11. The feeling

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When Will saw the ashes of the painting scattered on the floor of the shed, a strange feeling arose in him. Something he could not explain and didn’t want to know what it was.

He was frozen and shocked. His eyes were unexpressive and his sight was glued to the ground.

Smoke still billowed through the shed, even when the fire lasted only a few seconds.

Mike coughed from the smoke they were both inhaling. So, he quickly moved and grabbed the bag that Will was carrying before from the floor.

- Will, we have to get out of here. - He said, holding Will’s arm and pulling him out of the shed.

Will did not move by himself. He could not even take his eyes off the burned painting as Mike led him to the door. All he could hear were mysterious bells and growing fire sparks. He was blinded by the smoke and deafened by the strange noises running through his mind.

He could not even measure they could have been part of a tragic accident.

Seconds later, when Mike could finally take Will out of the shed, he stopped outside to check on Will. He held him from the shoulders and checked if he was not hurt by the fire.

They were both breathing fast and Mike was still coughing a little. But, after all, they were both safe and healthy. Will was still a bit shocked. He didn’t even flinch towards Mike’s gestures. He was just, somehow, living in a parallel universe.

- I’m sorry, Will. - Mike apologized, even though nothing that happened there was his fault.

Will looked up for the first time since they had left the shed and met Mike’s eyes. He could see the guilt and repentance in his look.

- It’s okay… - Will muttered. - Are you..?-

- I’m fine. I’m fine. Let’s just go back to the cabin. - Mike interrupted

Will nodded and followed Mike, still destabilized by the situation.

Will made the whole way deject and thoughtful, walking behind Mike with clumsy steps. Mike constantly stopped for a few seconds just to check if Will was still following him, since he didn’t even emit any type of noise.

Mike honestly expected Will to take it out on him more than ever. To complain or cry. To even blame him for everything that had happened. But he was quieter than ever, and that worried Mike so much.

But he wouldn’t force Will to talk if he didn’t want to, because he knew how devastating it had probably been for him to see his work turning into ashes.

He knew it, because he felt as devastated as Will. Because that painting was his most prized possession. It had a sentimental value that no gift from another person could be able to have.

It was their thing.
But it just was, because it didn’t exist anymore.

That was how Mike and Will just kept silently walking to the cabin. When they finally arrived and knocked on the door, Jonathan opened it and they entered the house.

- Finally. - He said. - Why did you guys take so long? It’s been almost two hours.

- Sorry, sorry. We didn’t notice. - Mike replied, nervous.

- Will, can you give me the bag? - Jonathan asked.

Will was quiet, leaning on a wall, and when he heard Jonathan’s question, all he did was  look at him with his most confused expression. The dissociation was really taking control over him at this point.

- What bag? - He asked. He didn’t even know what they were talking about.

- The- The bag you went to the shed for - Jonathan said, confused.

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