Titan's Throne

By theonionjunktion

754K 45.1K 2.5K

30 year old Bastian Smith died and reincarnated in a different body in a word different from earth. The body... More

Glossary of Terms
Prologue- The power of a True Sovereign (Edited)
Chapter 1- The Face of Death. (Edited)
Chapter 2- Not So Noble
Chapter 3- The Mark Awakens
Chapter 4- Are You a Mark Bearer or Not?
Chapter 5- Impossible!
Chapter 6- Soul Sworn
Chapter 7- Pure Genius
Chapter 8- Scorpion
Chapter 9- The Five Elements
Chapter 10- The Slave Auction!
Chapter 11- Freaks of Nature
Chapter 12- Gaining An Army!
Chapter 13- A Kitten Amongst Tigers
Chapter 14- Harmonization
Chapter 15- Tyrian Double Headed Storm Dragon
Chapter 16- Manifestation
Chapter 17- The Empyrean Equilibrium Void Shattering Fist!
Chapter 18- Bloodlines
Chapter 19- First battle!
Chapter 20- V, don't Interfere!
Chapter 21- Perfect Execution!
Chapter 22- Arrogance
Chapter 23- The Smiter Kneels
Chapter 24- Kai and his Master
Chapter 25- The Blind Disaster!
Chapter 26- Putting Your Foot Down
Chapter 27- Are You Done?
Chapter 28-A Dragon Amongst Snakes
Chapter 29-A Hint of Hope
Chapter 30-Soul Brethren
Chapter 31- What Did He Do?
Chapter 32- Who Is It?
Chapter 33- Fear of The Unknown
Chapter 34- A Suggestion
Chapter 35- Soul Training
Chapter 36- Treatment!
Chapter 37- Answer Me Or Die!
Chapter 38- Contract
Chapter 39- Worse Than Death
Chapter 40- Darkness
Chapter 41- The Dao of The Sword
Chapter 42- Yani City
Chapter 43- Iaido
Chapter 44- Pressure Magic!
Chapter 45- Damages
Chapter 46- The Games Begin
Chapter 47- The Elite Gladiator League
Chapter 48- Greed
Chapter 49- The Art of Killing
Chapter 50- Outnumbered, Not Outgunned
Chapter 51 - Knowledge As A Result
Chapter 52 - Incredible Body
Chapter 53 - Wise Words
Chapter 54 - Significance
Chapter 55 - Secondary Aspects
Chapter 56 - Cat And Mouse
Chapter 57 - Full Pontential
Chapter 58 - Crucial Fact
Chapter 59 - Next
Chapter 60 - Last Words
Chapter 61-You Were Careless
Chapter 62- Old Friends
Chapter 63- Disgust
Chapter 64- Growth As A Warrior
Chapter 65- Battles and Lessons
Chapter 66- Tino
Chapter 67- Tempest Monk
Chapter 68- Owami Returns
Chapter 69- The Chase
Chapter 70- Bones
Chapter 71- Specialists
Chapter 72- Ambition
Chapter 73- The Thunder Tiger Empire
Chapter 74- Trust
Chapter 75- Information
Chapter 76- My Enemies are Your Enemies
Chapter 77- I Am His Backing
Chapter 78- Changes
Chapter 79- On To The Next
Chapter 80- A Hero to Groom!
Chapter 81-No Choice but to Fight
Chapter 82- The Heavy Flash
Chapter 83- The Power of a Mage
Chapter 84- Wind Affinity!
Chapter 85- Knowledge Is Power
Chapter 86- Tyson Cole
Chapter 87- Assassin!
Chapter 88- Omen
Chapter 89- Unworthy To Taste My Steel!
Chapter 90- The Feast
Chapter 91- You Dogs, Guess Who's Gonna Have To Discipline You?
Chapter 92- Be Careful Of What You Are About To Say...
Chapter 93- Windy
Chapter 94- So Many Favours...
Chapter 95- Kill? That Would Be Easily Arranged!
Chapter 96- Betting Against The Divine, Maita!
Chapter 97- The Tides Forever Strike, Never To Stop!
Chapter 98- Spear Against Support!
Chapter 99- A Gentle Poke...
My laptop is dead :(
Questions and Answers!
Titans Throne is back!
Super Important Announcement
Chapter 100 - A City Wide Roar
Chapter 101 - Battle of the Clans
Chapter 102 - Humiliation
Chapter 103 - Tactics
Chapter 104 - War
Chapter 105 - Battlefront
Chapter 106 - Casualties
Chapter 107 - Family Bonds
Chapter 108- Inner Demons
Chapter 109- Salvation
Chapter 110- A Plot is Afoot
Stay Frosty
Battlefront 2
Sula's Doubts
Falsified Daughters
Wall Distribution
B Rank City?
Kai's Advice
Phantasma's Fear
Curse Symbiosis
Ignite, Chain and Condense: The Medici Conundrum
Four Great Medici Spells: The Medici Vault
Yin Flames
Vee's Potential Value
Kenshin's Mental Evolution
Soul Site Renovation
Fear Inducing Wraiths
8 Trigrams! Flood Dragon Restriction!
Bastian's Goal: Renewed Resolve
Mixing Matrices
Yin Yang Reversal!
Unjust Augury: 9 Mountains Pagoda Symposium!
The Great Absolute: Spell Categories
Purpose of the Nine Mountains: A Mother's Touch
Burn or Freeze?
Kenshin's Flame: Phantasma's Fear
Unjust Flame Wave
Splitting Flames
Compound Defense
Unjust Augury: Homeostatic Seal
Bastian Makes His Move
Qilin Fortune Courtyard
A Trap Within A Trap

The Path of Innovation

416 36 2
By theonionjunktion

Wilbur and Orville Wright were American inventors and pioneers of aviation. In 1903 the Wright brothers achieved one of the first flights with a powered, sustained and controlled airplane; they surpassed their own milestone two years later when they built and flew the first fully practical airplane. Before the Wright brothers invented the aeroplane, how many people believed mankind could fly?

Alexander Graham Bell is most well-known for inventing the telephone. He came to the U.S. as a teacher of the deaf and conceived the idea of 'electronic speech' while visiting his hearing-impaired mother in Canada. Before Alexander Graham Bell, long-distance communication through one's voice was a pipe dream.

Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power. He invented the first alternating current motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology. Tesla's discovery and application of alternating current revolutionized the world, and without it, power stations wouldn't exist and radios would not have been invented.

On Earth, calculus was used in every branch of the physical sciences, actuarial science, computer science, statistics, engineering, economics, business, medicine, demography, and in other fields wherever a problem could be mathematically modelled and an optimal solution was desired, Newtonian calculus allowed us to pass our limits launch rockets into space.

Einstein revealed the physical form of the subatomic world and allowed us to picture atoms and understand their nature through knowledge

Erwin Heisenberg and Werner Schrodinger allowed us to view the subatomic world from a mathematic point of view. Schrodinger and Heisenberg devise a quantum theory. In the 1920s, physicists were trying to apply Planck's concept of energy quanta to the atom and its constituents. By the end of the decade, Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg had invented the new quantum theory of physics.

Inspiration had a lot to do with one's mindset, not just intelligence. Kenshin dared not say that he knew any of these men, but they were explorers. Adventurers at heart, are willing to push the envelope and question the status of their world. The Sovereign continent had Medici and the others, but they were too stuck in their ways.

'I need to be more open-minded going forward.'

Kenshin was not aware at the time, but his connection to Bastian was already changing. Bastian's bloodline was affecting him through the Soul Brethren Contract, and that change would only accelerate over time.

"Accendo. Catena. Accendo Catena. Accendo. Catena, Densio."

In quick succession, Kenshin formed the three basic shapes needed for the matrix. It was a truly marvellous spectacle. Bastian was annoyed by how easily Kenshin had created the fire using his yin flames. The silvery blue flames had a slight chill that pervaded the atmosphere.

'Bastian is capable of creating this because of the fundamental knowledge he possesses on fire and heat. Knowledge we do not possess.'

Kenshin also possessed the Fire gate. A lot of his abilities were fire-related. He had spent a lot of time mulling through Bastian's knowledge of the element.

'Fire, according to Earth Science, is the release of light and heat from an exothermic reaction. Heat and temperature are interconnected, but contrary to popular belief, they do not mean the same thing. Knowing the distinction between heat and temperature can lead to a clearer understanding of the world around us. Both heat and temperature are aspects of fire but not identical.'

As the silvery white chains of Kenshin's Medici Matrix bonded, he continued to muse over his knowledge. He had Bastian's knowledge and perspective, but he needed to see the world through his own eyes as well. His name was Taiga, not Bastian.

'The reason why the concept of heat and temperature get confused is because of how closely they are related in real life. If one adds heat to something, its temperature goes up. If one reduces temperature, one is taking its heat away.

Heat is the total energy of the motion of the molecules of a substance, whereas temperature refers to the measure of the average energy of the motions of the molecules in the substance. The heat is dependent on factors like the speed of the particles, the size of the particles and the number of particles, etc. The temperature, on the other hand, is independent of these factors.' Kenshin breathed in as he churned the World Energy in his body along a specific route in his body. He realized how important it was to fuse his perspective into the knowledge he possessed.

' To simplify I will use the imagery of a tub of water with a cup of water. The water in the tub and the cup can be at the same temperature but by virtue of the number of particles in the tub, the water in the tub has more thermal energy in it and thereby more heat even though they have the same temperature.

Temperature is a number that relates to the energy possessed by the molecules of a substance, which directly relates to the kinetic energy possessed by the particles of the substance. The SI Unit of temperature is Kelvin. As we said earlier, the temperature is directly related to the kinetic energy of the molecules, therefore if one doubles the temperature (Kelvin) of a substance, one doubles the average kinetic energy possessed by those molecules.'

Bastian's air, humidity and heat sensitivity made him especially aware of how dangerous that flame was. He carefully observed it, before sighing in relief after seeing the stable forms of the silvery blue chains.

Bastian was only 90% confident that he could create a stable Medici Matrix using yin flames. And his confidence in his crazy idea was only about 70, but it was still worth trying. The Mark Bearer issue was still a problem. Soon Bastian knew he would be hunted down by Mark Bearers and their many custodians. He knew that he had been chosen late, which was a large disadvantage because true Mark Bearers were now a rarity while most had already become candidates or custodians like Vee.

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