Jerrie One Shot-ish Stories |...

By LittleRed945

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The Sequel of our One Shot-ish Book 1 is finally here!!! Perrie and Jade's adventures continues as they trave... More

Breathe - I
Breathe - II
Breathe - III
Breathe - IV
Breathe - V
Breathe - VI
Breathe - VII
Leap - I
Leap - II
Leap - III
Leap - IV
Leap - V
Leap - VI
Leap - VII
Leap - VIII
Only You - I
Only You - II
Only You - III
Only You - IV
Only You - V
Only You - VI
Only You - VII
Only You - VIII
Only You - IX
Under Cover - I
Under Cover - II
Under Cover - III
Under Cover - IV
Under Cover - V
Under Cover - VI
Under Cover - VII
Under Cover - VIII
Under Cover - IX
Under Cover - X
Under Cover - Bonus Chapter
The Aftermath - I
The Aftermath - III
The Aftermath - IV
The Aftermath - V
The Aftermath - VI
The Aftermath - VII
The Aftermath - VIII
The Aftermath - IX
Before Dawn - I
Before Dawn - II
Before Dawn - III
Before Dawn - IV
Before Dawn - V
Before Dawn - VI
Before Dawn - VII
Before Dawn - VIII
Before Dawn - IX
Before Dawn - X
Before Dawn - XI
Before Dawn - XII
Before Dawn - XIII
Before Dawn - XIV
Before Dawn - XV
Before Dawn - XVI
A Twist of Fate - I
A Twist of Fate - II
A Twist of Fate - III
A Twist of Fate - IV
A Twist of Fate - V
A Twist of Fate - VI
A Twist of Fate - VII
A Twist of Fate - VIII
A Twist of Fate - Bonus

The Aftermath - II

160 6 0
By LittleRed945

"Mr. Horan, Finance asked me to deliver these forms to you," a woman said as she handed Niall a couple of folders.

"H-Hi, thanks. You're new?"

The woman nods, "Intern. Just started last week. I'm Jade." She smiles at him and extends her hand for him to shake.

"Nice. I didn't know Mr. Styles had an opening for interns. I'm Niall."

"We're short-staffed," another guy chimed in. "In case you didn't notice, our task list is always full."

Niall leaned farther on his swivel chair and placed his hands behind his head. " was never empty to begin with," he agreed. "This is Jordan Stephens, by the way, Employee of the Year." Jordan awkwardly waves at Jade, his eyes never really meeting hers.

"Do you need help?" Jade changes the topic. "That's what I'm here for, to help you with your workload."

Niall looked at his desk, ", we're good–"

"Actually...yes, if it's alright with you." Jordan cut Niall off before he could dismiss Jade. Niall eyes Jordan suspiciously with a grin forming on his mouth. "Could you maybe grab us some coffee down the street?"

"Dude, I don't think that's part of her job–"

"No, it's fine. I actually bought coffee for Mr. Styles once or twice."

"Of course, you did. He's the owner! Heck, I would even buy coffee for him, too! I mean..." Niall was rambling when he finally noticed Jordan signaling him to just go with the flow. He sighs, "Okay, fine! Black coffee and chocolate muffin for me."

"Caramel latte with double espresso shot for me," Jordan added as he handed Jade some money.

"Be right back!" Jade says as she leaves the guys alone.

When the brunette was no longer in sight, Niall turned to Jordan, narrowing his eyes at him.

"What? She said it's fine." Jordan reasons out.

"You like her." Niall grins wider.

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't normally talk to girls around here."

Jordan scoffs, "I don't normally talk to anyone."

Niall chuckled, "Fair point. But you like her, buddy."

"Back to work, Horan."

Jade went straight to the coffee shop next to the building she's working from. She bought exactly what the guys ordered and rushed back. Even though those guys could just be messing with her, she can't mess up at work. Many college graduates would die to have her position right now. It wasn't a surprise when she showed up for the interview, there was a warehouse full of women and men alike in their freshly-pressed suits and dresses, doing their best to impress whoever was going to interview them.

It wasn't as surprising the next day when only a selected fifteen people made the cut. And Jade is one of them.

When she was nearing the building, and the orders in hand, she noticed a black Rolls Royce Phantom Limo parked right up front. No matter how fancy the car looked, she didn't pay much attention and went straight to the elevator when a raven-haired lady security blocked her way.

"I'm sorry, but you can't use this elevator at the moment. Kindly use the stairs." She says in a husked, round, and mature voice.

Jade squints her eyes at the security's name patch. "Look, Security Jauregui, I'm going to the top floor of this building, it would be painful to use the stairs." Jade rebuts, trying to use her charm so she can go her merry way.

"Then you have to wait."

"Wait for what? Is it under maintenance? I just used it literally ten minutes ago. It was working fine." Ever heard of a faulty wire, Jade? The voice in her head thought.

The security subtly rolled her expressive forest-like green eyes."Honey, I'm just following orders from my superior. A VIP is coming and she doesn't like to share the elevator with anyone, so I've been instructed to hold anyone who approaches the lift to have them use the stairs instead."

"Oh, great!" Jade scoffs. "Where is this VIP, then? She can't possibly take the elevator to herself that long, you know? People are working on the 10th floor–"

"Actually, yes, she can if she wants to," the security retorts, completely cutting Jade off. "Because she's the new owner of this company."

Jade was baffled and confused at the same time. Surely a change in ownership couldn't happen in just twenty minutes, right? "New owner? What happened to Mr. Styles?"

The security only shrugged and averted her gaze to the rolling doors of the entrance. "Step aside, hun...she's coming." Jade moved and stood next to the security guard as she looked at the woman responsible for her delayed trip back up at the office.

Everyone who went about their day stood frozen in place as they gawked at the new owner. She arrived in style wearing a black silk blazer matched with black wide-leg trousers, accessorized with a suspender belt. Her honey blonde hair was slicked back showing her long, sexy neck where it showcased a gorgeous and sparkling diamond necklace paired with gold feather hoop earrings. Her black Saint Laurent Opyum sandals clicked on the marble floor, demanding attention with every step she made.

This woman looked every bit intimidating. Someone who doesn't settle for less. Someone who holds high standards. Someone who gets what they want and doesn't take 'no' for an answer. And with that power suit she so flawlessly wore, it was sure she'd have the world wrapped around her finger.

The blonde didn't even glance at Jade's direction. Heck, she wasn't sparing anyone a look at all. It's as if the people around her don't exist. She was talking to someone on her phone and went straight to the elevator.

She rode the lift alone and Jade saw that the 10th floor button lit up, indicating that the Miss CEO's destination was the same floor on which she worked. Which wasn't questionable since Mr. Styles' office is on that floor.

After a couple of minutes, the elevator was back to the ground floor. Jade was about to hop in but the security stopped her again when another blonde woman came and got inside the elevator as well.

"And who's that?" Jade asked, already irritated at the fact that drinks are starting to get cold..

"CEO's Executive Assistant. Another VIP."

Jade's eyes widened, "New Executive Assistant? W-What happened to Mr. Payne?"

The security shrugged again, "I'm afraid I don't have the answers to your questions. Don't be surprised if one day you don't see me here anymore and find a new security lady as well." Jade blinked and didn't know what to say. This new boss lady sounds way too uptight. "You can use the elevator now."

As soon as the green-eyed security said that, the elevator doors opened and in went Jade.

When she arrived at the 10th floor, there was a remarkable change in the ambiance. There was no unnecessary chatter, everyone was so focused on their jobs. Typing away on their desktop, the slight hustling of papers, and the occasional squeaking of their chairs. Nobody was walking around without a clear destination.

Towards the end of the hall is the CEO's glass office. And the blinds were drawn. Normally, it was always open so everyone could see their boss and who he's in a meeting with. But this time, it was drawn, and they weren't used to it.

Jade immediately went to Niall and Jordan's table who were both busy working now. "Sorry, I had to wait for the elevator. The new CEO apparently doesn't want to share it with anyone."

"Understandable," Jordan answered. "Thanks for the coffee." He grabbed his cup before returning to his desk.

"Perrie Edwards, she's our new CEO," Niall chimed in, whispering as he did so. "In case you don't know her, she's the youngest billionaire. Her father is an innovator and entrepreneur who invented e-commerce, and owner of Amazon. And now, it looks like the youngest of the family is taking over Disora. This family doesn't like competition, so they're buying every e-commerce business and company out there that can be a threat to their business."

" is not the right time to talk about her," Jordan warned Niall before looking at Jade. "You better go back to your desk, Jade."

Jade nods and makes her way to her desk where her laptop is open. If any one of them needs her, she was told she'd receive an email with instructions, but when she checked, nobody messaged her yet.

Disora is an e-commerce company specializing in high-end fashion. In their 10-storey building, everything is there – their warehouse, production house where they craft the clothes they sell, the packaging area is also there where they process the online orders, ready for delivery. Their customer service center is situated on another floor where their customer care ambassadors were.

While marketing, I.T, finance, and the design team are all on the 10th floor – the four most important departments are on the same floor as the CEO so it's easier to contact them should they encounter a mess and work out a solution.

Especially I.T, they are working round-the-clock. They are technically the backbone of the business since everything is online these days. They have to be there right away in case the server goes down or in case there are technical problems.

The design team always meets with the CEO to approve their designs. Once approved, they forward it to production before posting it online, introducing new products. Finance is in charge of their income, so yes, it's a no-brainer that the CEO needs them within arms length.

The marketing people mostly work on the 10th floor, which includes Niall and Jordan. They are also with the CEO because it's their job to pull in more online buyers to sustain the company's income. And then, there's Jade and the other interns who are assigned to different departments on different floors.

Jade is the only intern assigned on the 10th floor. Her job is pretty much all-around. Whatever tasks employees feel the need of help with, Jade's their girl. Even if it's just as simple as filing paperwork, filling the printer with fresh paper, replenishing the office supplies of the staff – basically any office task.

Then, Jade's laptop beeps indicating she has an email. When she checked it, it's from the Finance Manager, Jesy Nelson. She immediately got up and went to Jesy's office.

"Hi, Ms. Nelson–"

Jesy looked up, "Oh, hi! Jade, I badly need your help." She stands up from her desk and gets the piles of papers in her drawer and hands them to Jade. "I need you to find all the year-end financial reports since the company started in 2015. I have it all saved and organized in the system but our new boss needs the actual report in paper. Jeez! It's 2021! Everything is digital now. I don't know why she needs the paper version. can sit here? You don't have to bring these to your desk, it would be easier for us in case you have questions. And also..." she leans closer to Jade and whispers. "She's only been here for over an hour and she's already bombarded me with loads of work! I need someone to talk to, otherwise I'm gonna go crazy! God! I already miss Mr. Styles."

As much as Jade was happy because she finally has something to do, she was speechless and a bit surprised at how chatty the Finance Manager is. This was, however, a great opportunity for Jade to ask around.

"What happened to Mr. Styles?" Jade finally asks. "I didn't know he was selling the company."

"Well, nobody does. We were all surprised two hours ago when we all received an email from him officially saying goodbye; that he no longer owns the company. I often think that when it comes to selling big businesses such as Disora, the transfer of ownership could take up to months before a contract is finalized. But then again, there has been a rumor going around that Miss Edwards offered him triple the price of the company's net worth!" Jesy let out a low whistle. "Who wouldn't accept that? This company is worth billions! You can literally live to over a hundred years with that amount of money. That is, if you live that long." She chuckled at the silly thought. "Think about it, you don't have to work – no stress, no deadlines, no meetings, just enjoying your best life. Who wouldn't want that?"

"And his assistant, Mr. Payne?"

"He was offered a lump sum amount of money as well, to give up his position. Apparently, Miss Edwards doesn't want a new assistant. She only works with Ms. Swift, her Executive Assistant since she started managing her family's businesses." Jesy explained. Jade nods at the amount of information that Jesy has said to her in a span of just twenty minutes. "And she'd been calling us one-by-one to her office for a five-minute meeting. I've been called not too long ago, and this is what I've got!" She points at the stack and piles of folders and paperwork on her desk. Not to mention the two monitors in front of her where she's also checking the digital copies of the said documents.

Jade stayed with Jesy for quite some time, helping her find the report Jesy needed when someone called her attention.

"Miss Jade Thirlwall?" They both turned to see who it was. When Jade whipped her head, she was surprised to see it was the CEO's Executive Assistant, Taylor Swift. Her golden locks were in a tight bun, wearing a pastel yellow suit matched with a powder pink tie. Jade stood up abruptly. "Miss Thirlwall?" Taylor repeats.


"Miss Edwards needs you in her office." Jade turns to Jesy, as if to ask her if it was okay to leave her with a lot of mess.

"Go!" Jesy urged her. "This can wait."

Jade nodded and followed Taylor. When they reached the door, Taylor stopped and spun around. "I sent you an email a couple of minutes ago. You have a five-minute meeting with the CEO. And she hates late-comers."

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't at my desk. I was called by the Finance Manager to assist her with sorting out the reports."

"That's fine."

"I didn't know I'm included in a five-minute meeting with Miss Edwards. I'm not actually an employee here, just an intern."

Taylor raised a delicate eyebrow, "You still work here, so you're included."

"Shall I go inside now?'

Taylor checks her wrist watch. "Two minutes. Oh, before you go inside, just remember three things; wait for her to speak first, look her in the eyes when she's talking to you, and most importantly, do not smile."

"Don't smile?" Jade questioned. How can someone not want their subordinate to smile while conversing with them?

"You heard me, your two minutes is up. Now, go!"

Jade nods once more, takes a deep breath, before she holds the handle of the door; the only thing that's separating her from the dreaded new boss everyone's been talking about.

The office changed dramatically in the span of an hour. The old design ideas that Mr. Styles put up on the walls were removed, his fish tank was also removed, and his small fridge was removed. It was replaced by a sophisticated-looking bookshelf, a stacked minibar, and a lunar telescope that sat on a tripod near one of the windows.

Jade stood right in the middle, a little farther from the daunting oak desk. She didn't say a word after she entered, making as minimal noise as possible, just like what Taylor instructed her.

The CEO stopped writing and looked at her. Up close, her new boss doesn't quite look as terrifying as everyone paints her to be. She has these compelling blue eyes that are both alluring and mysterious. She also has this aura radiating from her that just screams confidence. Any other day, Jade would think she's the most beautiful woman in the world. Jade could probably stare at the woman the entire day, if only she wasn't shooting daggers at her.

"What department are you from?" the blonde asked, which effectively shook Jade back to reality.

"I'm an intern. I was assigned to do any job from any department on this floor." Perrie raised a perfect eyebrow at this, which didn't go unnoticed by Jade's observant eyes.

"Are you a fresh graduate?"


"Then why intern? Don't you want a real job?"

Jade swallows a lump that formed in her throat. God, why was this woman making her nervous? "I don't think I can commit to a real job. I'm just exploring things, learning new–"

"You're bored, aren't you?" Perrie finally asked, straight to the point. "You don't need a job. You just want something to do to pass time."

They stared at each other for a while. The new CEO's gaze was intense, like she's searching for something on the intern's face – an affirmation to what she just said. Jade looked back just as intense, but her stare was softer, and it held a lot of questions.

"Uhm...if you ever need me, I'm just an email away." Jade said, trying to break off the tension.

The blonde laughed dryly, "Just an email away," she repeats, shaking her head in the process. "Ms. Swift will be in contact with you if she needs an extra hand. You're dismissed." She didn't spare Jade another look and immediately went back to whatever she was writing before the intern came into her office. While Jade returned to Jesy's office to continue what she was doing, perplexed at her new boss.

Weeks have passed and Jade hasn't received any email from the CEO or even from her Executive Assistant. She continued her job as an intern and extended her help to whoever needs her. There were some employees who abused and asked her to do even the simplest tasks, but Jade didn't mind. This is, after all, what she signed up for.

Jade, however, noticed that since Perrie took over Disora as the CEO, she hasn't left her office. Whenever she needs someone, she has that person come into her office, not the other way around. She's usually the first to arrive in the office, and the last to leave even when all of her employees have gone home already. She's certainly very different from the former CEO, Harry Styles.

Harry didn't like staying in the office unless he had important meetings. He's often found walking around each floor, checking the production, and the warehouse. He even takes customer service calls alongside his customer care ambassadors whenever he's bored out of his mind.

Then one morning, everyone was shocked when Perrie stepped out of her office talking to someone on the phone in a loud voice.

"I'm on my way. I just need someone to drive me there. My driver took a sick leave today, alright?" She hangs up her phone and looks around her. All of her employees ducked their heads, pretending to be busy with something, when really, they're just scared as hell to even think of volunteering to drive for their CEO. Everyone except for Jade who was just sitting on her desk, doing absolutely nothing. Perrie approached her. "Can you drive? Do you have a valid driver's license?"

Jade didn't answer right away because she hadn't noticed that Perrie was already next to her. She stood up in haste and answered, "Y-Yes. I have."

"Alright then, come with me."

Jade didn't have time to refuse because Perrie was already marching towards the elevator. She followed the woman while the rest of the employees looked on, their eyes bulging out of their sockets almost. Fearing for Jade's life.

Just as Perrie entered the elevator, Jade stopped at the door. "What are you waiting for? I am literally holding the door for you. Get inside!"

"I was told that you ride the elevator alone." Jade reasoned out.

"Well... yeah, but I'm in a hurry. So, come in!"

"Oh, okay."

The elevator trip from the 10th floor to the ground level took only a minute, but because none of them said a word, and because Perrie wasn't used to having company in the elevator, both her and Jade felt like it was the longest minute of their lives.

Perrie stepped out first as soon as the elevator doors opened. The lady security guard that Jade befriended a few days later after the elevator incident named Lauren, greeted Perrie who did a double-take when she saw Jade following closely behind the CEO. Jade could only shrug at Lauren who stood with her mouth agape.

A black Land Rover Sport: SVR Carbon Edition was already parked outside of the building. The valet boy opened the door for Perrie and handed Jade the keys to the car.

"I need to get to Brooklyn in thirty minutes, can you do that?" Perrie asked.

"I can get you there in fifteen. I know a shortcut."

"Hmm...okay, then. Let's go." Jade switched on the ignition and drove off. Then Perrie's phone rang again. "What?! What do you mean sports attire? I'm in a full business suit, it's a board meeting, why do you need me to wear joggers and sneakers?" She was seething.

Jade couldn't exactly hear who Perrie was talking to, but she could feel that the blonde was irritated judging by the tone of her voice.

"Ugh! Fine! Next time you give me a short notice for a meeting like this, don't expect me to be there. You already wasted enough of my time!" She hangs up even before the person on the other line could answer.

Jade continued to drive. What she didn't expect was for Perrie to get changed inside the SUV.

Perrie first took off her top, and suddenly Jade's throat had gone dry as she watched her boss through the rear view mirror. Her upper torso was toned and had the slightest hint of the blonde's abs. Jade could swear her heart stopped beating the moment she saw Perrie remove her wide-leg trousers and replace them with jogger pants.

Unfortunately, Jade didn't notice she was now driving in the wrong lane, causing the incoming cars to honk at her, making her focus back on the road. The SUV swiveled slightly to the right.

"What was that? Are you sure you can drive?" Perrie asked, suspicious.

Jade clears her throat, "Yes. It was the other car, driving in the wrong lane. They even have the audacity to honk at us." Jade shakes her head in the hopes that Perrie won't notice.

Thankfully, Perrie shrugged it off and continued to get changed. She has no idea that Jade got distracted which caused them to almost collide with another vehicle.

When they reached Brooklyn, Jade waited inside the car while Perrie was in the meeting. She didn't expect that the meeting could take a while.

Jade did almost everything she could think of – she went in and out of the car, there were times she fell asleep inside, she bought snacks at a nearby 7-eleven and walked a few steps away from the parked car to stretch her legs just so she wouldn't get bored.

When she finally saw Perrie step out of a building and was walking towards the car, Jade rushed back to the vehicle. With her forehead creased, it was obvious that Perrie's not in a stellar mood because of how hard she closed the door.

"Sorry, the meeting took longer than expected," Perrie mumbled.

"It's fine."

"We're not going back to Disora," Perrie saiad. "I'm already exhausted. I need a cold shower. Take me to my loft."

"Where exactly is your loft?" Jade asks.

Perrie eyed Jade through the rear view mirror and sighed. "Check the GPS in front of you, select 'Home' and it should show you the way."

"Alright." Jade pressed a button and sure enough the map on the screen showed the direction to Perrie's loft.

The ride was long, and the whole time they didn't talk to each other. Perrie had a couple of phone calls, and there were others where she refused to answer the call. Jade notices Perrie looks tired from all her activities today.

When they reached Perrie's building, Jade checked on her and found that the blonde had fallen asleep. So she didn't wake her up right away. She just parked in front of the entrance and waited for Perrie to wake up.

Jade glanced up at the building and scoffed. Shiny, bold, gold letters shone brightly and proudly in the night.


Obviously, Perrie's family owns it, too.

Perrie stirred when she finally noticed that the vehicle wasn't moving anymore. She woke up, looked around her, and was pleasantly surprised they had arrived at her apartment.

"Oh...we're here. First time I fell asleep in the car. Why didn't you wake me up?" Perrie asks, rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

"You're exhausted. I let you rest for a while."

"What if I woke up the next day? You'd still let me sleep?" she inquired.

"I don't see why not."

Perrie shakes her head, "You're really that bored, huh?" Jade didn't answer, but glanced at the mirror. "Anyway, I'll go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Where should I park your car?'

"Bring it with you. You're going to pick me up tomorrow at six. Don't be late." She then shut the door instantly after she got out.

Jade didn't have the chance to refuse once more and just watched the blonde disappear into the building. She shook her head and drove the car to her apartment that night.

The next day, at around 5:45 a.m. Jade has already parked the car in front of the building, waiting for her boss. And just like what Taylor said, she's never late. At exactly 5:59, Perrie stepped out of the entrance and got in the car.

There weren't any pleasantries from either of them. As soon as Perrie took a seat and closed the door, Jade drove the car.

"My driver is still sick," Perrie finally spoke. "I hope you don't mind if you take his place for a while."

Jade glanced at her through the rear view mirror. "Nah, I don't mind."

"I have some rules. Whatever you see or hear inside this car, stays in this car." Perrie added.

"Understood," Was her answer before focusing back on the road ahead of them.

Perrie then grabbed her phone and dialed a number. Two rings in and someone answered. "How is she?"

It looked like whoever Perrie was talking to, said a lot of things as the blonde was just quiet for a while and pinched the bridge of her nose. "How long?" She asked and listened in. "Six months?!" Perrie stares out the window, her tears threatening to spill any second now. "Are you sure you tried everything?"

She shakes her head vigorously. "No! You're a doctor, Jonnie, for God's sake! Do something!"

Jade wasn't one to eavesdrop on a conversation, but what she's to do? She's stuck inside the vehicle with her boss.

"Did father come to visit her?" Perrie asked, her tone hopeful. "Yeah, I know. I took the position that father wanted you to have. You think I wanted this?!"

Perrie sighed a lot while on the phone, before she returned to her old self as quickly as she showed her weak side. "Then, do your part! Save her! Or I'll do everything in my power to find that damned cure!" Perrie didn't wait for the person on the other line to retort as she already ended the call.

She heaved a deep sigh and stared aimlessly out the window. Jade drove without saying a word and just studied Perrie who, for the first time since she met her, showed how vulnerable she is despite how confident and powerful she may be.


♫ Woman Like Me - Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj

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