The student and the potion ma...

By Carolineeexx

7.3K 196 70

Mia malfoy is the twin of Draco malfoy. She hads always felt second best to him, when it comes to her father... More

The end...


50 2 1
By Carolineeexx

Mia malfoy was dead

Or was she?

The sound of her body hitting the ground made a thumb. She groaned as she sat up and frowned. She didn't understand. She was alive and she didn't understand why. The killing curse has been shot at her so she should be dead

Mia looked up and saw a clocked figure in front of her. She felt her heart beating as she looked to who it was

"Severus" she said

She couldn't believe that he was alive. She couldn't believe that he was alive. She looked around for her wand as she saw that it was behind her, she groaned as she stood to her feet unsteady for a moment as she walked over and picked it up as she saw the person who tried to kill her

"Bellatrix why" she asked as she looked to her aunt. She was in shock.

"You dishonour the dark lord and you dishonour the family" bellatrix spat as Mia frowned.

Mia couldn't believe how her own had tired to kill her. She looked as bellatrix tried to shot at her again as Severus shielded her and block bellatrixs spell as the two of them duelled for a few minutes

Mia was in shock at just what had happened. She was meant to be dead. Severus was meant to be dead but for some respond they won't and here he was protecting her like he always did

Bellatrix disapparated as Mia let out a breathe that she was holding and looked to Severus and smiled

"Are you okay" he asked as she nodded

" are we alive" she said as he smiled

"You don't think I'd not do what I can to keep you alive. Since you got pregnant I have been giving you a potion against dark magic and I have been taking it myself" he said as she frowned

"How does it work"

"As long as you're in love with the person who gives you it and they love you, you will move survive. Come on we have a war to win" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek

The two of them looked to each other for a Monsanto before he leant in and kissed her passionately. She was grateful knowing he was the reason she was alive


Mia walked into the great hall with Severus. He took a hold of her hand and smiled. They looked to all the body's that lay around and sighed

"It's sad isn't it. The day our daughter was born it's like this" she said as he looked to her

"Where is our daughter" he asked

"Safe my mother to her to my aunt Andy's. She's safe" Mia said as he nodded

They walked around the hall and frowned as they saw all of the body's that lay there and frowned. She knew that a lot of people had been killed

"Are you okay?" Severus asked as she looked to him and sighed

"This isn't how I planned to spend the first few hours of our daughters life" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I know. I know it's hard. But it will be okay" he said as mia saw Maya as she ran over to her and hugged

"Thank god. I Thought that you were dead. I thought that he was dead what the hell happened" Maya asked as Mia and Severus held eye contact

"If only you knew" Mia said as she hugged her sister. Mia glanced around and frowned

"Where's mother? Draco?" Mia asked as Maya looked to her and frowned

"They're in the forest. None of this is good" Maya said as mia frowned. Mia was worried as she realised not all of them would get out of it alive

Mia looked to Severus and sighed as he wrapped an arm around her. Her small frame sunk into his tall frame


Mia walked out into the court yard and frowned as she saw Voldemort. Hagrid had a hold of Harry. Severus grabbed Mia and pulled her back as she stood next to Draco

"Harry Potter is dead" he said as Maya went to run over screwing as Draco managed to grab his sister and pulled her back as she sobbed

"Stupid girl...Harry Potter is dead from this day forth you out your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead" he said as mia glanced to her siblings who stood beside her and to her parents who stood by the dark lord

Mia knew how she wanted to stay alive for her daughter but she knew her loyalty for her family and it wasn't easy

"Draco...Mia...Maya" Narcissa said as she called her children as the three siblings looked to each other and to their mother but what were they going to do knowing this would test their loyalty?

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