A Chance To Make Things Right...

By Mavaezz_taetae

406K 21.5K 3.4K

(completed)✅ "I love you "--Taehyung "No you can't ... Don't waste your time on me cause I'm already dead "... More

Part : 1
Part : 2
Part : 3
Part : 4
Part : 5
Part : 6
part : 7
Part : 8
Part : 9
Part : 10
Part : 11
Part : 12
Part : 13
Part : 14
Part : 15
Part : 16
Part : 17
Part : 18
Part : 19
Part : 20
Part : 21
🔸Important 🔸
Part : 22
Part : 23
Part : 24
Part : 25
Part : 26
Part : 27
Part : 28(🔞)
Part : 29
Part : 30
Part : 31
Part : 32
Part : 33
Part : 34
Part : 35
Part : 36
Part : 37💗
Part : 38
Part : 39
Part : 40
Part : 41🔞
Part : 42
Part : 43
Part : 44
Part : 46🔞
Answers of QNA
Part : 47
Part : 48
Part : 49💗
Part : 50
Part : 51
Part : 52 💗THE END

Part : 45

6.4K 361 59
By Mavaezz_taetae

Pain reshapes every human but it is up to us whether we let ourselves reshape from the pain or let ourselves get lost in the pain.

And what Jungkook was seeing here is the part in which he was lost into. He didn’t know much about Taehyung ‘s relationship with his father. The pretty boy only knew that he wanted Taehyung to follow his Footsteps, but Taehyung wanted to follow his Passion.

This is kind of unexpected though.

“kim, stop drinking. You have to mourn.” jungkook said sternly. The only solution to this problem is to sober him up.

Taehyung took a swig of the alcohol and looked at jungkook as if he had grown two heads. “Mourn? For who? For the man who wanted to control my life? Pfft! No.”

Jungkook’s face dropped at his words and he pinched the bridge of his nose. “tae, just listen to me. Drinking is not going to lessen your pain. Trust me, speaking from experience. It will come back a lot stronger in the morning.”

“Pain?” the elder laughed. “I am not in any pain. I don’t feel anything! And I am perfectly fine with it.”

The pretty boy bit his inner cheeks to stop himself from screaming at the elder...

Strangely, this reminds him of the times where he used to come back to the penthouse, absolutely wasted and jimin would sober him up then he would silently walk back to his room and scream and cry at his losses.

The pretty boy took a step towards him. “tae, just hand me the bottle and let’s talk.”

“Nope” the elder slurred and gobbled some more alcohol. “All I ever wanted was his support which I never got and now I’ll Probably never get it! Haha!”

Jungkook’s heart ached to see him like this. He knows what’s happening here. Taehyung says that he feels nothing, but when the sun rises tomorrow, he’s going to be in pain. Physically and emotionally.

“tae, you shouldn’t say things like these. I know it hurts but please stop drinking and speaking ill of your father.”

The elder hiccupped. “Father?” Another hiccup. “Don’t tell me what to say and what not to say. Just go back to our room and sleep.”

The pretty boy gritted his teeth. “No! I am not going anywhere if you are in this state.”

The elder scoffed. “Oh yeah right! You won’t go anywhere because you’re pregnant with my child. YOU PROBABLY WOULDN’T HAVE COME HERE IF YOU HADN’T GOT MIRACULOUSLY PREGNANT!” He shouted furiously.

Jungkook’s heart dropped to his stomach and tears brimmed up in his eyes.

That’s it! He crossed a line and now jungkook will take things in his hand. He stomped his way to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of chilled water. He took off the cap and poured them on the Elder’s head. Taehyung’s eyes widened as he shivered violently and his teeth chattered. Jungkook threw away the bottles and slapped the elder. Taehyung’s face jerked right and he slowly touched his cheek. The pretty boy covered his mouth and sobbed.

“Do you have any idea what you are saying?” he cried and tapped Taehyung’s chest. With an accusing finger. “You didn’t call me, y-you didn’t text me then you come back home late and drunk. I know you’re hurt but you have no right to say things like these! Do you not know how much I got worried about you? Of course, you don’t because you are busy drinking away your sorrows instead of sharing them with me!”

Taehyung kept staring into space, breathing heavily.

“tae,” jungkook felt his voice getting heavy with emotions. “Drinking and saying hurtful things to others is not going to help you. I know it very well because I used to be like this for weeks. Just hand me the bottle and we’ll talk like proper adults.”

He mentally sighed in relief when Taehyung slowly handed him the bottle. He took it carefully and quickly drained its contents down in the sink.

“Thank you. Let’s talk somewhere else cause there are pieces of glass here. We don’t want anyone to get hurt now, don’t we?” the elder nodded his head and clumsily walked towards the balcony and sat on the floor, hugging his knees.

Jungkook took another bottle of chilled water and went to the balcony. He wasn’t angry at Taehyung, somehow he can never be angry with him but Taehyung’s words did hurt him. To be honest, he don’t even wanna think how different their lives would have been if he hadn’t gotten pregnant.

He dragged himself to  the couch near the balcony and made himself comfortable on it. Then he took Taehyung’s. Large hands on his small ones.

“I am sorry for your father, Taehyung.”

“I...I am sorry too. I shouldn’t have said those harsh words to you. I deserved that slap.” The elder’s voice was rough and a bit emotional.

“I didn’t slap you because you said things to me, I slapped you to sober you up. Jimin used to do that to me.”

“Oh.” Taehyung mumbled. “But I am sorry. It wasn’t right of me. I—”

“tae, it’s okay. I forgive you.” Taehyung turned his head in his direction. “You want to talk about things?”

“I don’t know.” He slightly slurred. “I don’t even wanna know how they got my address. I was just about to take a break and the next thing I know is that I am in a bar, heavy drinking. I don’t like drinking too much, it’s bad for health.”

Jungkook nodded his head in understanding and kept drawing imaginary circles on the elder’s hand.

“You know, you did get me worried, scratch that, you got me scared for a moment or two and I haven’t been scared for a long time.” He said honestly.

Taehyung nodded frantically. “I know, I know and I’m very sorry for that. I promise I won’t Do it again.”

Jungkook gave him a small smile ... The elder looked like a kicked puppy . “That’s good. Promises are good as long as you keep up with them.”

Taehyung nodded again and sighed loudly, slumping his shoulders.

Jungkook bit his lip nervously, not knowing what to do next. It was always him in Taehyung’s situation, not the opposite. In fact, he wanted to shout for him, scream for him, but most importantly, he wanted to be there for him and tell him that it’s going to be okay.

“tae” the elder hummed in response, “people die all the time and you can’t change the truth. Whether it’s because of their old age or lung failure or some fatal accident, you can’t do anything about it but...” he paused when he slowly realised his own words, “...you can always cherish the time you’ve spent together.”

Those words left a strange feeling in his heart.

The elder exhaled loudly. “I know he was growing old, but I wasn’t expecting it today.”

“And I didn’t expect that I would get pregnant yet here we are, aren’t we?”  jungkook Asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Taehyung’s lips curved upwards and he slightly shook his head in amusement. “Yeah, we are.”

Both of them fell into this comfortable silence, their minds lost in their thoughts and their hands entwined.

Jungkook’s eyes went down to his ring and brushed it with his thumb. He gasped softly when  Taehyung rested his head on his stomach  carefully and chuckled when he earned a kick.

Ha. The baby kicked the elder on his head.

“You know,” Taehyung hummed in response, “there was this guy I met back during my college days. Really enthusiastic and fun loving.”

“So?” He questioned as he lifted up his Head and faced jungkook.

Jungkook smiled as he remembered those beautiful memories. “He had this very weird saying, when you are too upset with your problems, start laughing at it.”

The elder chuckled. “Seriously?”

“I know!” jungkook agreed in excitement. “I mean come on, he failed in one of the uni exams, he started laughing at his marks. I never believed in that bullshit line of his at that time and I still don’t.”

Taehyung started laughing. Damn. How much he Wanted to hear the elder’s  laugh.

“Really? What did you do with him.Then?”

All his excitement died down and a sad smile appeared on the pretty boy's face.

“I fell in love with him.”

Taehyung reciprocated his expression. “You really do love him very much, don’t you?”

“I did.” Jungkook  answered honestly. “I-I mean I still do, but...but he’s gone. He’s my past and you are my present,” he placed his hand on hiss five and a half month old stomach, “you both are my present and hopefully my future too, but I can’t think of my future if you are dwelling on your recent loss.”

Taehyung gulped inaudibly and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I am sorry. I guess I just got shaken up pretty badly, but I can pull myself together.”

The pretty boy held his face gently and looked straight into his brown eyes. “I am really sorry about your father, Taehyung. I knew you both were not exactly in a good relationship, but I am really sorry.”

“Thank you and I am sorry too. I swear I didn’t mean any of those things, but somehow it just slipped from my mouth. I a—”

“tae, I have told you before. I forgive you. No need to feel guilty about it anymore. Besides, I have said things much worse than that to others.”

“What?” the elder mumbled.

He sighed deeply and looked straight to the city standing in front of his eyes. “Few weeks after I lost...people, I started drinking a lot. Every night I would come back to the house, absolutely wasted and there was always one person waiting for me. Either it was jimin or...” he trailed off.

“Mama and dada jeon?”

“Yes.” He whispered suddenly feeling nostalgic. “My parents.”

“And? Do you miss them?”

His lips quivered and he said, “Yes. Very much.”

“At times, I miss my parents too, but I chose to break all ties with them.” Taehyung Said downheartedly.

Jungkook choked on his sob. “I s-said things to them, picked up fights with them after everything that had happened yet they stayed with me. They all did.”

Yet he kept crying for the loss of one Person.

He covered his mouth and sobbed profoundly feeling the hot moisture spilling on his face. “I can’t believe that I even blamed my mother once for giving birth to me.” He cried. “Y-Yet she stayed with me and looked after me that night.”

Taehyung got up and hugged him... jungkook pushed him away and the elder landed on the floor with an oomph.

“And you stink very bad!” he wailed.

Taehyung chuckled lightly and jungkook shot him a glare which got him shut up.

The pretty boy wiped his tears with the back of his hand and hiccupped. “I-I don’t even want to think what my mother and chimchim  must have gone through when I had-had almost “he started crying again.

Taehyung held his hand and kept whispering soothing words to him.

Jungkook stopped crying and exhaled loudly, feeling light. “I-I miss them so much, Taehyung So much. Every second you spend with them is special and you couldn’t be more grateful for it.”

“You’re right.” The elder nodded. “Even though my father and I weren’t exactly the best, I might have learnt a good thing or two from him.”


“Yeah, good.”

“Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” the pretty boy asked.

Taehyung looked at him,  wide eyed. “Never.”

The pretty boy smiled. “You’re really amazing, tae and I can’t believe I am saying this, but I’m glad that you wrote your pathetic name on that chair.”

The elder laughed. “Ah! Those were the good Old days.”

The pretty boy sighed again and looked at the beautiful city in front of him. Taehyung was sitting on the floor beside him and  his hands were on the pretty boy’s stomach. Both of them are lost in their own thoughts.

Jungkook’s heart did that strange fluttering When he  remembered something.

“You know,” the elder hummed in response, “I used to pull pranks on a certain somebody with haein.”

Taehyung gasped in surprise. “Wait, wait, Wait! Please don’t tell me it’s that Manager guy!”

Jungkook’s jaw dropped in surprise. “How did you know?!”

The elder laughed heartily. “The boys  and I pulled a prank on him soon after you left. Poor guy. He was so confused when he saw his own boss laughing with us after we spray painted his office!”

Jungkook started laughing. “No way!”

“Yes way!”

“I always give him wrong phone numbers of the men he wants to ask out on a date.” jungkook revealed.

Taehyung threw his head back and laughed.


“And I did it again at the wedding!”

“No way!”

“I couldn’t help myself!”

They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing about the things they used to do before everything went haywire.

Jungkook let   Taehyung know him..

Slowly and slowly, time passed and everything healed. All the broken memories, those cries and screams, lost pasts, all those misunderstandings and arguments, they all healed and it was just them..

And then something happened to jungkook  that night.

Something so strange yet so familiar.

It was familiar because he hadn’t felt it reciprocated to him in a long, long time.

And it was strange because it was so intense and beautiful that it made him feel wonderful and do crazy, amazing things for the man beside him... Who was now sleeping on the couch resting his head gently on the pretty boy’s things hands stroking the bump affectionately...

It was love.

Yes Jungkook realised one thing that he was completely in love with his idiot...

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