They don't know about us ~ Jo...

By nellynorris

119K 1.5K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... More



3.1K 53 90
By nellynorris

"Destini doesn't wanna cuddle anymore, there's no Destini. So, I have to move on to Kate." Ilyas says looking at Chip as he walks into the room.

"I'm waiting to see who the special guest is. Sorry babe." Kate shrugs looking at the man. "Nah, that's fine, that's fine, once you find out who the special guest is, make a decision." Ilyas tells the blonde.

"You are so bored right now, ain't you?" Holly asks Chip as she lays on the floor. "I am." Chip groans rubbing his face. "Can you help me up?" The Lewis girl holds her hands out, for Chip to take.

"Of course, I can, Princess Lewis." Chip sarcastically says, grabbing hold of the girl's hands. "Three, two, one." Chip counts down pulling the girl up.

"You know what I clocked about her? Because she just said that Ilyas. He's so hilarious, if I'm hilarious why can't I get active? Because girls like funny guys right." Max says to Ilyas as Chip and Holly walk over to them.

"If I'm hilarious why can't I get active." Darkest repeats what Max says and laughs. "Max has never been active in his life." Holly sits down on the floor. "Oh, and you have?" Max turns to look down at the girl.

"As a matter of fact, I have. I'm hundred per cent had more pussy than you as well." Holly scoffs making everyone laugh.

"Look, would you go for a funny guy right but, uh, just alright looking? Or a guy that fucking leng, but has no personality at all, and is not funny." Max asks Rachel and Holly.

"A guy that's alright looking and that's funny." Rachel says. "Well, I would go for a guy that's fucking leng, who also has a funny personality." Holly smiles. "That wasn't the question." Darkest turns to the girl.

"Who said I was answering the questions dickhead. I was describing my boyfriend." Holly sits up and leans towards Darkest. "I'm a dickhead?" The man asks. "Yeah, yeah you are a dickhead." Holly nods. "Piss off." Darkest laughs shoving the girls away from him.

"You bitch." Holly laughs as she lands on Chip. "Sorry about that." Holly smiles, looking up at chip as she lays down on his lap. 'I wanna kiss you.' Chip covers his mouth as he mouths to the girl. 'Kiss me then.' She mouths back.

"Nah." Chip shakes his head. "Keep it on the down-low." Holly nods, rolling off the twenty-eight-year-old. "Keep it on the down-low." Chip mutters standing up.

"What's the oldest you've dealt with?" Billy asks Max. "The oldest I've dealt with. Walahi I ain't gonna lie to you, it was Dubai last week, she was fifty-one." Max tells them. "I thought you were a virgin?" Darkest asks the boy.

"He is." Rachel says. "Chip help me up again." Holly asks the YouTuber, but only receives a blank face. "Pretty please with a cherry on top." Holly smiles widely, holding her hands out.

"Your gonna make me have a bad back, keep bending over to help you up." Chip scoffs grabbing her hand and pulling her up off the floor.

"Oi by the way, if one of the challenges was to lips Max and you win the whole thing. Listen, and you win the whole thing. It's ten bags you know." Darkest says wanting to know the girl's answers.

"I'd rather not, I have a boyfriend, thank you very much." Holly shakes her head. "Okay guys, for the next thirty seconds or so, you guys are single." Darkest says.

"Yeah to win a hundred per cent." Grace nods her head. "Huh?" Darkest questions to make sure he heard it right. "To win hundred per cent." Grace repeats.

"Really?" Kate asks shocked. "Yeah, are you joking? I've kissed worse." Grace shrugs not seeing a problem with it. "That is fucking gold, I've kissed worse." Holly laughs as she claps her hands.

"Woah, respect the goat man, you ain't kissed worse. This is the best." Chip says realising what Grace said. "Exactly, so I would've kissed worse." Grace says. "You could be Grace Khadar." Chip nods his head. "It has a nice ring to it." The Keeling girl shrugs.

"Do you know how I clocked? When Darkest asked that question, Kate was doing this. Eww, eww. Your moving like I'm fucking ugly yeah..." Max tails off, making everyone laugh. "I mean she ain't wrong, is she? You are quite clapped." Holly shrugs looking at the nineteen-year-old.

"You can't even say anything, have you looked in the mirror lately? Your fucking ugly." Max scoffs. "You keep saying that Max, I know I ain't the fittest, but I ain't certainly ain't the ugliest either." Holly laughs walking off.

Holly's POV:

"Are you okay?" Holly asks Darkest as she walks down the stairs. "Ahh! Don't do that Holl's." The man turns around with his hand on his heart. "I didn't do anything." She laughs, coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.

"How've you been?" Holly sits at the table. "I've been good you know, how about you?" Darkest asks sitting down next to her. "I've seen better days, just missing my brother. You know I've never spent a birthday away from Harry?" Holly looks at the man. "Nah, that's mad." Darkest shakes his head.

"And it's the wife's birthday tomorrow. Dunno how I'm gonna cope." The girl shrugs, tears forming in her eyes. "What's this really about?" Darkest turns his body so he's facing the girl. "Nothing." Holly sniffles.

"Don't tell me nothing, if it was nothing you wouldn't have tears in your eyes. Tell me what's wrong." Darkest orders. "Am I ugly?" Holly looks down. "Holl's, don't tell me you are listening to Max right now?" Darkest man scoffed. Holly just looks up at the man with nothing to say.

"I love you yeah. But, you are really stupid sometimes." He laughs. "I know that, you don't need to tell me tho." Holly scoffs wiping a tear that fell.

"Your beautiful, and I'm sure, you know who will agree." Darkest suggests, bumping her shoulder with his.  "Shut up." She smiles pushing him away as she feels heat rise to her cheeks.

"There's that smile everyone loves." Darkest shakes the girl. "I can't believe, that still after five years, when someone talks about him you blush." Darkest scoffs jumping off the side. "It's because I love him, you stupid boy." Holly laughs jumping off the counter as well.

Third Person POV:

"Where are we going?" Holly asks as she sees the group walk past her. "Challenge room, come on girl." Chip says pulling her off her bed. "Oh, why are the benches together?" Holly questions as she walks into the room.

"You guys sit anywhere you want. It's not teams, nothing to do with teams. Sit how you want." Darkest tells the housemates as they walk into the room.

"Liv, can I sit on your lap?" Holly asks the girl. "Why?" The football freestyler looks up. "Because I can't be arsed to stand up." Holly smiles cutely.

"Sure." Liv laughs. "I would normally sit on Grace's, but she's sitting near Max. I don't like Max at this moment of time." The Lewis girl whispers. "It's cool." Liv shakes her head.

"Classmates, welcome to maths." Darkest tells the house. "Wooo, I love maths!" Holly shouts. "Yeah, saw some ooh's and ahh's there, wish we could all have the same outstanding energy as Holly Bolly." Darkest points to the girl, who awkwardly smiles.

"Individually you will have thirty seconds tops, to answer as many questions as you can. For every correct answer, you will receive one point. Some of them are easy, some of them lord have mercy." Darkest explains.

"They can't be that hard right?" Holly shrugs. "Holly for this attitude, when we do start, your going first." Darkest laughs. "Bu..." Holly tries to say something but gets cut off. "Be quiet!" Darkest shouts making Holly close her mouth.

"Before we start, let's have a look at the leaderboard." He smiles. "Ahh, that's nice I'm at the top. And it's where I'll be staying." Holly says determinedly.

"Right Holl's, get up here." Darkest takes a seat. "I'm ready man." Holly nods as she takes the seat opposite Darkest. "Okay, three, two, one." Darkest counts down before starting the sums.

"Six times four?" "Twenty-four." "Correct."
"Twelve subtract seven?" "Five" "correct."
"Nine squared?" "Eighty-one." "Correct."
"Three a plus eight a plus seven b?" "Eleven a plus seven b." "Correct."
"Five thousand three hundred and fifty subtract ninety-eight?" "Five thousand two hundred and fifty-one?" "Incorrect."
"Seventy-three times four?" "Two hundred and ninety-two."
"Seventy-eight divided by three?" "Twenty-six."
"Negative three subtract negative four?" "Seven."
"Three times three?" "Nine."

"And times up." Darkest says as the alarm goes off. "You have done some well out-of-order questions there." Holly complains standing up. "That's what you get, for saying those comments like 'oh it can't be that hard.'" Darkest mocks.

"And you said you love maths." He shrugs. "Fair point." Holly nods walking away. "Next up is Billy." Darkest brings the boy to the chair as Holly goes and sits in the corner of the room.

"You alright?" Liv turns to look at her. "Perfectly fine." Holly nods, yawning. "You sure?" Liv double-checks. "Hundred per cent, just tired." She smiles.

"Right doing that maths, made my brain tired. Bearing in mind, I've not been getting any sleep at night. So, every challenge just makes me sleepy because, I'm using my brain cells." Holly shrugs into the camera lens.

"Why are you getting no sleep?"

"Well one, I'm still fucking freezing. Two, I'm tired during the day, I'm so happy when it's bedtime, you don't even understand. But when I get t bed, all my tiredness disappears, like what the fuck? And three, I've not slept on my own for two years, I've always been with my boyfriend. It's just, I miss sleeping next to him. And I've been sleeping in clothes, I usually sleep naked. Can't do that here, tho." Holly sighs.

"Come on Grace." Holly says walking up to the bench. "How many did you get right?" The girl asks as Grace finishes her round. "Zero." Grace scratches her head.

"Nah, guys, I told you I can't do maths. Those were hard, those were actually hard. Compared to Rachel's, those were fucking hard." Grace scoffs standing up.

"We're they not hard?" Grace turns to Holly. "I don't know babes, I was asleep up until like, two minutes ago. But, I'm guessing none of you had algebra." Holly shrugs. "Nah we didn't to be fair." Grace shakes her head walking closer to the girl.

"That's me done for the day." Darkest tells everybody. "We appreciate you coming in, and being our teacher." Holly smiles as the housemate's clap.

"But, I just wanna remind you guys. Um, that the leaderboard this year, probably the most important leaderboard that you'll ever come across in your life." Darkest say's making everyone on edge.

"Footasylum." The man says the board changing to the leaderboard. "Told you I'll stay first." Holly laughs. "We're drawing." Chip says to her. "I know, but my name is at the top, which means, Chip?" Holly turns to the man expectingly.

"I haven't got a clue." Chip shakes his head. "You haven't got a clue. It means I'm first." Holly laughs patting him on the back.

"I'm not bottom." Grace says. "Oh, I am bottom." She corrects herself seeing that she and Rachel have the same score.

"Congratulations Holly and Chip, you two are at the top of the leaderboard. Grace and Rachel, you are at the bottom of the leaderboard. One of you will be evicted from the locked-in house."

"Nah, Sugar, you can't do that!" Holly shouts, not wanting anyone to go home.

"Your fellow housemates must now vote for who they want to leave. Housemates, please decide out of Grace and Rachel, who you want to be evicted."

"Fuck this shit." Holly scoffs shaking her head, as the two girls make their way up front beside Darkest. "Guys, it's an unfortunate situation that we're in right now. One by one, you each have to say who you vote for and why." Darkest tells everyone.

"I love this." Max nods, Holly, giving him a slap up the head. "I hate this." Chip shakes his head looking at Max. "I have a valid reason, why I would evict this housemate. And it'll be Grace, because I know she's missing her boyfriend." Kate says. "Everyone's missing their fucking partners." Holly whispers to Chip.

"I know she's missing the outside world. But, that's the only reason why, I would miss you so much, so much. But, that is the only reason why." Kate explains making Holly scoff.

"I'm gonna go with Grace, just because like Kate said she's going to be okay. And Rachel's my sis." Destini says, making another scoff leave Holly's mouth.

"I'm gonna evict Rachel because the reason for that is her back and I don't wanna keep looking at it. And I feel GK Barry you know what I mean? She's just a friend Yano. So I can jus... Rachel fuck off." Max says making the boys and Holly laugh. "That was brutal." Holly whispers.

"I am going to vote Rachel, I am so sorry I just feel like I'd miss Uh, Grace too much in the mornings with my coffees." Liv sweetly explains.

"No offence Rachel, but I'm gonna pick Grace. She's one of my many wives. And as I can't be with my main ting on her birthday tomorrow, I need to have Grace with me. Also if Grace goes, whose lap will I sit on every day? So I'm sorry but Rachel I'm voting for you." Holly explains smiling at Grace.

"I'm gonna vomit, I'm actually gonna vomit." Ilyas says. "Please don't." Holly shakes her head. "Um, the reason why I'm voting Grace out, is because I've built a very good friendship with Rachel, over the last few days. And I feel like me and her have had a lot of good conversations the last few days. And unfortunately, I haven't with you." Ilyas nods.

"Alright, this is really obvious, because I was friends with Grace beforehand, and Grace works for me and puts money in my pocket. Rachel I've loved working with you, and I love you. So, if you stay, hopefully, we'll carry on working together. But, I have to vote out Rachel." Chip explains.

"This is a tactical vote, Rachel, I love you but I'm sorry I'm voting you out." Harry says quickly.

"I am going to vote as well."

"Come on Sugar! Don't you have anything better to do?" Holly asks.

"No, I don't. Grace as much as I enjoy you, I'm going to have to vote for you."

"So Billy your are the deciding vote who do you vote for?" Darkest asks the boy. "Listen, I've got two reasons, ones obvious because I wanna make it even. And the other one is because Rach is like an auntie to me init, so she can't go. So, I'm gonna vote for, umm, Barry." Billy says.

"Housemates, because it is a draw, the final decision goes to Darkest."

"I knew it, I knew it." Darkest sighs walking away with his hands over his head. "I'm just gonna say it, I'm gonna stop torturing you. Let me just say a name because this is not fun." The man shakes his head. "No shit." Holly huffs.

"GK I'm gonna have to vote for you. Purely becau..." Darkest says but gets cut off. "Of course, you pick a friend as well. It's so deep." Grace says.

"No, because I don't want you to leave. It's just because I know Rachel. I've been on holiday with Rachel and worked with Rachel. Know her very well." Darkest explains his reasoning.

"Do you know what I mean? And it is my first time meeting you, and hopefully, hopefully not the last. I fucking love you, I honestly do. Fantastic lady." Darkest smiles sadly.

"I'm pissed off, I am. I'm sorry yeah, everyone but Kate and Destini had a solid reason why they voted for Grace. Like because she was missing her boyfriend? Are they having a fucking giggle?" Holly shouts slightly.

"Rachel is missing her fucking boyfriend, she just doesn't express it or talk about it. Liv is missing her boyfriend, and we know damn well that if it was Rachel and Liv up there, Kate would've sent Rachel home. And I know why she voted for Grace." Holly scoffs, leaning back in the chair.

"Why did she vote for Grace?"

"Because Kate knows, that Grace has a way bigger platform than her. In public votes, Grace is the one to watch out for. So, she took away the bloody obstacle instead of just fighting through it for fucks sake." Holly leans forward, resting her elbows on her legs.

"And now I'm crying because Grace is gone, and I have none of my wife's. And it's now gonna make me even sadder tomorrow." Holly sighs, fanning her eyes with her hands.

"Why will you be sad tomorrow Holly?"

"Why do you fucking think? Because it's Talia's birthday and I can't be with her. And Grace isn't here to be there for me." Holly wipes the tears that fall.

"Grace it is now time to leave the locked-in house. You have ten minutes to pack your things and say goodbyes."

Sugarlips couldn't even finish her sentence before Holly runs to Grace and gives her a massive hug. "It's fine, honestly." Grace whispers in the girl's ear kissing her on the top of her head. "You might be fine, I won't be." Holly sniffles. "Group hug." Kate says running to Grace's side and hugging her.

Holly just breathes in and takes a step back, but an arm slides around her waist bringing her back into the hug. Looking up Holly could see Chip's mouth asking if she was okay. She just nods leaning into his side.

"I'll be out there." Holly excuses herself from the room as everyone talks to Grace. "Who am I gonna call a J-Bag?" Chip asks as he hugs Grace. "Go and check on her." Grace whispers to him. "I was going to." Chip nods his head walking out of the room.

Holly's POV:

"You okay?" I hear Chip ask me as he walks into the bedroom. "No, but I will be, I have to be." I shrug. "You don't have to be anything." Chip shakes his head, sitting down next to me.

"Why's it so sad, I'll see her in like ten fucking days." I scoff, still crying. "You're doing that thing." Chip looks at me. "What thing?" I spin my head around, getting offended.

"Your gonna start converting your sadness into anger." Chip lets me know. "It's the only way to make me feel better." I look up at the ceiling, begging any tears not to fall.

"Breathe." Chip places a hand on my lower back. "What do you think I'm doing? Not breathing." I scoff but realising how rude that sounded I quickly turn to look at him.

"That wasn't suppo..." I get cut off by Chip speaking over me. "I know love. Come here." He opens his arms, for me to dive into. "Everything will be okay." He whispers into her hair.

"love you." I look up at him. "I love you." He laughs kissing my forehead. "Let's get back in there shall we?" Chip asks wiping a tear off my face. "We shall." I smile taking his hand.

Third person POV:

"Nah I'm fuming because public vote I would've been fine. I would've been absolutely sailing it in the public vote." Grace says getting all her things. "You really would have been." Holly nods.

"Oi GK, GK, I beg your fans not to hate us, please. Tell your fans not to hate us." Billy walks into the room. "Nah, I'm gonna get them all on you. Everyone who's voted for me your all fucked." She jokes around.

"Good thing I didn't vote for you, don't want your army after me." Holly laughs sliding herself next to Grace, and hugging her closely.

"Alright on three, locked in season three." Darkest say's. "Three, two, one. Locked in season three!" The housemates shout as they huddle together.

"One of your breaths stinks." Holly says from in between Chip and Grace. "Oi darkest you're taking it." Holly points to the man, as Destini passes him the Polaroid camera.

"Smile." Darkest says as Holly crouches down next to Grace and they hug each other.

"You waited?" Grace laughs as she walks out of the store room to see Holly waiting at the door. "Yeah, my legs are killing me tho. And Chip's out there." She says making the two of them laugh.

"Don't be sad, you'll see me in less than two weeks." Grace ruffles Holly's hair. "You're like my little sister tho. And before you say anything I do love you Ro-Ro." Holly nods looking into the camera, speaking about her sister.

"Ahh, this is awful. I'm sorry Grace, I love you at least you get to go in your fucking phone." Chip says seeing the good side of things.

"I'll tell your brother and sister, that you miss them." Grace tells the couple as she hugs Liv. "Thank you, friends, as well." Chip says. "Tell the boys." Holly adds on, Chip nodding.

"Grace it's now time to leave the locked-in house."

"There needs to be like, dramatic music when I walk out." Grace takes Holly's hand and walks towards the front door. "Ahh, you know that outro on TikTok, that they do." Chip walks behind the girls making them laugh.

"Ahh no, because they actually will probably end up doing it." Grace says as the twenty-eight-year-old starts doing a tune.

"It's been a long day." Max starts to sing. "Without you my friend." Chip and Holly finish, looking at each other. "One thing I wanna say." Max stops at the front door.

"Don't be rude." Grace tells him. "Honest to god I'm gonna miss you. And you are an amazing fucking sport." Max says opening the door.

"All right, now fuck off." Max tells her after everyone aww's. "And he fucked it, of course, he did." Holly nods walking towards the door. "I fucking love you sexy!" Holly shouts as Grace walks up the footpath. "I love you too!" Grace shouts back.

"Now your going." Holly turns around to see Darkest. "I am indeed." He nods, making his way to the front. "Love you man." She smiles hugging him. "I'll see you soon." He hugs her back.

"Thank you for the cheer-up today." Holly smiles opening the door for him. "Anytime, anytime. I'll make sure to tell Harry as well yeah." Darkest takes one last look at the girl. "Yes." Holly nods.

"Lovely seeing you lot. Love you, Ilyas." Darkest says before leaving. "Love you too!" Ilyas shouts before the door closes.

"And this is where they lose views." Holly scoffs, as she sits down beside Chip on the sofa. "It's not that bad." Harry says looking at the girl. "Does anybody mind if I have Grace's bed? I know it's a bit soon, but..." Liv asks.

"Wow, your gonna leave our side of the room?" Chip asks sarcastically. "Are side is fucking freezing tho." Holly turns to look at Chip. "It actually isn't." Chip shakes his head.

"Well obviously not for you, if you sleep shirtless." Holly scoffs. "Don't lie you love it." Chip jokingly says, looking into Holly's eyes. "On the down-low." Holly whispers.

Authors note:

Everything, that is in Holly's POV doesn't get shown on the cameras just to let you know.

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