By miraclequeen45

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Guang xuming, a nine tail demon who was destined/forced by her kind to rule the world. But things change in t... More



1.5K 35 4
By miraclequeen45

It's been a week since the rise of DBK and things have sailing smoothly. And speaking of sailing, the gang are currently relaxing on sandy's boat. At the moment, min and her uncle were sitting on the couch watching TV, as one sips on tea and the other on noodles.

"And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remains about the small overpowered young man who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens on . . .".

Min chuckled at the news report about mk before she looked over the couch to see said boy showing off his staff to a impressed mei.

"And I was like, "stop there, Damon bull king". And DBK's all like, "you can't stop me! I'm crazy!", and then I grabbed my staff, and whoosh! I created this giant mech!". Mk stabs the staff on the ground and it causes water to leak out.

"Uh oh, looks like sprung a leak, mk". Mei exclaimed, as mk panicked.

"Oh jeez!".

"You gotta learn to be more careful with that thing, and to stop being so cocky". Min said, walking over and placed a hand on the leak as her necklace glows before she removed her hand to reveal the leak was gone.

"I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop. And I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!". Said a angry pigsy that had his arms crossed.

"Oh, piggy, relax. A little time off never hurt anyone ". Said a cacual tang, before mk rushed over with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah! A time off never hurt nobody".

"Look out!". Cried the voice of sandy, as everyone looked up to see a crate that snapped lose from the chains.

Everyone quickly moves out of the way except for mk, who got crushed by the crate, making everyone to panic.



Mk suddenly emerged out from the crate. "I . . . Am . . . Invincible!".

Min anime dropped at this, while the others sighed in relife, except for a excited mei.


"Look, mk, just cause you got the monkey king's powers and all, it don't mean-". Pigsy went wide eye along with tang and sandy when they saw mei with a bazooka, making them to gasp.

"Mk! How about . . . This?".

Min immediately got up with a worried look. "No! Mei, stop!".

Mei ignores her and launches the bazooka missile towards mk, before explosions took over and left behind smoke and a pile of rubble that a unharmed mk suddenly popped out of.

"I am invincible!".

Min looked ready to explode but sighed, letting this roll off her back. This is her life now and she needs to get use to it.

Pigsy sighs. "Look, kiddo, you're a superhero now. You're going to need-". Pigsy was cut off by a excited mei.

"A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you beat bad guys!".

"No, what I was getting at-".

"To the sae-crate . . . Base!". Mei opens a elevator, as mk, tang and sandy looked at it in awe before everyone enter the surprisingly very tight elevator that took them to the bottom. "Welcome to our new team base!".

The room consisted of awesome cool vehicles, weapons, a slushy machine, and a monkey mech video game.

"Mei, when did you make this?". Mk asked, looking at the place in awe.

"How did you make this?". Pigsy asked, surprised and a little scared.

"Say, sandy, weren't you building a secret base for mk, too?". Tang whispered to sandy, who looked nervous, remembering his not-so-perfect fort.

"Umm . . . No!".

"I just came up with the idea and installed all the weapons, vehicles, slushy machine and the monkey mech. Minny help too. She designed the blueprints and helped built this place". Mei said.

"And it was a pleasure working alongside you, mei". Said min, who just finished filling a cup with slushy before making her way towards the exit.

"We're you going kid?". Sandy asked, as min turned around to face them.

"Oh, I haven't called my mom today and I gotta go do some shopping. I'm running low on those pomegranate soaps I like".

Min turns and enters the elevator just in time to hear mei yell "bring me back a strawberry peach one!" Before the doors closed.


After doing a little shopping and calling her mom, min is now walking down the street with some shopping bags while scrolling through her phone and still drinking her slushy. She finally finished her drink and threw it down a nearby bin. She then notices how hot it was today. She looked around before spotting one of her favourite places in megapolis city, the weather station, where they control the city's weather to bring a perfect day everyday.

She smiles that this before walking down the sidewalk and enters the building. She firstly found the lockers and put her stuff inside one and takes the key to it. She then enters the gift shop to bye a swimsuit and changes into it.

She then walks over to a nearby pool and puts her leg inside and feels the cool temperature before she enters and rested her back.

She sighs in satisfaction. "Perfect". She felt so relax that not too soon, she fell asleep.



There was nothing but darkness, which was what min saw when she opened her eyes and got off the floor she was laying on, as she was back in her normal clothes.

"Hello?". She called, looking around the dark void. "Hello?!". Her voice echoed.

Suddenly, she heard sobbing and turned around to see a spotlight shinning on something from a distance .

"Please". Min heard a voice, as she walked over to the thing that looked like a orange figure.

"Excuse me, is someone there?"

"Please. Please don't hurt me"

"Why would i? I'm not gonna hurt you". Min walked closer to the orange figure and noticed red hair and orange hears and nine tails, before she realised who it was. Guang xuming.

Min reached out her hand to place on the shoulder of the demon when suddenly.

"You belong to me"

Min backed away, feeling a bit scared when she saw white hands shoving the fox demon to the ground

"Please, I don't want to". Said xuming.

"But you have no choice". Min's eyes widen when she saw a figure coming into the light to reveal themself as a woman.

And by her look, min could already tell that she was a demon. Min watches as the woman glared down at the fox girl.

"It is your destiny. Accept it".

"Bu-but, my Destiny is suppose to be my choice". Xuming said, before looking from the floor to the woman with teary eyes. "I thought you wanted me to be happy . . . Mother.

Min's eyes widen at this as she gasp. "Mother?". She muttered.

The woman crouched down to look at xuming with a emotionless face. "One can only truly be happy". The woman looks from xuming to min, who froze in fear at the woman's bloody red eyes staring at her. "When they are perfect".

Flashes of blue light shows sceletons and rushing images of xuming and the woman are seen.

"She is coming"


Min wakes up from her dream and took sharp inhaled as she placed her hand on her heart pounding chest. What was that dream she had? What does it mean? Who was that woman?. All of these questions and more rushed through her mind.

They all disappeared(for now) when she noticed the citizens sreamin and running away, out of the weather station.

"What the-".

"Well hello". Min quickly turned around and saw a smirking red son looking down at her with his hands shoved in his pockets. "What do we have here?".

Min glared. "Red son! Should've known it was you". She said. "I don't care what the hell you're doing here. But prepare to have your butt kicked".

Min launches at red son, who just cacually took a step to the left, as min passed him and ended up being captured in the hands of two bull clones.

"Okay, maybe you're not ready to have to have your butt kicked".

Red son chuckled and brought out some kind of glowing green rope and uses it to tie up min. The bull clones the carried her and followed their young master to the man controlling the weather at the control panel.

Red son clears his throat, gaining the man's attention. "Uh yeah, hay kid, I'd like to help you and your friends, but I'm pretty busy".

Red son smirked and summoned his fire. "Not for much longer".

One of the bull clones got rid of the man and red son takes his seat before doing a live broadcast message to the city.

"Citizens. It is I, red son. I have taken control of the weather station and will harness the very power of nature to return my father to his former glory. This message is more of a courtesy really". He pushed a lever, causing a storm to appear and rain over the country. "When I'm finished, my father will once more dominate the world! And then-oh look! A lighting button".

Red son was about to push the button when min spoke. "You won't get away with this. I could easy bust out this robe and show you your place!".

"Oh, I'm afraid that won't be happening. For you see, this isn't just any ordinary robe. It was designed by me to withstand even the highest amount of pressure pit into them. Go ahead, try and break out of it".

Min growled before struggling to break free from the green rope but to no use. She couldn't even reach her necklace to activate her fox powers.

"Wow, this is one strong rope". She said, impressed by how strong the invention was.

Red son had a proud as he had his hands behind his back and his back facing the half-demon. "Indeed. Not even my father can break through them. That is until he gets his full power back of course".

"You know, I'm actually starting to envy you".

"Of course you should. I'm smarter, stronger and of course good-looking, fox peasant".

'Fox peasant?'

Min sweetdrops. "I don't envy you for that, you dingus. I envy you for, well *sighs* Your dad".

Red son turned to the girl with a confused look. "My father?".

"Yeah. Unlike you, not many people have that special family man that they look up to. You respect and admir your father and are always trying to make him proud. And whether he noticed you or not it's obvious he still sees you as a son. But not everyone has a father like that, esspecaly me. My father never loved or cherished me, instead he hated me like I was nothing to him".

Min had her head hanged down as a tear escaped her eye, while the demon bull clones had teary eyes and one of them blew their nose into a tissue.

Red son looked at the 17 year old, finding her blabbering annoying. But then again, she was right about the way he looks up to his father and respect him. All the demon boy ever wanted was for his father to acknowledge him and he couldn't imagine how his life would be like if DBK always gave him the cold shoulder. But for some unknown reason, he felt a little concern for min, who suddenly looked up at him with a smile on her face.

"But you, on the the other hand, are willing to do anything to make your father notice you and that is so sweet. And I respect that. It also makes me see you as the older brother I never knew I always wanted. Hay! And since you gave me a nickname, does that mean I can give you one too and call you brother red son?!".

"Brother? What? No! I refuse to be called that by a enemy of my father, most especially you!'.

"Aww c'mon. You call me fox peasants then it's only fair that I call you brother. It'll be our little secret".

Red son growled. "Why you little-".

Red son was cut off by mk suddenly bursting into the weather station with the others. "Not so fast, red son!".

"Mk!". Min called, excited to see the 18 year old and the others.

"Mins? What are you doing here?". Mk asked, surprised to see the girl, who laughed nervously.

"It's sorta a long story actually ".

"Noodle boy! I thought I smelt some garbage! Turns out I was right!". Red sin said, before laughing evily.

"You're laughing now, but . . . I'm invincible! So then, you're basically toast". Mk scoffed,  to which min glared at him.

'Is he seriously still on that?'.  She thought, getting annoyed.

"So release min or prepare to get M.K.O!".

'Okay, that was actually kinda good'.

"Yeah, mk! You free minny and show him who's boss-". Mei was cut off by the golden staff extending and hitting her head, causing her to collapse with a bump on her head.

"Jeez, watch what'cha doing". Pigsy yelled.

Mk panicked. "Sorry, mei!". He nearly hits pigsy and tang, both lucky enough to douge it, before it hits sandy, knocking him out.

"Oh, my chakra!".

"Oh, no! You've killed him!". Tang cried, on his knees next to sandy.

"Eh, he's a big guy. He'll be fine". Mei pats sandy's ghost back into his body before collapsing on him.

"You dorks done beating each other up yet?". Asked a board red son.

"Yes, and you're next on my list!". Mk throws the golden staff at red son. The staff flags behind him and extends, jabbing him. He's then thrown out of the weather station by crashing through the window as he screams.

"Mk!". Min yelled in worry, as red son smirked and walked over to the remaining standing members of the gang, which were pigsy and tang, who were surrounded by demon bull clones.

"I guess the garbage takes itself out now!". Red son cackled, making min to glare at him as the bull clones tide up her friends.

"You know, just because I see you as a brother now, doesn't mean I approve of you hurting my friends!".

Red son growls and faces the girl. "For the last time, I am not your brother!".

"We're both demons, so you might as well be! Besides he agrees too".


"Oh red son!". The gang look up to see mk being dropped down by a eagle that min knew very well who it was. "Let's settle this for real. I won't let you get away with this".

Red son laughs. "Back to beat yourself up some more?".

"Hay. I'll have you know i can control my powers now. Only downside is I'm not invincible anymore, so I could die".

"What?!/Say what now?!". Pigsy and min yelled.

"Forget I Said that! I got this. Here comes monkie kid!". Mk charges at red son, who does the same with thousands of bull clones, making mk to whimper and panick. "I totally don't got this!".

He runs away as the bull clones rain from the sky. Red son then charges at mk and they fight for a bit. Red son then throws no into the weather station controls where min was the whole time.

"Mk! Are you okay?". She asked, feeling worried.

Mk didn't have time to answer when they look up to see a bunch of bull clones charging at them.

"How am I supposed to fight all of them?!".

"How would I know?!".

Mk then activates his golden eyes of truth. "Oh! It's that weird gold vision thingy". He looks up and sees the lighting and gets an idea. "That's it! Oh!".

The two teenagers were piled on by the bull clones, before red son lands on top. "Not so touch without all your monkey king powers, are you!".

The staff grows taller, striking all the bull clones and pushing red son high into the sky.

"Oh, look! A lighting button ". Mk mocks red son's saying of before, then pushed said button on the console.

Lighting strikes down, electrocuting the bull clones. Mk quickly carried the still tide up min bridal style and hides behind the console as the strike finishes.

Red son hits the ground. "You may have won this round but . . . You're still garbage!". He disappears in a fire tornado.

Min turns to mk and smiled. "Thanks for saving me back there. And if you don't mind, could you?". Min gestured to the rope she was still tide up in.

"Oh, right". Mk inside the rope.


"No problem-ow!". The successor was hit on the head by the half-demon.

"That's for worrying me by putting your life in danger. Now come on, let's get this place back to normal".

Mk and min switches everything on the console back to normal and it becomes sunny again.

"That should do it". Mk said, he and min smiling proudly at their finished work.

"Mk! Minny!". Mei slams herself into mk as sandy follows, after min took a step away to avoid being crushed on. "Aw, you really did limit your power".

"Yeah. Just till I learn to control them better".

"And . . . How are you gonna do that?". Pigsy asked, he and the others free from the ropes, except for tang, who was still struggling with his.

"Practice, practice, practice". Mk bumps himself in the head with his staff, knocking him out cold, making the others to laugh.


Hay guys, hope you like this chapter. I don't really have much to say but enjoy these pictures of guang xuming with sun wukong in journey to the west

Credit to the owner for creating these pictures, I really love them.

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