They don't know about us ~ Jo...

Von nellynorris

107K 1.4K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... Mehr



3.4K 46 51
Von nellynorris

"Billy said he'll make you a coffee bro." Chip says to Max. "No, I didn't, I'm not making no one coffees no more. You lot are cheating on me." Billy denies it as he mixes his drink.

"So what's going on in the outside world, do you think then?" Billy asks. "I mean, I have no clue what's going on outside when I'm outside. So, I don't have a flying fuck." Holly shrugs as she hugs Grace.

"People have died, fuck I don't know." Grace shrugs, holding onto Holly as she sits on her lap. "Bro, I didn't ask you, so I don't know why you answered. Why would you answer? No one asked you." Billy laughs pointing to Max as he starts talking.

"How is it, that you always find yourself on Grace's lap?" Chip looks at Holly. "I don't have a clue." Holly shrugs. "I'm a good pillow." Grace smiles. "You are." Holly yawns leaning closer to the blonde.

"I vote for her, she votes for me. She votes for him, he votes for her..." Billy explains to Chip and Holly but the ping cuts him off.

"Yo, Yo guys, Darkest here. MVP of season two locked in and voted best looking but that was off camera, that's a different conversation, for a different day." Darkest pops up on the screen.

"Don't big yourself up." Holly scoffs. "Shut up Holl's I didn't ask." Darkest points to the camera. "How the fuck?" Holly leans forward.

"But, yeah guys, I've been in your position before. Not having your phone, not knowing what's going on in the world. It's not a good feeling, it sucks. And Uh, Ilyas I miss you so much brother man. I can't put it into words. But, yeah anyways, I'm it's challenge time. So head over to the challenge area." Darkest says making everyone cheer.

"Back to school, oh this one? Oh this one, this is my one. Is that my blazer?" Billy walks into the room, pointing to the chair. "Housemates today you are going back to school. Throughout the day you'll be tested on your Math, Science and English skills." Kate laughs.

"It's not looking good." Chip shakes his head. "For you, it's gonna go great for me." Holly smiles, receiving a push from Chip. "It's time for your first lesson. Please be on your best behaviour for your teacher..." Kate finishes reading.

"Teacher?" The blonde turns around quickly. "Fuck sake." Holly shakes her head. "What?" Liv turns around to look at her. "I know who it is." She smiles. "Who?" Everyone asks. "You'll find out." She tells them.

"I mean, it was pretty obvious that Darkest was going to walk into the room. I'm just smart and figured it out." Holly smugly says.

Everyone's eyes turn to the door as they see it start to open. Darkest walks into the room when a school bell goes off, making everyone cheer.

"I fucking knew it." Holly shakes her head when Ilyas runs up to the man and hugs him. "One question, how the fuck did you know I was gonna say something, in that video?" Holly asks the man as she walks up to him.

"Your you, Holly. It wasn't that hard to guess." Darkest laughs, as he brings her into a hug. "It's nice to see you, man." Holly smiles as she hugs him back. "Now get back over there." Darkest pushes Holly away.

"I look like a fucking mug with this on." The man says pointing to his hat. "It doesn't fit your head." Ilyas tells him. "No, it doesn't." Darkest shakes his head.

"Today, you'll be going head-to-head with each other in a spelling bee. I'll give you a word, and the first to buzz will answer. If you get it right you'll win a point. Get it wrong and it will pass over to your opponent, you'll get three words each. All right so up first, we have um, Grace and Ilyas." Darkest says making everyone ohhhh.

"Your first word to spell is because. Your up first." Darkest points to Grace as she presses her buzzer first.
"B-E-C-A-U-S-E." Grace spells out getting a point. "Well done sexy." Holly shouts as everyone claps.

"The second word to spell is, Pharaoh." Darkest say's, Ilyas pressing his button. "Pharaoh?" Ilyas double-checks. "Pharaoh yes, and in the king of Egypt." Darkest nods.

"P-H-A-R-O-E." Ilyas spells out incorrectly making a buzzer go off. "It's okay Ilyas." Holly shouts as everyone starts laughing.

"So the first word is, Lose. Okay, just relax on the buzzer man." Darkest puts his hand on Kates's table after she hit the buzzer. "Sorry." Kate laughs. "L-O-S-E." The blonde spells out getting it correct. "Round of applause." Darkest tells everyone.

"How did she get that? That was me." Destini looks to Darkest as everyone claps. "Your second word to spell is Mississippi. Okay, not gonna lie Dest, um, I did say let me finish the word." Darkest scolds the girl. "I heard it tho, Mississippi." Destini shrugs. "No you heard miss, and then you buzzed." Darkest argues making everyone agree with him.

"But we'll give it to you, go on." He shrugs. "M-I..." Destini thinks. "That's a good start." Darkest laughs. "S. What have I said so far?" The girl asks. "You've said M I S." Darkest tells her. "M-I-S-S-I-P-P-I." Destini spells out, the wrong buzzer going off.

"What Missipi?" Grace asks.
"M-I-S-S-I-P-P-I." Destini spells out again, sure she's got it right. "I rea... I wanted you to get that one as well." Darkest tells her. "The next word, you guys have to spell. They look ready bruv, okay. Miscellaneous." Darkest says. "Huh? What does that mean?" Holly asks the man at the front of the room.

"I don't fucking know. I'm just reading what's on the cards." Darkest shrugs holding up the cards in his hands. "I don't play sims for nothing." Kate says before pressing the buzzer.

"M-I-S-C-H." Kate says getting it wrong. "A-L-L-E-O-U-S." She still goes. "I'm just gonna stop you there." Darkest tells her but she doesn't listen. "Kate for the love of god stop!" Darkest shouts when the girl carries on going.

"Chip and Liv, the first word is Labrador." Darkest tells them, Chip hitting the buzzer first. "L-A-B-R-A-D-O-R-E." Chip spells it out, making Holly look down and sigh.

"Why did you finish it!" Darkest shouts as everyone complains. "So your next word to spell is, onomatopoeia." The man says Liv pressing her button.

"Onomatopoeia. O-N-O-M-A-T-P. Ahh fucked it." She says as the buzzer goes off. "You did fuck it." Darkest nods looking at the girl.

"Max and Harry, the first word is, disaster." Darkest tells the boys. "I did it first, I did it first, I did it first." Max repeats holding his hands up, after hitting his buzzer.

"You did." Darkest nods. "He didn't even say the word." Harry complains. "Shush, shush. I swear I said it. No, no, no. D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R." Max spells out getting it correct.

"You didn't even say the word." Harry tells Darkest as Max dances in his seat. "I did say the word, I did." Darkest laughs.

"Specifically." Darkest tells the boys, their next word to spell. "Ohhh, it was a close one, but I have to say Harry hit that quickest." Holly says. "Specifically.S-P-E-C-I-F-I-C-A-L-L-Y." Harry spells out. "Did I get it right?" he asks darkest as the ting goes off. "I got it right!" He shouts proud of himself, as Darkest hugs him.

"Your first word to spell is, television." Darkest tells Rachel and Billy.
"T-E-L-E-V-I-S-I-O-N." Rachel spells correctly, after hitting the buzzer. "One point to Rachel." Darkest says while the girl does the Woah. "That was cringe." Holly mutters into her mic.

"Your final word, necessary." Darkest days. "N-E-C-E-S-S-A-R-I." Rachel spells it incorrectly making Billy cheer. "Repeat the word?" Billy tells Darkest. "Necessary." The man says. "Spell it quickly." Billy tries to get the answer. "No, no, no, no." Rachel shakes her hand.

"Okay, N-E-S-E." Billy starts to spell but gets it wrong. "S-E?" Rachel asks Billy as she stands up laughing.

"Holly as everyone has been and you don't have someone, you can choose who you want to compete against."

"Ahh, sweet. Chipo, get back up here." Holly laughs as she sits on the chair. "Why me?" Chip asks as he stands up. "You spelt Labrador wrong, obviously I'm gonna choose you." She explains as Chip sit's down. "Okay, your first word is nauseous." Darkest says Chip hitting his buzzer first.
"N-A-U-S-C-O." Chip gets cut off by the buzzer.

"What how's that wrong?" The man itches his head. "Well, let's hope Holly has better luck." Darkest turns to the girl. "N-A-U-S-E-O-U-S." Holly spells out cheering as she hears a ting. "Second word is, diarrhoea." Darkest say's Holly hitting the buzzer the quickest. "Take it away." Darkest say's all eyes on the girl.

"D-I-A-R-R-H-O-E-A." The girl spells out everyone cheering for her as she got it right. "Your final word to spell is,
Broccoli." Darkest looks between the couple. "One of you press your buzzer then." He says when Chip or Holly doesn't press it. "Fine, I'll do it for you." He scoffs pressing Chips. "I don't know?" Chip shrugs.

"Give it a try." Darkest crouches down beside him. "Here goes nothing.
B-R-O-C-O." Chip stops and lowers his head as he got the word wrong. "I told you I didn't know it. She doesn't either." Chip points to the girl at the opposite table. "Shush." Holly glares at him.

"She can give it a go." Darkest points to the girl. "B-R-O-C-C-O-L-L-I. I haven't got this right, have I?" She looks up to Darkest. "Sadly you haven't. Better luck next time." Darkest shakes his head.

"I was doing so well, I ace the first two, then broccoli how the fuck am I supposed to spell that." Holly shrugs her shoulders sitting in the Storeroom.


"Yeah well, I know that now, love." Holly scoffs shaking her head.

"Okay guys round of applause, that's the end of the spelling bee. Alright, alright, let's get the fuck out of here." Darkest chucks his hat as he walks out of the room. "Good game." Holly shakes Chip's hand.

"I got none right. How is that a good game?" Chip shrugs. "I got two points so, I'm on top of the world." She laughs walking out of the room, Chip following behind her.

"Chip." Holly walks into the kitchen after walking past Liv. "Yes?" He turns around. "You know you love me." Holly crosses her arms. "What do you want?" He questions, knowing she wants something.

"Can you make me tea, please?" She smiles at him. "Sure." He turns around and grabs a cup from the shelf. "Thanks, man, I'll be back. Need a pee." She says walking to the stairs.

"It's cuffing season, which gyal wants me today?" Max asks looking at Liv. "I don't know what that means." The girl turns to Ilyas and Holly. "I can't lie, a girl like you I can never move to on a real walahi." Max still looks at Liv. "See what it is yeah..." max trails off as Darkest speaks from the sofa. "I can't be in the same room as this guy."

"Does anyone want a coffee?" Liv asks the housemates as they walk out of the bedroom. "I want you." Max says making everyone laugh. "Can I have one?" Holly asks as she follows Liv to the kitchen.

"I just made you tea." Chip says as he walks into the room. "Yeah, and I drank that tea. Now, I want a coffee." She smiles sitting down at the counter.

"Here you go." Liv passes the hot cup to Holly. "Liv, you are an Angel, I fall more for each day." Holly smiles taking the cup. "Thank you." Liv laughs.

"I'll see you in a second." Holly says walking into the living room. "Oi Darkest, can you call my brother?" Holly asks him as she sits in the corner of the sofa.

"I can, but not here with you guys." He smiles at him. "Ahh, alright. But, when you go out, tell him I miss him." She begs. "He can see you say it on the camera." Darkest lets her know. "I'm aware, I just want you to tell him." She shrugs leaning back.

"Chip well done on spelling Labrador with an E you fucking fraud." Chip says making Holly, Grace, Rachel and Harry laugh. "I swear they're doing their watch, watch thing as well?" Harry asks Chip. "Yeah, they're all watching at home." He nods.

"They're gonna see that." Harry laughs. "They're gonna be roasting me so badly, I know." He says. "Especially Theo and Freezy." Holly leans forward. "Fuck sake." Chip shakes his head.

"Like E tho, where did the E come from? Did you think door?" Harry questions. "Stop talking about the E. Stop bringing it up." Chip pleads, running his hand through his hair in embarrassment. "Hmm, when do you think we'll get our luxury items back?" Liv wonders.

"Maybe tonight. Bro, I need my Rubik's cube, I was meant to have fucking finish that shit." Chip slides down on the sofa. "Will we even get our luxury items back?" Harry asks.

"No, I reckon we'll get them in like, I reckon it'll be like secret challenges, or like challenges like that. Like every point you get, you get one item back." Ilyas explains everyone agrees with him. "You get what I mean?" Ilyas asks. "Yeah, I get what you mean bro." Holly nods her head.

"Housemates to the challenge area."

"I love science." Holly hops up and down as everyone walks Into the challenge area. "Yeah, you look different." Chip says to Darkest, who's sitting down in a lab coat.

"This is sink or float. In your teams, you will have to work out if each item will sink or float." Darkest tells the housemates. "Doesn't sound too hard." Holly shakes her head looking at her red team. "Your team will get one point, per correct answer." He looks up.

"Your first item is, this." Darkest holds up a hungry hippo bar. "What is it?" Chip asks. "It's a hungry hippo." Kate tells him. " I think it's gonna float. It's quite light." Destini says.

"Yeah, like, if you eat it, it's not full inside." Chip nods. "We're going for float." Ilyas says. "Float yeah?" Darkest double checks. "Float for the first three seconds." Chip says. "Guys put your goggles on, this is gonna be dangerous." Ilyas puts the protection over his eyes.

"We're you just about t..." Holly stops her sentence as she starts laughing. "What?" Destini turns around. "Ilyas said put the goggles on, and Chip went to do it, forgetting they were already on." Holly explains laughing even more.

"You said float right?" Darkest holds the food over the water. "Yep." Holly nods. "Alright, give me a countdown." He asks the red team.

"Three, two, one." They count down, Darkest dropping the object in the water. "Woohoo." Holly cheers with her team as they get it correct. "It will sink." Grace tells the blue team, as Darkest holds up a cheese grater.

"No, it's gonna float." Max says. "Oh, my days. He's so stupid. I'm happy I decided to stay with this team." Holly shakes her head looking down.

"Sinks. Locked in." Billy says. "Right sink it is." Darkest picks up the object. "Alright, can I have a countdown please?" The man asks. As the blue team gets to zero, Darkest drops the cheese grater in the water to see it sink, blue team cheers as they get a point.

"What we sayin?" Darkest asks the red group as he holds up a toothbrush. "It's float, do you know how many times, I just drop my toothbrush in a sink full of water? Too many but every time it floats." Holly tells the group. "So we're going with float yes?" Destini asks. "Yes, we're going for float." Chip nods.

"You guys said float right?" Darkest asks dropping the toothbrush in the water after Destini confirms they did. "You are so weird for doing that with your toothbrush, but you got us the correct answer." Ilyas hugs the girl.

"I'm so smart." She shakes her head moving away. "Well done." Chip smiles hugging the girl. "Thanks, man." She smiles, hugging him back.

"It's this." Darkest holds up a pair of goggles. "Max is saying float." Holly laughs. "It will float tho." Chip says. "No look okay, he'll put the goggles in and the water will fill up in these bits, it's gonna sink." Holly explains to her boyfriend. "That makes sense. God, you are so smart." He high-fives her.

"We're going for float." Harry tells Darkest. "What did I say." Holly says when the goggles sink, holding her hands out either side of her for Chip and Ilyas to high-five.

"I'm not sure with this one, you know." Holly shrugs when Darkest man holds up a diet coke can. "It floats, it floats. It floats." Kate repeats trying to explain but just ends up waving her hands around.

"Float, locked in." Destini says. "Three, two, one." Ilyas counts down for the man. "Yes, Kate, you are so smart I could kiss you right now." Holly hugs the girl as the can float and doesn't sink.

"Please don't, your boyfriend won't be very happy." Kate smiles looking at the girl. "He wouldn't trust me." Chip nods agreeing with Kate. "And how would you know?" Holly crosses her arms over her chest.

"Because I know your boyfriend, just as much as he knows himself. I've known him my whole life since he came out of the vagina." Chip scoffs. "Okay, calm your tits." She laughs looking forward.

"What the fuck is that?" Max says as Darkest pulls out a pumpkin ornament. "Darkest you should've brung a Christm..." Holly starts but gets cut off. "Do not disturb the teacher!" Darkest man shouts, holding his hand out. "Jeez." Holly itches her head.

"On a gang ting, it floats, how about that." Max tells Darkest. "Well done Max. That must be the first smart thing you've ever said in your life." Holly sarcastically says turning to look at the nineteen-year-old. "Yeah, it is." Max nods.

"It's a candle bro. I think it'll sink." Chip tells the red team. "Yeah it's the same with the goggles, the water will fill it making it heavier and it will sink." Holly nods agreeing with Chip.

"We're locking in, sink." Ilyas looks at the front of the room. A little gasp leaves the girl's lips as it doesn't sink straight away, but they start cheering as it does.

"A paintbrush." Darkest slams it on the table. "Wood floats." Harry tells his group. "He is indeed correct." Holly nods her head. "Floats locked in." Billy tells Darkest. "Not only did that float, but it also stayed still." Darkest laughs.

"Float." Kate tells the group, as Darkest holds up a pair of headphones. "I agree." Holly nods yawning. "Are you seriously tired?" Ilyas turns to the girl.

"I'm always tired." She stretches. "Float locked in." Kate says. "Us girls are carrying this." Holly laughs as Chip hugs her because the headphones didn't sink.

"A chocolate orange." Billy says, seeing what the man at the front pulled out from under the table. "I love chocolate." Max says. "Right this has some weight to it." Darkest tells the blue team. "Wait I promise you, it sinks." The Khadar boy tells his team.

"Max may be right for this one." Holly whispers to Chip. "Do you think?" Chip looks down. "Yeah." Holly nods sighing. "You know what, guys I heard sink, locked in." Darkest holds his hands up.

"I don't know a hundred per cent, but I think it floats." Harry shouts. "But then I also feel like it also sinks." Grace speaks up. "Floats and sinks yeah." Rachel stands up holding her hand in a fist.

"Rock, paper, scissors." The girls on the blue team do, Rachel, winning. "No, it floats." Harry disregards what they're doing.

"It's so funny because he's so sure." Holly laughs. "Floats?" Darkest asks wanting to get this over with. "Okay fine, fuck it." Grace shrugs. "Cool." Darkest says dropping the chocolate watching as it sinks.

"We were right, we were fucking right, Max! We were fucking right." Billy shouts as he pushes Max. "You should've trusted the gang ting." He says to the rest of his group.

"The score is still five, three. Give it up for the red team." Darkest announces the winners. "Well done people." Holly looks towards her group. "Without further or do, class dismissed." Darkest says rubbing water in his face.


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