
By Stupidifed333

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The White Mask Terrorist Threat is ever rising. Six does something Rainbow has never done before: recruits a... More

Kade Summers Character Profile
Chapter One: Beguiling Introductions
Chapter Two: Preliminary Preparations and the Mysterious Enigma
Chapter Three: Card Games and Operation Go, Go, Go!
Chapter Four: Date Night
Chapter Five: To Tame a Mole
Chapter Six: Ghost of the Past
Chapter 7: Operation Entrapment
Chapter Eight: The Never-Ending Downpour
Chapter Nine: Revelations
Chapter Ten: The Hunter
Chapter Eleven: Operations O'Plenty Part 1
Chapter Twelve: Operations O'Plenty Part Two
Chapter Thirteen: Operations O'Plenty Part 3
Chapter Fourteen: Ops O'Plenty Part 4
Chapter 15: Ops O'Plenty Part 5 (Final)
Chapter Sixteen: Homecoming
Chapter Seventeen: Birthday Bash
Chapter 18: Bar Night
Chapter Nineteen: The Shrink
William "Billy" Biddeford Character Profile
An Announcement
Side Story: The Hammer and the Scalpel
Chapter Twenty: Phase Two Prep and Valentines day
Chapter Twenty-One Scorched Earth Phase Two Part One and New Waters
Chapter Twenty Two: Operation Scorched Earth Part Two (Cont.)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Operation Scorched Earth Finale
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Pursuit of Happiness
Chapter Twenty-Six: Building Up
Chapter 27: Double Edged Swords
Chapter 28: Nights Like This

Chapter Twenty-Five: Subterfuge

408 8 0
By Stupidifed333

0900 Hours

March 16th, 2018

Herefordshire, England

Hereford Base, Car Lot

Kade strode across the complex in the chilly morning air, humming softly to himself as he made his way towards the infirmary. Ela had awoken with his alarm with a slight hangover, gave him a good morning kiss with closed, sleepy eyes and murmured that she would take care of the mess when she would clean the mess from the party the previous night. Kade had felt a pang of guilt but quickly buried it. She was simply lightening the load as his schedule for the day was full while she, on the other hand, was mostly free. Anna was there to greet him in the reception area.

"Good morning, Kade. Robbie and I had a lot of fun last night. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Good. Really good, actually. Better than I've felt in a while. Which is equal parts welcome and worrying, I think," Kade said. Anna laughed as she led him to Doc.

"I think to most it would be. The one thing you can be sure of is that the Doctor won't rest until he's found some answers for you," she reassured. Kade could feel good about that. He felt fine right now, which was good, but it would be better if he had a clearer picture of what his new condition might look like looking forward.

The first part of Doc's diagnostic test was by far the most boring. A list of questions that seemed to go on forever was thrown Kade's way, almost all of which he said no to except for the occasional yes. It was as painful as it was necessary. Though, being in the military tedious and laborious things such as this were often par for the course. Next was a full course in the realm of vitals, Doc running Kade through a gauntlet of a fitness test to get a full baseline started. Finally, Doc took some samples directly from Kade's arms to see what the blood work up would tell them. Doc walked him to the reception area.

"I must thank you, Kade. This mystery of yours allows me to do some work in the medical field I haven't had the chance to in a long time. It's nice, feeling like a doctor again," Doc said, offering his hand for a shake. Kade shook it firmly.

"Of course, Gustav. I trust the words of professionals. Same time tomorrow?" Doc nodded.

"Yes, but don't worry, it won't be as involved as today's test. You have my word on that."


The second thing on his agenda was a joint interview with operator candidates Sanaa El Matoub and Jalal El Fassi. One was a product of the Fortress, based in Morocco while the other was the leader of it. Kade had been given all the relevant documentation on the two, surprised to see that Rainbow had asked Fassi to join multiple times. He headed to his office, the place feeling cold and empty after he'd been away from it for so long. He had roughly twenty minutes before they arrived. He pulled up the emails he'd received on the two candidates with all their paperwork and credentials and printed them to the small personal printer he'd inherited from Harry. Compared to the small, cramped office he'd had bat Metropolitan back during his professorship his new office was quite the upgrade. It had double the floor space with a smooth oak and dark steel finish that spoke to Kade's simple but refined taste. Just as he'd laid out all the paperwork, there was a knock at his door. One of the recruits opened it, the two Moroccan operators making their way inside. Kade walked to them, his hand outstretched.

"Mr. Fassi, Miss Matoub, a pleasure to meet you both. I'm Doctor Kade Summers, resident behavioral psychologist, registered therapist, and operator from the Rainbow Six Counter-Terrorism Initiative. Please, take a seat," he said, gesturing to the two chairs facing forward to his desk. They sat, Jalal looking straight at Kade while Sanaa's gaze wandered around the room.

"Before we begin, I need you both to sign this non-disclosure agreement. I will be giving a vague run down of the kinds of operations we do here so even the smallest detail matters. Secrecy is often our best weapon. With the experience you both hold, I shouldn't expect this to be a problem," he continued, pushing pens and papers towards them. The two prospective operators signed with no complaints. Kade took a sip of some coffee before beginning his spiel.

"The two of you have extensive experience and are more than qualified to operate almost anywhere in the world. That being said, the team we've assembled here at Rainbow is different than anything you'll have ever seen, I guarantee it. We're tasked with combating threats that task forces at the highest jurisdictions can't touch. No red tape. No pushy government officials. Just the director and their orders. Currently, we're combating the greatest terrorist threat the free world has ever known. The White Mask. They have eyes and ears everywhere and have infiltrated all major bodies of military and government. Rainbow seeks out the best because that's what this threat will take, the best. That being said, do you have any questions?" Kade said. He let them take the information in. Even those with storied military careers would have a hard time imagining the true threat the White Mask held until they saw it themselves.

"Do you have reports available? On these White Mask?" Sanaa asked. Kade clicked a few times on his laptop and turned it towards the two. Jalal stroked his beard thoughtfully as Sanaa clicked through the reports he'd pulled up. He watched her eyebrows scrunch closer and closer together. Once they'd gotten far enough, Jalal stopped stroking his beard and a look of mild concern overtook his face. Jalal crossed his arms and looked Kade in the eye.

"I am used to giving orders. That is my role at the Fortress. I am entering what you Americans call 'my twilight years,' which means my window for field work is coming to a close. I know Rainbow recruits the best. I believe there is much I could learn here, a last opportunity to soak up knowledge before I cloister myself away to the fortress and its many responsibilities," Jalal said. Kade was pleasantly surprised. If this was the kind of perspective Jalal was willing to bring to the table upon entry, perhaps there wasn't as much to worry about as Harry had thought. Sanaa leaned forward slightly.

"As you most likely know, I've traveled far and wide. Along the way, I've learned many things. I was also taught by one of the best military instructors in Morocco," she said, giving Jalal a sidelong glance. "My goal is the same as his. I wish to experience and learn even more, and finally put many of the things I have learned to use," she said. Kade nodded in approval. He didn't need to ask them specifics about their previous exploits. The reports spoke for themselves.

"Good. Your callsigns will be Nomad and Kaid respectively when on operations. If your personal affairs aren't squared away, you have a week to sort them and report back here to Hereford base for duty. Do you have any questions?" Nomad nodded.

"Yes. If we've already taken care of our personal affairs, can we stay here and immediately report in?" Kade smiled at her.

"Then you're all set. You'll still have to wait a week until you're assigned on any operations. I would advise you spend your time familiarizing yourself with the base and your new comrades. Our resident band-aid, Doctor Gustav Kateb will also want you to report to him for a physical. He takes care of most of our medical needs here at base, so he'll want things as up to date as possible. Any further questions?" Silence was his answer. Kade nodded, getting up from his chair and extending his hand.

"Thank you both for coming, we're truly glad to have you. Welcome to Rainbow," he said. Kaid took his hand in a firm grip.

"Thank you for your warm welcome, Doctor Summers," he said. Nomad thanked him similarly before the two new Rainbow operators left his office. Now that the interviews were done, Kade had a conference call with Kali to attend.


When he got to the main administrative building of the base, the conference room had already been set up. Kali awaited him on a large projected screen taking up most of the wall at the front of the room. Her face appeared mostly neutral, but she smirked as soon as Kade came into view and sat down.

"Hey there, Summers. Glad to see you're still alive and kicking. How are you feeling?" Kade shrugged.

"Better than you would expect Ms. Shah. Why did you reach out to have this conference call?" Kade asked. He had his theories but hoped she would be forthright with her intentions.

"I wanted to clear the air. Maybe get you to listen to a little proposal of mine. Whaddya say?"

"Perhaps. What about the air needs clearing?" Kade said, starting the conversation.

"Did you poach Apha?" she asked, a serious edge to her normally playful tone of voice.

"When I said I wasn't back at the campus, I meant it. Apha came to me of her own volition. I'm not going to turn someone away on an offer or information for no good reason. If you're looking for someone to blame for her leaving, look in the mirror. It's your job as leader of Nighthaven to know your people and their needs inside and out. She will always remain thankful to you for what you did for her, that much will always be evident to me. However, if you knew her well at all, you would have known the current environment at Nighthaven doesn't suit her. If other members of your organization come to me asking questions, I won't turn them away either. You have my word that I will never actively seek them," Kade said. Kali's eyebrows were raised but she didn't bite back.

"Noted. Thank you for the clarification. Just out of curiosity, what would you do if I sought operators from Rainbow?" she said. Kade narrowed his eyes.

"Well, that would make you, my enemy."

"Oh? What do you do to your enemies, Doctor Summers?"

"I don't know. Ask them."

One of her foot soldiers came running off to the side, reporting something in a hushed tone.

"Fair enough. I did some homework while you were incapacitated, Doctor. Took some major digging but you've got one hell of a record. I've read enough of the dossier to know that making an enemy of you isn't a wise idea. That's why I've come up with a mutually beneficial proposal. Would you be willing to hear me out?"

Kade nodded. He'd need to talk to Dokkaebi later, figure out how Kali had gotten access to his files.

"It's a simple concept. We scratch each other's backs. If I feel like you have an operator that would suit one of my missions, I will ask to take them. You do the same with mine. What do you think?"

Kade thought it over, eyeing her over. He produced a black pipe from his vest pocket. He hadn't used one in a long while but missed the feeling, as he'd used them extensively working overseas.

"What is your motivation for this collaborative proposal?" he asked as he filled the pipe with tobacco.

"Call it a learning opportunity. You humbled me at Metropolitan College. I don't want it to happen again. You're a capable leader and I was hoping I might learn a thing or two from you. Good enough, Doctor?"

Kade struck a match and lit his pipe. He let the smoke fill his lungs as he sucked it in. He released it in one large, billowing cloud.

"I'll run it by the Director and see what they say. If they're on board, I'll let you know. This is your one opportunity, Ms. Shah. Remember, one wrong move and I'll be at Nighthaven for a destructive visit," he warned.

"As expected. I'll hear from you soon. Kali out," she said, the feed instantly disconnecting. Kade took another puff from his pipe. Now, it was off to brief Six.


As Kade walked in the brisk morning air, he heard the snap of a camera. His head snapped to the direction, Aruni looking at him in surprise from some distance away. She walked up to him, bundled in a thick winter coat and pants.

"I'm surprised you heard that, Kade. Another effect of the gas, perhaps?" she said. Kade shrugged as they walked along.

"It could be. At the very least, it'll be something to tell Gustav. Is photography a hobby of yours?"

She nodded, pulling up the photo she'd taken of him. It was a nice candid. Timed perfectly just after he'd taken a hit from his pipe.

"Impressive. You and Meghan may have quite a bit to talk about, then. I just talked with Kali. Depending on what Six says, we may start a collaboration with Nighthaven. Would you be comfortable going there for operations if asked?" Kade said. Aruni let her camera hang from her strap as she looked towards the rising morning sun. Kade heard a squeaking, the head of a small rat poking out from the dip in her jacket. Kade chuckled.

"Who do we have here?" he asked.

"This is Sniffer. He has a good nose for bombs," she explained, rubbing his chin affectionately with a finger before Sniffer retreated back into her coat.

"That wouldn't be an issue. My home is here, that is all that matters. See you later?" she said as they came up to the director's building. Kade nodded.

"Yes you will. Send Ela that picture if you get the chance. She loves stuff like that."


Six tapped her fingernails on the table. She was anxious to hear Kade's report. She'd read what other operators had submitted but she'd always valued Kade's analytical mind. She knew he'd also have the clearest perspective on Nighthaven and its wildcard leader, Jaimini Kalimohan Shah. Harry sat at a desk to her right, furiously scribbling notes down on a pad. Behind him, a cluttered corkboard was mounted on the wall. Six thought she'd get a migraine just looking at the thing, but if it made sense to Harry that was all that mattered. A soft knock alerted Six to Kade's arrival.

"Come in."

Kade entered, immediately taking off his dark pea coat and scarf. She was struck at his somewhat new appearance. Kade without his glasses was somewhat startling, what threw her off even more was his youthful appearance. His wrinkles were all but gone, as was his grey hair, his jet-black crew cut looking even more crisp than before. He had a vigor and vitality that she hadn't previously perceived. At least on the surface, his changes seemed to only benefit him.

"Good morning, everyone," Kade said, immediately taking a seat in front of Six's desk.

"Ah! Kade! Glad to see you alive and well! How did this morning go with our Moroccan friends?" Harry said.

"Well, I think. We have two new operators, Nomad and Kaid fit for operational duty by the start of next week," Harry clapped his hands together with a big smile on his face.

"Excellent! I'm surprised Mr. Jalal was dissuaded from leaving back to the Fortress. Was it something you said?" Kade shook his head.

"I didn't have to say anything. Rainbow's pedigree spoke for itself. He is insightful enough to know his time in the field is coming to a close. He wants a few more tricks to put on the tool belt before going back to the Fortress. His devotion to his country and their military operations is truly admirable," he said. Six brought her hands together with her fingers crossed.

"Good. Is there anything you can tell me about Roman Alverez that the reports failed to mention?" Six asked. Kade took a paper from the small briefcase he'd brought with him.

"There is little I can build on from the field reports due to the nature of our interaction. He is certainly eccentric. More importantly, we know I scare him, which is good. He didn't kill Ela or Apha despite having a clear opportunity to. Given enough time and opportunity, I will find a crack in his foundation," Kade said. Six stared at him. She still had some questions. While, considering the context, it was likely he was the leader of the White Mask, they needed more intel before they could be completely sure.

"Why do you think he left the bombs at the campus? It only helps us in learning how to dismantle them," Six said.

"It could be a number of things. He could see it as a nonissue. He could be planning on attacks or schemes that don't require bombs of that caliber. It also could have been a ploy or red herring on his part. It's difficult to say without-"

"-more decisive intel, right?" Harry finished for him. Kade nodded. Harry was more like him than he preferred to admit.

"Alright. I'll need you and Harry planning out at least two intelligence gathering operations by the end of the next day. Where do we stand with Nighthaven?"

"That depends on you, Director. Ms. Shah wants to start something of a partnership. We 'borrow' operatives from her organization, and she can do the same with ours. With approval from both sides of course," Kade explained. Six raised her eyebrow. She wasn't sure she liked where this was going.

"It would be on an operation-to-operation basis. No one would on either side would be asked or coerced to stay permanently. My best guess is that she wants to win over some of our more tech-savvy operators with some of the toys she has. I actually had a proposal regarding the matter, if you'd hear me out," Kade said, relief washing over Six like fresh air to her lungs.

"Let's hear it," she said.

"Between the three of us, we make an unofficial blacklist of operators that can't go to Nighthaven. Temperament, drive, and technological expertise will all be under consideration. Essentially, those with personality traits that closely resemble Kali's will need to be flagged. Next, with the help of the intelligence unit, I'd like to make several shell companies to start buying up her stock and tech. She's a shrewd businesswoman but top heavy with all the responsibility she carries. If we break down the schedule for the buys and stock trades and time it perfectly, we should get away scot-free. More importantly, we slip the noose around Nighthaven without them knowing it and get our hands on some of their tech to keep incentive. I would also advise reaching out to heads of state and intelligence for all our allies and see what favors we can pull in for extra funding and tech. What do we think?"

Six and Harry looked at each other. This was the reason Kade had been considered the CIA's best kept secret. His intellect in everything related to military was what brought him to Rainbow. He had no unique ability or gadget, only his mind. That, of course, was his deadliest weapon.

"I approve. Harry, any thoughts?" Harry shook his head, a somewhat dumbstruck smile on his face.

"None. Doctor Summers, I am always in admiration of your intellect," he said. Kade chuckled,

"No need for the flattery, Dr. Harishva, you would have come up with something similar in my place I'm sure," he said. Harry put a hand on Kade' shoulder,

"Actually Kade, I wouldn't have. As appealing and polite as humbleness is, it is okay to accept a compliment occasionally. I wrote a paper on the benefits of accepting them if you'd ever like to take a look," he said, Kade rolled his eyes as he stood.

"Is that sufficient for a report, Ma'am?" Six nodded. Kade hadn't given her a bad report yet.

"Yes. Should I let Michael know you're coming?"

"Yup. Harry, I'll link up with you later so we can start on the blacklist and intel ops. Keep your email open," Kade said, grabbing his coat and scarf off the hook and heading out the door.

"You sure know how to pick them, Aurelia," he said. Six's finger tapping had slowed to a regular, steady rhythm on her desk.

"Yes, I do."


Michael Konlan was the head of Rainbow's financial division. He was young, driven, and somewhat obsessive when it came to his job. He always dressed professionally: slacks, a button-up and a tie, however, due to his infatuation with numbers, his clothes were often rumpled from sleeping in the office. Kade never chastised the man. Kade found his work ethic too admirable to ever truly rebuke him. He could tell the young man was excited, as it was rare the financial department was involved in anything remotely near espionage. Kade more or less supervised as Michael and their intelligence operatives conferenced, Kade offering occasional details and advisement when needed. At different points during his storied career, he'd taken part or learned what went into fighting wars unseen. He'd started young, doing small things around the house to either sabotage or assuage his father depending on the circumstance. Control and manipulation were always the key factors involving conflict on a covert scale. Whilst the members of the two departments were deliberating on the details, Kade was also making notes on the operations he and Harry were supposed to plan. Thus far, Finka, IQ, Smoke, and Pulse were on his blacklist. While her loyalty to Rainbow was growing due to her budding romance with Tachanka, she would still go where the technology was the finest. Kade had sent Six an email saying her first call should be for funds to entirely revamp the medical lab. Rainbow's technology was nothing to snuff at but Nighthaven had them beat. She was the most likely to leave if better, newer technology was exposed to her. IQ would be the second. Finka had very good personal reasons to her thirst for cutting edge tech, IQ on the other hand was just a tech nerd. Smoke and Pulse were different. They liked to be challenged and exposed to newer, exciting things. Nighthaven was all that and more. Kade didn't feel guilty for what he was doing. This was just another counter measure against the White Mask. Rainbow couldn't be fighting a war on two fronts with the White mas, which was exactly what Kali wanted. Kade had learned quickly from observing her that Kali only played nice if it was for her benefit. It was a near impossibility that Kali wouldn't attempt to stab him in the back at some point during their "partnership." He just had to be sure he'd be the one to stab first.


It wasn't until much later that evening that Kade finally started walking back towards the spire. Planning with Harry had taken longer than expected. Both men possessed a similar attitude towards responsibility in that, when given a task, it was best to complete that task as soon as possible. Surprisingly, he didn't feel all that tired. To be more precise, he felt like he had plenty of energy left in the tank. When he entered the Spire, he was pleasantly surprised to see it had been cleaned of all the refuse and clutter from the night before. Ela laid on his bed, reading a book. She lay on her stomach, one leg resting while the other hung in the air, dipping up and down slowly in an idle fashion. The wood stove was burning, making the spire toasty and comfortable. She only wore black shorts and one of his white t-shirts, her faded green hair pulled up in a simple ponytail. She looked up as soon as she heard his footsteps. She flashed him a warm smile.


"Hey yourself. Thanks for cleaning up, darling," Kade said, unclipping his tie and heading towards his standing closet.

"It was nothing. How did everything go today? Do we have two new comrades?"

Kade found that her question made him realize something. Thinking back to her original psychological profile, it would have been rare for her to express kinship towards other operators. She was growing as a person and Kade couldn't be happier.

"Yes. Jalal and Sanaa. Honestly, I think Jalal may remind you of your father. The good parts, anyways," Kade said as put his vest on a hanger and away in the closet.

"Oh? Hm, I'll be looking forward to then," Ela said. Kade could hear her shift her weight in the bed, most likely watching him now as he undressed.

"How about Kali? What did she want?"

"A treaty and a truce. A mutual agreement between Rainbow and Nighthaven to do joint ops, no strings attached."

"Do you believe in her intentions?"

"No. Not a chance, moje kochanie." (Translation: my love.)

Kade took off his shirt, throwing it in an oak hamper, leaving only a white-tank top and his boxer briefs. He turned to Ela who was eyeing him up and down with a smirk on her face.

"Come here. Hold me," Ela said. Kade had no problem following that order. They cuddled up close, basking in the other's warmth and comfort. This. This was all Kade needed at the end of the day. This was what he'd fight to his dying breath to protect.   

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