13. Crazy Together

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That night, it was Will who couldn’t even close an eye. He was so afraid of being possessed by Henry again that he wouldn’t risk sleeping. His fear of hurting Mike or someone in his family again was stronger than his need to sleep.

Besides, his thoughts were filled by those words that Mike had told him before going to sleep.

“I believe we could rewrite the stars.”

Oh, Will definitely never expected that. Not even in his wildest dreams.

But there he was, hours passed since everyone had fallen asleep, and he was still blushing like a silly boy in love, trying not to, but it was so hard. It shouldn’t be that easy for him to be head over heels for Mike again, not too fast, not when he knew how much pain he had been through because of his love for him.

Will turned his gaze to Mike, who was peacefully sleeping on the couch next to him. Mike was really exhausted, since he couldn’t sleep properly the previous night and, then, he almost got killed by his possessed best friend. He had definitely had a tiring day.

And Will, Will just watched him sleep. He lovingly admired the way Mike slowly breathed, as the moonlight that was coming from the window dimly illuminated his face. Yes, Mike was definitely the love of his life.

Oh, why does love have to be so difficult?

That question came to Will’s mind in no time, wondering how much longer he had to keep holding that feeling inside his heart. That growing desire.

Because just telling Mike that he loved him was not enough. That would never be enough. He wanted to have him, he wanted to be part of his life just as the way he once was. He wanted him to be the person he could share the rest of his life with. No one else could, and would never be able to make Will feel like that.

But maybe he was still just a silly boy in love.

Will’s intrusive thoughts were interrupted by a strange noise that he knew he had already heard before. Some bells were chiming in rhythm with some embers, but perhaps that scary melody was just a product of his sleepy mind.

He knew, however, that the sounds of the sparking embers weren't an illusion at all, given that the moonlight that came from the window before was now replaced by a red, shiny light and accompanied by small stretches of smoke.

When Will realized what was happening, he didn’t hesitate for a second to get outside of the cabin to see what was going on.

Seconds later, he found himself standing outside of the cabin doorway, as he saw a big part of the woods around him setting on fire, tree by tree.

He took a step forward, then another, and then another one, still walking as he slowly got himself into the burning forest, wondering why that image felt more like a deja vu than real life.

Not aware that he was putting his life in danger, Will kept walking into the fire, it was as if some force was pulling him inside of a death trap.

He could hear his name being called from two different places, but the mention of his name that was coming from the great fire was more tempting to be followed.

But his walk was interrupted when someone grabbed him by the shoulders, worriedly calling his name one more time.

- Will! - Mike said, showing up in the burning forest. - Are you okay? - He asked, wrapping Will in a tight hug.

That was the first real hug Will had received from Mike in a long time. Will hugged him back, a bit shocked actually, leaning his head on Mike’s shoulders and gently caressing his back. And it felt so, so good that Will wanted to live in that moment forever. Nothing else mattered anymore.

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