Ten | Byler

By nowmemoriees

5.7K 309 584

- "It's the ten-second rule. Think about what you're gonna say for ten seconds before giving an answer. That'... More

Before you read
1. Owner
2. Memories
3. Believe or Not
5. Lies
6. Away
7. Ten
8. Onions
9. Nightmare
10. The Omen
11. The feeling
12. Stars
13. Crazy Together
14. In Love
15. No fire
16.Thanks for reading

4. Just an illusion

301 16 50
By nowmemoriees

Minutes later, the entire group gathered for lunch together in the hospital cafeteria.

Mike and Will were quieter than usual, since they could not continue their conversation in front of their friends for obvious reasons.

The tension was palpable at this point.

- Hey uh… I was thinking of going for some burgers tonight. You know, to spend some time together. It’s friday. We haven’t had a proper meeting since you guys arrived from California... and we don’t know when Vecna is going to attack again. - Lucas proposed, looking at Mike and Will.

- Sounds good to me. - Will replied, still looking at his plate. - I’ll tell El when I’m get home.

- Same here. - Dustin added, smiling.

- I’m in. - Mike said, also looking at his plate.

As if both he and Will were trying to avoid meeting each other’s eyes.

- Cool. - Lucas smiled.

- Do you think we’re gonna find a burger joint that is still open in Hawkins? - Dustin asked.

- Of course, Dustin. People need to work. - Lucas replied. - I wish I could say the same for the arcade, but all of their games are out of service due to electrical shorts generated by the gates. - He added.

- What?! - Dustin, Mike and Will exclaimed at the same time.

- Not the arcade - Will said, sad.

- It’s the worst day of my life. - Dustin exclaimed.

Hours later, the group met at the burger joint next to the arcade, the place they always used to go years ago.

On one side of the table, Lucas, Dustin and El were sitting together.

- This is delicious. - El exclaimed.

- I know, right?! - Dustin replied - I'm glad you finally tried one of these burgers.

Across the same table, Mike, Will and Erica were sitting together.

- Remember when we always used to cut up our burgers and swap ha-

- Halves? - Will interrupted Mike, handing him a half burger that he had already cut for him.

- I knew it. - Mike said, also handing Will his half hamburger. - Extra catsup? - He asked.

Will nodded.

- Extra cheddar? - He asked.

- As always. - Mike replied.

They both smiled and blushed a little.

They used to have dinner there often when they were kids, but this time it felt different.

- Hey extra-nerds, could you pass me the salt? - Erica interrupted the moment.

-Sure. - Will said, nervous.
- Sorry. - Mike said at the same time.

They both extended their hands to reach the salt.

Their hands met while they both grabbed the salt shaker at the same time. And, apparently, none of them had any intention to release them.

They blushed again.

- For today, please - Erica said, sarcastically.

- Oh, sorry. - Will said, handing the salt to Erica. - Sorry. - He repeated, this time talking to Mike.

It was a tense dinner. But this time, it was a nice tension.

However, they both knew that they would have to stop dancing around that situation at some moment.

An hour later, when the group was finishing their dinner and getting ready to go home, Will entered the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror, just checking if he was pretty enough.

He was a bit afraid to come back to the table, because he knew everyone was about to leave.

Even Mike.

Will wished he could understand what was going on in Mike's mind. What he was feeling. He wondered if he really loved him back or if he was just messing around.

When he came out of the bathroom, Dustin, Lucas and Erica were outside, waiting for Will to say goodbye.

Then, they left.

Mike did not go with them, so he was probably still there.

Maybe it was the right moment to talk.

Meanwhile, Mike and El were still at the table, sitting in front of each other.

El got up from the table and sat next to Mike.

- Hey, you forgot this at the cabin the other day. - She said, handing Mike his bag. The bag in which he carried the painting.

- Oh my god, I thought I lost it, I was so worried. - Mike said, relieved. - Thanks, really.

- No problem. - El replied.

- Please don't think I forgot it on purpose, I really didn't. I looked for the painting everywhere. - Mike excused himself.

- It must be really special to you, isn't it? - El asked.

- Sure... I mean, of course it is. - Mike answered, nervous. - I love gifts, you know that, so why wouldn't I keep a gift from Wi-you? - He added.

- From Will, you mean. - El said, confused. - Can I see it? I never got to see the results.

- Uh... yeah. Will. - Mike said, confused, handing the painting to El.

- What is that? A dragon? - El said, pointing to the red creature in the painting.

- No, it's a, it's something like the Thessalhydra. - Mike answered

- The what? - El asked.

Mike looked at her and laughed. Of course she didn't know what it was, of course it was not a gift from her. How could he think otherwise?

However, he was not mad at Will, he was a bit happy and relieved, in fact, because that meant Will's confession may have been real.

- It's a three-headed monster from DnD. - Mike finally answered.

- Oh. - El replied. - DnD. I should have expected it.

They both laughed at the confusion, when Will appeared on the scene.

When Will was about to reach the table again, he saw Mike and El laughing together from the doorway.

They were sitting together, smiling at each other and laughing.

Will felt betrayed, even when it was not a betrayal at all. Because, deep in his thoughts, he kinda expected them to get back together. But some part of him believed that Mike really wanted to be with him.

Of course Mike didn't mean it. Of course Mike didn't love him. How could he ever think of that?

It was all just a movie in Will’s head, but the idea of Mike loving someone else hurt him a lot.

El turned around and saw Will, who was deeply staring at them, but pretended not to when El noticed his presence.

- Hey Will, are we going home now? - El asked.

- Sure. - Will replied, nervous. - Let's go.

As they left the place, Mike quickly followed them .

- Hey Will! - He called.

Will turned around and El waited a few meters ahead.

Mike was just standing there, so Will got closer to him.

- What's wrong? - Will asked, serious.

It was not the moment. Mike knew it. It was too late, and El was standing there, a few meters behind them.

- I... Uh, I just wondered if you wanted to go help at school with me tomorrow, you know, to change the environment. - Mike asked.

- …. Sure, I'll tell El. - Will replied.

Mike panicked.

-No, no don't tel-

- El, would you like to help at school tomorrow with us? - Will yelled.

- Sure. - El replied.

- Sorry, what were you saying? - Will asked, turning back to Mike.

- Oh, nothing. I'm glad she's going with us.

Will sighed.

- Of course you are. - He said. - Goodbye, Mike.

- See you tomorrow. - Mike said, extending his arms to hug Will.

But Will had already turned around, holding back a few tears from his eyes.

Mike looked down and sighed.
Will didn't want to be alone with him, and then ignored him.

Of course those feelings were never real. Of course he was just stoned. That's why he never answered his question in the first place.

Will was just trying to get him and El back together, over and over again. The painting lie was just a dirty trick to prod him to reach for her again. It was not a confession, it was not a gift.

Maybe all that love was just an illusion after all.

When Will and El arrived at home, they both took a quick shower before going to sleep. Will was still sleeping on a mattress in El’s room, until everything returned to normal.

He laid down, turning his back on El’s bed, who was already in bed as well.

Will closed his eyes and silently let out those tears he had been holding back while they were walking home.

But, for obvious reasons, he could not hide the fact that he was crying for a long time.

- Will, may I ask you something? - El said.

- Uhm…. yeah. - Will replied in his lowest voice, trying to hide his cry.

- Did you tell Mike the painting was from me?

Oh. Mike was the last thing Will wanted to talk about at the moment. His tears began to flow even faster as soon as El named him.

- …. Yes. - Will replied. He was no longer in the mood to keep lying.

- Why? - El inquired.

- Because I thought it would help you two reconcile and get back together. - Will muttered. - I'm sorry, I know it wasn't right.

- It wasn't. - El said. - But it's okay. I'm not angry. And he didn't look mad anyway.

- How could he be mad? He was with you. - Will muttered, crying even more.

- And? - El asked.

- And…, nothing. Just nothing. - Will cut the conversation, his voice was already cracking even at its lowest point.

-.We're not back together. We're just friends. - El said, confused.

Will's eyes widened as he took a breath before giving an answer.

- Are you? - He asked

- Yes.

-.And… he wasn't mad? - Will inquired.

- He wasn't. He loves the gift. - El replied. - Why?

- Just asking. I'll talk to him tomorrow. - Will muttered again. - Good night, El.

- Night, Will.

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