By Unpolished_Jen

5.6K 113 180


Interview list.
Interviewing misguided_angel
Interviewing iAntelope
Interviewing Safiaa56
Interviewing Just_let_go
Interviewing xXxTyeXx
Interviewing: MissRandom
Interviewing MessageInABottle
Interviewing: Script-
Interviewing: xxRandomxThoughtsxx
Interviewing: NeverShoutAlex
Interviewing JESSaBELLIE
Interviewing: ninaricci05
Interviewing: Lion


331 11 14
By Unpolished_Jen

Interviewing Frakkevin                                                         April 17, 2011

Q: How’d you find about Wattpad?

A: Google.

Q: How the heck do you find Wattpad on Google, did you type anything specific for you to find Wattpad?

A:  Writing website...duh

Q: Lol, thank you, much better. So, did you have an option before you clicked on Wattpad?

A: Yes, urbis.com, but it got shutdown because of a virus…

Q: Before the virus was it any good than Wattpad?

A: Yes, the reviews were more critical.

Q: Do you find Wattpad helpful even if the reviews on here aren’t that critical. If yes, why?

A: Helpful grammar wise, not often. But the energy of the reader here inspires to write more. Sometimes it’s good to know your work is enjoyed by others.

Q: So what really made you sign up and what was your first story that you read?

A: I signed up out of boredom, and the first story I ever read had to be something written by, Blondefangs.

Q: Amazing, how boredom takes you to places. So, even though you were bored, did you remember how old you were?

A: It was last year....so 21 on the outside...barely legal in the inside..Wink

Q: lol suuure. So, how old are you now?

A: Dude..Come on with the age questions, making me feel like a grandpa.

Q: lol, Alright. I’ll just assume you’re 22. Gosh. I hope you’re not old as the stars! Zing, ooh you had it coming because now, I’m going to ask you what is your sign?

A: A naughty, hotty, Sagittarius.

Q:-Chokes not as hot as me chokes- sorry, I ate something, I guess it didn’t go down. Anyways, so do you hate the new changes of Wattpad?

A: No, because it does not determine the quality of the work posted here.

Q: Would you like to explain?

A: No, can we move on already....spa date

Q: Lol. Sure. Don’t want to ruin that. So what was the randomist thing, you’ve ever done?

A:Cchange clothes in an abandoned house.

Q: Why’d you do that, is it because you forgot the directions to your house?

A: My pants were dirty..So I made my little cousin switch with me.

Q: How old were you when you did that?

A: I don't know, but it was awesome.

Q: Too old to remember, huh, so, do you have any talents or play any instruments?

A: I can write, play final fantasy, and crap like that.

Q: Do you have a life besides being on Wattpad?

A: I only have 1 life. I'm not a cat. I divide it into portions.

Q: Lol, That made me want food. Do you have a character that means a lot to you or a story?

A: I love you baby. It’s a story I take the most serious.

Q: Why and would you care to explain what the story is about?

A: It's about a girl risking her life for love. No matters who says no.

Q: MM. sounds interesting, so do you have any favorite Wattpad writers?

A: osidanbutterfly13

Q: Who are your favorite authors outside of Wattpad?

A: I’m not an avid reader.

Q: So, pretty much you're a writer. Got it, okay so, what is your pet peeve?

A: Not being included...AND, being included

Q: Mm. Who would you leave out? Pfft, Probably Hobos selfish idiots. Do you like sports?

A: Does wrestling and hobo chucking count?

Q: Wrestling yes, Hobo thing no. Do you actually do wrestling?

A: Illegally....

Q: *Gasps* what do you mean?

A: slamming those you call friends or family

Q: Oh lol. Woo, you scared me. So what type of music do you listen to?

A: Indie music, I’m not into the main stream scene...you know...elitist

Q: Haha yea. What are your favorite TV shows?

A: TONS, right now true blood, sanctuary, the good wife, a like a lot of comedies....I'm kind of an tv addict....loser, SOOO

Q: Big time xD. What type of genres do you write?

A: I write any except for fantasy.

Q: So that’s your least favorite?

A: Yes

Q: What makes you come up with your ideas?

A: Random words, for example the word stripper inspired one of my stories.

Q: Lol xD. Which story was that? Remember I only read one which was Norbus.

A: I think Hillary Today...a short that I published completely on Amazon.com

Q: Lol are you serious? xD

A: Yup

Q: Were almost done ): *sniffs* last question, well, you know before the random question.

A: Ok

Q: You have to cry! *sniffs* what is your goal out of this?

A: Hmm, honestly I don't know. I tell myself often that I'm not any good at writing, hopefully those who read will continue to tell me I'm wrong.

Q: I’ll be the first one (:

A: Merci

Q:  You’re welcome. So, random question: What did you do three hours ago?

A: Watch Scream 4...it was awesome.

Q: Oh pfft, I’m still watching the first one. lol. Anyways were done, did you have a fun time?

A: I guess, thank you for asking me to do this.


After interview:

ME: And cut! lol pft, I never asked you xD

Him: Get me out of here...where's my agent

ME: Your agent is busy......with your mom. Whoa! Never saw that coming, huh xD

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