OMARI: When He Wakes

By AlaskanRookie

18.2K 721 382

After taking the last step off the Hospital Roof, Sunny wakes up in what seems to be a different reality. One... More

(1) The Truth, Guilt, and The Jump
(2) Fading, MARI, and HELLSUNNY
(3) The ENDLESS FIELD, Orchids, and A Promise
(4) A Picnic, A Camera, and Numbness
(6) Morning, Recovery, and Orange Joe
(7) Pancakes, Coffee, and Tea
(8) Suprise Visit, Catching Up, and Outside
(9) School, OTHER LIBRARY, and Faint Memories
(10) Into Your Dreams...
(11) The Chase, a Dream, and a Snap
(Updates and QnA)
(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper
(13) Bargaining, Circumstance, and Returning
(14) Revival, KEL, and a Text
(15) Left on Read
(16) Rushing, Reunion, and Retelling
(17) Pain, Panic, and Moving Forward
(18) Coming To, Caretaker, and First Steps
(19) Hugs, Baby Carrots, and Medicine
(20) Homeward Bound
(21) Prepping, Home, and MEWO
(22) A Call, Fried Tofu, and Sandwhiches
(10K Views and QnA)
(23) Stairs, Bed, and Fractured
(24) A Orchid, Dreamers, and BASIL(?)
(25) Recital Day...
(26) Breakfast, Planning, and MOM
(27) Mother, Son, and...
(28) Father, SISTER, and a Surprise

(5) Together Again

1.2K 37 19
By AlaskanRookie


MARI couldn't believe what she was seeing, her breathing growing more rapid with excitement as a genuine smile was coming over her. She felt her heartrate skyrocket the more she looked over him, chuckling through her nose lightly in disbelief.

Her brother, who finally opened his eyes after 4 long years, was actually talking again, and he was moving too. How many times she's imagined him waking, his eye finally having life again and calling to her before they hug, and she feels his warmth. It was just like a dream!

.... Or a nightmare. Disguising itself as a dream to spike her hopes up just to crush her with guilt and pain again. This has happened too many times to her before, and she wouldn't know if she could handle that kind of torture again...

Just the thought of seeing HELLSUNNY lunge at her throat again made her wince, grabbing her neck as she looked away quickly. When she did... SUNNY felt his heart twinge. Memories of his Reality flooding his mind, making him look down depressed. Maybe... MARI wasn't happy to see him at all. He didn't know how long he'd been like this, but by the looks of her... too long.

She looked so exhausted and worn-out, wrinkled clothes and disheveled hair, like she hadn't been taking proper care of herself. The bags under her eyes were dark and heavy, and even though she was facing away from him, he could tell she had a restless, stressed look in her eyes when she looked at him. It broke his heart, the thought of MARI ending up this bad because of him...

His hand began sliding away from hers, both their grips loose until she pulled her hand into his, gripping it tightly. He was shocked, looking up slowly confused as he saw MARI shut her eyes tightly. She didn't know if this was another sleep deprived nightmare... but if this wasn't, then SUNNY...

She wanted to believe it, desperately so... but she didn't know if her heart could handle another lie from her miserable nightmares again. So, she turned to SUNNY hesitantly, taking a deep breath, she asked him something her nightmares kept echoing in her head to SUNNY.

MARI: "S-SUNNY, uhm... D-Do... Do you still... love me...?" She winced lightly, expecting to hear the raspy, mangled voice of her nightmares respond with yelling.

SUNNY'S eye widened as he heard this, a sharp ringing in his ears as AUBREY and HERO'S questions reverberating in his mind, now hearing MARI herself ask him this. So many emotions built up inside him when he heard it: Sadness, Guilt, Regret, Dread... He couldnt handle the weight of everything he's done fall on him at once. Even if he couldn't feel them, but he knew tears were falling endlessly down his cheek, clenching his teeth as his weak grip soon got tighter, wrapping around his sisters hand.

She felt him squeeze, still scared to open her eyes, but did so with hesitation, her eyes adjusting to see... SUNNY crying. No hallucination, no trick, nothing malicious staring back at her. It was just her brother, looking miserable, barely able to keep his eye open as he hiccuped and sobbed. Without hesitation, he nodded quickly and said his answer with a firm resolve.

SUNNY: "Yes... Yes, Yes, I do! I-I love you MARI!! I love you, I love you..." His voice was raspy, getting quieter and more desperate as he kept repeating it over and over, curling his body as he went on, unable to stop himself.

His mind was lost in a sea of emotions, thoughts scattered as he spoke from the heart, clenching to his sisters hand. Even with the weak, numb strength he had in this state, she could tell how hard he was trying not to let go of her.

SUNNY... after so many years, all the illusions and nightmares she's had, seeing him open his eyes only for her to wake up to the grim reality she's lived in... he's finally awake. Finally able to see her baby brother alive again after so long... and he was sobbing.

She could tell this wasn't a nightmare or some dream, her heart was genuinely aching at the sight of this, the heart monitor picking up his rising pulse as he cried into his hands. The realization of it all hit her like a train, believing with all her heart that SUNNY was finally awake. Her eyes flooding with tears as her body moved on its own, wrapping her arms around him as tight as she could and began sobbing uncontrollably. She leaned into the hug and shut her eyes tightly, coughing lightly as she sniffled.

MARI: "SUNNY.... SUNNY!! Thank god! Thank God!! You.... you came back.... you came back to me...." She sounded so relieved and so vulnerable, clinging to her brother desperately and staining his shoulder with tears.

MARI was sniveling, clinging to her brother still as she was still in pure shock from SUNNY finally being awake, keeping him in her arms and never wanting to let go of him again. They stayed like that for quite some time, MARI being the only one to hug him still as SUNNY was staring off into nothing, too lost in thought.

SUNNY'S mind was scattered, the mixed memories of his and his other self flashing through his mind all at once. The feeling of MARI'S embrace made his heart feel warm, and also made it twinge with regret. He knew he should embrace her back, and keep telling her he loved her so much... but he couldn't, he gelt like he didnt deserve it. He couldn't get over what he had did, the thoughts still plaguing him even in this reality. He knew deserve MARI'S love, not any more...

... But... he knew he still had to say something to her. Even if... she wasn't HIS sister, he still felt he had to apologize to MARI. So he slowly raised his arms and wrapped them around her gently, finally embracing her as he spoke up.

SUNNY: "MARI... I... I'm sorry! I'm so... so sorry...!" His voice was raspy and tired, clearing his throat and coughing but still sounding genuine and full of sorrow as he told her. He grabbed onto her shirt and clenched his fist, shuddering breaths through his clenched teeth went directly into her ear, repeating "I'm sorry" to her over and over. MARI didn't even register what he was saying at first, rubbing his back gently as she nuzzled her head against his.

MARI: "It's okay... it's okay now, it...." She slowly opened her eyes, blinking quickly before looking concerned. She slowly let go of his gown and backed up, holding her brothers hands gently as she looked him in the eye, utterly confused. "W-Wait..." She sniffled. "Wait, SUNNY why.... why would you... need to apologize...?"

She couldn't think of any reason to hear him say that, her confusion turning to worry as she studied his face. He looked completely miserable, tears streaming down his cheek, looking like he was barley keeping it together. He was sniffling and sobbing weakly, barely able to say anything before he swallowed and finally spoke.

SUNNY: "That day.... th-the day of the Recital, I... I-I didn't mean it, MARI!! I-I didn't want to do that to you! I-I just- I just-" Everything was flooding back to him, vivid details of the day he killed his sister filling his mind and overwhelming him once again.

"I-I'M SORRY!" He lunged at her and clung to her, wrapping his arms and crying right into her shoulder. "I'm sorry I p-pushed you... I-I'm so sorry for everything!!"

MARI'S mind just.... stopped. She heard what he said, but she couldn't process any of it. The Recital? Pushing her? Why.... why would he think that? Why on earth would he think that. She remembers that day so clearly, and what SUNNY was saying didn't match up at all with what happened.

MARI: "SUNNY... Wh-What are you talking about? You didn't push me, th-thats not what happened at all! Why would you-" Her eyes suddenly got wide, slowly raising her hands to her mouth as tears began to form once more. "O-oh God.... your coma.... have you been thinking that you..... this whole time....? Oh my god...."

She couldn't believe it... her sweet baby brother thought that he pushed her down the stairs? How long had he been thinking this? Was it the entire time? Was it... the last thing he thought before he went comatose?

It was all too much, she felt like she was going to be sick. SUNNY... he was suffering all alone for so long. MARI felt her heart shatter when she realized this, her hands trembling before she pulled him into her arms gently.

MARI: "SUNNY.... please, please don't think that! Wh-What happened, i-it wasn't your fault! God, please d-dont blame yourself... please... please, SUNNY!" She felt herself breaking down again, sobbing quietly against him as she shook her head slowly. "It wasn't you.... It wasn't your fault, SUNNY!!"

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. So many times he's wished he's heard MARI tell him that, to tell him he wasn't a murderer and that he shouldn't blame himself. He's wished for it so much, and hearing it now, actually coming from MARI herself... he felt... even more guilty. He shook his head against her and sniffled.

SUNNY: "No... no, nonono-" He kept repeating to her, sounding like he was desperately trying to convince her she was wrong. "I-It WAS! It was!! I-I pushed you, you f-fell down the s-stairs and I-I-" He couldn't even bring himself to finish that sentence.

Ringing pierced his ears, almost unable to hear MARI as her voice was fading out to him. His eyes went pale, and the heart monitor was beeping sparadicaly, his lack of touch making him unaware he was hyperventilating. But MARI knew it, and she was panicking as she watched SUNNY break down in front of her.

She was speaking to him, but it sounded so far from him, echoing as his vision was getting blurred. Suddenly, his nose began bleeding, and MARI gasped, covering her mouth and quickly sitting up. She didn't know what to do, her red eyes darting all over her brother as she was utterly confused and frightened at what was happening.

She just got him back, and now he looks like he's about to collapse again. Like he was going to leave her... maybe for good this time. She didn't even think, she just went right to his side and clung to him, holding his head gently against her and petting his head with trembling hands.

This was giving her flashbacks of the the Recital Day, holding him in her arms as he slipped away from her. It was happening all over again, and she knew her heart couldn't handle that... not again. As SUNNY'S breathing stayed sparadic and the monitor was beeping far too quickly, all MARI could think to do was hug him, pressing his ears right against her chest and rub his head gently, absolutely shaken and terrified, but trying her best to calm him down.

While in her arms, his vision was slowly getting filled with the same warm, shining light around him, feeling like his mind was getting pulled away from his body. His mind was filled with the image of seeing MARI hanging from that tree, plaguing his mind and torturing him for years. He just wanted it to stop, almost closing his eye as everything was reaching a boiling point... until he heard her voice. And the light stopped enveloping him the more he heard her, calling out to him in a shaken, desperate tone...

MARI: "SUNNY ....ere.... I'm ri.... here...."

It was faint, but in the midst of all the chaos his mind was going through, he found himself focusing on her solely and drowning everything else out. Then... he made out an outline in the light, slowly approaching him. It looked just like MARI... but... not the one holding him. Or the one in the ENDLESS FIELD. He could tell, because instead of a single eye on a pitch black face, holding a hand out to him... he could faintly see a genuine smile...

Before he could even see her face, he felt the light fading, seeing the figure dissapate with it, his eyes finally gaining color once again. He didn't even realize it, but throughout his panic attack, MARI kept him in her arms, petting his head lightly with a panicked look in her eyes. In a weak, desperate tone, he heard her keep repeating something:

"It's okay.... You're okay now, SUNNY, I.... I'm right here ..."

Her breathing was as shaken as his, rocking him back and forth gently, unable to think of anything else to calm him down. His breathing had gotten less raspy and rapid slowly, becoming less tense and leaning against her.

He could hear her so clearly, even with his heartbeat reverberating in his ears quickly, and even though he still couldn't feel anything in that moment... But he had a faint warmth in his heart, just knowing that he was in MARI'S arms again. It gave him some much needed comfort, slowly relaxing once again as she kept him close to her, comforting him and herself by repeating that everything was okay now... even if it felt like it wasn't...

The moon shone brightly in the sky as night had long since arrived, quite some time passing since the panic attack and both siblings finally resting. SUNNY was in his sisters arms, finally breathing normally and his bloody nose now dried up. He was still awake, staring off into space before his eye wandered down to his chest, seeing MARI'S hand.

He couldn't see her, but he could hear her breathing slowly, fast asleep and sounding rather peaceful. The sound of his sister breathing... he didn't think he'd hear that again, but there he was, in his sisters arms again. And there she was... alive. Not well, but still alive...

He still had a sinking feeling in his heart, like he didnt deserve this kindness, to he with his sister yet again... But it still gave him a sense of comfort and relief, despite everything he was thinking in that moment. He had actually calmed down, breathing normally again and resting against a sleeping MARI.

Her expression actually relaxed as she laid her head on SUNNY'S head, having been ages since she had slept this peacefully, no visible signs of discomfort or worry on her. It's like she had finally had peace, even if just for tonight, and she took solice in that fact as she began to sink deeper into her dream.




MARI opened her eyes slowly, the shade of the oak tree she was under protecting her from the warm sunlight. She looked down, seeing SUNNY laying on her lap, fast asleep with a calm, listless expression. With a warm smile, she pet his head slowly, making him smile in his sleep and snuggle up to her more.

MARI: "It's... It's going to be okay now... I promise. I won't leave you, SUNNY... Never again..."

She looked up, her eyes going pale and wincing in place as she saw it again... HELLSUNNY. It was staring at her with its piercing lone eye, that damned smile still mocking her... but it was less pronounced. It's mouth was gaped open, and with its eye so dilated... it looked angry. Mainly towards... SUNNY.

A shiver went down her spine as she kept looking at it, everything she had in the past it had always gone for her neck to choke her to death. But now, it was just standing there, the wind blowing the grass gently beneath it as it's entire body remained still, even from the breeze.

She was getting nervous as it kept staring at SUNNY, MARI making light groans in her sleep as it did. But... everything felt at peace the moment SUNNY held her hand, both in and out of her dream. Her body stopped shivering, and she had a calmness wash over her, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. She calmed down, even as HELLSUNNY kept its eyes on her brother, and with determined look in her eyes, she stared down the very thing that tortured her mentally for years, holding her brother gently as she firmly spoke

MARI: "SUNNY... is right here, in my arms. He's alive, he's okay, and he's safe... and I promise, as his big sister, to make sure it stays that way. I....I swear it..."

It's smile had grown, gaping it's mouth as it's teeth grew jagged, each side pointed up further than the other. With a quick SNAP, it's neck turned fully to the left, it's eye a mere spec as it stared at MARI directly. It was trembling intensely, nothing on its body staying still except for that piercing eye, it's smile growing off of its face and never stopping. The crackling of its body kept getting louder and louder, but MARI stayed calm and kept staring down her Demon. Pressure rose in the air around her, HELLSUNNY being the only thing in her field of view, raising its long, massive arms towards her like it was wrapping its hands around her neck, until the moment she blinked... and it was gone.

A small exhale escaped through her nose shortly followed, relieved that it actually left, but a part of her knew... this wouldn't be the last she's seen of it. It wasn't a complete victory... but she still felt immense relief from this. Looking down, she saw SUNNY... still smiling and looking peaceful and happy, making her feel the same as a tear formed in her eye, petting his head again and giving a faint laugh through her nose.

This followed through to her actual self, a tear sliding down her cheek with a soft smile on her face. She pulled SUNNY closer ever so faintly, squeezing his hand more. And yet... he still couldn't feel it. All this love she had for him, keeping him close and not letting go of him... he could only see it, unable to sense her warmth or affection. Apart of him thought this was just, but... it still saddened him deeply how he couldn't even properly return the love.

He questioned again if all of this was really happening, and that if he sleeps, he'll wake up from this dream. Part of him thought that someone like him shouldn't live this kind of dream, that he deserves nothing but pain after the Recital Day... but, for a moment... he stopped thinking through his eyes... and tried to picture how MARI felt.

SUNNY had just been thinking about himself through all of this, but he didn't even consider how this whole situation affected MARI. And by the way she looked and how she shuttered in her sleep before... this hurt her deeply. He felt even more guilty about making this MARI go through all of this, not even wanting to think that it may have just been herself... but he knew that, at least for this MARI... he can be there for her, here and now.

Even if this was just some dream or delusion, he couldn't bare watching his sister suffer anymore than she already has. So he wanted to be their for her, for now at least, and see just where this entire situation leads him... and whether or not it's all real... or just some dream.

SUNNY slowly shut his eyes, gripping onto MARI'S hand, and went to sleep, and for once in a long time... he too slept peacefully...



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