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Lydia enjoyed Chen's Coffee. Not for the actual food and drink he sold, rather because it was a nice place to chill at when her friends were busy. She sat at a table with Daphne and Scooby, drawing in her sketchbook as the redhead spoke to Scooby, "Tonight's the first time my parents will see Fred and me as a couple. I just want everything to be perfect... I'm afraid they think Fred is a weirdo... Thanks for listening."

She glanced up at Daphne, definitely not paying attention until now, but Scooby-Doo nodded happily, "No problem!" Shaggy had returned from getting his drink, sitting down in the chair beside Lydia as she continued with drawing. It was nice to hopefully have some time without solving a mystery.

Velma had arrived, bringing a pretty girl with her and inviting her to sit down with them, "This is Mai Le, she's here from China on a two-week student exchange." She explained, motioning to Mai Le who offered a smile.

Lydia glanced up, making eye contact and returning the smile, "I didn't know we had an exchange program." She spoke, looking back to her sketchbook, "Like, who did we exchange for her?" Shaggy asked, leaning towards the new girl. The turquoise haired girl glanced up confused at his enamored tone, looking between him and Mai Le, who giggled and looked away from him bashfully.

"The school's weird girl, Hot Dog Water." Everyone, except for Mai Le, cringed a bit at the mention of her, "Well, welcome to Crystal Cove, Mai Le. I think you're gonna love it here." "Me too!" Scooby agreed with Daphne, everyone glancing at the new girl who leaned towards Shaggy, "Me too..."

Chen, the business owner, came by carrying a plate of food, smiling kindly, "Chen, this is Mai Le, she's visiting from China." Velma introduced her, the old man nodding, "Welcome! Please, try my Szechuan pork ice cream sandwiches. On the house!" As he set down the plate, Mai Le reached for one of the ice cream sandwiches, only to make him pause, staring at her hand nervously.

"Uh- Excuse me." He spoke quickly, walking away just as fast. Lydia watched him go, confused, before shrugging and beginning to put her things away in her bag.

"You know, there's a delegate from China visiting Crystal Cove right now... My boyfriend, Fred- I love saying 'boyfriend!'- is showing him around town with his dad. My boyfriend, Fred's, dad is the mayor... Boyfriend!" Daphne giggled excitedly.

Velma nodded, "Daphne's mom and dad are hosting a dinner for him tonight. You should come!" She invited, Mai Le nodding with a smile, "Will anyone cute be there?" She asked. "Well, Fred, my boyfriend, of course!" Daphne grinned, everyone pausing for a second when Shaggy cleared his throat expectantly, "Oh, Lydia will be there, too!" And when he cleared his throat again, looking at Daphne this time, she looked confused, "And... Shaggy?"

Lydia almost bashed the back of her head on the bottom of the table as she put her sketchbook into her bag, sitting up quickly at the mention of her name. Her face flushed, looking at Daphne surprised before turning her attention to Mai Le who was smiling, eyes flickering from Shaggy to Lydia before nodding, "Then I'll be there. For sure..."

Slowly, Lydia slid down in her chair as Mai Le leaned on her hand, smiling at them. Shaggy was clearly all too happy to have the attention, sitting a bit straighter as he smiled back.

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Velma had insisted on showing Mai Le more of Crystal Cove, though Shaggy had took the lead with pointing out different buildings and telling her about stuff as they walked, everyone else following behind. "You've been to China?" Mai Le asked, Shaggy shaking his head, "No, but my stomach has! Scoob and I get Chinese takeout every single week." "Then I steal the deep fried shrimp." Lydia piped up, though quickly faltered when Mai Le turned her attention to her.

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