sonderling || mystery incorpo...

By caprisuns_bee

10.1K 399 399

❝ hey there demons. it's me, ya girl. ❞ lydia jackson is the fifth human member of the gang, the new mystery... More



464 24 8
By caprisuns_bee

"I just can't understand what got into Arthur last night." Lydia leaned her head on the back of the front seat as Daphne spoke about her latest, and strangest, babysitting gig, "One second he's as sweet as can be and the next, he's trying to kill me!" It was something about the kid she babysat going totally crazy on her with fangs and crazy hair. "Maybe he had too much sugar." Fred offered, making the redhead shake her head, "Sugar doesn't make you grow fangs."

Shaggy laughed from the back of the Mystery Machine - Lydia felt it was more crowded since Velma has been sitting back there more often - "Good! 'Cause if there's one thing I love, it's sugar!" He grinned, holding a box of donuts as he ate one, Scooby leaning over to take one from the box, "Me too!" They ate their donuts happily, "Delicious!" Scooby smiled as his best friend took another out of the box, "Like, you said it, Scoob. Delicious!"

"Shaggy, I thought we talked about your use of the word 'like'." Lydia's eyes moved to watch Velma talk, frowning a bit, "It makes you sound ignorant." Shaggy's smile dropped a bit before he nodded, "Oh, right. Like, um, I forgot." He mumbled, earning a look back from Velma, he thought it over before realizing he said like again, "Oh, sorry." Lydia thought it gave him character, or something.

Daphne lightly tapped Fred on the arm, turning to him, "We're only a few blocks from Arthur's house, can we stop by and see how he's doing?" Fred nodded, glancing at his wrist - even though he didn't have a watch on - with a small smile, "Sure! We aren't going to miss anything at school..." Then he gasped, "Oh, wait. I forgot about civics class, I'm flunking out!" He complained, "Coach says if I don't pass, I'm off the team!" He sighed.

"Well, Daph's great at civics, she helps me study. Maybe she could tutor you?" Lydia piped up, meeting Daphne's eyes, she seemed excited at the idea. "I could come over and... you know, help you study. Just... you and me... alone!" Lydia made a bit of a face at Daphne's choice of tone, turning her attention to grab a donut from the box, Shaggy was happy to share.

"Gee Daph, thanks, but my dad already hired a tutor. I'm supposed to meet her in the library during lunch." Fred shook his head, glancing at Daphne when she huffed, "Her?" And he nodded, "Yeah, a senior, dad said she's brilliant." He missed her annoyed tone as she leaned away from him.

They pulled up to the block Daphne had babysat on, a long strip of police tape blocking anyone from entering. Lydia sat up better, leaning on the seat as Velma moved to join her, to look at the scene. "Woah, look at this!" Fred gasped, and parked the van so they could get out to investigate further. Families - parents, specifically - were packing up their vehicles to leave, all looking sad or panicked as they shoved things into the cars. "Like, where's everyone going?" Shaggy asked before Velma wordlessly punched his arm, making him wince and rub the spot, mumbling a sorry.

Lydia ducked under the police line after Daphne, following her over to a house as she shouted at two adults getting in their car to wait, "Mr. and Mrs. Baywoosenthal, what's going on? How's Arthur?" She asked as Lydia looked at the house they were leaving, staring at something moving in the window before it slammed open, a kid with white hair, gross skin and fangs growling before pulling it shut.

"Any other questions?" Arthur's father asked, sad over leaving their son. "Jinkies! The whole blocks leaving!" Velma gasped, "And a good thing too, who knows what these kids are capable of?" Lydia jumped a bit as Mayor Jones walked over to them with Sheriff Stone, "Kids, plural? You mean-" "Yup! 'Fraid so." The sheriff cut Lydia off, nodding, "Every child on this block has become inexplicably spookified." With that note, he took Lydia's half-eaten donut from her, biting into it as she made a noise of complaint.

"Good-bye, Tiffany!" A woman shouted to her door, her child growling from it before slamming it shut. "Okay... Don't forget to brush!" With that, the woman climbed into the car and the husband drove off. "They can't just leave a whole block parent-less, kids can't make food by themselves." Lydia complained, crossing her arms as the sheriff shook his head, "They'll be fine! We'll airdrop in some freeze-dried camp food, just 'cause they're spookified doesn't mean they can't reconstitute macaroni."

Lydia frowned at their plan, about to say more before Fred set a hand on her shoulder, "Any idea what caused this, sheriff?" The man shrugged, "We're not really sure, but it may have something to do with this-" He held up a piece of paper, on it was a figure with a ripped up poncho and a Mayan mask, "Isn't that creepy?" Mayor Jones grinned, pointing at it as Shaggy nodded, "Like, I'll say." He flinched again as Velma elbowed him in the torso, making him turn to her with a frown, "Ouch! You're bruising my kidney!"

"This thing shows up, plays its creepy flute, and all the kids are all..." Sheriff trailed off as the gang spoke, "Spookified!" Fred smiled, "Well, gang, look like we've got another mystery on our hands." As quick as possible, the gang were being put into handcuffs, Fred trying to argue with his father about it. "Again? Really?" Lydia complained as Deputy Bucky locked the handcuffs on her wrists behind her back. "I smell tourists, t-shirts, concerts, tchotchkes!" The mayor grinned excitedly as the kids were guided into the back of a police van. "But dad! We can help!" Fred complained, frowning.

The mayor only shook his head, "You can help by not flunking civics." He sighed, "I'll drive you back to school." He informed, slamming the back of the police van shut.

They were left in mostly darkness, save for the daylight coming from the tinted windows. "Hey, what's a couch-key?" Lydia asked, the others grumbling quietly before Velma sighed, "Tchotchkes are trinkets." She answered, making Lydia nod and let out a sound of understanding.

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Lydia was sitting in her honors social studies class, a young girl in front of her as they listened to the teacher - Doctor Portillo - talk about South American indigenous mythology. He was a shorter, older man, though a surprising amount of people were shorter than her, she was the third tallest in the gang, after Shaggy and Fred of course.

She clicked her pen open and closed as she watched the slideshow, none of the information actually getting absorbed, though the girl in front of her was writing down anything and everything Doctor Portillo was saying, grossly clearing her throat every few minutes. "Do you need some water, or something?" Lydia asked, leaning forward in her desk as the girl glanced over her shoulder.

"Negative, I have no need for water, why do you ask?" Lydia leaned back a bit, thinking over her options before shrugging a bit, "Never mind, doesn't matter." It did matter a bit to her, the noise was distracting and would take her attention away from the slideshow. "I'm Lydia, you started here a few weeks ago, yeah?" She asked, quietly talking as the doctor continued to speak.

She knew enough about mythologies that catching up on the Mayan mythologies would be easy enough in her own time, when there were no distractions. The girl turned to fully look at Lydia, looking at both of her heterochromia eyes before giving the rest of her a once-over. "Mary Anne Gleardan. I could be in college, but my parents insist I attend high school to work on my social skills." She explained, "Now please pay attention to the lecture." Lydia frowned a bit at her straightforwardness, watching Mary Anne turn back to the front as she slid down further in her seat.

Shockingly, yes, Lydia was in a few honors classes, social studies and English. It wasn't her first pick, but ended up working well enough. The bell rang, and Lydia was quick to pack up her things, looking up at the projected image from the slideshow only to jump a bit, it was the same image Sheriff Stone had shown the gang earlier today. They learnt about this creature before, she realized, staring at it as Mary Anne packed her own things up, the kid barely reached Lydia's chest, she'd be a bit shorter than Daphne. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go to my tutoring session." She gave a small nod as the girl walked off like she was a woman on a mission.

Lydia kept her eye on the image until it was shut off, flinching a little at the sound of the projector getting shut down. "Oh! Do you have any questions, things to learn more about?" She blinked, looking down at the doctor who was wheeling the projector back into the corner of the room. Lydia was never the one to do the important sleuthing, but she decided to take her chance. "What's uh-" She paused, grimacing, she didn't want to come off as a slacker, "Actually, uh, no, no questions. But thanks, doc." She mumbled, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She wouldn't have gotten the results they needed, that was Velma's thing.

She went to the cafeteria, assuming at least some of the gang would be there. She needed Velma, but any of them would do. "Hey!" She called out, sitting down across the table from Shaggy, just as Velma left, making her deflate a little. "Where's she going?" She asked, and he sighed, "To, uh, find me some new pants." He spoke carefully, like he was thinking over his words before he said them. "New pants? Why?" She asked, frowning as he shrugged, "She, like, thinks these aren't in style anymore? And that they aren't, like, flattering, or something." He mumbled, then grumbled to himself before snapping an elastic band around his wrist twice.

"Woah, hey." Lydia reached out, grabbing his wrist gently, "Don't do that, Shag." She tilted her head to the side, "I think your pants are fine, and your speech patterns are wonderful, unique. Velma wears her sweater over anything, I wouldn't be surprised if she wears it to prom, so she shouldn't have a say in what you wear." She informed, finally letting his wrist go as his face went pink, "I gotta go talk to her-" "But-" "Not about your pants or you saying 'like', I won't say anything if you don't want me to, yeah?" She stood back up, watching him carefully as he slowly nodded, mumbling a thanks before she left.

She didn't want to start anything until she at least got the full story, even if the elastic band made her a bit annoyed. Lydia just needed to talk to Velma about the spookified kids, and that'd be it.

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The gang pulled up to another part of town the next day, it was blocked off the same as the last one, parents packing to leave while shouting goodbye to their children. "Woah, looks like the creepy flute player struck again last night." Fred spoke up, staring out the window before parking the van, everyone getting out to get a closer look. Lydia made a face at a squeaking noise, turning to find Velma walking beside Shaggy, who had new stripy blue pants and the elastic band around his wrist. "I sort of feel like a sausage..." He mumbled as the police removed a roadblock to let cars out, "More parents are leaving!" Daphne gasped, everyone watching the cars pass them.

"At this rate, Crystal Cove will be a town of nothing but spookified kids." Velma sighed. Lydia had briefly brought her small hunch up to Velma, though so far they didn't have much else to go off of. "This is the location of the most recent attack by the creature that's been spookifying the children of Crystal Cove." The gang turned around to see Mrs. Dinkley driving one of the Ghost Tour buses, two police officers waving to the tourists that were taking photos of the area, though there wasn't anything special to photograph.

The bus turned to stop beside the gang, Angie Dinkley giving the kids a kind smile, "Velma, sweetheart, how are you? Lydia, don't forget our monthly tarot reading on Thursday." She spoke sweetly, then turned to look for the sheriff, "Sheriff! They're back!" She called out, and Velma shook her head, "Mom, please! We just wanted to see what was happening." She explained, and her mother shook her head, "There's nothing to see, not unless you're paying! Now get to school, darling. All of you!" She pointed at them, and the gang started to walk back to the van before Angie spoke again, "Be an angel and take one of these, wear it around school. Oh, and if anyone asks, they're $15." She threw a t-shirt to Velma, who held it up to look at the face of the creature printed on it.

"We've got to find out what this thing is and where it comes from." Velma grumbled, and Daphne smiled, "And I think I know who can help." They moved back to the van, climbing in as Velma held the shirt.

"Are you gonna-" "Just take it." Lydia grinned as Velma tossed the shirt into the back of the Mystery Machine, it landed on her head before she took her sweater off, pulling the shirt over her long sleeve.

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They were back at school, rushing through the halls to get to an office, Ethan stopped to ask about the shirt, to which Velma gave the price, continuing to walk. Daphne opened the door, poking her head in, "Doctor Portillo?" She called out, getting no response. She opened the door the rest of the way and stepped in, followed by everyone else. "I think I have notes on the monster we're looking for, but they're at home." Lydia mumbled, looking around the office, "But he's teaching right now. In the class I should be attending, yet here I am..." She added, getting an apologetic smile from Daphne. "Like, what kind of stuff does this dude teach anyway?" Shaggy asked, then paused and held his wrist out, Velma snapping the elastic band making him flinch. "Honors social." Lydia answered him, getting a surprised look, "You're in honors-"

"What are you doing in my office, a personal, private space?" Everyone jumped as the door opened and the teacher was standing confused in the doorway. "Doctor Portillo, it's important that we talk to you." Daphne smiled, grabbing Lydia to pull her towards him, "Do you recognize this creature?" He stared at the face on the t-shirt as Daphne continued to hold her arm, eventually he sighed and nodded, moving around them to get to his desk to sit down, "It is Que Horrifico." He sighed, like he was disappointed in himself.

Lydia snapped her fingers, smiling, "That was it!" "It is a mythological creature..." The man continued to explain as Fred picked up a pan flute on his desk, "Woah, cool blowgun! What size dart do you use? I prefer a 3 centimeter with combed beaver bristles." Lydia moved towards him, taking the flute from him, "Bud, this is a pan flute." She explained as Daphne gasped, almost horrified.

Doctor Portillo snatched the pan flute, hugging it close to his chest, "So!! You are saying because I have a pan flute, I am the creature??" He questioned, standing up, "This pan flute is purely for recreational purposes, I assure you! Oh, how dare you accuse me!!"

The teens all looked at him confused, "No one's accusing you of anything..." Scooby mumbled, making a face. "We just want to find out about this thing." Velma explained, speaking like she was talking to a frightened animal. The man sighed, setting the pan flute down, "I don't know what's wrong with me, where are my manners? Yes, of course I can help you." He smiled, patting his forehead with a handkerchief. "I gave a lecture on Que Horrifico to my honors class a few weeks ago." He smiled, and Lydia shifted nervously, "I'll get the slides. They're in color!" He continued, walking past them to collect his things.

They all waited, Shaggy and Scooby sitting down on the couch in the office to get comfy for the movie. Doctor Portillo wheeled the projector in, turning the lights off and turning the slides on, showing a photo of Que Horrifico, "The peoples have long told the tale of Que Horrifico, a normal man by day, but every night at sundown, he changes into Que Horrifico!" He explained, excitedly, "He roams through the villages and plays his song of mystery on a pan flute, turning the childrens into Terriblados!" Shaggy and Scooby jumped a bit as a slide of spookified children appeared.

"In America, we call it 'getting spookified'." Fred informed, and the teacher simply smiled and nodded, "That's good to know, thank you!" Then he continued with his storytelling, "The childrens become his servants of evil, eventually he takes them to his spooky town... or cave... or something... There's a lot of debate on that, who can say?" He left the projector to turn the lights back on, sighing, "Well, that's really all I know." He mumbled before yawning, stretching. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going home to rest. I haven't slept well these last two nights." With that, he left.

The gang looked at the open door before sharing glances, making their way out and back down the hall, "Gang, I know this sounds crazy but-" "Hey! How much is-" "$15." Velma answered Garry as he walked by, "But what if Doctor Portillo is Que Horrifico? He has the pan flute, the blankets, he says he hasn't been sleeping well the past two nights. Plus, he has an accent." Lydia made a face at that last one, though Fred nodded thoughtfully, "I say we keep a close eye on Doctor Portillo-"

He nearly ran into Mary Anne Gleardan, who was glaring up at him, "Fred Jones Junior. You were supposed to meet me in the library for your civics tutoring." She informed before clearing her throat, then turning to Lydia and handing her a few papers, "You were not in class today, I was kind enough to rewrite notes for you, Lydia Jackson." Lydia blinked, taking the notes, "Oh, thank you, Mary Anne..."

"Mary Anne, I can't go to tutoring, I have something important I need to do." Fred sighed, the girl leaning up towards his face, "What could possibly be more important than civics?" She questioned.

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Spying on Doctor Portillo was more important than civics, everyone hiding behind some bushes and a tree, except for Shaggy who was awkwardly bending at the waist, "That's Doctor Portillo's house, I got his address off the school computer." Velma informed and Fred nodded, "Alright, gang, come on!" He whispered, and they went sneaking around to one of the windows at the doctors house, except for Shaggy whose pants were squeaking with every move he made. "Wait up! I can't sneak in these pants." He whispered, catching up to the rest of the gang who were crouched outside the window, staring in.

The poor doctor was sitting at his dining room table, dabbing his forehead with a handkerchief, "Is he in there?" Shaggy asked, and everyone turned to look at him, "Raggy, get down. He'll see you!" Scooby spoke, and his best friend frowned, "My legs won't bend."

"Down!" Fred motioned, and Shaggy did his best before falling on top of Lydia, then awkwardly rolling into a trashcan, making it fall over. The window opened, and Portillo was sticking his head out, "So, you do think I am Que Horrifico!" He glared, before sighing and looking down, sad, "Well, I am beginning to agree... Perhaps you can help."

They were brought inside, and Portillo handed Fred some chains, telling him to tie him up to a chair. As Fred did so, he complimented how amazing the chains were, "But wouldn't you know if you were Que Horrifico?" Lydia asked, sitting down on the couch beside Velma, but the doctor shook his head, "The transformation may be so totally complete that I don't remember it the next day." He spoke worriedly, then shrugged, "Like after you've had too much fudge." Shaggy gulped from the window, turning to look at everyone, "The moon is up... now what?"

The doctor looked serious as he laid back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling, "Now we wait."

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Fred was sitting on the coffee table, right in front of Doctor Portillo, and Daphne was beside him on the couch. Velma sat beside Daphne, and Lydia was beside her. Shaggy and Scooby had the rest of the L shaped couch to themselves.

Lydia was nearly asleep by the time Shaggy turned the television on, some children's show playing. She opened an eye to stare at the screen just as the doctor suddenly gasped, worriedly looking around, "I think- I think it's happening! Oh, no!! It's happening!!" Everyone stood up, Fred shutting the tv off, "It's happening!! Aye!! Here it comes!! I'm so scared!! Oh, I'm so scared! Here it comes!!" All that happened was the doctor's stomach gurgling, and he frowned, "No, it's just gas."

The gang frowned, letting out sighs of disappointment before the sound of something breaking came from outside, followed by the sound of a pan flute being played. They rushed outside just as parents on the block did the same, spookified children growling and hissing at them from the windows. "Look! It's Que Horrifico! He's back!" Daphne shouted, pointing at the figure in the distance who cackled before vanishing.

"Well, at least we know it's not Doctor Portillo." Velma sighed just as he came jumping outside, still chained to the couch, "I am not the weirdo? Whoop-dee-doo! Yay for me!!" Fred frowned, looking at where the creature disappeared, "We're gonna catch that thing." He nodded, "Like, how do you know?" Shaggy asked before Velma snapped the elastic band, and Fred smiled confidently, "Because I'm gonna build a trap."

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The van drove through the wrecked streets, spookified children running amok and wrecking things, "Jinkies! Kids have taken over Crystal Cove!" Velma gasped, and Shaggy struggled to look over her shoulder out the window, "Yeah, like, this whole neighborhood's been spookified!" He mumbled, and Lydia's eyes jumped to watch if he'd snap the elastic band - he didn't.

"Yeah, except this house. It's been for rent for a year." Fred informed, parking up beside a house, it had been totally left alone, and Lydia would say it was actually a rather nice home. The group left the van, and Daphne stood in front of the house, "A fully furnished, 3-bedroom, 3-bath charmer with upgraded appliances." She smiled as Lydia threw an arm around her shoulders, "I'll take it!" She grinned, and Fred walked over, "You won't want it when I'm done with it!" He had a determined look in his eye as he passed them to enter the house.

Scooby padded over, clearly confused, "But why would Que Horrifico come here?" He asked, "He wouldn't." Velma answered, "Unless there was a new family with kids moving in." She smiled as Shaggy awkwardly moved to them, "Who would be dumb enough to do that?" He asked, laughing nervously, struggling to stay standing.

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Lydia was stuck dressing up as a little girl, sitting in the grass beside Shaggy who was dressed as a kid boy, and Scooby who was the baby. "I'm gonna kill Fred." She grumbled, ripping parts of grass up to collect on top of her skirt, Scooby nodding in agreement, "How humiliating..." He grumbled, though Shaggy was smiling, "At least I'm out of those tight pants!" He let out a sigh of relief.

"Come, three young children! It's bedtime! Grandma's gonna tell you a story." The three got up from the grass, Lydia brushing the skirt she had on to get the grass off as Scooby and Shaggy skipped into the house together. "I don' wanna stinkin' story." She mumbled under her breath as she entered the house, Fred shutting the door behind her, taking his glasses off as everyone else started to change from their costumes. "Quick! Get upstairs!" Fred whispered, Velma leading the way up.

Lydia went with her to the window, glancing behind her to see Shaggy and Scooby in the bed, smiling, "Aren't you gonna tell us a story?" He asked Velma, who grumbled before turning to look at them. "Yes. The end. Now, shh." She shushed them just as a pan flute started to be played from the street, Shaggy and Scooby hiding under the bed sheets, "Like, I don't want to be spookified." He mumbled. Lydia jumped as something snapped, realizing Scooby used the elastic band on Shaggy, and he grumbled a 'thanks' to his dog.

Fred shouted that he got Que Horrifico, and the gang went running downstairs and back outside to find the creature trapped under a net. The monster played a tune on the pan flute, and an army of spookified children started to surround them, helping Que Horrifico out of the net. He stood up, cackling, "This town's ours now, get them!!" He shouted, pointing at the gang, who went running back into the house as the children charged.

Both Fred and Shaggy tried to hold the door close, even trying to lock the door while small hands swiped at them, before one kid grabbed Fred by the ascot, yanking him forward a few times so he'd smack his head against the door. Lydia picked up a broom from the floor, using the bristles to try and push the kids back as Fred was pushed away from the door before jumping back to try and close it again. Then Daphne screamed, and Lydia turned her attention to a child trying to claw at her face. She moved to help her redhead friend before she slipped, landing on her back. Lydia was quick to get up, just as the door finally got shoved open, everyone splitting up to run.

She ended up with Fred, Velma and Daphne, somehow still holding the broom she nabbed, using it to push the children away before Fred yanked her into the room, slamming the door shut, though needing to hold it close. Lydia backed up, shouting in surprise as a number of children grabbed onto her, attempting to drag her through the window until Velma and Daphne grabbed her to pull her back. Something ripped, and Lydia decided she'd thank Angie Dinkley until she died, as the children lost their grip on her by ripping up the Que Horrifico shirt, making the three girls fall on top of each other.

They were quick to push a table up against the open window until Fred shouted at them to back away and out of the line of fire, everyone jumping away from the table or door, the sea of children smashing into each other and getting knocked out. They left the room quickly, only to be met with more spookified children, the group of four backing up to a corner where a tv was set up. Fred stepped on the remote, and the tv blinked on. The same childrens tv show as before was playing, and the children stopped, laughing and gathering to sit in front of the television. They moved away from the screen as Que Horrifico appeared in the window, "What are you doing?? Attack them!!"

One of the kids took his fake fangs out, shaking his head, "In a minute. We want to watch this." Then the rest of the children started to take out their fangs and take off their masks. "Fools! You're ruining everything!" The monster hissed, climbing into the window sill.

"Get him, gang!" Fred called, moving forward as the creature jumped back outside, followed by Fred and Lydia as the rest of the gang went out the front door. A siren was going off, and Que Horrifico set off a second trap accidentally, getting stuck in another net.

"What in the name of whole wheat toast is going on?" Everyone turned to watch as Mayor Jones and Sheriff Stone exited the police car, walking over. "We got him, dad!" Fred grinned as Shaggy removed the net, Scooby removing the mask, "You mean her."

"Mary Anne Gleardan?" The whole gang questioned, surprised as Mayor Jones looked confused, "Your tutor? But why?"

The young girl grumbled, adjusting how she was sitting, "I was trying to scare all the adults out of Crystal Cove so I could run the city my way." She explained as Fred helped her up before she cleared her throat, "I told you, I have brilliant ideas." She frowned, "With all the adults gone, there'd be no one to stand in my way. I learned about the legend of Que Horrifico in Doctor Portillo's honors class. It was the perfect solution. I used the high school's theater department for my costume, then I went to every kindergarten and elementary school in the city to convince the children to pretend to be spookified." She ranted, "In return, I offered them Utopia!"

Mary Anne grinned before frowning, deflating, "When that didn't work, I offered them candy. Whenever the children heard me playing the pan flute, that was their signal to put on their fake hair and fangs, and commence spookification. I almost had the whole town cleared of adults. I would have, too, if it weren't for you-" She spoke in Latin, the gang getting confused as she sighed, grumbling, "Loosely translated it means 'meddlesome kids' in Latin."

One kid walked over to them, frowning, "I'm going home. I miss my mom and dad." With that, all the other kids started leaving, mumbling goodbyes to everyone. "By the way, this was lame." The one kid muttered, and Mary Anne went to say something before Sheriff Stone put her in handcuffs, "Wait, you're taking me to jail? But I'm just a kid!"

He lead her away, grumbling about there being lots of boxes of Que Horrifico merchandise they can no longer sell.

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"Congratulations, babies. Another mystery solved." Angel smiled, setting down a box of pizza for the gang to enjoy. They ended up returning to K-Ghoul for the rest of the night to relax. Lydia glanced over at Velma briefly, she wanted to talk about the whole ordeal that went on over the last few days, but seeing as Shaggy was back in his normal pants, she had to assume they talked it over. Scooby played the pan flute, as Shaggy made a noise to scare him, making him jump under the table. "Gotcha, Scooby-Doo!" He laughed, and Scooby shook his head, "I'm not scared of you, I'm scared of him!" Everyone looked up to see Doctor Portillo in the doorway, playing his own pan flute.

"Is just me! I have come to thank you with a pan flute concert!" The teacher smiled before continuing to play his pan flute, the gang dancing happily. Lydia got up with a stretch, though was promptly pulled in to dance by Fred, making her laugh.

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