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Lydia sat in the back of the the car, leg bouncing as it pulled up to a stop at the curb. "Now listen, baby, the second you wanna leave you just call and let me know! We'll show right up and get ya outta here." She looked away from the window, up at Angel and Glory, who nodded eagerly at the others words. "Well I don't see why I have to check this place out, I can't exactly pay to go here. . ." Lydia responded, unbuckling the seatbelt to open the door.

Glory placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her to pause, "Don't worry about that, you should always keep your options open!" Was what she signed, Lydia nodding, giving a smile, "Yeah, totally. Thanks for the ride." She sighed, exiting the car and slamming the door shut.

Since the gang stopped hanging out, Lydia had spent most her time at K-Ghoul or alone at her home. Angel thought it would be a good idea for her to check out the library at Darrow University, and see if any classes caught her eye. Of course, Lydia wouldn't be able to actually attend the university, not unless she got some major financial aid. She had some ulterior motives for wanting to check out Darrow University, but nothing she could share with Glory, Angel or any of the gang.

She adjusted her bag, watching as Angel's car drove away. Lydia glanced to her left, a spike of joy making her smile as she saw Shaggy and Scooby also standing on the sidewalk. That bit of joy disappeared as she saw Velma, Fred and Daphne also lined up across the sidewalk. The three farther away from Lydia quickly left, separating to go wherever they wanted to go. Shaggy turned his head and noticed her, smiling excitedly.

Lydia smiled in return, giving a wave before motioning over her shoulder, turning and walking off. At least it wasn't still awkward between her, Shaggy and Scooby.

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The library was absolutely huge- if Lydia was actually interested in reading more than gothic literature and Shakespeare she'd probably think it was actually really cool... Scratch that, she really did think it was cool. The only problem was it was extremely difficult to look for things on past students at Crystal Cove High that weren't already in the torn up and censored yearbooks at the high school library.

Lydia was looking through various shelves, trying to find anything that could remotely help her with what she wanted to find out- Why Pericles Vogel told her to say hi to Glory. They must've known each other, but she just couldn't figure out how, unless they went to Crystal Cove High together. "Oh come on..." She mumbled, lightly kicking the base of one of the bookcase. She didn't want to ask for help, especially since the specific class year she was looking for seemed to be omitted from all of Crystal Cove history.

She heard someone clear their throat, making her glance around confused. Lydia ducked her head around the corner, behind the bookcase she kicked, not finding anyone but a singular book on the ground. "Hello? Did someone... leave this?" She called out, not getting any response.

Lydia moved and picked up the book, she flipped it over, freezing as she realized it was another Crystal Cove High yearbook, one of the copies that always had certain things blacked out, and a specific girls name who was part of the original Mystery Incorporated cut out. She hummed in surprise, walking out from behind the bookcase while flipping it open.

Automatically, she flipped to the clubs portion of the book, stopping suddenly as she sharply inhaled, slamming the book shut with wide eyes looking around for anyone who might be looking at her. There wasn't anyone else in the specific part of the library she was in, making Lydia let out a long breath.

Instead, she shoved the book into her bag, a small smile growing on her face as she moved ready to leave. On her way out, she bumped into a tall man wearing a grey suit, bald hair except for the sides. He definitely didn't look like he belonged at Darrow University, but maybe all the staff dressed up fancy because they were rich? "Excuse me, Lydia." He grumbled, quickly walking away as she mumbled an apology for bumping into him.

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