The Odd One Out | ✍🏼

By ikc_writes

133K 2.9K 372

Thalia Anagnos-Loukanis A 14-year-old girl who has not only struggled to fit in at school but with the peopl... More

- Anagnos' and Loukanis' -
- Colombo's, Russo's and Angelo's -
0.0 Prologue
0.1 Just Another Afternoon
02. Dread
04. Presumed Dead
05. Assignments
06. Starching Similarities
07. Proof
08. Exhausted and Nauseous
09. Hospitals
10. Awoken
11. Take Me Home
12. The Life I Live
13. Just End Me Already
14. Shame
15. Changes To Scenery
16. What Was The Point
17. Finally At Peace
18. Changing Times
19. If It Started Differently
20. Cracked Comfort
21. Fighting Love
22. Safety
23. Worried
24. Guilty but Innocent
25. Fine Line
26. Just Out Of Reach
27. Broken Pieces
28. Just Come Home
29. Stitched Up
30. Beating For You

03. Love at First Sight

6.6K 161 26
By ikc_writes

- Thalia Anagnos-Loukanis - 

I was not surprised by the sight before me.

Women dressed in long dresses that covered nothing but the back of their legs, while men were clutching onto their arms, as if they were desperate to keep their woman in place.

Something I just shouldn't have seen, so I scurried away from the sight in front of me, which was kind of easy when you have taller brothers with large backs. They work out, so it is useful for something.

But not unless a women steps back, hoping to get your brothers attention, but rather pushes you into your brother, whom you were trying to stand close to, but not close enough to touch.

"What do you want?" Alexander sneered at me in a threatening whisper. It just sent shivers down my already cold back as the dress that was chosen for me was bare back.

"Nothing" I whispered, keeping my voice light and soft, just how they liked it, as I moved away from all of my siblings. Maybe this would be my chance that they could forget that they ever had a little sister.

Maybe I could go home with someone else or not even go home at all. Run away, even. But its all just in my imagination.

"What are you doing in here?" a quiet, timid voice asked, as I closed the door to the room I had slipped into. I froze, not daring to turn around to look at this new person. I didn't realize that it was more than one person at first.

"Umm, just trying to escape" my siblings, I wanted to add, but I didn't bother. Why tell a person that barely knows you what your life is actually like when you can create a fake idea in their mind, while you live the truth.

"Oh ok" the person responded and turned back to whatever they were doing. The room had been encased in silence, so I turned around, daring to look at this new person.

He looked tall as his legs were quite long and hung off the end of the sofa, while he had brown hair that was a little fluffy and had been cut into curtains. I couldn't quiet see the color of his eyes from here, but they looked quiet dark.

He had a book in hand, which I could see a few rings were covering the title, as he had one earphone in his ear. He was the complete opposite to Phoenix, who would not be caught dead reading a book.

Phoenix would rather wear a leather jacket and black ripped jeans with a chain hanging from them. When he gets his license, he will be driving a motorcycle, no doubt.

"What?" he questioned, as I just continued to stand there. I had torn my gaze away from him as soon as he had spoken, so that he wouldn't catch me staring. The room was quiet entrancing, honestly.

It looked like an old ballroom had been transformed into a library. "Nothing" I murmured, using my left hand to rub up and down my right arm. I did this whenever I was uncomfortable or could feel someone else staring at me.

I was uncomfortable under his watchful eye.

"Come here" he then sat up on the sofa, making me realize just how tall he actually was. He had to be 6ft, at least.

I walked over and sat down on the other edge of the sofa. I heard a sigh come out of his mouth, as he moved closer to me, making my body heat up. I hadn't talked to a boy other than Phoenix and his brothers, but they were like family.

I wasn't sure about this new boy.

"What's your name?" he questioned, putting his book down on the table in front of the two of us, while he continued to look at me, but not as creepily as before.

I mean, I did stare at him before, but I analysed his features.

"Thalia" if I had said my last name, he probably would have run for the hills, as would any sane person. Most people think that my siblings are protective, but they are quiet the opposite.

If they could leave me on the side of the road while I die out, they would literally do it within a second. "That's a pretty name. Greek, I suppose?" he continued, drawing me back to him.

Now that I was closer, I saw how his eyes were two different colours, one was a dark green while the other was a deep blue. His eyes were so captivatingly beautiful, it was hard to not look at them.

It was like he had been crafted from a Greek God, in my opinion, but I didn't really have much knowledge in Greek gods.

"Thanks. What's your name?" I continued, as the two of us just stared at one another. I wasn't sure if I was swooning or not. This was all very complicated for me at this moment.

"Elijah" his name suited him perfectly. He seemed quite soft, which was the absolute opposite to Phoenix, who would bring fire with him if he could.

"Italian?" which he just nodded to, as he bowed his head slightly. This got me concerned. It was like the mention of his nationality made him want to be anything but that.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, not sure what to do for someone who was sad. No one had ever comforted me when I was upset, so I didn't know how to reciprocate it.

Elijah didn't get the chance to respond to my question, as the door was roughly opened, as the sound of sloppy and passionate kissing was heard. I dared to turn and look at the two people, noticing that it was one of my brothers with another girl.

Elijah and I looked at one another, before we quietly dashed towards one of the corners in the room, that had a curtain. We slipped behind it, being the first thing, we could think of without being caught.

I didn't realize the close proximity till I could feel Elijah's chest lifting up and down, rapidly, from behind me. If my brothers ever caught me, they would surely call me a slut, or that I was unlike my other sisters, who were, what some would say, sluts.

They had a new man in their bed every second night, while my brothers had their rooms filled with women every night.

They were hypocrites if I had ever known one.

I cringed as I heard the sound of moans and the zips of dresses. This was beyond disgusting. I felt a hand brush my own, turning me around to face Elijah. Whenever I was staring into his eyes, it was like I was lost.

I could get lost in those eyes for days on end.

"Can I?" he questioned in a whisper, as he brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, grabbing my chin in a light grip, as he bent down a little. I didn't even consider it as an option, as I too, leant in.

When our lips touched, it was so gentle but loving, that I wished to be kissed like this every day. I didn't think about anything besides the boy in front of me, that had taken my first kiss ever so gently.

I think I was in love.

He made the world seem like it had stopped spinning around me. Like I was the girl that held the world in front of him.

Suddenly, we heard the room encase in silence once more, as we pulled apart. Clearly, they had stopped having sex, which I was more than grateful. I heard it at home, I didn't need to hear it at a party that I didn't want to be at.

"Someone else is in here" I heard my brother's voice, which made me close my eyes tightly, hoping they couldn't see us. We hadn't made a sound, or at least I hoped we hadn't. I had mastered the skill of being silent.

I rarely even spoke because of my own siblings.

"I don't care" the girl whined in such a high-pitched voice, making me cringe and cover my ears. I had heard that voice one too many times that I didn't need to hear it here with the boy that had made me feel what its like to be loved.

It sounded stupid to be in love with a boy that I had only met not even 20 minuets ago, but he made me feel as though I was the centre of his world, and maybe I was, or at least for now I was. I didn't know what it felt like to be the centre of attention, rather hiding whenever I had to do a speech or perform.

I had become an expert at being in the background, and that was how I wanted it to stay.

"Of course, my love" I heard those words all the time, as they were said to every girl that my brother, Alexander, ever had over in his bedroom. He needed to really change up his words he ever wanted a woman for more than one night.

"We need to leave. I can't stand this" I whispered to Elijah, which he just nodded. I noted how his hands had turned into fists at his sides. I itched to have my hand back in his grip, so I reached my hand towards one of his, prying it open, as he slithered his fingers through my own.

Elijah dragged me out of the curtain, as we walked ever so quietly towards the door. The two had resumed their sex session on the couch the two of us were once sitting on, talking. We slipped out of the room before they even noticed us.

"I hate these parties that my parents host. Always someone crashing that room to have sex. Disgusts me, honestly" Elijah murmured as we walked in between some of the people that were still mingling in the foyer.

He ever so gently dragged me up some stairs, towards some room, but for some reason I wasn't anxious or worried about where I was being taken. I stupidly trusted this boy because he hadnt given me a reason to not trust him.

He was the complete opposite of my brothers and sisters.

He cared so tenderly for me, and he had only just met me. We hadn't even spoken a lot of words to one another, but we entranced the other.

"SLUT!" I heard a familiar, drunken voice call out, as I stopped walking and turned to look back over the railings to look at the entrance foyer. I knew who it was, he did this every time.

"Who is that?" Elijah asked, as he clutched onto my hand tighter, while I looked the man directly in the eyes. I didn't even know why I wanted his acceptance the most, because he wasn't a real man too me.

"Another one of my brothers" I confirmed, before I angrily turned away from the railings and somewhere else in Elijah's house. I was so angry at not only myself, but the people I wanted to accept me.

"How is he your brother when he calls you a slut, which you're not" Elijah questioned, while I continued to drag him along. I smiled a little at the fact that he didn't think I was a slut.

"My siblings hate me. I merged two families together, and ever since then, I've been nothing but a neglected little sister" it dawned on me then and there, that I had been neglected.

I was a neglected child.

I was a slut in the eyes of my siblings.

I wasn't their little sister.


thoughts? xx

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