COTE: Koenji What if

By user20487131

60.7K 1.7K 285

Classroom of the elite, except Koenji knows about the white room and the masterpiece of the white room. In ot... More

Vol. 1 Chapter 1.1 - An unsettling start
Vol. 1 Chapter 1.2 - Convincing the class
Vol. 1 Chapter 1.3 - Introductions
Vol. 1 Chapter 2.1 - Convenience store
Vol. 1 Chapter 2.2 - Reflection
Vol. 1 Chapter 3.1 - Exercise
Vol. 1 Chapter 3.2 - Cafeteria trip
Vol. 1 Chapter 4.1 - Failed invitation
Vol. 1 Chapter 4.2 - Kushida's request
Vol.1 Chapter 4.3 - Club fair
Vol. 1 Chapter 5.1 - The bets
Vol. 1 Chapter 5.2 - The (Swimming) Race
Vol. 1 Chapter 5.3 - After the swimming race
Vol. 1 Chapter 6.1 - Kushida's Plan?
Vol. 1 Chapter 6.2 - Superiority complex vs Superiority complex
Vol. 1 Chapter 7.1 - Practice test
Vol. 1 Chapter 7.2 - A group hangout
Vol. 1 Chapter 7.3 - Judgement day
SS - Sudou Ken - Exercise
Vol. 1 Chapter 8.1 - A little scare
Vol. 1 Chapter 8.2 - Scam artist
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.1 - Preparing for group study
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.2 - Group studying
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.3 - False accusation
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.4 - Group bullying
SS - Satou Maya - Regrets
Vol. 1 Chapter 10.1 - Expulsion
Analysis of Volume 1 so far
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.1 - Setting up Hirata's group study
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.2 - Hirata's group study
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.3 - Ayanokouji's lament
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.4 - Gym buddies
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.1 - The midterms
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.2 - How to deal with a stalker 101
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.3 - Date?
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.4 - Albert vs Ryuuen
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.5 - Exam results
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.6 - Confrontation
SS - Horikita Suzune - Disappointment, Disownment, Defeat
Vol. 1 Side Note
Vol. 2 Chapter 1.1 - Social media
Vol. 2 Chapter 1.2 - Trauma
Vol. 2 Chapter 2.1 - The next Vice President of the Student Council
Vol. 2 Chapter 3.1 - Another change to the school rules
Vol. 2 Chapter 3.2 - Boredom
Vol. 2 Chapter 3.3 - A bet in class 1-C

Vol. 2 Chapter 2.2 - Invitation to the student council

359 17 2
By user20487131

I heard footsteps behind me, but glancing to the refection in the mirror, I noticed it was those two.

Ike and Yamauchi both jumped at me at the same time, wrapping their arms around my shoulder. If I didn't notice they were there I would have fallen down onto the ground with their combined weight.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said in a friendly gesture.

"Yooooo~! Ayanokouji! Why didn't you tell us that you got in the council?" Yamauchi said, attempting to 'noogie' my head while bearing a wide grin. Luckily this is nothing compared to Sudou's cranium scrapers.

"Well, if I didn't get in, that would have been pretty embarrassing to say that,"

"Hahah yeah yeah, anyways! Congrats man! ... ... ...Anyways broski, we got a favour. Do yah got any...spare points? I am well, kinda down in the drain with points right now, eheheh." Yamauchi sheepishly said, making these weirdly dramatic hand movements.

"Yeah man, I'll do anything to avoid eating that vegetable mealset!" Ike joined in expectedly.

"Alright, alright, I can lend you guys some points."

"Niiiiice. Hey, how about we hang out right now?"

"Sorry dude, one of the guys from the student council wants me right now," This isn't a lie, as Nagumo sent me a text. I do appreciate their gesture though, even if this will be a burden to my wallet.

"Well alright then, you go ahead and show the student council who is the real final boss!" Ike said enthusiastically, with Yamauchi nodding in approval.

Looks like I am alone now...except not really.

I felt an ominous presence eyeing me down during the exchange with the beggars.

"Heyyyyyy Ayanokouji~~!" Satou said while clinging on to me.

"...So, why didn't you tell me that you were applying to the student council? And then got in?!?"

Huh, her voice? Is this what they call being 'passive aggressive'?

"...Well if I got rejected then I would have been quite embarrassed to tell." I said, keeping up with what I said with Ike and Yamauchi. Who knows whether or not Satou managed to hear that part of the conversation.

Upon hearing this, a bright smile appeared on her face. "Awww you~~! So adorable, being all embarrassed like that!" Satou giggled.

"By the way, I am setting up a double date with Karuizawa and Hirata at some point next week... and judging from the fact that your face is lighting up right now, I am guessing you are interested?" I said.

"Really?!? Yay!" Satou then clung onto me very tightly. 

...Kuh--! She's choking me--!

...I don't think I can get her off me now. Oh well, looks like I will have to walk the weight of two people to Nagumo.

Once I reached the student council room, Satou finally let me go and I waved her off.

When I entered in the room, I saw Nagumo and Ichinose starting to play cards with each other, with some drinks and snacks. They must have just gotten here a few minutes ago. Nagumo noticed me and beckoned me to have a seat.

"Well if it isn't Ayanokouji-kun! What brings you here?" Ichinose looked surprised when saying this.

The news was said only in my class, but the news will spread very quickly. But since Ichinose must have went straight to the council after homeroom, the likelihood that she heard of the news is unlikely. That is unless if Nagumo told her already, but the way Ichinose asked why I am here is strange.

"Indeed. Once again, I would like to congratulate you for being the other Vice President of the student council. A very impressive achievement for a first year student." Nagumo said.

"...Vice President?"

Ichinose must have not heard the news yet it seems.

"He joined the council yesterday, after Horikita saw what he did yesterday." Nagumo said.

"Nyahahah! So that trick of yours did capture the attention of the student council after all! I did hear bits about it after you did it, but to think it worked that well." Ichinose said to me.

"Even Horikita-senpai couldn't ignore such a thing. Also Ayanokouji-kun, that statement of yours about protecting your friends and your class was very compelling indeed. Me and Honami were talking about it just now." Nagumo added.

They must have been talking about it just before during their card game. But it looked like Nagumo held off telling Ichinose that I got into the council.

Although Ichinose looked happy for me after hearing the news, she then looked confused by something, before what Nagumo said. So me and Nagumo let Ichinose ask away.

"...But Nagumo. Didn't you say that the student council president Horikita Manabu only accepts class A students?" Ichinose questioned.

"Did I? Oh right I did! Hahahah! That was a massive surprise even to me. Perhaps Horikita has opened up his heart a little and looked past his outdated way of thinking. That's one of the reasons why he never publicly reveals his requirements to join the council. His stigma for those not in class A is certainly a strong one, but Ayanokouji-kun might have just been the key to warm his heart to finally accept talent from other classes into the council." Nagumo remarked.

Manabu is a person who did not care whatsoever about your status. Whether you are in class D or class A, it doesn't matter. He evaluates exclusively on talent regardless of class.

Given how long Nagumo has worked with Manabu, Nagumo is most certainly lying. And Nagumo's reaction to the news seemed fake as well. He even held off the fact that I recently joined the council.

But why?

"In fact, Honami, how about you ask Horikita again to join the council? I will certainly put in the good word for you and recommend him to reconsider this decision." Nagumo said.

...I see. I was set up by Nagumo.

Nagumo's surprised reaction to the news and his point about Manabu was fake. He used me as an excuse for Ichinose to apply to the student council again. That must be one of the reasons why he invited me over.

But there are still things I do not understand.

I understand that Manabu doesn't want Nagumo to influence the 1st years, but why does he let Nagumo and Ichinose use this room? I'm guessing even if Manabu sends them away, they can just talk with each other somewhere else.

Also, wouldn't Nagumo know that Ichinose would be rejected again anyways given the information? This would be a pointless endeavor for Ichinose even with Nagumo's approval.

Nagumo also called Ichinose by her first name as well, Honami. But he doesn't call Manabu by his first name, despite working for this long in the council with him.

"In fact, Ayanokouji-kun, I have something to tell you. You see, I was originally from class B. But as you can also see, I brought up my class to class A. I was in the same starting position as Honami." Nagumo added.

I heard this story from Horikita already. Nagumo singlehandedly carried his class to class A. His achievements are extremely impressive given how quickly he overtook class A and continues to maintain his position.

"I was lucky to have gotten into the council as Horikita wasn't the student council president during that time. He held that negative stigma about status in the past and still holds it now considering he rejected Honami, despite what she has already accomplished in her class." Nagumo said.

Nagumo then picked up a stuffed rabbit which was on the table. It had an apricot peach color.

He then caressed its head.

How strange. So it was his stuffed rabbit. I would have thought that it would have been Tachibana's one.

But I shouldn't be judging his tastes like that.

"In other words, you could say that she reminds me of myself back when I was a first year class B student. I had many goals and aspirations just like her. That's one of the reasons why I personally wanted to help Honami. She and I are allies, bonded by the unfair treatment of every class except for class A. We are in the same team." Nagumo remarked.

Nagumo put away the stuffed rabbit and picked up a stuffed teddy bear, brown in color.

I have seen the stuffed rabbit around this area before. It was even here yesterday during my visit when I officially joined the council. However, I did not see the stuffed teddy bear here before.

"But, Ayanokouji-kun, your situation isn't too dissimilar from our situation. Furthermore, you had to deal with the negative stigma from being in class D. In a sense, you, Honami and I could also be considered as allies as well right? All together in the same team even!" Nagumo said.

Nagumo then put the stuffed teddy bear back to the table.

"...Unless if you are running around as Horikita's personal lapdog? Horikita does still vehemently oppose my current position and future position after all," Nagumo questioned with a serious tone.

Nagumo stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything.

The room became quite tense. Even Ichinose froze up at the situation.

To think Nagumo could make such a sudden change to the atmosphere. But then Nagumo started laughing.

"Hahahah! Just kidding about that last part!" Nagumo said, relieving the tension.

He then picked up both of the plushies and faced them towards each other.

"...But I wasn't kidding about being allies. In fact, I have already heard that class D and class B have formed a cooperative relationship already from Honami herself." Nagumo laughed off the previous comment, and added to his previous point.

"However, I would want to hold that off just for now. You see, I am just as interested in challenging my fellow kouhais as much as I want to ally myself with them. You could say that's why I was about to play cards with Honami just before."

"In fact, I am delighted to know that a 1st year student is challenging me to the throne. It makes things much more interesting."

Nagumo then turned back to Ichinose and put away the plushies to the side.

"Anyways, Honami. How about you schedule a meeting with the student council president? I can help give him my recommendation for him to reconsider. After all, there is only one available position left in the council now that Ayanokouji has taken a place. For now though how about you catch up with your friends? It looks like the time went by rather quickly. We can continue that same card game we started yesterday at a later point today."

"Yes, I will. Bye Nagumo and Ayanokouji." Ichinose then excused herself out of the room.

"There certainly are a lot of interesting 1st years, isn't there, Ayanokouji? All the other classes have already had at least one student make a big name for themselves." Nagumo remarked.

"So why did you call me over anyways?" I asked.

"I wanted to personally congratulate you for getting such an esteemed position, despite being from class D. I also wanted to inform you that I would be interested in keeping you around after the elections take place. I will guarantee that your position as Vice President will continue even after what happens, if you are interested in working with me after the elections."

Even though he didn't say so directly, he phrased it as though he will be the next President of the student council as a fact.

Nagumo then stood up and walked to the windows. He looked outside the window with his hands behind his back with a smile.

"You may not know this but I challenged Horikita for the position of President of the student council back when I was a 1st year student. Just like how you are challenging me as a 1st year student." Nagumo then chuckled to himself for a bit.

"To think I would be in the same exact position as him. And you are what I was back when I was a 1st year. Even though he continues to object my position in the council to the bitter end, even though I lost against him, I do fondly remember those times." Nagumo reminisced.

"I see." I replied.

"I do wonder why Honami was placed in class B though. I will have to ask her why she thinks she was placed in class B to deem if she truly is worthy of being in the student council, or if she is even worthy of being in class A," Nagumo said.

Nagumo then turned to look at me with a sharp gaze.

"Your placement in class D. I've already heard about Hirata's past during my visits to the soccer club. I asked him directly. He also evaluates you very highly, as expected. I've even heard about what happened with Kushida, almost everyone has. But not your past. Someone with your physical abilities and academics would have placed you much higher, even with your lack of social skills," Nagumo asked.

"In my entrance exams and interview, I held back as to not stand out. Clearly my motivations changed. You can thank Koenji-kun for that, he would have dragged me out whether I would have liked it or not, and so I chose to accept that attention will inevitably be dragged towards me. And well, I didn't actually have friends before coming to this school, so that's why my social skills were non-existent coming to this school." I said.

My entrance exams and interview aren't public information, and even the student council can't access such information, not at least without a price that is. Everything I said here is the truth.

"I see, well it looks like you have made a couple of friends already, friend?" Nagumo said.

"And that other student you just mentioned. He must have been the one to figure out the S-system on the first day right? I'm sure that you had many suspicions as well with your talents, it looks like he must have reinspired your fighting spirit," Nagumo laughed.

"By the way, there is something I would like to ask." I said.

"Go ahead."

"What would you do if Horikita rejects her again?"

"There is always the option for me to accept Ichinose without Horikita-senpai's permission. You also have that power as well, as you may already know. It would be unfortunate if she couldn't get his approval but she has almost gotten mine. I do have to be considerate of her feelings, after all, of wanting to gain Horikita-senpai's approval. I can relate to that situation as well."

"I see, well in that case I also hope she gets accepted by Horikita." I said.

Nagumo smiled back at me. He then went back to the table and started to pack away his cards.

"By the way, do you think that there is truly a good person in this world?" I asked.

"Hmmm, well if I were to be honest, I think there is.

"Although, now that I think about it, I've also heard from my fellow 2nd years that you and Koenji get into a lot of 'incidents'. You have certainly seen me visit some of your trials in fact." Nagumo said while he packed away his cards.

Even though most of the 'scams' never resulted in going to trial, a few did. And of a few of those few trials, Nagumo visited.

"Yeah, Koenji's personality is very problematic. I do have to admit that, although I don't particularly mind it either. I'm surprised with how far some of my seniors take just because of Koenji's personality." I said.

"I suppose so. It's a shame that they also seem to have no points left after the trials you inevitably win as well. Now wouldn't you know anything about that? In fact, not all situations are with you and Koenji together." Nagumo said.

"A surprising amount of seniors pay up after realizing that they left evidence against me, such as school cameras being present. Of course, the right thing to do is to report them, but taking their points away as compensation instead. I'll be sure to avoid accepting any bribes with your class at the very least, instead warning them about you.

"For now though I would appreciate it if you were to be more mindful of your surroundings from now on, especially around the seniors. That would give you an excuse not to constantly have to record any interactions that you have in order to protect yourself. I'm speaking from experience, as I've personally had to deal with people even from my own year who held a strong resentment against me for a long time even after justice being properly served upon them." Nagumo concluded.

"Well if that's the case then I will take that into mind. I'll be going now to work on some paperwork next door."

"Alright then, see you later. I hope to see if you will truly be able to live up to your statement yesterday. Protect your friends and class to the best of your ability, Ayanokouji-kun." Nagumo then sat down and looked through his phone.

I then walked past him and opened the door to the next room, where my desk is along with the other desks for other student council members.

"Wait, before you leave, I would like to say something else. Congratulations on making your first post on the social media app. In fact, this app is something I helped design a bit, so it is good seeing it being used by someone in the student council. The rest of the council here dislike using this app. They are always so proper and prim," Nagumo added.

I went to my desk in the other room. There is a some paper work I wanted to do after meeting with Nagumo. I then sat down. 

This is the first time I have been at this desk. The chairs that the student council get are very nice and comfy compared to the chairs in class. You can move around with them, adjust the height or even recline back a bit. I should ask Manabu if he knows where to get these chairs. Maybe I should ask if I can use these chairs in the classes.

Anyways, this meeting with Nagumo was friendlier than I had imagined, except for that one moment, though it is most likely just because of Ichinose's presence. I haven't really talked to Nagumo properly like this before either, so this was a surprise considering what Manabu and others described him as. He did attend some of the trials involving my 'scams', but never talked to me for longer than a few seconds.

Everything about the rumors about Nagumo really did seem to not make sense at all considering what he displayed here. It seems very out of character. He should know that even if I am working under Manabu or not, I would at least have heard of some of the rumors about him, considering that he regularly visits the soccer club. Nagumo could infer that Hirata would have at least told me something about my opponent, being Nagumo. In fact, Hirata did this morning.

Perhaps he truly did romanticize the idea of being in the same position as Manabu, and relished the challenge.

I did understand that Nagumo had the power to invite Ichinose behind Manabu's back, so is Nagumo trying to accept Ichinose through his own terms? But what could he even ask from Ichinose? It looks like Nagumo could be using this to strengthen his bond with Ichinose, forming a 1st year connection. This would make things more problematic for my campaign if the majority of class B votes for Nagumo with Ichinose convincing her own class. That could be one of his deals for Nagumo to accept her in to the council. There is also the discrepancy of Ichinose being placed in class B as well, so perhaps another deal could be Nagumo asking if Ichinose has any idea as to why she is in class B.

Nagumo could be testing me to see if I really am working under Manabu, to see if I will relay the information to Manabu.

There is always the option for me to accept Ichinose through my own terms, like what Nagumo said is within my power. That way I could try and find out her backstory as a deal for me accepting her. But that is not a guarantee that she will be willing to reveal it to me. And even if she did, she could do what Hirata did and leave out some details as to what she did, if she did have a backstory causing her to be placed in class B. Ichinose's trust for me might be lower than her trust for Nagumo, and if that is the case then she will just reveal her backstory to Nagumo instead. There is some justification for that considering their relationship.

For now though I will have to inform Manabu and ask if he can at least delay Ichinose's arrival to the council.

Side Note:

I procrastinated the Ike, Yamauchi and Satou section of this chapter for far too long, my bad.

Luckily I do have some chapters written ahead of this.

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