They don't know about us ~ Jo...

By nellynorris

119K 1.5K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... More



4.3K 65 65
By nellynorris

"If you go on my TikTok videos, I never wear my glasses. I just wear it to see 'cause right now I'm blind." Max explains. "I no, I wear glasses as well." Destini swings her sunglasses in her hand.

"Shush." Max tells her making everyone laugh. "And he wants you to rate him so now, you have to consider that. He's disrespectful to women." Ilyas says.

"You need to give a point, explanation, evidence and reason." Billy says from the top of his bunk. "I'll be real yeah, I don't find you attractive. Like, if you tried to move to me, I would shut you down." Destini tells Max, making everyone ohhh. Billy starts talking but gets cut off by a loud ping.

"Oh my god, guys we've got a text!" Ilyas shouts, from next to Holly making her cover her ears. "Shut up mate, your gonna make me go deaf. Now help me up." She grabs hold of him to pull her up. "Your so lazy." Ilyas scoffs dragging her up. "Shut up." She pushes him as they walk out of the room.

"Holly, as you're the last one, you can choose which team you would like to join." The housemates hear through the speakers.

"You blue team are doing down, I did phycology in college. I'll be able to read you all like a book." Holly states as she sits down next to Chip. "Of course, you chose that team." Grace scoffs.

"What does that mean?" Holly leans forward. "You know exactly what I mean." The blonde points to the brunette, making her cheeks go red.

"Oi look at their faces, wat... watch, try and look for tales." Harry tells his group.

"After a Christmas Eve night out, I once came home drunk, and ruined Christmas by demolishing the pre-cooked turkey in the fridge that was ready for Christmas Day." Harry reads our first. "I clocked it." Max says straight after Harry finished reading. "It's definitely not Ilyas." Billy takes down one person.

"I clocked it. It's Kate." Max says. "Yeah, it's Kate hundred per cent." Grace agrees. "I was gonna say either Kate or Olivia." Billy also agrees. "I'm gonna, I'm gonna trust my team. We're saying Kate demolished the turkey." Harry says holding up Kate's picture. "I can't lie that's a long picture, you know." Max looks at the blonde, making the red and blue team laugh.

"Blue team, you are, incorrect." Sugarlips says as the lights turn red. Making the red team cheer and the blue team moan.

"I knew it man I knew it." Harry says. "Let's say who it was." Destini looks back at the group, Chip puts his hand up as a joke. "No, no, it wasn't me." He quickly says as everyone started shouting. "Oh, I thought it was you." Harry says as he sits back down.

"My dad was in a plane crash. And he was the pilot." Ilyas reads out, making Max laugh. "You laughing?" Grace asks in shock staring at the boy next to her.

"Your dad crashed a plane?" Billy asks like he doesn't believe it. "And he was the pilot." Ilyas says to Billy. "I feel like it's Rachel you know." Destini speaks up.

"It's Rachel." Kate points to the girl agreeing with her. "Cause she's not reacting." Destini then says. "We are locking in, Harry. Nightscape." Ilyas holds up a picture of the man. "Which means I no Urm him because he was happy about us locking it in." Chip says.

"Red team, you are, incorrect."

"I literally said." Kate hops up on the sofa. "I once thought sanitary towels were slippers, so I used to put them on my feet, and waddle around the house." Grace reads. "I clocked it. Why's she laughing?" Max points to Liv who's looking at the floor. "Olivia locked in." Grace says.

"Blue team, you are, incorrect."

"You guys need to stop listening to Max, I swear." Holly leans forward. "One time, I went to link someone. Link who would use that word? Think about it guys. One time, I went to link someone, after talking to them for two months. Waited two hours for them, and they never came." Destini eyes up the blue team as she reads.

Holly looks throughout the blue group trying to figure out who it was, while her team, 'ooohhhss.' "I feel like that's Max." Destini says looking towards her group. "All I'm saying is that, whoever you pick, means you don't rate them." Billy says.

"Yeah, that's exactly what we're doing." Ilyas nods. "That's exactly what we're doing, no reverse phycology. I think it's Billy because of that reverse phycology."

"Nah, Nah, but, but, he doesn't want. He doesn't want us to pick him, I reckon this was Billy, in his fucking L stage. When you had negative game." Chip says.

"Nah don't listen to Chip or Ilyas Destini. It's most definitely one hundred per cent Max." Holly says as she leans over the two boys. "I'm gonna listen to Holly, sorry boys. Bruda, what's his name? Max." Destini holds up Max's picture.

"Red team, you are correct."

"I fucking told you!" Holly jumps up at the same time as Chip and Destini. "I told you!" She repeats as he and Chip jump up and down while they hug. "Why were you waiting two hours." Holly laughs as everyone calms down. "The girl was leng." Max says embarrassed.

"You guys ready yeah? Once I got locked out of a chalet." Max reads out. "It's Kate." Grace claps her hands together before Max can even finish reading the paper. "It's Kate, it's a chalet it's Kate." Grace persists.

"In a chalet, in France, on a ski trip and had to get in a bin truck, and do a bin run with them until I could get in." Max reads, Holly and Chip looking at each other for a split second, before the brunette let's out a little laugh. "It's not Kate." Grace shakes her head after hearing the rest of the story.

"This could easily be Chip." Harry points to the boy he's talking about. "This could easily be Chip." Harry repeats as Chip nods his head. "Okay, we'll do Chip." Grace tells Max.

"What's Chip gonna be doing on a chalet?" Max asks as he sits back down. "Chalet." Everyone corrects him. "I've been on skiing trips." Chip tells the youngest boy.

"What about Olivia? She's sitting there all low-key." Harry suggests. "Nah, I don't trust her. She's a booky gyal Yano, smiling for I reason." Max shakes his head. "Hey, max just say who you think it is." Billy tells the boy as he picks up a ping-pong racket.

"No, it's Chip." Rachel tells Max as she sees him pick up Kate's picture. "No trust me, Max Khadar gonna get it right." He sits back down. "Guys, I'm locking it in. Kate Elisabeth." He says.

"Blue team, you are, incorrect."

"I'm kinda decent at magic." Kate reads as she stares down the blue team. "That is so random." Kate laughs. "It's Harry." Holly says but no one heard her, as Destini talks over her,

"I feel like it's Grace. Look at her face." She points to the girl. "I think it's one of the two because he does Rubik's cube." Ilyas starts. "So do I and I'm shit at magic." Holly tries to reason with Ilyas.

"It's Harry." Holly taps Chip on the shoulder, as the others try and figure out who it is. "Why do you think that?" Chip asks her. "Well one, Harry showed me a magic trick today, and you think Grace is gonna sit there and do a magic trick, think about it Chip." Holly tells him. "Your right." He nods.

"Grace hasn't got any time, for anything that's not boys or alcohol, so I..." Chip says, as he turns around from talking to his girlfriend. "And Holly said Harry showed her a magic trick today..." Chip carries on, making Holly smile.

"Oh, poker face, poker face." Harry says to Grace as she starts to smile. "Oh my god! Wait... he did a magic trick on me, it's him." Destini freaks out. "Yeah. Holly's already told us that." Liv tells the girl making her stop jumping us and down. "Oh." Destini says embarrassed.

"Kinda embarrassing if you ask me. Like she wouldn't have been... if she listened she would have known that Chip had already told everyone I've said that." Holly laughs looking into the camera.

"Okay, Harry locked in." Kate says.

"Red team, you are, correct."

"Your so smart!" Chip turns around to his girlfriend, and starts cheering, making her smile. "That's so bait! That's so bait! Bro I was literally like, I was thinking please don't remember that I did a magic trick for you." Harry stands up and points to Holly. "I remember everything." Holly laughs as Harry sits back down.

"I think I'm a good singer, despite people telling me I'm terrible." Billy says looking at the paper. "I know exactly who this is." The Khadar boy speaks. "It is probably uhh, a girl." Billy says.

"Come on don't look at Kate she's got the Taylor Swift thing going on, like shit Yano. Could be Kate." Chip tries telling them. "No one, apart from Taylor Swift, has the Taylor Swift thing going on Chip, and it's rude to even think you think that." Holly shakes her head staring at the man.

"She's looking nervous look, look at this." Harry gets up at points to Destini. "I think Destini." Billy says. "I'm not nervous." Destini shrugs looking at Harry.

"No, I think, because she usually does the thing where she tries to make it seem like it's her. But, this time she didn't react at all." Billy explains his reasoning as to why he thinks it's Destini. "Guy already knows the girl." Max is quick to say making Chip 'ooooohhhh'.

"Locked in." Billy sits down holding Destini's picture up.

"Blue team, you're are, incorrect."

"You lot are shit." Holly laughs pointing at Billy and Max. "I've been able to do the splits since I was six years old after my sister accidentally pushed me down on practising." Liv reads. "It's Rachel, she told me, it's Rachel. Lock it in bruv, where is it? Lock, it in." Destini freaks out.

"Red team, you are, correct."

"Is this supposed to be hard?" Holly looks around the housemates. "Oh shut up, I did phycology in college." Grace mimics the girl. "I don't sound like that." Holly laughs. "Yeah, you do." Grace nods.

"I caught my ex cheating on me outside an Airbnb." Rachel reads out. "Max, you said you're the type to get cheated on." Ilyas says. "I can't lie, you're the type of guy to get cheated on. So yeah, I'll say you." Max says pointing to the girl in a pink tracksuit. "All right I'm not listening, to any of you. I'm just, gonna go with my gut." Rachel walks to the table picking up a picture.

"All right, locked in, I am going to say, Destini, locked it in." Rachel turns the racket with the girl's face on it. "Yeah, because she is looking vexed all through that. She'd be looking so angry." Billy leans back.

"Blue team, you're are, correct."

"It's rude sugartits, I mean I know they got a point, but Dest just said she got cheated on! It's not a laughing matter." Holly scoffs.

"It was an Airbnb, he told me he was staying at his friend's house. Then I stayed in my car, like hiding. And then he was walking In with the girl, holding her hand." Destini tells the story ignoring everyone's little comments.

"Ahh babes, it happens to the worst of us. My ex-girlfriend cheated on me, we were together for four years." Holly says as she gets up and hugs the girl.

"No, who'd wanna cheat on you?" Destini wraps her arms around the girl. "I don't know." Holly shrugs. "Her loss." Destini scoffs. "I know right, I'm fucking sexy." The brunette points to herself. "Yes, girl! Know your worth." Destini clicks her fingers. "

"How did you get that though?" Destini turns to Rachel as she hugs Holly. " I could just tell. That, like, a guy who's, not like a guy's done you bad yeah. But the way you..." Rachel says trying to find the right words. "Wha... What you tryna say here." Destini leans more into Holly.

"No, not I'm that way! But, I could tell out of everyone that you probably experienced it. If that makes sense?" Rachel tells her. "What, it looks like I've been through emotional damage?" Destini questions.

"Nooo." Rachel says. "I thought you were gonna pick me for that one." Holly pretends to wipe away fake sweat. "Why?" Billy and Max ask. "Well like I was dating this girl, fifteen to nineteen. Long time." Holly scoffs.

"And basically, she left me on delivered all day yeah. So, I went to her house and caught her shagging a different girl. Heart equal broke." Holly makes a heart shape with her hand and broke it.

"To be honest I thought she was lesbian. But, she has a kid now and is single. Ha, tough luck for her, shouldn't have cheated." Holly scoffs, leaning back in the chair.

"But it's fine, my boyfriend has put my heart back together!" Holly cheers making everyone else cheer along with her. "Now that we're all in happy spirits, how about we let the blue team have another go?" Holly shrugs her shoulders, as she stands up.

"Why would you suggest that?" Ilyas shouts as the blue team cheers. "Well, it's not like they're gonna win." She slowly sits down next to Chip.

"I walk around my house in only my underwear, and I have no shame in doing so." Grace laughs while reading the card out. "Well, it could be any of them." Harry tells his group as they, stare out red team.

"I think it's a girl." Billy says. "Well, do you girls walk around your house in your underwear?" Max looks between the girls in his team. "No, I live with my parents. So I can't." Grace shrugs.

"I walk around my home fully clothed." Rachel looks at the boy. "Well, that doesn't help." Max itches his head. "I reckon it's Holly." Harry points out. "Why me?" Holly points to herself.

"You just, seem like the girl to walk around with no clothes on." Harry shrugs his shoulders. "Wow, you think so little of me." She rolls her eyes.

"Now... Now that you say that. I agree with you on that one. Because hear me out yeah. Every time I FaceTime Holly, she's rather on the toilet seat, in the bath or walking around with no clothes on." Grace lists off.

"Is that who we're going for?" Billy double-checks. "Yeah. Holly locked in." Grace holds holly's picture up.

"Blue team, you are, correct."

"Don't look at me." Holly turns away from everyone. "You basically just gave them a point." Chip says to her. "Are we excusing the fact she walks around freely?" Destini says. "Yeah, like, what if someone unexpectedly comes around?" Liv leans forward and looks at the girl.

"Well, it's not like they'll see much." Holly scoffs. "What do you mean?" Max asks clueless. "I mean, have you seen me? I'm built like a twig. Medium ass, flat chest, I don't know what my boyfriend sees in me." Holly laughs drinking her drink.

"I think you have perfect tits and a nice arse." Grace speaks. "Ahh, thanks Hunny, means a lot. Meet me out back tonight yeah." Holly winks, throwing her head in the direction of the back door. "You know it wifey." Grace blows her a kiss.

"So, what happens if someone knocks on your door?" Destini asks. "Oh, I won't lie, I answer the door in my underwear." The brunette shrugs. "What if it's your mum?" Billy wonders. "I came out of her pussy, she can see me in my underwear." Holly laughs.

"Red team, you are, the winners."

"Woohoo! In your faces." Holly shouts, as she stands up and cheers with her team. "Where's he off to?" She laughs, as she watches Chip leg it out of the room.

"We are the winners. We are the winners, you guys are the losers." Ilyas says to the blue team, while Holly walks off to try and find Chip.

"On a gang ting, let me just say this one more time for you people, init. Really and truly, if I wanna bag her, you, you, you, you and you, anyone I could." Max stands up and points to all the girl.

"Please, I beg, you're not bagging anyone here." Rachel shouts. "Nah but Grace and Holly have a man, you can't bag them." Ilyas looks at Max.

"Huh?" Max leans a bit closer to him. "They have a man." Ilyas repeats. "Oh, walahi, there's been times, when gyal have a man, and they're still tryna move to my ting. Come on, you know how it is." He explains to the man.

"Oi Max, I'd leave you out in the cold, for two hours, like that other chick." Holly shouts from beside Chip, making Max turn to her. "That's not nice." The nineteen-year-old shakes his head. "Okay, and?" Holly questions.

"Oi, I can't lie, Olivia is leng." Max disrupts the other girls' conversation. "That is a thing I would agree with you with." Holly nods her head, pointing at the nineteen-year-old.

"To be honest yeah, let me tell you one thing yeah. You know Calfreezy, he reacted to me once. And he was like, I think he was like, he didn't say he's not funny but, he was like, he reacted and was like. Jus... Just uhh mini Niko. He just violated me, so when I see Clafreezy, yeah he's probably gonna get smoked." Max tells everyone, as he stands in for of them.

"He's gonna be watching this, you know. He's actually gonna be watching this. Tell him right now." Chip points to the camera. "Shout out to my guy Calfreezy. Yo, Calfreezy, my boy and that, I love fellas, please put me on it." Max says into the camera lens making everyone laugh. A loud ting can be heard, making everyone stand up.

"Chip help me up." Holly holds her hands out to the man. "Get up yourself." He smiles as he stands in front of her. "Please." She drags out leaning backwards. "Alright." He huffs grabbing hold of her hands.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Holly asks as she sees that Chip has a massive grin on his face. Chip doesn't say anything and just pulls Holly up at full force. "Fuck me, when I said help me up, I didn't mean pull me back up my mum's pussy." Holly scoffs as she falls into Chip's chest.

"Well, I got you up, didn't I?" He walks into the house his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, and nearly gave me bloody whiplash, while you were at it!" She raises her voice looking at the man. "Oh well, it's done now." Chip shrugs.

"got a point." Max shouts happy with himself. "Ahh, we got one. No way. You guys got two more points than us." Harry says looking at the leaderboard. "Wait, why has Harry got a point?" Destini asks walking into the sitting room. "Everyone's got a point." Holly says to the girl.

"I'm not last tho. So, I'm fine with it. I'm actually fine with it." Grace says proudly of herself. "Wait, to be fair it doesn't matter. Because, either way, you've got one point." Kate explains it, to Grace.

"So people are voting for us now?" Max looks at the couple. "Yeah." They say at the same time. "So now you've gotta be in your A game." Chip looks at the boy. "Hey, guys my name is Max Khadar and I love charity." The nineteen-year-old says.

"You see that name, that's staying there this whole season." Holly points to her name, that's at the top of the leaderboard. "No, it won't." Grace scoffs. "It will." Holly throws her hands up and accidentally hits chip in the face.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" Holly turns around and holds Chip's face. "Well, you just hit me in the face. How do you think I'm feeling?" Chip groans holding onto his nose. "I think I'm bleeding." The man says pointing to his nose.

"Okay, I'll take you to the bathroom." Holly grabs his shoulders. "Guys I'm going to go and check on Chip's nose. I hit it." Holly informs the group as she walks away. "Alright." They all said paying attention to the scoreboard.

Holly's POV:

"I didn't mean to hit you. I'm so sorry." I apologise, as I and Chip walk up the stairs. "Holly it's fine." Chip waves me off. "But I'm sorry." I keep apologising. "And I've already told you it's fine." Chip walks into the bathroom. "How's your nose?" I ask as I shut the door behind us.

I see Chip turn around with a sly smile on his face. "Where's the blo..." I start, but Chip put his finger over his mouth, indicating me to shut up. I give my boyfriend the what the fuck look.

'Mic.' He mouths pointing to his. "What?" I ask out loud, Chip just rolls his eyes and walks closer to me. "What are you doing?" I look down seeing Chip mess around with my mic.

"Did you just turn my mic off?" I follow chip as he stands up. "Yep." He nods dusting his hands off. "Why?" I cross my arms. "Well, we've spent all day together, and it's been insufferable. I haven't been able to give you a proper hug, kiss you, or say I love you." He lists of making me smile.

"So why don't you do that now?" I ask as I feel a blush crawl up my cheeks. "You are too beautiful." Chip shakes his head, as he brings me into a hug.

"And you are too handsome, coming up with a plan just to tell me you love me." I giggle. "Did you just giggle?" Chip laughs. "Don't that was cringe." I hold my finger up to his face.

"It was cringe." Chip agrees. "Erm, rude. You're not supposed to agree." I slap his shoulder jokingly. "Okay, I think your little giggle was really cute." He kisses me on the top of my head.

"That's more like it." I nod swaying our bodies side to side. "Hurry up, I need a piss." Me and chip stop swaying when we hear Max's voice.

"Give me a god damned minute. I'm cleaning up blood in here." I shout in the direction of the door. "I love you." Chip smiles as he kisses me on the lips. "I love you." I bring him into another kiss.

"Hurry up." Max bangs on the door. "Don't forget your mic." Chip says to me as I'm about to walk out the door. "Smart idea." I nod turning it back on.

"Do you have no patience?" I swing the door open seeing Max in a weird position. "I need a piss, move out of the way." He waddles passed me. "Is he alright?" I look to Chip who closes the door behind him.

"He'll survive." He nods walking towards the stairs. "Do you wanna check out the gym?" Chip starts stepping down the stairs. "Sure." I shrug.

Third person:

"Where's my Rubix cube?" Chip suddenly stands up, scaring Holly making her fall off the exercise ball she was on. "Are you serious?" The Lewis girl asks the man. "Nah, have you seen my Rubix cube?" Chip asks, helping Holly up. "In the room, I'm pretty sure, I've been completing it, every time someone messes it up." She laughs walking away.

Authors note:

The first episode is finally done.

Thanks for all the support on this book guys, it means a lot.

Now you've seen Holly more, what do you think of her?

Anything I can as to her character.

And I need ideas for what Harry's gonna post on Holly's Instagram. Give me some stuff.

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