Living Life Large.(NeedlemOus...

By Gameboycolor242

1.6K 29 6

Two best friends find themselves in a series of events that led them down a dangerous path. More

Case #1- The invisible man.
Case 1: The invisible man
Case 1: The Invisible Man
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 2: The Girl Next door.
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 4: The Tall Man in the forest
Case 5: Friends in high places
Case 7: Free Time
Case 8: The crazy bit-I mean lady from across the street
Case 9: Aqua

Case 6: Co-workers

28 1 0
By Gameboycolor242

You've killed someone before. It shouldn't be hard doing it again.

A teen is laying down in a puddle in a dark alley. Raining running the white hoodie of his.

Jeffrey: This sucks.

A small growl can heard coming from Jeffery's stomach.

Jeffrey: And I'm hungry.

Small footsteps can be heard coming for Jeffery. He springs up and grabs his knife out of his pocket. The footsteps stop right before they get to him.

Zero: Jeffery.

Jeff lowers his guard, and confronts her.

Jeffery: What's with the makeup?

Zero: This isn't make up....

Jeffery stares weirdly at her.

Jeffery: Ok, what do you want now?

Zero: It's time for your initiation.

Jeffery: Huh?

Zero: You have to prove your worth Jeffy.

Jeffery: Prove my worth?

Zero: Yup.

Jeffery: Last time I checked, I didn't sign up for some kind of club.

Zero: It's not really your choice.

Jeffrey: So basically I'm being forced into this.

Zero: Nope, you see. That little incident you had with the nurse. Sorta caused a set back in our plans.

Jeffrey: Tough

Jeffrey starts to walk away from Zero, but a giant pair of scissors gets stuck right into the trash bin in front of him.

Zero: Sorry, my hand slipped.

Jeffrey throws the scissors right back at her. Surprisingly, she has no problem catching it.

Zero: You could leave..... But you won't have your resources anymore.

Jeffrey: Resources?

Zero: Did you forgot, what you were told We have no problem getting your little brother.

Jeffrey: You people stay the fuck away from him.

Zero: We will. Just do what we ask of you. Can you fire a gun?

Jeffrey: Kinda.

Zero: Good. You see, that store over there.

Zero hands Jeffrey a Glock 19.

Jeffrey: Thanks.....

Zero: Your Welcome, now go Rob that store.

Jeffrey: What?!

Zero: This should be a walk in the park for you.

Jeffery shakes his hands in refusal.

Jeffery: No. Do you know who owns that shop? Mr.Chang almost blew the heads off the last guys who robbed him.

Zero: Well, you at least you know what he's capable of.

Jeffrey: I'm not....

Zero: Alright, Jakey poo...

Jeffrey frowns his face, and loads a bullet into the chamber. Building up as much courage as possible, and heads straight into the convenience store. Not before covering his head with his hoodie. Jeffrey waves his hand at the clerk and walks into the back of store where the freezer is located. There's other customers in the store, so that doesn't make it any easier. Jeffrey opens the refrigerator, and grabs a can soda and walks to the cashier to buy it.

Jeffrey: How much does this cost?

Cashier: 1 dollar.

Jeffrey: 1 dollar for a soda?

Cashier: Yes sir.

Jeffrey: Alright.

Jeffrey digs into his pocket, and puts a note on the table.l for the cashier to read.

"There's a pistol in my pocket. Make any sudden movements, and your dead. Take out everything in the register. Make it quick."

The cashier processes what Jeffrey's note says, and unfortunately for Jeff. This cashier was indeed the wrong one to pull this on, because he immediately grabs Jeffrey and pulls him over the counter.

Cashier: You have some nerve to try and rob me!

Jeffrey isn't phrased by his plan not working. Even so, a magican doesn't reveal all his tricks. Jeffrey throws his his thumb into the man's eyes and in blindness. Jeffrey has no problem throwing out his knife and cutting the poor guy's throat. The man loosing blood drops right onto him. Causing blood to get all over his face and clothes. When Jeffrey stands up and attempts to wipe some of the blood off of him in a digusted manner. The customers look at him horrified. Before Jeffrey can even comment on it . He quickly open the resister to get the money only to find 5 dollars and 25 cents.

Zero is clapping as Jeffrey is scrolling towards her covered in blood.

Zero: Well done. You did amazing.

Jeffrey: Am I done?

Zero: No, no not yet. Follow me.....

Jeffrey takes off his hoodie because it's covered in blood leaving him in  his white t-shirt underneath it. Zero looks a bit surprised.

Zero: Woah, you have muscles.

Jeffrey: Oh. I work out sometimes......

Zero: You take steroids don't you.

Jeffrey: I wouldn't had stand a chance against Kyle if I didn't.

Zero: Drug Addiction is a serious thing.

Jeffrey: I'm not a addict. I only used them that one time.

Zero: That's what they all say.

Jeffrey: You look more like a drug addict than me, Alice.

Zero: I'm not Alice. Stop calling me that.

Jeffrey: The fuck? That's your name!

Zero: No you idiot. This is Alice.

The girl's face turns completely normal getting rid of all of her paint in a matter of seconds.

Alice: Wait, what happened? Where am I?

Zero: Tadaa

Jeffrey: That's creepy. On many different levels.

Zero: You shouldn't talk Casper.

Jeffrey: Shut up.

Zero: No, you.

Jeffrey: What? Anyway, where are we going?

Zero: Right here.

Zero points a small house with an orange colour paint around it. It's a two story. It seems pretty average. The drive way has two cars there. Married couple?

Jeffrey: What are you showing me this for?

Zero: This is your next assignment.

Jeffrey looks confused as Zero hands him an object. It's metal cylinder.....

Jeffrey: Is this a silencer?

Zero: What else could it be? Come on, you know the deal.

Jeffrey: You want me to...

Zero: Yes. Yes, we want you to do it.

Jeffrey hesitates putting the silencer on his gun.

Zero: Do you know how to put it on?

Jeffery: I....I do. It's just.... All of them?

Zero: You've killed before. What difference does the amount make?

Jeffery: But?

Zero: I could call this off now, and pay your brother a visit.

Jeffery: Stop hovering that over my head.

Zero: Then get it done.

Jeffery: Fine.

Jeffery goes to front door obviously he checks if the door is unlocked........which it is. Making things much more easier for him. This isn't the first time Jeffery had to kill someone, but this feels a bit off for him. However, he brushes the thought over. There's something telling him to not enter the house, but he goes against it. Opening the front door quietly, and closing it back. The house itself looks fine. There's some ingredients out on the kitchen corner. Looks like their preparing pasta. Jeffery continues to walk around the house. Hiding in the darkness of the shadows to give him some edge over the patrons in the house. Jeffery walks around the bottom floor, and finds no one. Jeffery heads up the stairs. Still sticking to the shadows. He comes to one of the bedrooms. Jeff peaks out and sees a woman moving bed sheets off the bed. She must be the only person there he thought. Jeff points his pistol out of the corner. The woman isn't looking in his direction, Jeff's hands are shaking. Still trying to push himself through this. All of sudden, the woman hears something moves and she spins around..

Woman: Jordan?.... Jordan honey is that you?

She still doesn't spot him, but she is walking over to the door now.

Woman: You got off earlier than I expected. I hadn't even......... Who are you?!


Jeffery pulls the trigger. Hitting the woman in her right shoulder. The lady drops the floor screaming in pain. A loud voice can be heard coming from downstairs. Footsteps are approaching him, this person could only be the husband. Answering to the sounds of his wife's cries for help. The chaos is really starting to set in. Jeff aims his pistol to the stairway. Waiting for a single figure to appear.

Jordan: Glen, what's going?!

Jeffery: Your shitting me.

The husband walks out of a room behind him. More than likely at this point. He isn't in a talking mode, so Jeff doesn't waste anytime changing his target to the husband standing behind him. Firing a bullet right into him. This time Jeff hits the  individual in their leg. Causing him to hit his head on the wall, then onto the ground.

Glen: Jordan?! Jordan do something! Jordan! Oh God. Please don't hurt me!

Jeffery: Shut up!

Jeffery thinks to himself......

Jeffery: Ok, Just---


Jeffery took his eyes off of Jordan for a second, and he spotted him reaching a gun. Now, that he thinks about it.......

Jeffery: Is he a police officer? Then, that means.... The police is on their way here, but if I leave now.....

The screams of lady can be heard in the background of Jeff's thoughts. Jeff just shoots the lady, this time hitting her in her heart.
It's over finally....... Jeff walks towards the stairway, and spots a figure coming up the stairs. This time the shadow is more bigger. Jeff now annoyed walks over to the stairs and shoots whatever is standing there.

But that was a big mistake. For what had been standing there was a small boy. Twelve years old. Laying down on the floor losing blood from his chest. The kid holds out his hand to sky with blood draining down his lips. Tears starts to roll down his cheeks.

Kid: Mom.................

Jeff can't bring himself to look at the kid, but The kid is looking directly at him. His eyes stiff, and lifeless. It should be over now...............right?

That was until someone else enters the home. A teenager, long red hair, Light skinned, and kinda tall. The girl closes the door behind her, and calls out for her parents. She walks to the stairway to find her brother's dead body. She freezes....... Not before Jeffery knocks her out.

Zero: Food poisoning?

Jeffery is throwing up in a trash bin.

Jeffery: No, I can't do this. This is too much for me.

Zero: It wasn't that bad.

Jeffery: Three people! And one of them was a child! I ruined a family............

Zero: Aw, Jeff. Your holding onto your humanity.

Jeffery: What about you talking about. I'm bein-

Zero closes in on Jeff's face. Standing right into his eyes.

Zero: You go on about how you aren't human anymore. Yet you still let your morality get in the way. How can you expect kill him, and you can't even bring yourself to this? Answer me, how is that possible?........ As I thought, you can't, but don't worry.

Zero shoves something down Jeffrey's throat.

Jeffery: *cough* What did you do?!

Zero: Relax, it's a pill.

Jeffery: You drugged me!

Zero: Noooooo, it's a nerve numbing agent.

Jeffery: Basically you drugged me.

Zero: It's not a drug. It's just something to make you feel better.

Jeffery: Feel better...... I don't feeeeeeelll.

Zero: I can already tell, we're going to be very good co-workers, or maybe......

Zero hovers over Jeffrey's face again.

Jeffery: Are you trying to kiss me?

Zero: I would, but you were just throwing your guts a moment ago, so I don't want to know what your lunch tasted like.

Zero grabs onto Jeff's chin.

Zero: Welcome to the heads of the beast. You passed.

Jeffery lets out a small cheer.

Zero: You keep up the good work, and you'll get something even more better than a kiss.

Lily: I know this is a bit difficult for you. I can't imagine the amount of pain he's caused you......

"Of course, you don't. Why would you?"

Lily: I'm sorry, but...

"But? You think I would be in a talking after coming home, and seeing my entire family dead. I don't want your pity Ms.Henderson. I want you to find the person who did this or maybe this would have never happened if you guys were doing your jobs in the first place."

Lily: We're trying, but I need you to understand that.

"That all of you have no idea what to do? Yeah, I understand that part completely."

Lily: Jane.....

Jane: You better find him, before I do.

Lily: Leave this matter to the police. Please.

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