7. Ten

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An hour later, the entire group met for the second time in that day, this time, at Mike’s basement.

- The cabin is in the middle of the woods. The monsters hide in the forest, because there are no people in there. Here, in the suburbs, we're safer. - Dustin explained.

- But a monster found Will here. - Lucas said.

- Because Vecna is looking for him. Or El. Or both. I don’t know. - Dustin replied.

- So how do we protect them? - Nancy asked.

Argyle raised his hand, wanting to make a suggestion.

- Maybe we could…

- I’d rather die than be stoned again, Argyle. - Will interrupted.

Mike looked at him as he remembered that night. Stoned Will triggered a lot of hidden feelings since then.

Would Will rather die than be stoned and confess again? Mike thought.

But that was such a selfish idea. Of course Will didn’t even think about that detail before saying that. It was just Mike’s masochist mind.

- I think we could try to get Vecna distraught. - El proposed.

The whole group was interested in the idea, so they started to plan a good strategy to distract Vecna.

Mike, who was standing in one of the basement’s corners, noticed that everyone was focused on the plan, so he took advantage of the situation and disappeared, going straight to his room.

Will noticed that, because he never stopped looking at Mike.

Nobody was paying attention now, so Will followed faster, before Mike could lock his door.

Mike entered his room and started to prepare his bag with the stuff he needed to fight any monster. He wouldn’t allow anything to hurt Will or El again.

Will entered the room a few seconds later.

- Are you avoiding me? - He asked

Mike looked at him, but didn't say a word.

- Yeah, you are. Of course you are. You've been doing that the whole day. And yesterday. - Will added.

Mike just looked down and continued to put his things in the bag, pretending he didn't give a damn about anything Will was saying.

Will sighed.

- Why are you doing this? - He insisted. His eyes were teary, but he wasn't crying. At least, not yet. -

It doesn't matter how much you run, or how much you try to hide. There are some things that you can't escape from, Mike. And this is one of them. - He added, serious.

- Will... - Mike muttered.

- I know it hurts… It hurts me too. But it's too late, Mike. There’s no coming back. I don’t want to lose you, but things can’t go on like this…. and they can’t go back to how they were either. - Will interrupted, on the verge of tears.

- This is not okay, Will. This is not right. - Mike replied, his eyes were also teary.

Will sighed again.

Mike tried to focus on his bag again, avoiding Will's eyes.

- And since when do you care about what’s right? I swear that’s not what you think when you hold my hand, or when…. - Will stopped talking before his voice was completely broken.

Mike looked up, perfectly seeing Will's hurt expression.

- If you don't want me it's okay, Mike. Just say it and it will all be over. But it's not like that, and you know it. - Will said, his voice cracking. -

I know you want me. And I want you too. You’re the one that I’m waiting on. - Will said.

- Will, I...

- So now, - Will interrupted again, serious. - I'm going to go through that door, and I'm gonna count to ten. - Will continued, now starting to cry.

Mike was speechless. What did Will just say?

- If you don't get out of here in those ten seconds... - Will said, crying, almost inaudible. - I'll understand that I have already lost you. And I'll go away.

Mike's eyes were full of tears now. He wanted to stop Will, but he was speechless.

- And I swear I will never talk about this again. I'll just pretend we never happened if that's what you want. - Will added.

But, Mike. - He said, one last time. - I will never regret loving you.

Mike looked down, unable to meet Will's eyes.

They both remained silent for a few seconds, tears in their eyes. Then, Will turned around and got out of the room.

He slowly closed the door, not wanting to, just to make time go slower.

Will wiped away a tear falling from his eye and leaned against the wall, next to Mike's door.

Mike's tears started to fall. He was just sitting there, trying to figure out what to do. He was frozen. He was about to lose Will, again. He could still hear his sobs through the wall.

Will waited a few more seconds, but he still didn't hear any noise from within the room. He knew he had to start the count.

He placed a hand on the wall as he leaned on it with his forehead.

- One... - He muttered.

Mike’s eyes widened. He was shocked. Will was really doing it.

- Two... - Will continued, closing his eyes to prevent his tears from falling.


Mike's tears were now going all over his face as he kept listening to Will's count.

- Four... - Will kept counting, trying to stop the time. It was the slowest count ever. -

Five...- His eyes opened as he started to cry again. His weeps were now faster and louder.

Mike was hesitating a lot. It was now or never.

- Six... - Will continued, taking his hand off the wall and turning around, just to stop looking at the (still) closed door.

Seven..... - His voice broke again.

Mike tossed his bag to the floor.

- Eight... - Will cried, getting more and more hopeless.

A few seconds passed, and still nothing happened.

- Eight... - Will repeated, not wanting to continue.

Mike got up from his seat, staring at the closed door.

Will cried even more, not being able to breath properly.

- Nine... - He said, as his sniffles were growing.

A few more seconds passed, but Mike still wasn't there.

Will should have already counted to ten like three times by now.

But he was silent.

It was Mike's last second. He didn't want to lose Will, so he ran as fast as he could and opened the door.

But it was too late, because when Mike finally got out of the room, Will was already gone

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