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Hawkins was invaded by monsters from the Upside Down.

Nobody in the town knew what a threat those creatures were.

Nobody except those who actually knew what the Upside Down was in the first place.

That's why they had to stop them. Any other fight could wait, but the monsters must not stay there.

Those could kill everyone if they wanted to. The group had to get rid of them.

Of course, they already had some experience with that.

- If we kill enough monsters we may hurt Vecna from here and they won’t come back, at least for a few days. - El said.

- We can't just go around Hawkins and chase after them. It's dangerous. - Jonathan replied.

- But we can put them all together in the same place. - Hopper said. - A trap.

- Then we could use dynamite and explosives to attack them. - Dustin said, excited.

- Yeah, we could. But we still have a problem. Something that could reveal our plans and spoil everything. - Hopper replied, staring at Will, who was standing in front of them, next to El and Lucas.

Everyone turned his gaze to him. Will noticed it and got confused.

- I'm not possessed. - He said, with a sarcastic laugh.

- I know. I trust you. But I don't trust him. You're still the one who connects him to Hawkins. - Hopper replied

- What are we gonna do then? We can't make him sleep, we don't have the stuff to do it here. - Nancy whispered, approaching Jonathan and the adults.

- We have to hide him. - Hopper said.

- We can't leave him alone! - Joyce exclaimed.

- Nobody said he's gonna be alone. - Hopper said, turning his gaze back to the kids, examining them. - Mike is going with him.

Mike smiled. He liked to be useful, even more so when it came to protecting Will.

- And then what? What if he finds out where he is? - Jonathan asked.

- He needs to stay awake in case they need to get him out from the... secret place. There must be a way to confuse him enough. - Hopper replied

- I think I got an idea  - Argyle said, joining the adults conversation.

Hopper knew of an abandoned shed in the middle of the woods that would be useful for hiding Will there. But, of course, they had to make it unrecognizable first.

As part of the group covered the inside of the shed with black plastic bags, Mike, Jonathan, and Argyle took charge of Will and then carried him into the shed.

- This was not a good idea. - Mike said, worried, getting into the van.

- Well, Einstein, do you have something better in mind? - Jonathan replied, stressed.

-Yeah, we could have done anything else! But you-

- I'm fine! - Will interrupted, also stressed. - It’s not a big deal.

His eyes were covered with a black scarf. He should not see anything until they reach the hidden shed.

- How are you feeling? - Mike asked Will.

- Stunned, because you're screaming! It's been just five minutes. - Will exclaimed.

- Yeah, bud, but sometimes weed is crazy, even more  so when it's the first time you try it. - Argyle joined the conversation

- Will, how much did he give you? - Mike asked, concerned.

- I don't know, something like this. - Will replied, making a small circle with his fingers.

- That 's A LOT - Mike yelled at Argyle.

- Well, you wanted him to be confused as quickly as possible, right?! - Argyle exclaimed, stressed too, and then he kept driving.

- Maybe it was not that much, I could tell you an exact amount if any of YOU TOOK THIS OUT OF MY EYES. - Will exclaimed.

- Not until you're hidden. - Jonathan said.

- But I can't see anything already, it's the evening. - Will threw a tantrum.

- We don't care - The three of them replied.

When they finally arrived at the shed, Will removed the scarf from his eyes.

- Okay, if you need something, just call any of us on the walkie talkie, alright? - Jonathan said.

- Okay, thanks. - Mike replied and locked the door of the shed.

- Where are we? - Will asked.

- It's good to hear that question. - Mike replied. - How are you feeling? - He asked

- As if I was going to throw up. - Will answered, sitting on the floor against a wall.

- Oh. I guess that's good too. - Mike said, sitting against the opposite wall.

It was a small shed, so both Will and Mike were facing each other sitting against the walls.

- How many fingers do you see? - Mike asked, holding up four fingers on his hand.

Will looked at him seriously, with judging eyes.

- I'm stoned, not blind. - He replied

- Sorry - Mike frowned.

Will let out a small laugh. Mike laughed too.

But the cute moment was interrupted by the sound of a little explosion.

Will freaked out, and it took a few seconds for him to understand what was happening.

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