3. Believe or Not

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Hours later, everyone was back in their respective houses.

It was a starry midnight.

A thoughtful midnight.

The fact that Will did not remember the confession from the previous night was better for Mike.

Because, how would he explain everything he had done in the last months just to hide his feelings?

How would he explain Will that he did, in fact, love him back knowing the way he treated him the last year? Would Will even believe it?

How would he explain something he didn't even accept in his heart? Because, he did not deny it, but hid it.

How would he explain.... god, he had a lot to explain. He preferred to keep lying to himself instead.

Because living in a lie was safer than falling into reality. Maybe Mike's real fear wasn't loving Will, but finding out Will didn't really love him.

Because what if that whole confession was never meant to be real? What if Will was just so stoned he mixed everything up? What if it was all a product from the drugs?

How would he explain he did love Will too, if Will really never really loved him?

Oh, Mike was too quick to create worst case scenarios in his mind.

[M: "We just had a conversation, until you got scared by one of the explosives and..."

W: "And?"

M: You said you loved me. I mean, you said I own your heart, which is almost like saying you... love someone.

W: .....

M: .....

W: And what did you say in response?

M: I said you owned my heart too.

W: But that wasn’t true.

M: Oh. Then I didn’t say anything.

W: ….

M: *runs away*]

Oh, those thoughts were awful.

It took Mike hours to close his eyes and finally get some sleep.

And, unfortunately, Will was going through the exact same situation.

“I guess you’re gonna end up being a condemned ghost”

What the hell did Mike mean when he said that?

Will, unlike Mike, was sitting on the cabin couch with a night lamp, because he didn’t want to be so noisy while El was already asleep. So, he preferred to stay outside the room, he would go to his mattress when his thoughts were clearer.

Jonathan spent that night with Nancy at the Wheeler’s house, since he was tired of sleeping on the couch. Will considered that to use it as an excuse to call to the Wheeler’s house and talk to Mike.

He knew there was something out of place. Mike’s behavior was not the way someone acts after having a normal conversation and then falling asleep.

But Will was so tired to try to understand why. The previous night he could barely sleep. So he gave up. He would be able to talk to Mike the following day anyway, so it was not a big deal.

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