Alacryan Arthur

By AFKennedy02

49.2K 1.9K 792

What if Arthur didnt grew up in Dicathean, but in Alacrya? This is my 1st FF (and that i write something at a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Quick notice:
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 5

1.6K 65 14
By AFKennedy02

Virion Eraltih POV

As soon as we were back to our castle my son went to his office. After a couple of minutes he came out.

"Where are Alea and Aya?" He asked me. He may be the king now, but both of them were still bound to me. He was a good king, even if he was a bit too emotional and his fuse wasn't as long as it could be. But he stayed away from the not so nice aspects of ruling a country. That was still my job. That's why it also made sense, that I was in charge of the only two mages with a white core in our kingdom. Their talents would be wasted, if they would just serve as glorified bodyguards for us.

"Alea is already out looking for Tessia. I ordered her back from her previous task as soon as Tessia didn't come back. Her sensory abilities were much better used to look for her then anybody else. Aya is still on a mission regarding some unusual mana beasts that are coming from the beast glades. The sightings of mana beasts leaving their usual areas and dungeons have increased significantly lately, so I sent her to find out what was the cause of this.

"Call her back too, were visiting the Glayders"

A short fuze, as I said.

"Are you sure that this is the right step right now?" I asked him. He may be a king now, but I was still his father. At my question he stopped in his walk.

"Yes I am." He said, after rethinking for a second. "We will leave tomorrow, get them both here by now."

Arthur Leywin POV

I was awoken by the sun rays shining at me. The sun was starting to rise above the forest. The still orange sky contrasted beautifully with the green forest and the fields of mist surrounding it.

I stretched my limbs, one at a time. I carefully tried to get up. Considering everything my body had been through the last 24 hours, I was surprised, when I didn't feel any pain or restrictions. I went to the window, only to discover that it wasn't made out of glass. No, instead it was a wind barrier that shielded one from the temperature and the weather outside. I extended my arm and it went right through it. I felt the cold air on the other side and a steady stream of air passing my hand. I looked down to see that I was dozens of meters above the ground. Curious what would happen, I decided to take a step through the wind barrier. An earth spell formed a balcony in front of my 'window'. I was surprised. To use such spells in an automated way as part of architecture. This place really was something different. I stepped through the spell and I noticed that the cold air and the wind didn't really affect me. I could feel it, and knew it was cold, but I wasn't cold. Did this happen because of my infused body? Or because of my Vritra blood? Probably because of both.

I enjoyed the morning sun for a second before starting to cast a simple augmentation. I noticed that it was much easier and cost me much less mana than before.

"Since your core is more refined the mana it outputs is more efficient. So for the same effect you have to use less mana. Additionally your mana channels are better now, so you lose less mana on the way it travels. There will always be a natural resistance, but at some point it doesn't matter. Who cares if 99.8 or 99.9 percent of your mana gets where it's supposed to." A voice from my right explained.

I turned my head to see a woman floating in the air. She wore black clothes, and her pearl white hair complemented her pale skin. She had long and slender horns that sprouted from her forehead and went up. Her piercing black eyes were directed at me.

"So you are Agronas newest discovery. I must admit, he really has a hand for interesting people. That was quite a show you put on yesterday. I have never seen him panicked before, you must know."

"I am sorry, I must have missed your name" I said. She already seemed to know me, and the way she talks of Agrona, together with her horns and magical abilities indicated that she was somewhat close to him.

She gave me a small smile. "I am Seris, a Scythe as Cadell is. When I heard about his return after all that time, I was interested in what he did. Knowledge is power, you know? I was pretty surprised to see Cadell walk with a child to Agronas office, a child with an already active core no less. So I did some research, and I must say, I was surprised.

Arthur Leywin. Born in Dicathean. Father Reynolds Leywin, Mother Alice Reynolds. Awaiting another child. Awakened at 2 years and you blew up the whole house in the process.

An unprecedented case, even the elves, who awakened at the youngest age of all races, the asuran races excluded of course, only awakened at around eight years, with the youngest one to ever form the core with five years. But you, a human, with no noteworthy magical aptitude in your family other than your family seems to have it, awakened in less than half the time. Additionally I have heard that your combat abilities are far too advanced for your age.

Then you died three months ago, while saving your mother from bandits.

But you didn't die, did you? No, instead Cadell finds you with Sylvia, who gifted you her will, which would make you the first not Asura with an asuran will ever. And yesterday you integrated your beast will, jumped from a dark red core to a solid yellow one and received Vritra blood all in a single day.

Quite the tale, right king Grey? "

She was fast. She had a day since I came here and she knew all that? Not only my life in this world, which would have been an impressive feat on its own, but she also knew from my previous life. How many people did know this secret?

"Oh, don't worry, your secret's safe with me." She said. "Well, with me and Agrona, but I can't change that, can I?"

"How do you know all that?" I asked her.

"Everyone has to do his job. Agrona rules the continent, each of the Sovereigns rules over a single domain, Cadell serves as his right hand in the shadows, while Dragoth does so in public. Viessa is responsible for the named bloods and controls the politics through them, while Melzri looks for our education system. I'm responsible for the gathering of information and the research. That all was easy to find out, you have to know. Of course I have my spies in Dicathean and a beer to loosen a tongue or two can go a long way. Once I had your life story it was easy to find the reason. I'm the one who brought Agrona the information about you in the first place. He did not forbid me from reading it, so of course I would read it myself. The only thing I don't know is why things happened the way they happened yesterday. I didn't know that your lineage has the gene that rejects asuran influences, and I didnt know that one could counter it the way Agrona did. And there is one last thing I don't know, where you can help me out. ... What's your blood concentration? I can feel that it is much higher than usual, even higher than Cadells, and that it's Agronas, another first by the way, but that's all I know."

Damm thats a lot.

"What do I get from telling you?" I asked. She had a communications network to Dicathean. I could tell my parents I was fine.

She let out a chuckle. "I like you, what do you want?"

"I want you to deliver a message to Dicathean." I instantly answered. Damm, that was too fast.

"I can't do that. Agrona forbade any messages to Dicathean. He doesn't want them to know that we exist at the moment. I can't go against a direct order."

"And if I give you the letter first, so you know, that there is nothing about Alacrya in there. I'll just say that I'm stranded in a city somewhere in Dicathean or something."

Seris tilted her head to the side, thinking about it. "Since Agrona took a liking to you, and that wouldn't interfere with the reason the order was given to me, I could do that.

We shook hands and I turned to go inside an get some paper from somewhere, but Seris already stopped me. "I have a better idea. I'll deliver them a two way communications scroll. This way you could talk with them, and they wouldn't doubt the contents of the letter. But if you say anything regarding Alacrya I will have to prevent them from telling others. You know what that means, right?"

I nodded. That was indeed a better idea. Of course I didnt like the mental image of my parents being murdered, because I said something wrong, but I dont plan on saying anything to them.

Seris seemed to be an important person, why should I betray her, when she does me such a huge favor.

"I have a concentration of 100 percent." I said. Seris looked at me with surprise. She sure enough didn't expect me to have pure Vritra blood.

From inside I heard a knock on the door.

"My time to leave. Ill contact you, when I got a scroll to your parents." Seris said and flew away.

I had a way to tell my parents I was alive. Nothing made me happier.

"Yes?" I answered the knock.


>1.6k words, a short chapter chapter today, since I have to write another one for tomorrow, dont have the time then. maybe the chapter will release at saturday, dont kill me in that case please xD

Also at the discord server is a "Alacryan Arthur" textchannel now, so feel free to join, if you havent already.


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