Skylanders Academy (Christmas...

By Arkogon

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It's Christmas, a special holiday for the Skylanders to join family and friends together to remember the day... More

Chapter 1: The Gift for Dragon
Chapter 2: The Skyland Before Time
Chapter 3: Time Before Time
Chapter 4: What if... the Dark Emperor won?
Chapter 5: Chasing-All-The-Way
Chapter 6: Truck and Roll
Chapter 7: The Night Before Kaos
Chapter 8: Twins meet the Chronicler
Chapter 9: How the Dragon save Christmas?
Chapter 10: Time to Rise
Chapter 12: Dark Emperor Dragon vs. the Dragon Team
Chapter 13: Back to the Presents, and Home
Lyrics Songs
Skylanders Bloopers

Chapter 11: Christmas Fight

117 3 1
By Arkogon

    At the castle, Silther is preparing the evil transfer experiment of switching brains. Kaos was scared because everything started to happen. The Elite Cyber-Dragons are preparing everything, gathering tools to be ready to extract Kaos' brain.

Kaos: "Am I.... am I about to die?"

Formeleon: "You will be alive when we are done extracting your brain. Once your brain is placed inside this large cylinder tank, we can begin placing our Creator's brain into a new vessel. And he will soon live again to bring on those who oppose him and his wraith, including for Dark Christmas. The best gift he ever had."

The Elite Cyber-Dragons were still continuing on and analyzing how to extract and safely retract Silther's brain to a new vessel. Before they could do it, they were interrupted when they saw the Skylanders on screen showing they were coming to stop them.

Targer: "They are coming, we'll deal with them."

Silther: "No, Targer. Let my Cyber-Dragons do the work for us. While we can save my life. Formeleon, get them ready for their arrival."

Formeleon nodded and commanded all Cyber-Dragons to defend the fortress so they could finish his transfer. Meanwhile, the Skylanders show themselves ready to save Kaos and stop Silther once and for all. But they soon notice all the Cyber-Dragons are now defending the fortress in order for Silther to complete the transfer.

Sunburn: "Okay, do we have a plan for getting past all of them?"

Nina: "We do, the plan is we save Kaos before it's too late."

Eruptor: "That's your plan? Save Kaos before it's too late?"

Spyro: "My daughter is right....."

Eruptor: "Kinda wish his daughter wasn't right." As he whispers to Pop.

Spyro: "We save anyone from being fallen into the enemies' hand because we do it to protect Skylands. Kaos may be evil but in my daughter's future he wasn't. We are gonna save their future and restore Skylands."

Nina: "No matter who we really are, we are family, we are friends, we are the future last chance. Today, we show Silther what you can do."

Jet-Vac: "She does have Spyro's leadership." Whispering to Stealth.

Stealth Elf: "Yeah, I notice." Whispering back.

The Skylanders ready themselves to take all the Cyber-Dragons down. They march towards the fortress, as the Cyber-Dragons see them and defend to protect their Creator.

Camo: "Huh, I thought there will be more of them." As he thought.

But then more Cyber-Dragons show up or appear, not letting them pass.

Zap: "Way to jinx it, Camo!"

Camo: "Hey, it's not "deja vu." As he told him.

Cynder: "We're gonna need a bigger army. A lot."

Pop Fizz: "But this is the only army we have. Where did we get one?"

None of them have any idea on how to get an army. Then Zoran knows how as he whispers to his friends. And they agree, and hurry to different directions.

Nina: "Where are they going?"

Zoran: "Don't worry, they'll be back. Right now, let's kick some Cyber-Butts."

All of them agreed and were ready to do this. They make their charge attack, as the Cyber-Dragons activate their plasma shoulder to keep them at distance. Meanwhile, Kaos was strapped to the table and became unconscious from the task mask he's now wearing, as the operation was about to begin. Formeleon was getting ready for the procedures with tools in his hands.

Formeleon: "Lines drawn around his forehead. We're ready. Cutting tools....."

Brainkenstein handed him the cutting tools, as he was ready to proceed. Before they could proceed, a large dust cloud blinded them and they couldn't begin the extract. Then someone came in fast and rescued Kaos by pushing the cart away from the operations, then someone sabotage everything around the laboratory, and Silther's tank was now leaking. When clear, the Elite Cyber-Dragons see the vessel is gone and can't proceed with the transfer. And his tank was losing too much water.

Silther: "We cannot proceed with the operation without the vessel. Find Kaos, now!"

They understand and hurry to find Kaos. Before Formeleon can help, Silther then has one thing for him to do.

Silther: "Formeleon, I have one job for you to do. Emergency Backup! Fail Protocol, Initiated."

Formeleon proceeds the emergency by taking his brain out of the leaking tank and inserting it into his head, giving Silther to control Formeleon's body. He test to make sure he's full control, and is ready to find his vessel.

Silther: "Now, time to find my vessel, again." As he moves he fell down, realizing he has legs now. "Right, legs."

Somewhere around the castle, Kaos regained consciousness and saw Glumshanks.

Kaos: "Glumshanks...?"

Glumshanks: "Don't worry, Kaos. I got you out of there before they could do it." As he removes his straps.

Kaos: "Glumshanks, you save me, again."

Glumshanks: "Of course, we save you."

Kaos: "We?"

Hugo: "Yes, we..." As he shows himself. "I'm the Skylanders' spy. I was pretending to obey Silther so he wouldn't figure I'm still on their side. Right now, Master Eon and the others are outside battling them. We have to get to the power source in order to slow them all down."

Kaos: "Shut them all down? I will rather destroy Silther for trying to take me."

Hugo: "He won't be beaten unless we help our friends."

Glumshanks: "He's right, if you really wanted to get your revenge we needed friends."

Kaos doesn't want any help, but they have a point that they need more than being alone.

Kaos: "(Sighs) Fine, but this was my plan and I get the full credits."

Hugo: "Of course, Kaos. Seems like you have changed."

Kaos: "I am not..." As he walks away.

    Outside of the battlefield, the Skylanders were taking cover while attacking from all the blast by the Cyber-Dragons. Each Cyber-Dragons blast into pieces but rebuild themselves and continue firing.

Eruptor: "Okay, this plan is not going well. These guys just keep rebuilding each time we break them. We need to come up with other strategies. Anything..." While blasting his fireballs.

Zoran: "Just hold on, our friends will come."

Jet-Vac: "Hope you're right, seems like more just keeps coming." While firing his vac-gun.

And he was right, more just came. The Cyber-Dragons overpowers them and then stops, seeing them outnumbered. As they then approach to see if they surrender, Ark fires back and alerts them to continue firing.

Stealth Elf: "What was that?"

Arkogon: "Giving us time. I trust that their friends will come back. Time can be very long for them."

They wait for their friends, as the Cyber-Dragons stop firing and then approach very slowly, until they fight back in order to stall for more time. But they were getting closer, as they couldn't do anything. By the time the Cyber-Dragon reaches them, it points its blaster at them until it is shot down with many attacks. The heroes look and see the D-Team have returned, with every citizen of Skylands coming to fight carrying tools or weapons to restore their home. Crash and Coco come to aid them, King Pen, Cy, and Flynn bring Doom Raiders and other villains who want to take back what Silther has done to them, and Malefor joins too.

Spyro: "Malefor? You kids release him?"

Zap: "Well, Zoran asked us to free him. And we told him everything about them which convinced him to join our side."

Malefor: "And.... learning that my grandchildrens have become so powerful that I've never seen. I guess I misjudged you, Spyro. And your friends. But I'm not doing this for you still, I'm doing it for my future grandchildrens."

Spyro rolls his eyes, as everyone is ready to fight to take back their world.

Spyro: "All right, Skylands. It's time to take back our home and save Skylands." As he listened to the crowd's cheers. "And save Kaos. That's another thing that heroes do."

Zoran: "Dad, are we forgetting something? We need music."

Spyro: "Right, we need a battle song. And I found a perfect one. Hit it, Sal!"

Sal: "Right with you...." As he and his band played.

(Music Theme)

"It's gonna be a mechanized mêlée. A bit of a big bot brawl. When we get through you're gonna know it's true. The more metallic they are the harder they fall. And don't mess with me 'cause I'm a whole lot of trouble when I'm backed up against the wall."

"We're gonna kick some robot chassis. So you better tell your robot nation. To say a robot prayer, 'cause you better prepare. For an automaton annihilation."

"You think you're gonna take us down. Well, mechanical man you just try it. You gonna ride that rail out of town."

"This is a Robot Riot! (Robot Riot)"

"I think you know what I mean. (Robot Riot) This is a Robot Riot. (Robot Riot) I'm gonna break you down. And sell you for scrap metal. (Robot Riot) But I'll keep enough to build myself a trampoline. 'Cause your momma was a blender and your dad was just a washing machine."

"This is a Robot Riot!"

"I'm gonna rip you up; I'm gonna break you down. I'm gonna take you to a chop shop down town. You know that you'll be dreadin' this android Armageddon. I think you better check your fluids 'cause I know you're sweatin'. You know you're gonna lose and sing the robot blues. You'll blow a fuse and take a robot snooze. I will deactivate ya because I kinda hate ya. Don't wanna beat around the bushes, gonna decimate ya."

"This is a Robot Riot! (Robot Riot) Oh man, it's on! (Robot Riot) This is a robot riot. (Robot Riot) I'm gonna rip you up and put you back together. (Robot Riot) In a new configuration just to mow my lawn."

"Cause your sister is a fridge, and you know her light is always on."

"This is a Robot Riot!"

"Robot Riot! Robot Riot! (Look Out!) Robot Riot! Robot Riot!"

"This is a Robot Riot! (Robot Riot)"

"You better listen up. I got some breaking news. (Robot Riot) I'm gonna melt you down and pour you on some baby shoes. (Robot Riot) I'm really on a mission. I call it demolition. (Robot Riot) And when I'm through you're gonna need more than a new transmission (This is a Robot Riot) No matter how you strive. You're gonna take a dive. (Robot Riot) I'm gonna mess you up and devastate your hard drive. (Robot Riot) I'm gonna shut you down, I'm teaching you a lesson. Rip out your CPU and show it to you still processing. (This is a Robot Riot!)"

"I'm gonna rip you up, I'm gonna break you down. (Robot Riot) Gonna take you to the chop shop downtown. (Robot Riot)"

"I'm gonna rip you up, I'm gonna break you down. (Robot Riot) Gonna take you to the chop shop downtown. (Robot Riot)"

"This is a Robot Riot!"

"All right!"

The Skylanders have made through the battlefield and arrive at the fortress battling every Cyber-Dragons.

Zoran: "See, Nina? That song is way better than the song you got it from."

Nina: "Whatever, it's because it's all actions." As she rolled her eyes.

    Meanwhile, the Elite Cyber-Dragons are still looking for Kaos to save their Creator and arrive in the throne room. But they are encountered by the heroes, as they see them arrive.

Targer: "Skylanders, why do you have to ruin everything when we're about to do something."

Spyro: "Let me guess, you're trying to replace Kaos' brain with Silther so he can once again rise in a younger body and rule Skyland again. We figure that out, and now, we're gonna release the Core of Light's energy and shut down all of your Cyber-Dragons."

As the Elite Cyber-Dragons were furious knowing what they're doing to Kaos the whole time, Formeleon shows up and lands in an action pose and rises.

Silther: "Well, well, you came all this way here just to save your son, Master Eon."

Master Eon: "You have done enough serving your master, Formeleon. My son will never be your Master's vessel."

Silther: "And it's too bad that I didn't try the new body because he ran away and I was so close to having it."

They do not understand what he said, until Nina recognizes that attitude as she is shocked at who he is.

Nina: "Silther....?"

Silther: "Correct, little one. I have an Emergency Protocol in case I lose some of my liquid leaking out of my tank. It's a good thing I made Formeleon survive any battle and follow my instruction. And now, I am one with my own creations. I became one of them. And thanks to you, futurist dragons. I can now complete one thing that I collected from you." As he held a vial. "This contains the DNA that my Creations have collected from the two of you. For my discovery I have learned, they're futures blood matches Spyro's blood which means I can have what I wanted all this time ago. My own Purple Dragon!!!"

He quickly inserts it inside him, and it powers him, making him full energize of his new powers. The heroes step back, as he feels himself much powerful with everything he ever wanted.

Master Eon: "What monstrous have you become?"

Silther: "I became the true destiny. I created myself into a true Purple Dragon from your DNA, Children of Spyro. I splice them to have Spyro's so I can have his gifted power. I am invincible!!!"

Spyro: "You monster!!!" As he tries to stop him.

But Silther unleash a force pushing him back to his friends. The heroes were surprised he was stronger in Formeleon's body than they had ever seen.

Cynder: "How did he..."

Silther: "The power of the Purple Dragon! I am finally whole again!"

Jet-Vac: "Then be whole with this." As he aims and fires.

Silther was shot, as the Elite Cyber-Dragons caught and angrily defended.

Master Eon: "Skylanders, we cannot let him have it. Stopping him to save our future of Skyland. We will try and find Kaos."

Then he and Kassondra leave to find their son, as the Skylanders prepare themselves to battle Silther and his Creations, then the battle starts as they clash. Meanwhile, Kaos and them go around the fortress not knowing where the power source is, until they find it. It was the Core of Light with its energy being used to power up all Cyber-Dragons. But its energy is being blocked from beaming to the sky.

Kaos: "So, that's why its energy can't beam to the sky."

Hugo: "Yup, and we're gonna make sure it will."

They look around looking for a way to let the beam free to the sky and weaken the Cyber-Dragons. But more were deployed from their pods awakened and sent to stop them from releasing the light. Kaos tries to use his dark magic but it wouldn't work because the Light is keeping him from using it. They were outnumbered, just as Master Eon and Kassondra came to the rescue.

Kaos: "Mom! Dad!"

Kassondra: "Don't worry, son. Focus on releasing the Light to save our friends."

Kaos agreed as he helped Glumshanks and Hugo to find the switch to release the Light, as Kassondra and Glumshanks battled the Cyber-Dragons. Back with the heroes, the Skylanders are still fighting the Silther and his Elite Cyber-Dragons.

Zoran: "You may have our blood to make yourself powerful, but those belong to the family of our ancestors."

Silther: "You can speak about your ancestors, but I take what's mine. Today is the Dark Christmas, and today, you all will give me the best presents that I wanted to take." As he then transforms into Formosaurus Rex. "Now bow to your Dark Emperor!!"

The two young Skylanders denied and battled him but he was too powerful because their lifeblood made him much better like he always meant to be. They were now on the ground, as he was about to open-wide to devour them but was knocked down by a bolt of lighting to his face.

Cynder: "Don't you ever hurt my kids!"

Spyro: "And mine, too."

They both protect their kids, as they get up and stand with them. Silther sees them together, as he was impressed how they look alike.

Silther: "(Evil Chuckles) So, the family of Spyros are now coming together, this is just what I wanted to see. I will destroy you both so you can watch your kids disappear, and the future will change. My future will be my image."

Nina: "It won't be your future. My parents defeated you before, we defeated you before, and we will defeat you before again."

Silther: "Is that what you really want, Daughter of Spyro. Then you will be truly sorry for yourself."

Zoran: "And you talk too much."

Silther then roars and charges at them, as they use their powers to fight him with everything they got.

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