Chip shakes his head.

"I had it in my hand." Harry tells the blue group, taking his blindfold off. "Who has more studio Albums? Beyoncé or Jay-Z?" Liv reads. "I don't know, I know nothing about music. Literally the worst question." Liv covers her mouth.

"Are we allowed to help?" Holly asks. "No your not." Chip shakes his head. "Shame, I know the answer." Holly shrugs. "Okay, I'm gonna for A, Jay-Z. Locked in." Liv announces, making Holly smile.

"She got it right didn't she?" Chip leans in towards his girlfriend when he sees her smile. "Mhm." She nods.

"Go and get up there girl." Holly points to the table. "I'm going." Liv walks closer. "Oh my god, right." Liv says as she puts her hand in the box. "Remember to breathe, Liv." Holly reminds her.

"Get that star girl, get that star." Chip says as he paces around, with his hands on his head. "Calm down bro." Holly grabs his arm, pulling him closer to her.

"Is that a star?" Liv asks as she pulls a star out of the box. "No." Rachel says, not believing Liv has just pulled that out. "Turn it around, turn it around." Chip tells her, wanting to see if it's green or black.

"Fuck yeah, Liv!" Holly jumps around when she sees the star is green. "Nothing in there, apart from hay. I was shitting myself." Liv tells the group as she sits back down. "She's still shaking." Destini laughs as she wraps her arm around the girl.

"I think there was something In their yano, because hay, there's usually an animal." Chip shrugs.

"How long does it take the brain to react to alcohol?" Rachel says. "We should fucking know this one." Grace says turning to look at Holly. "A, eleven minutes or B, six minutes. Uh, I'll say, B, six minutes, locked in." Rachel lets out a breath.

"Blindfold on." Rachel nods, as she stands behind the box. "This is fucking, top-class content here." Holly leans back and laughs, while Rachel keeps screaming.

"What is it?" Rachel asks as she takes a green star out of the box, turning it to show her teammates. "Yes!" Her team shouts, billy going over to hug her. "What is it?" Rachel looks in the box. "Oh, it's jelly." She breathes out a sigh of relief.

"How long does summer last on Uranus?" Kate reads out the question, laughing a bit. "So childish." Ilyas laughs along with her. "Who's anus?" Billy turns to the red team.

"Twenty-one years or eleven months? Ima say B, locked in." Kate clasps her hands together. "Because ours last how long? Three months, well a month in Britain but you know." She shrugs.

"Should I just like, fully brave it?" Kate asks as she stands with a blindfold on. "Yeah, just go straight in there." Holly nods.

"Relax." Chip tells the blonde, as she keeps screaming. "It feels like waxy like." Kate explains when her hand is in the box. "That's good." Chip says.

"Not good, it's probably a reptile." Holly shrugs, yawning. "Don't say that. Gonna make her not wanna do it." Destini turns to the girl. "Oh well." Holly waves her off.

"Turn it." Ilyas tells Kate as she pulls out a star. "What is it?" Kate asks, as her teammates ahhhh. "It's, wrong." Destini tells her.

"That was a snake, oh my god. I can see it, oh my god." Kate walks back and forth to the animal. "Ahh, I got a black star, noo." The blonde says, realising she didn't get the point.

"It's alright, we've still got two points." Chip says. "True." Kate agrees. "What does the sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel add up to? A, six, six, six, or B, six, forty? I don't know what a roulette wheel is." Destini puts her hands down, turning to the blue team. "It's fifty-fifty init." Grace shrugs.

"Wish we could help them." Holly whispers. "What you know the answer?" Ilyas turns to the girl. "Yeah, it's six hundred, and sixty, six." Holly nods. "Man, how do you know like, every answer?" Liv asks the brunette. "I don't even know." Holly laughs.

"Alright, ima go with A. Locked in." Destini says making Holly do a silent cheer. "What are you looking at?" She turns to Chip, as she sees him staring at her.

"Nothing." He shakes his head, looking at Destini as she puts the blindfold on. "Oh, straight in." Harry says. "Yes, Destini." Holly claps with everyone from her group, as the girl takes off her blindfold.

"Yes, yeah." Destini jumps up and down, seeing a green star in her hand. "Are you dumb bruv? Don't come for me bruv." She shouts at Billy after he said that was bad. "Well done, girl. That was well quick." Holly hugs her. "I know, it was only jelly." Destini laughs, sitting down.

"How deep is the Pacific Ocean in metres? No one knows that, no one knows that." Billy shakes his head. "That's true like ninety-five per cent hasn't been searched yet. How do they know how deep the Pacific Ocean is?" Holly thinks.

"A, eleven thousand, twenty-two. B, fifteen thousand, one hundred and forty-seven. Do you know what it is yeah, it is the biggest ocean in the world. So, I'm gonna go with the bigger option." Billy explains.

"B?" Man asks. "B, locked in." Billy nods. "Shove it in, shove it in. Go, go, go." Grace repeats. "Where's the hole?" Billy asks as he touches the top of the box.

"I can't do it." The man jumps up and down, as his team shouts at him to do it. "I can't do it." Billy says again. Taking his hand out, as soon as he puts it in there.

"Billy relax, relax. Calm." Harry tells him, as Grace is dying of laughter. "Wait, what the hell?" She asks as she stops laughing. "Billy, you're a pussy." Grace tells the freestyler, as she starts to laugh again.

"Your actually a pussy." The rest of the blue group copies Grace. "I don't give a shit bro." Billy scoffs. "Ahhh, I just pissed it off, it's a fucking worm!" Billy shouts as he rips his hand out of the box. "There's gonna be a countdown." Harry says. "Don't count it down." Grace says.

"Five, four, three, two, one. Times up."

"One sec." Billy says leaving his hand in there. "It was a black one anyway." Harry says as Billy pulls out his star. "All that for no reason." Billy pretends to chuck the star on the floor.

"What the fuck is that?" Holly asks, looking at the table. "Ahhh!" The whole room erupts in screams, as they see a massive cockroach. "I told you." The freestyler says.

"What is ranked the most scariest movie? A, The exorcist or B, The ring? None of them are even scary." Holly scoffs. "How can you watch them?" Grace asks.

"Everyone thinks horror movies are scary, but they're really not. And the answer is A, The Exorcist. Locked in." The brunette walks closer to the box.

"How'd she pick that so quickly?" Destini asks. "She's like, a massive horror fan. I have no clue why?" Chip shrugs. "Alright ready." Holly sticks her hand in the box.

Done." Within two seconds she pulls out a green star. "Fuck yes!" Chip runs to the girl and hugs her. "This girl right here, the smartest girl you'll ever see." Chip smiles pointing to his girlfriend.

"Congratulations, red team, you have won today's challenge."

"Well done guys, and girls." Holly claps her hands together. "What are you doing?" Holly turns to Chip who stands up.

"Nothing." He shakes his head. "Your gonna do that Fortnite thing? Ain't you?" She asks, Chip just shrugs. "And you have done that Fortnite thing." She scoffs looking down at the floor.

"Awww, can I hold that?" Holly walks up to the man who's brung a snake in. "What the fuck are you doing!" Grace shouts from the furthest corner of the room. "It's just a snake." Holly shrugs.

"Course you can." The man nods putting the snake on her shoulders. "Hey there, you're a big one ain't you?" She talks to the snake. "What a weirdo." Grace says.

"Thank you." Holly smiles, as the snake gets taken off her. "No problem." The man shakes his head. "That was so cute." Holly smiles, like a child on Christmas Day. "It is not cute." Kate shakes her head.

"Shut up, please. I'm trying to have fun, and you're just running it, with your unwanted commentary." The brunette scoffs standing behind the group.

"I'm glad you had fun." Chip slings his arm around the girl. "No, it was so cool. I want a pet snake." Holly looks up to her boyfriend. "You're not getting a snake." Chip shakes his head.

"Watch me, I will get a snake." Holly looks away from him. "Whatever you say." He shakes his head, with a smile on his face. "Ginny would probably eat it." He tells her. "I'm not getting a snake." She quickly says, making him laugh.

"Billy man, it's just a snake. It's not going to hurt you unless it's venomous." Holly shrugs, and Billy looks at her shitting himself.

"Why would you say that!" He shouts. "I don't know." Holly shrugs. "It's not venomous is it?" Billy turns to look at the man. "No, it's not venomous don't worry." Holly gets informed.

"Well done Bill." Holly gives him a high five after he held the snake. "I almost died." He puts his hand on his heart. "It wasn't that bad." Holly shakes her head.

"Ahhh, fuck this." Holly says walking to the corner, as the man walks in with a tarantula. "So the great Holly Lewis is afraid of something." Billy says. "Shut up it's a real thing. It's called, arachnophobia, an intense phobia of Spiders." She tells him.

"Search it up." She points to the freestyler. "I don't have my phone, so I can't." Billy shrugs.

"Fucking hell." Holly turns around to face the wall as Grace starts screaming. "Well done." Chip tells Grace. "You sure you don't want to hold it?" Chip asks. "Chip man, fuck off." Holly breathes out.

"Look behind you." Max says. "No." Holly shakes her head. "Just do it, nothing's there." Max lies to her. Holly takes a deep breath and turns around letting out a loud scream. 

"Please get that away from me." She squeaks out, pushing herself into the wall more. "I can't breath." Holly starts fanning herself. "I won't be back." She says as she runs out of the room.

"I need water." Holly rushes into the kitchen opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water. "You alright?" Billy walks into the room. "No Billy, I'm not alright." Holly shakes her head, as she takes her jacket off. "It's just a spider." He shrugs.

"No Billy, it's not just a spider tho. I mean now I get how you felt with that snake. And I'm sorry for being like, 'oh it's not that bad.' 'It's just a snake Bill.' But I can't be near spiders." She tells him.

"if I see one in my house, I will drive to my brothers just to sleep there until that spider is found and killed." Holly explains taking a deep breath.

"Shit, it's that bad." Billy looks at the girl. "It's that bad." Holly nods her head. "Now I need to go and sleep." Holly goes to walk off but gets stopped by the man.

"Why? It's not time." He asks. "Well I need energy, I said I'm gonna scrap Chip tonight, and I'm not going back on it. And I'm really tired." She yawns walking off.

"Liv, can you tell them to shut up? No one cares if you're upside down or not." Holly asks as she lays in bed with her eyes closed. "Sure, after I get a drink." Liv nods walking out of the room.

"Shut the fuck up! No one cares!" Holly shouts from the bedroom. "Oh shit, I forgot to tell them." Liv whispers.

"Then don't listen." Max shouts back to the girl. "It's quite hard to with all your big mouths. Please, I beg you just be quiet for ten minutes." Holly scoffs, throwing her duvet over her head.

"And I thought the boys at home were bad. I stand corrected." She pulls the mic up to her mouth and whispers.

"All I wanted was a peaceful sleep, I couldn't even have that." Holly complains in the store room.

"Where are you going?" Grace asks Holly as she walks out of the room with her pillow and duvet. "I'm going to go and sleep in the bathtub." She nods. "Are you actually?" Billy asks.

"Yes, and I can tell Grace wants to get sucked into a hole right now, she doesn't care about all this science shite." Holly scoffs walking away.

"She's a weird girl." Chip shakes her head. "I heard that Josh Larkin! And I swear we are having a scrap!" Holly turns around and points to him. "Shit, she used the whole name. I am dead. I'm dead." Chip runs his hand over his face.

"Anyone can come and use the toilet, I don't give a shit. As long as you don't come a do a dump in there. We're all good." Holly shakes her head walking upstairs.

"Has Harry actually shut up?" Holly asks Liv and Destini as she walks out of the bathroom. "Ahhh!" The girls shout. "I forgot you were in there." Liv says with her hand in her heart.

"Yeah, it was comfortable. But now I'm all energised and ready for my fight with Chippy." She smiles walking down the stairs. "Where is my coat? Have you seen my coat?" Holly asks Liv as she walks into the bedroom.

"Nah, sorry." Liv shrugs and grabs her coat and walks out of the room. "Alright then, I'll just wear one of Chip's." Holly shrugs taking her boyfriend's coat and putting it on. "Perfect." She zips it up and walks out of the room.

"What are you two talking about?" Holly skips into the gym where Chip and Liv are talking. "I'm asking him about his podcast." Liv tells the girl.

"Oh yeah, I'm still offended you haven't asked me to come on it yet." Holly crosses her arms and looks at the man. "Erm, ask Cal?" Chip shrugs. "Man, I'm not asking Freezy shit." She scoff. "Wait, hold on." Chip stops Holly.

"Yes?" She turns around. "You haven't even asked me to be on yours." Chip points to the girl. "Sorry, you're gonna have to ask Juli." Holly shrugs.

"She's gonna kill you for calling her that." Chip covers his mouth. "I know, I love you, Anna. Please, don't kill me when I come out." Holly turns to the camera, before walking out.

"Harry." Holly says making the man look up at her. "I've had a sleep, and I realised how rude I may have seemed earlier." She tells him. "Don't worry about it." He shakes his head.

"But, that's not me. I worry about everything. And you see I didn't mean to be rude, I was just really tired." She shrugs sitting to the right of him, in the corner.

"You don't need to explain yourself to me." He shakes his head again. "Shush." She holds her finger up to him.

"Not everyone cares about the science shit, but I do like science stuff, and I do care, I was just really tired and agitated. So not now, maybe when we're out of the house, we can talk about the science shit going on in the world?" Holly suggests.

"Yeah, that would be fun." Harry nods his head a smile on his face. "Friends?" Holly asks. "Friends." He nods bringing her into a hug.

"What's going on out here?" Chip asks as everyone starts walking into the garden. "We were just clearing some stuff up." Holly smiles at him tapping the seat next to her.

"Are we actually gonna scrap?" Chip asks her as he sits beside her. "Yeah." Holly nods. "Shit." He sighs, leaning back.

"Wait guys, you can play Mafia or see me and Chip fight. Which one are you choosing?" Holly stands up and asks the housemates. "You and Chip fight." Everyone nods. "Alright then, take my coat." Holly chucks it to Billy.

"That's my coat." Chip scoffs. "I know." She smiles walking into the grass. "Do we really need to do this?" Chip asks walking behind her.

"Yes, I said we were, so we are." She nods. "Okay everyone, please place your bets. Raise your hands for TheBurntChip." Ilyas says only Max throwing his hand up.

"I got your back brother." Max points to the YouTuber. "Love you man." Chip points back to him. "And hands up for HollsBollsLewis if you think she's going to win the best out of three." Ilyas says everyone putting their hands up and Max pulling his down.

"Thanks, guys." Holly smiles. "If I win it's because of JJ, love you, bro." Holly turns to the camera. "The battle commences in Three, Two, one. Fight!" Ilyas shouts.

"I'm not gonna hit you." Chip shakes his head. "Too bad for you." Holly shrugs going to the floor and swipes Chip's feet making him fall to the ground. "Ow!" Chip sits up and looks at his girlfriend. "Cobra Kai helps a lot." she laughs.

"That hurt." Chip tells her. "Sorry, not sorry." She shrugs. "One point to Holly." Ilyas points to the girl. "Chip on your feet." Holly tells him. "You're on." Chip smiles standing up. "Round two starts. Now!" Ilyas shouts.

"Come on baby." Holly makes the 'come here' action with her hands. "Your dead." Chip shakes his head, going after her. "I'm so scared." She puts her hands on her face.

"Should be." He smiles going to punch her. "Is that all you've got?" She asks pushing his hand away. "Wait, before we start, can I have a hug?" Chip questions.

"Sure?" Holly shrugs walking closer to the man. "Ha!" He laughs wrapping his arm around her neck and taking her to the floor.

"You whore!" Holly shouts, making everyone laugh. "You can help me up for that." Holly holds her hands out. "Fairs." Chip sighs grabbing onto her hand. "Wrong move." Holly smiles mischievously.

"Oh shit." Chip sighs right before holly pulls him, and he falls on the floor next to her. "Ohhhhh." All the housemates put their hands over their mouths. "I'm good." Chip holds up his thumb.

"Third round?" Holly looks at Chip. "That sounds so wrong." Chip laughs. "Ho... ohhhh. Shit no, I didn't mean to come out like that." Holly shakes her head closing her eyes in embarrassment.

"It's fine, I'm a good-looking gentleman, don't be embarrassed." Chip shrugs. "You wish." Holly scoffs. "But no, I think we should draw." Chip tells her. "Same. Help me up tho." She tells him as he stands up.

"Hands then." Chip holds out his ones. "Okay matey." She holds onto his hands. "Three, two, one." Chip huffs as he pulls Holly up from the floor. "God, I'm not that heavy." She scoffs.

"I was pretending. Your light as a feather." He tells her wrapping his arm over her shoulders. "Guys we both decided to draw." Holly tells the housemates as she walks off the grass. "That's fair." Billy nods handing her the coat back. "Thanks." Holly puts the coat on.

"Ooo, leaderboard time." Holly claps her hands, as she runs into the house. "She's off bro." Harry laughs. "I'll take fifth." Destini shrugs walking into the living room. "Come on, Chipy, we're both first place." Holly holds her hand out, for Chip to take.

"I have a feeling you'll win this whole thing." Chip tells her. "Do you?" Holly turns to him. "I honestly do." He nods. "Nah, Grace is at the bottom considering she has done a secret challenge as well." Chip points out.

"Like eight days ago." She turns to the boy. "The maths is off, again." Chip says making himself and Grace laugh. "Ohh, we're getting comments." Harry says as the screen changes.

Billy the goat about to carry the whole series.

"Thank you, big up DM man." Billy walks backwards with sunglasses on his face. "Ahh, it feels weird seeing comments man." Harry says as everyone sits down. "What do you think DM stands for?" Billy asks. "I have not got a clue." Holly shakes her head as she leans back.

Refentse Choma:
I live for Grace's and Holly's diary sessions 🤣

"Slapping yeah?" Chip looks between the two girls. "That's because you're doing secret challenges." Chip looks at Grace and then looks to Holly who's sitting next to him. "And you just chat out your ass most of the time." He shakes his head.

"I'll have you know that I don't do that. I chat about how annoying you are." She gives her boyfriend a tight-lipped smile. "Ha, ha." He says sarcastically. "More soon, more soon." Grace pounts towards the camera.

Tihomir Todorov:
Locked in saving November of being a boring month once again

"Season three is dead tho." Holly shrugs as everyone claps. "I mean look who they invited." Holly says pointing to Chip.

"Listen here yeah." Chip says bringing the girl into a headlock. "I'm better than you, just accept it already, don't need to keep being rude." He tells her as he messes up her hair.

"Chip, okay you're the same level as me." Holly says trying to hit his hands away. "That's as good as it's gonna get isn't it?" Chip asks. "Yeah." Holly nods. "Alright." Chip says, releasing the girl. "Bitch." She mutters. "I didn't say anything." Holly holds her hands up as Chip looks at her.

Max is a flipping legend bro he's so jokessss

"Come on Max." Holly shouts as Max stands up and starts dancing. "He's got moves." Holly yawns laying her head on Chip's shoulder.

ur mom:
Rachel has my heartttt

"Look at the name, your mum." Harry laughs pointing it out. "How childish." Holly shakes her head as Chip wraps his arm around her shoulders. "Ahh, thanks." Rachel smiles making a heart out of her hands.

I love Holly so much, she needs more screen time.

"Wait, am I getting no screen time." Holly points to herself. "I'm sure you getting more than enough." Chip nods. "Anyways, I love you too Hermionemoo, have a good week." Holly smiles blowing a kiss to the camera.

Authors note:
That comment about Holly was from my five-year-old sister called Hermione.

Fun fact My dads a big Harry Potter fan. My older brother's name is Harry.

What are your thoughts on Holly?

What do you wanna see more off?

Who's your favourite duo Holly and ....?

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